10,232 research outputs found

    WOW Factors in Secondary Science

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    Booklet of exciting practicals to do with Secondary school pupils. Each activity tested and written up by a Secondary PGCE or GTP student; some updated by other students in the following year. Templates all follow the same pattern and include risk assessments, materials needed, links to the curriculum et

    The Triad of Tourist Experience and "Wow!" Efect as the Basis for the Creation of Modern Tourist Offer

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    Nowa ekonomia szczególne znaczenie przypisuje m.in. przekształceniom modelu konsumpcji. Jedną z teorii wyjaśniających związane z tym zjawiska jest tzw. ekonomia doświadczeń (experience economy) autorstwa B. Pine’a i J. Gilmore’a [1999]. Według niej żyjemy w czasach rozwoju zupełnie nowej, zaawansowanej gospodarki opartej przede wszystkim na usługach, której fundamentem jest dostarczanie klientom doświadczeń silnie nasyconych emocjami. Doświadczenie uznawane jest za nowe źródło wartości dla klientów, za główną przyczynę ich satysfakcji. Właściwym produktem stają się więc: przeżycia, emocje, wrażenia, wzruszenia, nastrój, atmosfera. Dla branży turystycznej nie jest to zupełnie nowa problematyka – od zawsze sprzedaje emocje, przeżycia, marzenia i wspomnienia związane z podróżowaniem. Turystyka była i nadal jest swoistym „przemysłem wakacyjnych doświadczeń”. W ostatnim czasie jednak przykłada się zdecydowanie większą wagę do profesjonalnego (świadomego i celowego) kształtowania produktów turystycznych silnie nasyconych emocjami. W artykule zaprezentowano dwa autorskie narzędzia (metody), które można wykorzystać zarówno w badaniach naukowych, jak i w praktyce gospodarczej do oceny oddziaływania istniejącego produktu na emocje turystów, a także intencjonalnego planowania przeżyć klientów już na etapie przygotowywania oferty. Są to: - triada doświadczeń turystycznych (TDT) – analiza proporcji poszczególnych składowych modelu 3xE (education, entertainment, excitement); - efekt „wow!” – projektowanie efektu zaskoczenia i zachwytu według naczelnej zasady: produkt psychologiczny powinien przekraczać produkt oczekiwany. Swoistym podsumowaniem pracy jest zestawienie przykładowych materialnych i niematerialnych elementów zapewniających wyjątkowe doświadczenia i emocje w ofercie wybranych firm sektora turystycznego: biura podróży, hotelu i zakładu gastronomicznego. A new economy attaches specific importance, among others, to the transformation of the pattern of consumption. One of the theories explaining phenomena related to this is, so called, experience economy created by B. Pine and J. Gilmore (1999). According to this theory we live in times of developing a totally new, advanced economy, first of all, based on services, the foundation of which is to provide customers with experiences fully sated with emotions. The experience is considered to be a new source of values for customers and a main cause of their satisfaction. Experiences, emotions, impressions, ambience and mood are becoming the real product. For tourist industry it is not a new issue as it has been forever dealing with selling emotions, experiences, dreams and memories related to travelling. Tourism has always been and will be a specific “industry of holiday experiences”. However, in recent times a much stronger importance has been attached to the professional (conscious and intentional) creation of tourist products fully sated with emotions. The article has presented two original tools (methods), which can be applied both to research work and to economic activity in order to evaluate the influence of an existing product on tourists’ emotions, and also to intentionally plan clients’ experiences at the stage of preparing an offer. They are: - the triad of tourist experiences (TTE) – the analysis of proportions of individual components of 3xE model (education, entertainment, excitement), - the "wow!" effect – designing the effect of surprise and admiration according to a principal rule; a psychological product should exceed an expected product. A collation of material and non-material elements ensuring exeptional experiences and emotions on offer of chosen companies of the tourist sector: travel agencies, hotels and gastronomic establishments is a particular summary of the article

    Sweet Road Trip

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    Postcard from Matthew Richard, during the Linfield College Semester Abroad Program at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealan

    Program Information

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    POD/NCSPOD National Conference Tenth National Conference for the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD Network) and First Joint Conference with National Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD) 1985 POD/NCSPOD Conference Sessions Conference Addenda An Actively Learned Special Event! Schedule Overview Welcome, by Rusty Wadsworth and Bob Pierleoni Some Highlights Lake Lawn Lodge Conference Schedul

    Spartan Daily, March 20, 1990

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    Volume 94, Issue 37https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7967/thumbnail.jp

    La résistance à la pourriture des cabosses due à Phytophthora spp., recherche des composantes de la résistance

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    La pourriture des cabosses du cacaoyer, due à des #Phytophthora#, sévit dans toutes les zones de production. Avec plus de 50 % de pertes de cabosses, l'Afrique centrale est la région la plus affectée par cette maladie. Le contrôle de cette maladie représente donc un enjeu majeur pour l'avenir de la cacaoculture mondiale et la sélection de matériel résistant constitue l'un des thèmes de recherche prioritaire pour de nombreux pays producteurs. Un projet international sur ce sujet, recevant un support financier de Caobisco, a débuté en juillet 1995. Ce projet, d'une durée de 5 ans, a pour objectifs : d'identifier les facteurs intervenants dans la résistance à cette maladie, de mettre au point et de valider des tests précoces de résistance, de détecter d'éventuels QTLs associés à la résistance et d'effectuer une première sélection de matériel résistant.Cet article présente les principaux résultats obtenus après 3 ans de fonctionnement. (Résumé d'auteur

    Spartan Daily, March 11, 2002

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    Volume 118, Issue 32https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10605/thumbnail.jp

    Online Games Chat Reconstruction

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    Žijeme v moderní době. Informační technologie v mnoha různých formách nás zcela obklopují. Díváme se na filmy, brouzdáme internetem, hrajeme videohry a provádíme mnoho dalších aktivit, které po nás zanechávají stopu v kybersvětě. Tato práce zkoumá možnosti využívání (hraní) počítačových her jako zástěrku pro plánování kriminálních činností (zejména z hlediska MMORPG her), možnosti zachytávání a reprodukce chatové komunikace hráčů. Zabývá se také možnostmi implementace rekonstrukčního modulu chatu pro Netfox.Framework a jinými způsoby rekonstrukce a vizualizace komunikace.We live in modern times. We are surrounded by many different forms of information technologies. We watch movies, surf on the internet, play videogames and overall do lots of action that leave a trace in the cyberworld. This thesis investigates the possibility of using(playing) videogames as a decoy for getting involved in criminal activities, specifically MMORPG games, different ways of capturing and reproducing player´s chat communication. It also introduces a way to implement chat reconstruction module into Netfox.framework and other ways of communication visualisation.

    Satyra na dogmat? „Strategia przewrotności” w Dogmie Kevina Smitha

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    Satire on dogma? The strategy of subversion in Kevin Smith’s DogmaReligious themes which appear in the cinema in a fashion that differs from the classical view of Bible stories often become problematic for the audience, especially its more religious members, who find such movies blasphemous and sacrilegious. At the same time, it seems that the aim of many such works is not to act against religion, but rather to show the truths of faith in a new perspective. This kind of approach, described as a “strategy of subversion“ based on the affirmation by illusory negation, can be found in the way Kevin Smith created his Dogma (1999). The aim of this article is to examine those aspects of Dogma, which on the one hand undermine the dogmatic character of religion and the commercialization of the Catholic Church, and on the other, expose and emphasize the senses of faith and cultivating religion lying underneath the pop culture in a ostensibly profane form.Satire on dogma? The strategy of subversion in Kevin Smith’s DogmaReligious themes which appear in the cinema in a fashion that differs from the classical view of Bible stories often become problematic for the audience, especially its more religious members, who find such movies blasphemous and sacrilegious. At the same time, it seems that the aim of many such works is not to act against religion, but rather to show the truths of faith in a new perspective. This kind of approach, described as a “strategy of subversion“ based on the affirmation by illusory negation, can be found in the way Kevin Smith created his Dogma (1999). The aim of this article is to examine those aspects of Dogma, which on the one hand undermine the dogmatic character of religion and the commercialization of the Catholic Church, and on the other, expose and emphasize the senses of faith and cultivating religion lying underneath the pop culture in a ostensibly profane form