106 research outputs found

    Proceedings. 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 5. - 6. Dezember 2013

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    Dieser Tagungsband enthält die Beiträge des 23. Workshops Computational Intelligence des Fachausschusses 5.14 der VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), der vom 5. - 6. Dezember 2013 in Dortmund stattgefunden hat. Im Fokus stehen Methoden, Anwendungen und Tools für Fuzzy-Systeme, Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Data-Mining-Verfahren

    Where's Crypto?: Automated Identification and Classification of Proprietary Cryptographic Primitives in Binary Code

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    The continuing use of proprietary cryptography in embedded systems across many industry verticals, from physical access control systems and telecommunications to machine-to-machine authentication, presents a significant obstacle to black-box security-evaluation efforts. In-depth security analysis requires locating and classifying the algorithm in often very large binary images, thus rendering manual inspection, even when aided by heuristics, time consuming. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automate the identification and classification of (proprietary) cryptographic primitives within binary code. Our approach is based on Data Flow Graph (DFG) isomorphism, previously proposed by Lestringant et al. Unfortunately, their DFG isomorphism approach is limited to known primitives only, and relies on heuristics for selecting code fragments for analysis. By combining the said approach with symbolic execution, we overcome all limitations of their work, and are able to extend the analysis into the domain of unknown, proprietary cryptographic primitives. To demonstrate that our proposal is practical, we develop various signatures, each targeted at a distinct class of cryptographic primitives, and present experimental evaluations for each of them on a set of binaries, both publicly available (and thus providing reproducible results), and proprietary ones. Lastly, we provide a free and open-source implementation of our approach, called Where's Crypto?, in the form of a plug-in for the popular IDA disassembler.Comment: A proof-of-concept implementation can be found at https://github.com/wheres-crypto/wheres-crypt

    Customized Integrated Circuits for Scientific and Medical Applications

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    Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO VLC Systems

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    The focus of this dissertation is on the development and evaluation of methods and principles to mitigate interference in multiuser visible light communication (VLC) systems using several transmitters. All components of such a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system are considered and transformed into a communication system model, while also paying particular attention to the hardware requirements of different modulation schemes. By analyzing all steps in the communication process, the inter-channel interference between users is identified as the most critical aspect. Several methods of suppressing this kind of interference, i.e. to split the MIMO channel into parallel single channels, are discussed, and a novel active LCD-based interference suppression principle at the receiver side is introduced as main aspect of this work. This technique enables a dynamic adaption of the physical channel: compared to solely software-based or static approaches, the LCD interference suppression filter achieves adaptive channel separation without altering the characteristics of the transmitter lights. This is especially advantageous in dual-use scenarios with illumination requirements. Additionally, external interferers, like natural light or transmitter light sources of neighboring cells in a multicell setting, can also be suppressed without requiring any control over them. Each user's LCD filter is placed in front of the corresponding photodetector and configured in such a way that only light from desired transmitters can reach the detector by setting only the appropriate pixels to transparent, while light from unwanted transmitters remains blocked. The effectiveness of this method is tested and benchmarked against zero-forcing (ZF) precoding in different scenarios and applications by numerical simulations and also verified experimentally in a large MIMO VLC testbed created specifically for this purpose

    Vitaljacket : actigrafia e localização

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs novas tecnologias estão cada vez mais inseridas na vida quotidiana do Homem. Actualmente é possível “vesti-las” como que de uma peça de roupa se tratasse justificando a denominação de tecnologias vestíveis. Estas tecnologias são utilizadas com as mais diversas finalidades que vão desde o lazer, à saúde e à segurança. O VitalJacket® é um exemplo de tecnologia têxtil e electrónica que permite a monitorização de sinais vitais do seu utilizador. Este produto foi desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro e tem vindo a ser usado em diversos trabalhos académicos. No caso da presente tese, foi explorada a possibilidade de vir a incorporar na sua tecnologia vestível a actigrafia e a localização "indoor". Desta forma, é apresentado numa primeira parte desta tese um sistema e um algoritmo que permitem a classificação actigráfica relativamente aos movimentos de “andar”, “correr”, “saltar” e “cair”. É descrito o hardware utilizado e as análises efectuadas aos movimentos para o desenvolvimento do algoritmo. No final é apresentado um teste para averiguar a sensibilidade e especificidade do mesmo. Na segunda parte é efectuado o estudo de um sistema sem fios que possibilite a monitorização e localização de pessoas em ambientes interiores. Este baseia-se no protocolo ZigBee e mostra-se uma solução para a monitorização sem fios e localização de pessoas em ambientes interiores, passível de ser integrado com o sistema de actigrafia e o VitalJacket®. ABSTRACT: New technologies are more and more present in everyday life of Man. Nowadays it is possible to wear them as a piece of clothing justifying the name of wearable technology. These technologies are used for many different purposes such as leisure, health and safety. VitalJacket® is an example of textile and electronics technology that allows monitoring the vital signs of the user. This product was developed at University of Aveiro and has been used in several academic works. In this thesis, is explored the possibility to incorporate into its wearable technology actigraphy and indoor location. Then is presented in the first part of this thesis a system and an algorithm that allows the actigraphic classification for "walk", "run", "jump" and "fall" movements. It’s described the hardware and the movement analyzes for the development of the algorithm. At the end it’s presented a test to determine its sensitivity and specificity. In the second part it’s made the study of a wireless system that allows monitoring and locating people in indoor environments. This is based on ZigBee protocol and shows a solution for wireless monitoring and indoors people locating, which can be integrated with the actigraphy system and VitalJacket®

    Audio DSP Amplifier

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    The key concept of this project is to create a microcontroller system that serves as an interface between a DSP board and a total of 4 amplifier channels. The fully integrated system will provide a fully inclusive audio DSP amplifier for use in 2.1 or bi-amplified stereo speaker setups. The project will focus on developing an intuitive interface that is operable from the device or a computer that programs the DSP board for various speaker applications. The finished design will provide a custom computer sound amplifier in one package, eliminating the need for multiple components by interfacing two stereo amplifiers, a DSP unit, and an LCD menu using a microcontroller. This solution will provide a more affordable alternative to the current market solution for creating a DSP enabled, 2.1 sound system. The system will provide higher quality audio with more customization options than current competing market solutions

    In Situ Mutation for Active Things in the IoT Context

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    Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved This paper discusses mutation as a new way for making things, in the context of Internet-of-Things (IoT), active instead of being passive as reported in the ICT literature. IoT is gaining momentum among ICT practitioners who see a lot of benefits in using things to support users have access to and control over their surroundings. However, things are still confined into the limited role of data suppliers. The approach proposed in this paper advocates for 2 types of mutation, active and passive, along with a set of policies that either back or deny mutation based on specific “stopovers” referred to as permission, prohibition, dispensation, and obligation. A testbed and a set of experiments demonstrating the technical feasibility of the mutation approach, are also presented in the paper. The testbed uses NodeMCU firmware and Lua script interpreter

    A study of large flow interactions in high-speed shared networks with Grid5000 and GtrcNET-10 instruments

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    We consider the problem of huge data transfers and bandwidth sharing in contexts where transfer delay bounds are required. This report investigates large flow interactions in a real very high-speed network and aims at contributing to high-speed TCP variants evaluation by providing precise measurements. It then also gives an insight on the behaviour of emulated alternative protocols under different realistic congestion and long latency conditions in 10~Gbps experimental environments

    Biofeedback based on a microcontroller and sensors for anxiety management

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    This project is based on the construction of a biofeedback capable of displaying and storing measurements of various physiological indicators, such as heart rate, muscle tension and skin sweating, which are directly related to an anxious response of the organism when facing a certain stimulus. Electronic components have been used to measure these body responses, and software has been developed to interpret them. A cost analysis has also been carried out to decide the feasibility in the event that this prototype should go through a production phase and the opinions and proposals for improvement raised by four health professionals have been analyzed, who assisted a semi-structured interview designed to measure their satisfaction and the usefulness they think the final product might have. This report shows the process that has been followed to develop this biofeedback.Aquest projecte es fonamenta en la construcció d'un biofeedback capaç de mostrar i emmagatzemar les mesures de diversos indicadors fisiològics, com són la taxa cardíaca, la tensió muscular i la sudoració de la pell, que estan directament relacionats amb una resposta ansiògena de l'organisme davant de determinats estímuls. Per mesurar aquestes respostes del cos s'han utilitzat components electrònics i, per poder-les interpretar, s'ha desenvolupat un programari. També s'ha fet una anàlisi de costos per decidir la viabilitat en cas que aquest prototip hagués de passar una fase de producció i s'han analitzat les opinions i les propostes de millora plantejades per quatre professionals de la salut, als quals se'ls ha fet una entrevista semiestructurada dissenyada per mesurar la seva satisfacció i la utilitat que pensen que podria tenir el producte final. En aquest informe es mostra el procés que s'ha seguit per desenvolupar aquest biofeedback.Este proyecto se fundamenta en la construcción de un biofeedback capaz de mostrar y almacenar las medidas de varios indicadores fisiológicos, como son la tasa cardíaca, la tensión muscular y la sudoración de la piel, que están directamente relacionados con una respuesta ansiógena del organismo ante determinados estímulos. Para medir estas respuestas del cuerpo se han utilizado componentes electrónicos y, para poder interpretarlas, se ha desarrollado un software. También se ha hecho un análisis de costes para decidir la viabilidad en caso de que este prototipo tuviera que pasar una fase de producción y se han analizado las opiniones y las propuestas de mejora planteadas por cuatro profesionales de la salud, a los que se les ha hecho una entrevista semiestructurada diseñada para medir su satisfacción y la utilidad que piensan que podría tener el producto final. En este informe se muestra el proceso que se ha seguido para desarrollar este biofeedback