22 research outputs found

    Cross-layer Soft Error Analysis and Mitigation at Nanoscale Technologies

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    This thesis addresses the challenge of soft error modeling and mitigation in nansoscale technology nodes and pushes the state-of-the-art forward by proposing novel modeling, analyze and mitigation techniques. The proposed soft error sensitivity analysis platform accurately models both error generation and propagation starting from a technology dependent device level simulations all the way to workload dependent application level analysis

    A Real-Time Error Detection (RTD) architecture and its use for reliability and post-silicon validation for F/F based memory arrays

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    This work proposes in-situ Real-Time Error Detection (RTD): embedding hardware in a memory array for detecting a fault in the array when it occurs, rather than when it is read. RTD breaks the serialization between data access and error-detection and, thus, it can speed-up the access-time of arrays that use in-line error-correction. The approach can also reduce the time needed to root-cause array related bugs during post-silicon validation and product testing. The paper introduces a two-dimensional error-correction scheme based on RTD and, also, presents a proactive error-correction method that combines RTD with demand-scrubbing. The work describes how to build RTD into a memory array with flip-flops to track in real-time the column-parity. A comparison of the proposed two-dimensional ECC scheme, as compared to single-error-correction-double-error-detection, shows that the RTD design has comparable error-detection-and-correction strength and, depending on the array dimensions and configuration, RTD reduces access time by 4% to 26% at an area and power overhead (negative is a reduction) between -7% to 33% and -42% to 86% respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Soft-Error Resilience Framework For Reliable and Energy-Efficient CMOS Logic and Spintronic Memory Architectures

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    The revolution in chip manufacturing processes spanning five decades has proliferated high performance and energy-efficient nano-electronic devices across all aspects of daily life. In recent years, CMOS technology scaling has realized billions of transistors within large-scale VLSI chips to elevate performance. However, these advancements have also continually augmented the impact of Single-Event Transient (SET) and Single-Event Upset (SEU) occurrences which precipitate a range of Soft-Error (SE) dependability issues. Consequently, soft-error mitigation techniques have become essential to improve systems\u27 reliability. Herein, first, we proposed optimized soft-error resilience designs to improve robustness of sub-micron computing systems. The proposed approaches were developed to deliver energy-efficiency and tolerate double/multiple errors simultaneously while incurring acceptable speed performance degradation compared to the prior work. Secondly, the impact of Process Variation (PV) at the Near-Threshold Voltage (NTV) region on redundancy-based SE-mitigation approaches for High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems was investigated to highlight the approach that can realize favorable attributes, such as reduced critical datapath delay variation and low speed degradation. Finally, recently, spin-based devices have been widely used to design Non-Volatile (NV) elements such as NV latches and flip-flops, which can be leveraged in normally-off computing architectures for Internet-of-Things (IoT) and energy-harvesting-powered applications. Thus, in the last portion of this dissertation, we design and evaluate for soft-error resilience NV-latching circuits that can achieve intriguing features, such as low energy consumption, high computing performance, and superior soft errors tolerance, i.e., concurrently able to tolerate Multiple Node Upset (MNU), to potentially become a mainstream solution for the aerospace and avionic nanoelectronics. Together, these objectives cooperate to increase energy-efficiency and soft errors mitigation resiliency of larger-scale emerging NV latching circuits within iso-energy constraints. In summary, addressing these reliability concerns is paramount to successful deployment of future reliable and energy-efficient CMOS logic and spintronic memory architectures with deeply-scaled devices operating at low-voltages

    Microarchitecture-level reliability assessment of multi-bit upsets in processors

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    Η συνεχιζόμενη μείωση στις διαστάσεις των μοντέρνων Ολοκληρωμένων Κυκλωμάτων (Ο.Κ.) οδηγούν στον ολοένα και πιο σημαντικό ρόλο των αξιολογήσεων αξιοπιστίας και ευπάθειας στον επεξεργαστή, σε πρόωρα στάδια της σχεδίασης (pre-silicon validation). Με την εξέλιξη των τεχνολογικών κόμβων, τα αποτελέσματα της ακτινοβολίας παίζουν μεγαλύτερο ρόλο, οδηγώντας σε πιο σημαντικά αποτελέσματα στις συσκευές, με μια επιπρόσθετη αύξηση σε σφάλματα πολλαπλών bit. Συνεπώς, είναι καθοριστική η χρησιμοποίηση κάποιων κοινών μηχανισμών εισαγωγής σφαλμάτων για την αξιολόγηση κάθε σχεδίου, χρησιμοποιώντας προσομοιωτές μικρό-αρχιτεκτονικής, που μας παρέχουν ευελιξία και βελτιωμένη ταχύτητα, σε σύγκριση με τα σχέδια Επιπέδου Μεταφοράς Καταχωρητή. Αυτή η διπλωματική εργασία, εστιάζει στα σφάλματα πολλών bit, παρουσιάζοντας τα αποτελέσματα τους σε διαφορετικές δομές ενός μικρό-αρχιτεκτονικού μοντέλου του επεξεργαστή ARM Cortex-A9, που έχει υλοποιηθεί στον προσομοιωτή Gem5. Για αυτό τον λόγο χρησιμοποιείται για τις εκστρατείες εισαγωγής σφαλμάτων o GeFIN (Gem-5 based Fault INjector), με την προσθήκη μιας βελτιωμένης γεννήτριας σφαλμάτων, για τη δημιουργία μασκών σφαλμάτων με κάποια πολύ συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά. Η βελτιωμένη έκδοση της γεννήτριας, περιλαμβάνει την δυνατότητα για την εισαγωγή σφαλμάτων πολλών bit σε γειτονικές περιοχές κάθε δομής, μια πολύ συνηθισμένη περίπτωση σε πραγματικά περιβάλλοντα. Η γεννήτρια περιλαμβάνει επίσης της δυνατότητα για την εισαγωγή σφαλμάτων σε διεμπλεκόμενες (interleaved) μνήμες, ένας μηχανισμός που χρησιμοποιείται για το περιορισμό των αποτελεσμάτων των σφαλμάτων πολλών bit. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας, έδειξαν ότι κάποιες συγκεκριμένες δομές του επεξεργαστή-υπό-εξέταση (π.χ. ο Instruction Translation Lookaside Buffer) έδειξαν μεγάλη ευπάθεια στην εισαγωγή σφαλμάτων, με ποσοστά έως και 25% σωστών εκτελέσεων για 1000 πειράματα, ενώ άλλες δομές όπως οι Κρυφές Μνήμες Εντολών και Δεδομένων 1ου επιπέδου και η Κρυφή Μνήμη 2ου επιπέδου, έδειξαν μεγαλύτερη ευπάθεια στον αυξανόμενο αριθμό εισαγόμενων σφαλμάτων, με διακυμάνσεις μέχρι και 24% ανάμεσα στη εισαγωγή ενός και τριών σφαλμάτων στην κρυφή μνήμη 1ου επιπέδου. Αυτοί οι αριθμοί σχετιζόταν με τον θεωρητικό Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) και ήταν ανεξάρτητοι από την τεχνολογία κατασκευής. Πραγματοποιήθηκε μια επέκταση στους υπολογισμούς για τον υπολογισμό των AVFs για κάθε τεχνολογικό κόμβο από 250 έως 22 nm, που έδειξε αυξημένα ποσοστά AVF όσο ο κόμβος μειωνόταν. Τέλος, πραγματοποιήθηκε μια ανάλυση αξιοπιστίας, χρησιμοποιώντας την μετρική Failures in Time (FIT), που έδειξε του υψηλότερους αριθμούς για την Κρυφή Μνήμη 2ου επιπέδου, κυρίως λόγω του μεγέθους της (4 MBits) με ένα FIT ίσο με 822.9 στα 130 nm. Ο FIT του επεξεργαστή είχε μέγιστο το 918 στον ίδιο κόμβο, ενώ παρατηρήσαμε ότι για κόμβους μικρότερους από 130 nm οι FIT μειώνονται, κυρίως επειδή υπάρχει μείωση στον παράγοντα raw FIT κάθε τεχνολογίας.The continuing decrease in feature sizes for modern Integrated Circuits (ICs) leads to an ever-important role of reliability and vulnerability assessments on the core in early stages of the design (pre-silicon validation). With the increase of the lithography resolution in recent technological nodes, the radiation effects play a bigger role, leading to more severe effects in the devices and increased numbers of multi-bit faults. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize some common fault injection mechanisms to evaluate each design, using micro-architectural simulators, which provide us with flexibility and improved latency, compared to RTL (Register Transfer Level) designs. This thesis focuses on the multi-bit faults, showing their effects on different components of a microarchitectural model of the ARM Cortex-A9 core, implemented on the Gem5 simulator. For that, the GeFIN (Gem-5 based Fault INjector) is used for the fault injection campaigns, with the addition of an improved fault mask generation tool for the creation of fault masks with some particular characteristics. The improved version of the fault mask generator includes the capability for the injection of multi-bit faults in adjacent areas of a structure, a case very common in real environments. The generator also includes the ability to insert faults in interleaved memories, a widely used technique to mitigate the effects of multiple bit upsets. The results of this study showed that some specific components of the core under test (e.g. the Instruction Translation Lookaside Buffer) showed significant vulnerability to fault injection, with rates as low as 25% correct executions for 1000 experiments, while others like the Level 1 Data/Instruction Caches and the Level 2 Cache showed bigger vulnerability to the increasing number of faults injected, with a variation of as high as 24% between single and triple bit fault injection for the L1 D-Cache. Those numbers were related to the “theoretical” Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF), independent of the fabrication technology node. An extension in the calculation was done to compute the AVFs for each technology node from 250 nm to 22 nm, showing increasing AVF rates as the node decreases. Lastly, a reliability assessment was done, using the Failures in Time (FIT) metric, which showed the highest numbers for the Level 2 Cache, primarily because of its size (4 MBits) with a FIT of 822.9 at the 130 nm. The FIT of the core showed a high of 918 at the same node, while we observed that for nodes smaller than 130 nm the FITs decreased primarily because of the decrease of the raw FIT factor of each technology

    Design and Analysis of an Adjacent Multi-bit Error Correcting Code for Nanoscale SRAMs

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    Increasing static random access memory (SRAM) bitcell density is a major driving force for semiconductor technology scaling. The industry standard 2x reduction in SRAM bitcell area per technology node has lead to a proliferation in memory intensive applications as greater memory system capacity can be realized per unit area. Coupled with this increasing capacity is an increasing SRAM system-level soft error rate (SER). Soft errors, caused by galactic radiation and radioactive chip packaging material corrupt a bitcell’s data-state and are a potential cause of catastrophic system failures. Further, reductions in device geometries, design rules, and sensitive node capacitances increase the probability of multiple adjacent bitcells being upset per particle strike to over 30% of the total SER below the 45 nm process node. Traditionally, these upsets have been addressed using a simple error correction code (ECC) combined with word interleaving. With continued scaling however, errors beyond this setup begin to emerge. Although more powerful ECCs exist, they come at an increased overhead in terms of area and latency. Additionally, interleaving adds complexity to the system and may not always be feasible for the given architecture. In this thesis, a new class of ECC targeted toward adjacent multi-bit upsets (MBU) is proposed and analyzed. These codes present a tradeoff between the currently popular single error correcting-double error detecting (SEC-DED) ECCs used in SRAMs (that are unable to correct MBUs), and the more robust multi-bit ECC schemes used for MBU reliability. The proposed codes are evaluated and compared against other ECCs using a custom test suite and multi-bit error channel model developed in Matlab as well as Verilog hardware description language (HDL) implementations synthesized using Synopsys Design Compiler and a commercial 65 nm bulk CMOS standard cell library. Simulation results show that for the same check-bit overhead as a conventional 64 data-bit SEC-DED code, the proposed scheme provides a corrected-SER approximately equal to the Bose-Chaudhuri- Hocquenghem (BCH) double error correcting (DEC) code, and a 4.38x improvement over the SEC-DED code in the same error channel. While, for 3 additional check-bits (still 3 less than the BCH DEC code), a triple adjacent error correcting version of the proposed code provides a 2.35x improvement in corrected-SER over the BCH DEC code for 90.9% less ECC circuit area and 17.4% less error correction delay. For further verification, a 0.4-1.0 V 75 kb single-cycle SRAM macro protected with a programmable, up-to-3-adjacent-bit-correcting version of the proposed ECC has been fab- ricated in a commercial 28 nm bulk CMOS process. The SRAM macro has undergone neu- tron irradiation testing at the TRIUMF Neutron Irradiation Facility in Vancouver, Canada. Measurements results show a 189x improvement in SER over an unprotected memory with no ECC enabled and a 5x improvement over a traditional single-error-correction (SEC) code at 0.5 V using 1-way interleaving for the same number of check-bits. This is compa- rable with the 4.38x improvement observed in simulation. Measurement results confirm an average active energy of 0.015 fJ/bit at 0.4 V, and average 80 mV reduction in VDDMIN across eight packaged chips by enabling the ECC. Both the SRAM macro and ECC circuit were designed for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling for both nominal and low voltage applications using a full-custom circuit design flow

    Error Detection and Diagnosis for System-on-Chip in Space Applications

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    Tesis por compendio de publicacionesLos componentes electrónicos comerciales, comúnmente llamados componentes Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) están presentes en multitud de dispositivos habituales en nuestro día a día. Particularmente, el uso de microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) altamente integrados ha favorecido la aparición de dispositivos electrónicos cada vez más inteligentes que sostienen el estilo de vida y el avance de la sociedad moderna. Su uso se ha generalizado incluso en aquellos sistemas que se consideran críticos para la seguridad, como vehículos, aviones, armamento, dispositivos médicos, implantes o centrales eléctricas. En cualquiera de ellos, un fallo podría tener graves consecuencias humanas o económicas. Sin embargo, todos los sistemas electrónicos conviven constantemente con factores internos y externos que pueden provocar fallos en su funcionamiento. La capacidad de un sistema para funcionar correctamente en presencia de fallos se denomina tolerancia a fallos, y es un requisito en el diseño y operación de sistemas críticos. Los vehículos espaciales como satélites o naves espaciales también hacen uso de microprocesadores para operar de forma autónoma o semi autónoma durante su vida útil, con la dificultad añadida de que no pueden ser reparados en órbita, por lo que se consideran sistemas críticos. Además, las duras condiciones existentes en el espacio, y en particular los efectos de la radiación, suponen un gran desafío para el correcto funcionamiento de los dispositivos electrónicos. Concretamente, los fallos transitorios provocados por radiación (conocidos como soft errors) tienen el potencial de ser una de las mayores amenazas para la fiabilidad de un sistema en el espacio. Las misiones espaciales de gran envergadura, típicamente financiadas públicamente como en el caso de la NASA o la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), han tenido históricamente como requisito evitar el riesgo a toda costa por encima de cualquier restricción de coste o plazo. Por ello, la selección de componentes resistentes a la radiación (rad-hard) específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio ha sido la metodología imperante en el paradigma que hoy podemos denominar industria espacial tradicional, u Old Space. Sin embargo, los componentes rad-hard tienen habitualmente un coste mucho más alto y unas prestaciones mucho menores que otros componentes COTS equivalentes. De hecho, los componentes COTS ya han sido utilizados satisfactoriamente en misiones de la NASA o la ESA cuando las prestaciones requeridas por la misión no podían ser cubiertas por ningún componente rad-hard existente. En los últimos años, el acceso al espacio se está facilitando debido en gran parte a la entrada de empresas privadas en la industria espacial. Estas empresas no siempre buscan evitar el riesgo a toda costa, sino que deben perseguir una rentabilidad económica, por lo que hacen un balance entre riesgo, coste y plazo mediante gestión del riesgo en un paradigma denominado Nuevo Espacio o New Space. Estas empresas a menudo están interesadas en entregar servicios basados en el espacio con las máximas prestaciones y el mayor beneficio posibles, para lo cual los componentes rad-hard son menos atractivos debido a su mayor coste y menores prestaciones que los componentes COTS existentes. Sin embargo, los componentes COTS no han sido específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio y típicamente no incluyen técnicas específicas para evitar que los efectos de la radiación afecten su funcionamiento. Los componentes COTS se comercializan tal cual son, y habitualmente no es posible modificarlos para mejorar su resistencia a la radiación. Además, los elevados niveles de integración de los sistemas en chip (SoC) complejos de altas prestaciones dificultan su observación y la aplicación de técnicas de tolerancia a fallos. Este problema es especialmente relevante en el caso de los microprocesadores. Por tanto, existe un gran interés en el desarrollo de técnicas que permitan conocer y mejorar el comportamiento de los microprocesadores COTS bajo radiación sin modificar su arquitectura y sin interferir en su funcionamiento para facilitar su uso en el espacio y con ello maximizar las prestaciones de las misiones espaciales presentes y futuras. En esta Tesis se han desarrollado técnicas novedosas para detectar, diagnosticar y mitigar los errores producidos por radiación en microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) comerciales, utilizando la interfaz de traza como punto de observación. La interfaz de traza es un recurso habitual en los microprocesadores modernos, principalmente enfocado a soportar las tareas de desarrollo y depuración del software durante la fase de diseño. Sin embargo, una vez el desarrollo ha concluido, la interfaz de traza típicamente no se utiliza durante la fase operativa del sistema, por lo que puede ser reutilizada sin coste. La interfaz de traza constituye un punto de conexión viable para observar el comportamiento de un microprocesador de forma no intrusiva y sin interferir en su funcionamiento. Como resultado de esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un módulo IP capaz de recabar y decodificar la información de traza de un microprocesador COTS moderno de altas prestaciones. El IP es altamente configurable y personalizable para adaptarse a diferentes aplicaciones y tipos de procesadores. Ha sido diseñado y validado utilizando el dispositivo Zynq-7000 de Xilinx como plataforma de desarrollo, que constituye un dispositivo COTS de interés en la industria espacial. Este dispositivo incluye un procesador ARM Cortex-A9 de doble núcleo, que es representativo del conjunto de microprocesadores hard-core modernos de altas prestaciones. El IP resultante es compatible con la tecnología ARM CoreSight, que proporciona acceso a información de traza en los microprocesadores ARM. El IP incorpora técnicas para detectar errores en el flujo de ejecución y en los datos de la aplicación ejecutada utilizando la información de traza, en tiempo real y con muy baja latencia. El IP se ha validado en campañas de inyección de fallos y también en radiación con protones y neutrones en instalaciones especializadas. También se ha combinado con otras técnicas de tolerancia a fallos para construir técnicas híbridas de mitigación de errores. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos demuestran su alta capacidad de detección y potencialidad en el diagnóstico de errores producidos por radiación. El resultado de esta Tesis, desarrollada en el marco de un Doctorado Industrial entre la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y la empresa Arquimea, se ha transferido satisfactoriamente al entorno empresarial en forma de un proyecto financiado por la Agencia Espacial Europea para continuar su desarrollo y posterior explotación.Commercial electronic components, also known as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), are present in a wide variety of devices commonly used in our daily life. Particularly, the use of microprocessors and highly integrated System-on-Chip (SoC) devices has fostered the advent of increasingly intelligent electronic devices which sustain the lifestyles and the progress of modern society. Microprocessors are present even in safety-critical systems, such as vehicles, planes, weapons, medical devices, implants, or power plants. In any of these cases, a fault could involve severe human or economic consequences. However, every electronic system deals continuously with internal and external factors that could provoke faults in its operation. The capacity of a system to operate correctly in presence of faults is known as fault-tolerance, and it becomes a requirement in the design and operation of critical systems. Space vehicles such as satellites or spacecraft also incorporate microprocessors to operate autonomously or semi-autonomously during their service life, with the additional difficulty that they cannot be repaired once in-orbit, so they are considered critical systems. In addition, the harsh conditions in space, and specifically radiation effects, involve a big challenge for the correct operation of electronic devices. In particular, radiation-induced soft errors have the potential to become one of the major risks for the reliability of systems in space. Large space missions, typically publicly funded as in the case of NASA or European Space Agency (ESA), have followed historically the requirement to avoid the risk at any expense, regardless of any cost or schedule restriction. Because of that, the selection of radiation-resistant components (known as rad-hard) specifically designed to be used in space has been the dominant methodology in the paradigm of traditional space industry, also known as “Old Space”. However, rad-hard components have commonly a much higher associated cost and much lower performance that other equivalent COTS devices. In fact, COTS components have already been used successfully by NASA and ESA in missions that requested such high performance that could not be satisfied by any available rad-hard component. In the recent years, the access to space is being facilitated in part due to the irruption of private companies in the space industry. Such companies do not always seek to avoid the risk at any cost, but they must pursue profitability, so they perform a trade-off between risk, cost, and schedule through risk management in a paradigm known as “New Space”. Private companies are often interested in deliver space-based services with the maximum performance and maximum benefit as possible. With such objective, rad-hard components are less attractive than COTS due to their higher cost and lower performance. However, COTS components have not been specifically designed to be used in space and typically they do not include specific techniques to avoid or mitigate the radiation effects in their operation. COTS components are commercialized “as is”, so it is not possible to modify them to improve their susceptibility to radiation effects. Moreover, the high levels of integration of complex, high-performance SoC devices hinder their observability and the application of fault-tolerance techniques. This problem is especially relevant in the case of microprocessors. Thus, there is a growing interest in the development of techniques allowing to understand and improve the behavior of COTS microprocessors under radiation without modifying their architecture and without interfering with their operation. Such techniques may facilitate the use of COTS components in space and maximize the performance of present and future space missions. In this Thesis, novel techniques have been developed to detect, diagnose, and mitigate radiation-induced errors in COTS microprocessors and SoCs using the trace interface as an observation point. The trace interface is a resource commonly found in modern microprocessors, mainly intended to support software development and debugging activities during the design phase. However, it is commonly left unused during the operational phase of the system, so it can be reused with no cost. The trace interface constitutes a feasible connection point to observe microprocessor behavior in a non-intrusive manner and without disturbing processor operation. As a result of this Thesis, an IP module has been developed capable to gather and decode the trace information of a modern, high-end, COTS microprocessor. The IP is highly configurable and customizable to support different applications and processor types. The IP has been designed and validated using the Xilinx Zynq-7000 device as a development platform, which is an interesting COTS device for the space industry. This device features a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor, which is a good representative of modern, high-end, hard-core microprocessors. The resulting IP is compatible with the ARM CoreSight technology, which enables access to trace information in ARM microprocessors. The IP is able to detect errors in the execution flow of the microprocessor and in the application data using trace information, in real time and with very low latency. The IP has been validated in fault injection campaigns and also under proton and neutron irradiation campaigns in specialized facilities. It has also been combined with other fault-tolerance techniques to build hybrid error mitigation approaches. Experimental results demonstrate its high detection capabilities and high potential for the diagnosis of radiation-induced errors. The result of this Thesis, developed in the framework of an Industrial Ph.D. between the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and the company Arquimea, has been successfully transferred to the company business as a project sponsored by European Space Agency to continue its development and subsequent commercialization.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: María Luisa López Vallejo.- Secretario: Enrique San Millán Heredia.- Vocal: Luigi Di Lill

    Radiation Hardened by Design Methodologies for Soft-Error Mitigated Digital Architectures

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    abstract: Digital architectures for data encryption, processing, clock synthesis, data transfer, etc. are susceptible to radiation induced soft errors due to charge collection in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs). Radiation hardening by design (RHBD) techniques such as double modular redundancy (DMR) and triple modular redundancy (TMR) are used for error detection and correction respectively in such architectures. Multiple node charge collection (MNCC) causes domain crossing errors (DCE) which can render the redundancy ineffectual. This dissertation describes techniques to ensure DCE mitigation with statistical confidence for various designs. Both sequential and combinatorial logic are separated using these custom and computer aided design (CAD) methodologies. Radiation vulnerability and design overhead are studied on VLSI sub-systems including an advanced encryption standard (AES) which is DCE mitigated using module level coarse separation on a 90-nm process with 99.999% DCE mitigation. A radiation hardened microprocessor (HERMES2) is implemented in both 90-nm and 55-nm technologies with an interleaved separation methodology with 99.99% DCE mitigation while achieving 4.9% increased cell density, 28.5 % reduced routing and 5.6% reduced power dissipation over the module fences implementation. A DMR register-file (RF) is implemented in 55 nm process and used in the HERMES2 microprocessor. The RF array custom design and the decoders APR designed are explored with a focus on design cycle time. Quality of results (QOR) is studied from power, performance, area and reliability (PPAR) perspective to ascertain the improvement over other design techniques. A radiation hardened all-digital multiplying pulsed digital delay line (DDL) is designed for double data rate (DDR2/3) applications for data eye centering during high speed off-chip data transfer. The effect of noise, radiation particle strikes and statistical variation on the designed DDL are studied in detail. The design achieves the best in class 22.4 ps peak-to-peak jitter, 100-850 MHz range at 14 pJ/cycle energy consumption. Vulnerability of the non-hardened design is characterized and portions of the redundant DDL are separated in custom and auto-place and route (APR). Thus, a range of designs for mission critical applications are implemented using methodologies proposed in this work and their potential PPAR benefits explored in detail.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Techniques for Aging, Soft Errors and Temperature to Increase the Reliability of Embedded On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis investigates the challenge of providing an abstracted, yet sufficiently accurate reliability estimation for embedded on-chip systems. In addition, it also proposes new techniques to increase the reliability of register files within processors against aging effects and soft errors. It also introduces a novel thermal measurement setup that perspicuously captures the infrared images of modern multi-core processors

    Zero-maintenance of electronic systems: Perspectives, challenges, and opportunities

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    Self-engineering systems that are capable of repairing themselves in-situ without the need for human decision (or intervention) could be used to achieve zero-maintenance. This philosophy is synonymous to the way in which the human body heals and repairs itself up to a point. This article synthesises issues related to an emerging area of self-healing technologies that links software and hardware mitigations strategies. Efforts are concentrated on built-in detection, masking and active mitigation that comprises self-recovery or self-repair capability, and has a focus on system resilience and recovering from fault events. Design techniques are critically reviewed to clarify the role of fault coverage, resource allocation and fault awareness, set in the context of existing and emerging printable/nanoscale manufacturing processes. The qualitative analysis presents new opportunities to form a view on the research required for a successful integration of zero-maintenance. Finally, the potential cost benefits and future trends are enumerated

    Resilience of an embedded architecture using hardware redundancy

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    In the last decade the dominance of the general computing systems market has being replaced by embedded systems with billions of units manufactured every year. Embedded systems appear in contexts where continuous operation is of utmost importance and failure can be profound. Nowadays, radiation poses a serious threat to the reliable operation of safety-critical systems. Fault avoidance techniques, such as radiation hardening, have been commonly used in space applications. However, these components are expensive, lag behind commercial components with regards to performance and do not provide 100% fault elimination. Without fault tolerant mechanisms, many of these faults can become errors at the application or system level, which in turn, can result in catastrophic failures. In this work we study the concepts of fault tolerance and dependability and extend these concepts providing our own definition of resilience. We analyse the physics of radiation-induced faults, the damage mechanisms of particles and the process that leads to computing failures. We provide extensive taxonomies of 1) existing fault tolerant techniques and of 2) the effects of radiation in state-of-the-art electronics, analysing and comparing their characteristics. We propose a detailed model of faults and provide a classification of the different types of faults at various levels. We introduce an algorithm of fault tolerance and define the system states and actions necessary to implement it. We introduce novel hardware and system software techniques that provide a more efficient combination of reliability, performance and power consumption than existing techniques. We propose a new element of the system called syndrome that is the core of a resilient architecture whose software and hardware can adapt to reliable and unreliable environments. We implement a software simulator and disassembler and introduce a testing framework in combination with ERA’s assembler and commercial hardware simulators