145 research outputs found

    A component-oriented programming framework for developing embedded mobile robot software using PECOS model

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    A practical framework for component-based software engineering of embedded real-time systems, particularly for autonomous mobile robot embedded software development using PECOS component model is proposed The main features of this framework are: (1) use graphical representation for components definition and composition; (2) target C language for optimal code generation with small micro-controller; and (3) does not requires run-time support except for real-time kernel. Real-time implementation indicates that, the PECOS component model together with the proposed framework is suitable for resource constrained embedded systems

    Automatic Safe Data Reuse Detection for the WCET Analysis of Systems With Data Caches

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    Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of systems with data caches is one of the key challenges in real-time systems. Caches exploit the inherent reuse properties of programs, temporarily storing certain memory contents near the processor, in order that further accesses to such contents do not require costly memory transfers. Current worst-case data cache analysis methods focus on specific cache organizations (LRU, locked, ACDC, etc.). In this article, we analyze data reuse (in the worst case) as a property of the program, and thus independent of the data cache. Our analysis method uses Abstract Interpretation on the compiled program to extract, for each static load/store instruction, a linear expression for the address pattern of its data accesses, according to the Loop Nest Data Reuse Theory. Each data access expression is compared to that of prior (dominant) memory instructions to verify whether it presents a guaranteed reuse. Our proposal manages references to scalars, arrays, and non-linear accesses, provides both temporal and spatial reuse information, and does not require the exploration of explicit data access sequences. As a proof of concept we analyze the TACLeBench benchmark suite, showing that most loads/stores present data reuse, and how compiler optimizations affect it. Using a simple hit/miss estimation on our reuse results, the time devoted to data accesses in the worst case is reduced to 27% compared to an always-miss system, equivalent to a data hit ratio of 81%. With compiler optimization, such time is reduced to 6.5%

    ePAPI: Performance Application Programming Interface for Embedded Platforms

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    Performance Monitoring Counters (PMCs) have been traditionally used in the mainstream computing domain to perform debugging and optimization of software performance. PMCs are increasingly considered in embedded time-critical domains to collect in-depth information, e.g. cache misses and memory accesses, of software execution time on complex multicore platforms. In main-stream platforms, standardized specifications and applications like the Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) and perf have been proposed to deal with variable PMC support across platforms, by providing a shared interface for configuring and collecting traceable events. However, no equivalent solution exists for embedded critical processors for which the user is required to deal with low-level, platform-specific, and error-prone manipulation of PMC registers. In this paper, we address the need for a standardized PMC interface in the embedded domain, especially in view to support timing characterization of embedded platforms. We assess the compatibility of the PAPI interface with the PMC support available on the AURIX TC297, a reference automotive platform, and we implement and validate ePAPI, the first functionally-equivalent and low-overhead implementation of PAPI for the considered embedded platform

    Safety-Critical Java for Embedded Systems

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    PRL: standardizing performance monitoring library for high-integrity real-time systems

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    The use of complex processors is becoming ubiquitous in High-Integrity Systems (HIS). To deal with processor’s increased complexity, Performance Monitoring Counters (PMCs) are increasingly used to reason on software behavior and provide the necessary evidence to support software certification. However, the use of PMCs in HIS is relatively recent and hence far from being standardized. As a result, software engineers are forced to resort to highly-customized, low-level programming of platform-specific PMC control registers, which is both error prone and time consuming. To cover this gap, we propose building on the PAPI library, a standardized performance monitoring solution in the mainstream domain, and develop a PMC Reading Library (PRL) for configuring and collecting traceable events while capturing HIS specific requirements and peculiarities. We instantiate PRL in a reference automotive configuration to show that PRL meets key HIS requirements: negligible footprint, limited and predictable overhead, and accuracy collecting hardware events by filtering out the impact of interrupts and context switches.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant PID2019-107255GBC21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 878752 (MASTECS), and the European Research Council (ERC) grant agreement No. 772773 (SuPerCom).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    RT-Bench: an Extensible Benchmark Framework for the Analysis and Management of Real-Time Applications

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    Benchmarking is crucial for testing and validating any system, even more so in real-time systems. Typical real-time applications adhere to well-understood abstractions: they exhibit a periodic behavior, operate on a well-defined working set, and strive for stable response time avoiding non-predicable factors such as page faults. Unfortunately, available benchmark suites fail to reflect key characteristics of real-time applications. Practitioners and researchers must resort to either benchmark heavily approximated real-time environments, or to re-engineer available benchmarks to add -- if possible -- the sought-after features. Additionally, the measuring and logging capabilities provided by most benchmark suites are not tailored "out-of-the-box" to real-time environments, and changing basic parameters such as the scheduling policy often becomes a tiring and error-prone exercise. In this paper, we present RT-bench, an open-source framework adding standard real-time features to virtually any existing benchmark. Furthermore, RT-bench provides an easy-to-use, unified command line interface to customize key aspects of the real-time execution of a set of benchmarks. Our framework is guided by four main criteria: 1) cohesive interface, 2) support for periodic application behavior and deadline semantics, 3) controllable memory footprint, and 4) extensibility and portability. We have integrated within the framework applications from the widely used SD-VBS and IsolBench suites. We showcase a set of use-cases that are representative of typical real-time system evaluation scenarios and that can be easily conducted via RT-Bench.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures; code available at https://gitlab.com/rt-bench/rt-bench, documentation available at https://rt-bench.gitlab.io/rt-bench

    Incorporating Resource Safety Verification to Executable Model-based Development for Embedded Systems

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    This paper formulates and illustrates the integration of resource safety verification into a design methodology for development of verified and robust real-time embedded systems. Resource-related concerns are not closely linked with current xUML model-based software development although they are critical for embedded systems. We describe how to integrate resource analysis techniques into the early phase of an xUML-based development cycle. Our hybrid framework for resource safety verification combines static resource analysis and runtime monitoring. A case study based on an embedded controller for satellite simulation, TableSat, illustrates the benefits obtained by incorporating resource verification into design and combining static analysis and runtime monitoring. 1

    Model for WCET prediction, scheduling and task allocation for emergent agent-behaviours in real-time scenarios

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    [ES]Hasta el momento no se conocen modelos de tiempo real específicamente desarrollados para su uso en sistemas abiertos, como las Organizaciones Virtuales de Agentes (OVs). Convencionalmente, los modelos de tiempo real se aplican a sistemas cerrados donde todas las variables se conocen a priori. Esta tesis presenta nuevas contribuciones y la novedosa integración de agentes en tiempo real dentro de OVs. Hasta donde alcanza nuestro conocimiento, éste es el primer modelo específicamente diseñado para su aplicación en OVs con restricciones temporales estrictas. Esta tesis proporciona una nueva perspectiva que combina la apertura y dinamicidad necesarias en una OV con las restricciones de tiempo real. Ésto es una aspecto complicado ya que el primer paradigma no es estricto, como el propio término de sistema abierto indica, sin embargo, el segundo paradigma debe cumplir estrictas restricciones. En resumen, el modelo que se presenta permite definir las acciones que una OV debe llevar a cabo con un plazo concreto, considerando los cambios que pueden ocurrir durante la ejecución de un plan particular. Es una planificación de tiempo real en una OV. Otra de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis es un modelo para el cálculo del tiempo de ejecución en el peor caso (WCET). La propuesta es un modelo efectivo para calcular el peor escenario cuando un agente desea formar parte de una OV y para ello, debe incluir sus tareas o comportamientos dentro del sistema de tiempo real, es decir, se calcula el WCET de comportamientos emergentes en tiempo de ejecución. También se incluye una planificación local para cada nodo de ejecución basada en el algoritmo FPS y una distribución de tareas entre los nodos disponibles en el sistema. Para ambos modelos se usan modelos matemáticos y estadísticos avanzados para crear un mecanismo adaptable, robusto y eficiente para agentes inteligentes en OVs. El desconocimiento, pese al estudio realizado, de una plataforma para sistemas abiertos que soporte agentes con restricciones de tiempo real y los mecanismos necesarios para el control y la gestión de OVs, es la principal motivación para el desarrollo de la plataforma de agentes PANGEA+RT. PANGEA+RT es una innovadora plataforma multi-agente que proporciona soporte para la ejecución de agentes en ambientes de tiempo real. Finalmente, se presenta un caso de estudio donde robots heterogéneos colaboran para realizar tareas de vigilancia. El caso de estudio se ha desarrollado con la plataforma PANGEA+RT donde el modelo propuesto está integrado. Por tanto al final de la tesis, con este caso de estudio se obtienen los resultados y conclusiones que validan el modelo

    Model-based design, analysis and synthesis for multi-core and TSP avionics targets

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    Multi-core, and Time and Space Partitionnong sys- tems are two emerging paradigms for architecting avionics systems. They impose new steps in the development process: capturing configuration attributes, analysing their correctness, or guaranteeing performance. In this context, model-based tech- niques provide a framework to design, analyse and synthesize these systems while automating much steps. In this paper, we report on a set of extenstions of TASTE to support multi-core and TSP systems. We first present the key architectural elements of these systems, and then detail how these have been support as part of the generation toolchain. We then present experiments realized on two case studies and two hardware targets, both provided with the XtratuM hypervisor

    Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte

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    Seit 1984 veranstaltet die GI-Fachgruppe "Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte", die aus den ehemaligen Fachgruppen 2.1.3 "Implementierung von Programmiersprachen" und 2.1.4 "Alternative Konzepte für Sprachen und Rechner" hervorgegangen ist, regelmäßig im Frühjahr einen Workshop im Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. Das Treffen dient in erster Linie dem gegenseitigen Kennenlernen, dem Erfahrungsaustausch, der Diskussion und der Vertiefung gegenseitiger Kontakte