49 research outputs found

    On the Reusability of User Interface Declarative Models

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    The automatic generation of user interfaces based on declarative models achieves a significant reduction of the development effort. In this paper, we analyze the feasibility of using two well-known techniques such as XInclude and Packaging in the new context of reusing user-interface model specifications. After analyzing the suitability of each technique for UI reutilization and implementing both techniques in a real system, we show that both techniques are suited to be used within the context of today’s existing model-based user interfaces

    Reusing UI elements with Model-Based User Interface Development

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    This paper introduces the potential for reusing UI elements in the context of Model-Based UI Development (MBUID) and provides guidance for future MBUID systems with enhanced reutilization capabilities. Our study is based upon the development of six inter-related projects with a specific MBUID environment which supports standard techniques for reuse such as parametrization and sub-specification, inclusion or shared repositories. We analyze our experience and discuss the benefits and limitations of each technique supported by our MBUID environment. The system architecture, the structure and composition of UI elements and the models specification languages have a decisive impact on reusability. In our case, more than 40% of the elements defined in the UI specifications were reused, resulting in a reduction of 55% of the specification size. Inclusion, parametrization and sub-specification have facilitated modularity and internal reuse of UI specifications at development time, whereas the reuse of UI elements between applications has greatly benefited from sharing repositories of UI elements at run time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2010-19154Junta de Andalucía TIC-633

    KNOTTIN: the knottin or inhibitor cystine knot scaffold in 2007

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    The KNOTTIN database provides standardized information on the small disulfide-rich proteins with a knotted topology called knottins or inhibitor cystine knots. Static pages present the essential historical or recent results about knottin discoveries, sequences, structures, syntheses, folding, functions, applications and bibliography. New tools, KNOTER3D and KNOTER1D, are provided to determine or predict if a user query (3D structure or sequence) is a knottin. These tools are now used to automate the database update. All knottin structures and sequences in the database are now standardized according to the knottin nomenclature based on loop lengths between knotted cysteines, and to the knottin numbering scheme. Therefore, the whole KNOTTIN database (sequences and structures) can now be searched using loop lengths, in addition to keyword and sequence (BLAST, HMMER) searches. Renumbered and structurally fitted knottin PDB files are available for download as well as renumbered sequences, sequence alignments and logos. The knottin numbering scheme is used for automatic drawing of standardized two-dimensional Colliers de Perles of any knottin structure or sequence in the database or provided by the user. The KNOTTIN database is available at http://knottin.cbs.cnrs.fr

    Propuestas para la reutilizacion en el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos

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    Esta tesis versa sobre la reutilización en el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos. La baja reusabilidad de las especificaciones de modelos de la interfaz de usuario ha sido identificada como un posible obstáculo para la adopción del desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos por parte de la industria. El objetivo de esta investigación es aportar conocimiento sobre la reutilización en este ámbito para mejorar la situación actual de esta tecnología. En este trabajo se propone el uso de ciertas técnicas de reutilización empleadas habitualmente en la ingeniería del software para aplicarlas al desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos y éstas son implementadas sobre un entorno de desarrollo concreto. Este entorno de desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos con características de reutilización potenciadas es utilizado para construir varias aplicaciones que poseen aspectos comunes. A través de este caso práctico y siguiendo un método empírico, se analiza el impacto que las técnicas de reutilización han tenido en el desarrollo de las interfaces de usuario. Los resultados son importantes: además del alto grado de reutilización general (entorno al 46,2%) se alcanzan picos de reutilización del 56,9% para algunos casos particulares y se obtiene un ahorro en el tamaño de las especificaciones del 71%. Aunque los resultados obtenidos están condicionados por el contexto (entorno de desarrollo, proyectos desarrollados, etc.) se extraen algunas conclusiones aplicables a la generalidad del desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelo

    Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Industries: A Review

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    This paper reviews the current state of the art in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and applications in the context of the creative industries. A brief background of AI, and specifically Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, is provided including Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). We categorise creative applications into five groups related to how AI technologies are used: i) content creation, ii) information analysis, iii) content enhancement and post production workflows, iv) information extraction and enhancement, and v) data compression. We critically examine the successes and limitations of this rapidly advancing technology in each of these areas. We further differentiate between the use of AI as a creative tool and its potential as a creator in its own right. We foresee that, in the near future, machine learning-based AI will be adopted widely as a tool or collaborative assistant for creativity. In contrast, we observe that the successes of machine learning in domains with fewer constraints, where AI is the `creator', remain modest. The potential of AI (or its developers) to win awards for its original creations in competition with human creatives is also limited, based on contemporary technologies. We therefore conclude that, in the context of creative industries, maximum benefit from AI will be derived where its focus is human centric -- where it is designed to augment, rather than replace, human creativity

    Local Energy Systems in Iraq: Neighbourhood Diesel Generators and Solar Photovoltaic Generation

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    Iraqis experience interruptions of the public electricity supply of up to 18 hours a day. In response, private entrepreneurs and the Local Provincial Councils (LPCs) have installed an estimated 55,000–80,000 diesel generators, each rated typically between 100 and 500 kVA. The generators supply neighbourhoods through small, isolated distribution networks to operate lighting, fans and small appliances when power is not available from the public supply. A single radial live conductor connects each customer to the generator and payment for the electricity is based on a monthly charge per ampere. The operation and regulation of the neighbourhood diesel generator networks was reviewed through a comprehensive literature survey, site visits and interviews conducted with local operators and assemblers of the generator sets. The electricity is expensive, the generators can only supply small loads, have considerable environmental impact and the unusual single wire distribution practice is potentially hazardous. However, the use of the generators is likely to continue in the absence of any alternative electricity supply. The diesels and networks are poorly regulated and there is scope to enforce existing standards and develop a new standard to address the hazards of the connection practice. The chapter goes on to assess the possibilities of using small photovoltaic systems for power generation in Iraq

    Módulo de gestión de servicios y procesos de GTI

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    Actualmente, la gestión de servicios y procesos TIC dentro de una organización supone una actividad vital para que esta pueda desempeñar su labor de la forma más eficiente posible. Dentro del mercado, existe un gran número de herramientas que, aunque permiten agilizar estas tareas, siguen presentando limitaciones que no terminan de satisfacer a los usuarios. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es la implementación de una aplicación que facilite la gestión de servicios y procesos TIC dentro de una organización aportando mejoras con respecto a las principales aplicaciones comerciales del mercado. Para su desarrollo, se ha empleado una técnica conocida como Desarrollo de Interfaces de Usuario Basado en Modelos (MBUID) y se ha hecho uso del entorno WAINE para el desarrollo de la aplicación. Como resultados se realiza una valoración de WAINE para el desarrollo, se analizan las mejoras incorporadas por la aplicación resultante y se indican una serie de líneas de avance.Nowadays, the management of ICT services and processes in an organization is crucial so it can effectively develop its tasks. Despite of the high number of tools on the market that facilitates these tasks, they usually present some drawbacks that do not satisfy users completely. The aim of this Final Degree Project is the implementation of an application that facilitates the management of ICT services and processes in an organization. This application provides several improvements with respect to the main commercial applications on the market. For its development, the so called Model-based User Interface Development (MB-UID) has been used, together with the WAINE development environment. As for the results, this project evaluates the benefits of using WAINE, analyses the improvements of the application developed towards the comercial ones and indicates new lines of advancement.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Módulo de gestión de proyectos de GTI

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    "GTI (Gestión TIC) es una aplicación web modular que pretende dar respuesta a la problemática de la gestión de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) en una empresa u organismo. La aplicación permite controlar los activos TIC y gestionar tanto los proyectos como los procesos y servicios ofrecidos por el departamento TIC. Esta aplicación se compone de 4 módulos y cada módulo será empaquetado y agregado en un marco de integración base, la aplicación Winter. Los cuatro módulos propuestos inicialmente son: • Módulo común. • Módulo de gestión de activos. • Módulo de gestión de procesos. • Módulo de gestión de proyectos. Este trabajo de fin de grado versa sobre el módulo de gestión de proyectos de GTI. Este módulo permite planificar, controlar y gestionar proyectos. También permite la definición de diferentes tipos tanto de proyectos como de actividades, así como especificar los usuarios que participan en cada proyecto y sus respectivos roles. Toda la información asociada a un proyecto se puede encontrar recogida en la aplicación y accesible en cualquier momento, lugar o dispositivo en el que se tenga acceso a Internet." (Fragmento extraido de la Introducción del trabajo)Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Crop Disease Detection Using Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    Pest and crop disease threats are often estimated by complex changes in crops and the applied agricultural practices that result mainly from the increasing food demand and climate change at global level. In an attempt to explore high-end and sustainable solutions for both pest and crop disease management, remote sensing technologies have been employed, taking advantages of possible changes deriving from relative alterations in the metabolic activity of infected crops which in turn are highly associated to crop spectral reflectance properties. Recent developments applied to high resolution data acquired with remote sensing tools, offer an additional tool which is the opportunity of mapping the infected field areas in the form of patchy land areas or those areas that are susceptible to diseases. This makes easier the discrimination between healthy and diseased crops, providing an additional tool to crop monitoring. The current book brings together recent research work comprising of innovative applications that involve novel remote sensing approaches and their applications oriented to crop disease detection. The book provides an in-depth view of the developments in remote sensing and explores its potential to assess health status in crops

    Music Encoding Conference Proceedings 2021, 19–22 July, 2021 University of Alicante (Spain): Onsite & Online

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    Este documento incluye los artículos y pósters presentados en el Music Encoding Conference 2021 realizado en Alicante entre el 19 y el 22 de julio de 2022.Funded by project Multiscore, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103