15,493 research outputs found

    Coastal Inundation Model in the Coastal Area of Palopo City, South Sulawesi Province

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    The impact of sea-level rise is perceived by many archipelagic countries such as Indonesia. The higher the sea level rises every year, the larger the disaster threat in the coastal area. The current condition of most coastal areas indicates various pressures caused by city development, including the coastal area of Palopo City in South Sulawesi Province. The sea-level rise is suspected to be the cause of coastal inundation in Palopo City which, so far has not been identified. Therefore, this study aims to draw a coastal vulnerability map of sub-districts in Palopo caused by coastal inundation using GIS technology. Analysis of the areas affected by coastal inundation is carried out by processing spatial data. The sub-districts areas affected by coastal inundation are only those located in the coastal zones. The affected area in Bara, Wara Selatan, Wara Utara, Wara Timur, and Telluwana sub-districts are 160.64 ha, 21.41 ha, 73.55 ha, 87.56 ha, and 56.65 ha, respectively. In Bara Sub-district, the areas affected by coastal inundation are residential and mangrove conservation areas. The affected areas in Telluwana Sub-district are residential, production forest, coastal conservation, and mangrove conservation areas. The affected areas in Wara Selatan, Wara Timur, and Wara Utara Sub-districts are all residential areas. By using sea-level rise data of 27 years with its highest tide model, the coastal inundation in 2040 which is predicted to occur in Palopo City can be modeled properly

    Identifikasi Persebaran Permukiman Kumuh Dibandingkan dengan Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Permukiman Kumuh di Kecamatan Wara Timur Kota Palopo

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    Kecamatan Wara Timur merupakan salah satu lokasi permukiman kumuh di Kota Palopo Penelitian ini dilakukan karena Kota Palopo memiliki masalah yang mengganggu perkembangan kota yaitu permukiman kumuh. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengetahui persebaran permukiman kumuh di Kota Palopo. 2) mengetahui persepsi masyarakat mengenai permukiman kumuh dan 3) mengetahui perbedaan kawasan permukiman kumuh dari parameter dan persepsi masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah bersifat deskripstif kuantitatif.Kecamatan Wara Timur mempunyai tiga kelas permukiman yaitu sangat kumuh dan cukup kumuh dan tidak kumuh Hasil Analisis menunjukkan bahwa kawasan permukiman kumuh berdasarkan parameter fisik dari permukiman tidak jauh berbeda dengan persepsi masyarakat seperti pada luas dari parameter fisik 151,57355ha dari hasil klasifikasi sangat kumuh dan cukup kumuh yang dijumlahkan. sedangkan hasil dari persepsi masyarakat seperti pada luas dengan nilai 1138,25405dari hasil klasifikasi sangat kumuh dan cukup kumuh yang dijumlahkan. Perbedaan yang tidak begitu signifikan.Persebaran permukiman kumuh berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat adalah di bagian utara dan tengah Kecamatan Wara Timur. Pola persebaran permukiman kumuh antara hasil pemetaan dengan persepsi masyarakat, relatif sama pola permukiman yang mengelompok dengan pola tidak teratur

    Stetegies For Effective Maintenance Management (Including Fundamentals Of AvailabilityV, Reliability & Maintainability)

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    The paper considers effective maintenance management vis-a-vis improving productivity. The scope of effective management was dealt with and the relationship between management techniques and availability, reliability and maintainability. An attempt was made to clearly defme important terminologies . The paper profers that increased productivity is impossible without effective maintenance of plant, equipment and labour

    Asset Lantung : Wara-Wara Akuntabilitas dan Ghost shopping dengan Pendekatan Netnografi

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    Accountability is based on the need for an individual or entity to be able to express their anger over any day-to-day currency actions, decisions, or ex-penses that relate to them. Recognition is essential in the context of oil as-sets and natural resources to ensure that proper management and utiliza-tion are carried out. The study aims to provide an understanding of an ac-countability practice for managing Lantung assets (natural resource assets). This research uses an interpretive paradigm and qualitative method with Combination of Literature Study and Netnography Approaches. The re-sults of the study provide an understanding of accountability practices in-dicating that companies take various steps to secure their position from var-ious threats while maintaining their "power" The ghost shopping strategy by companies has yielded results in the pricing of Lantung. The interpreta-tion of agency theory as an accountability performance drama seeks to pre-sent capitalist values to the audience to remain focused on the appearance of accountability presented through financial statements (accounting prod-ucts). Finally, the values of capital (again) give legitimacy to decision-makers to stand on these capitalist values
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