3,519 research outputs found

    CONFLLVM: A Compiler for Enforcing Data Confidentiality in Low-Level Code

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    We present an instrumenting compiler for enforcing data confidentiality in low-level applications (e.g. those written in C) in the presence of an active adversary. In our approach, the programmer marks secret data by writing lightweight annotations on top-level definitions in the source code. The compiler then uses a static flow analysis coupled with efficient runtime instrumentation, a custom memory layout, and custom control-flow integrity checks to prevent data leaks even in the presence of low-level attacks. We have implemented our scheme as part of the LLVM compiler. We evaluate it on the SPEC micro-benchmarks for performance, and on larger, real-world applications (including OpenLDAP, which is around 300KLoC) for programmer overhead required to restructure the application when protecting the sensitive data such as passwords. We find that performance overheads introduced by our instrumentation are moderate (average 12% on SPEC), and the programmer effort to port OpenLDAP is only about 160 LoC.Comment: Technical report for CONFLLVM: A Compiler for Enforcing Data Confidentiality in Low-Level Code, appearing at EuroSys 201

    Evaluation of Security Availability of Data Components for A Renewable Energy Micro Smart Grid System

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    In this thesis, we study the development and security testing of photovoltaic data collection system. With the introduction of the smart grid concept, a lot of research has been done on the communication aspect of energy production and distribution throughout the power network. For Smart Grid, Internet is used as the communication medium for specific required services and for data collection. Despite all the advantages of the Smart Grid infrastructure, there is also some security concern regarding the vulnerabilities associated with internet access. In this thesis, we consider security testing of the two most popular and globally deployed web server platforms Apache running on Red Had Linux 5 and IIS on Windows Server 2008, and their performance under Distributed Denial of Service Attacks. Furthermore we stress test the data collection services provided by MySQL running on both Windows and Linux Servers when it is also under DDoS attacks

    Systematic use of tools for detecting computer vulnerabilities

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    En aquest projecte final de carrera s'ha creat una sistemàtica d'eines per escanejar les vulnerabilitats d'aplicacions. Per això s'han triat dos programes amb versions gratuïtes: OpenVAS i Nessus. Un cop creats tots els escàners de cada respectiu programa, s'han posat a prova en dues aplicacions en desenvolupament de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i s'ha fet una anàlisi de les vulnerabilitats trobadesEn este proyecto final de carrera, se ha creado una sistemática de herramientas para escanear las vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones. Para ello se han elegido dos programas con versions gratuitas: OpenVAS y Nessus. Una vez creados todos los escáneres de cada respectivo programa, se han puesto a prueba en dos aplicaciones en desarrollo de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, y se ha hecho un análisis de las vulnerabilidades encontradesIn this final degree project, a systematic set of tools for scanning application vulnerabilities has been created. two programmes with free version were chosen for this purpose: OpenVAS and Nessus. Once all the scanners of each respective programme had been created, they were tested on two applications under development at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and an analysis of the vulnerabilities found was carried out

    Ethical Hacking Using Penetration Testing

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    This thesis provides details of the hardware architecture and the software scripting, which are employed to demonstrate penetration testing in a laboratory setup. The architecture depicts an organizational computing asset or an environment.¬¬¬ With the increasing number of cyber-attacks throughout the world, the network security is becoming an important issue. This has motivated a large number of “ethical hackers” to indulge and develop methodologies and scripts to defend against the security attacks. As it is too onerous to maintain and monitor attacks on individual hardware and software in an organization, the demand for the new ways to manage security systems invoked the idea of penetration testing. Many research groups have designed algorithms depending on the size, type and purpose of application to secure networks [55]. In this thesis, we create a laboratory setup replicating an organizational infrastructure to study penetration testing on real time server-client atmosphere. To make this possible, we have used Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as routing protocol as it is widely used in current networks. Moreover, BGP exhibits few vulnerabilities of its own and makes the security assessment more promising. Here, we propose (a) computer based attacks and (b) actual network based attacks including defense mechanisms. The thesis, thus, describes the way penetration testing is accomplished over a desired BGP network. The procedural generation of the packets, exploit, and payloads involve internal and external network attacks. In this thesis, we start with the details of all sub-fields in the stream of penetration testing, including their requirements and outcomes. As an informative and learning research, this thesis discusses the types of attacks over the routers, switches and physical client machines. Our work also deals with the limitations of the implementation of the penetration testing, discussing over the vulnerabilities of the current standards in the technology. Furthermore, we consider the possible methodologies that require attention in order to accomplish most efficient outcomes with the penetration testing. Overall, this work has provided a great learning opportunity in the area of ethical hacking using penetration testing

    Ransomware in High-Risk Environments

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    In today’s modern world, cybercrime is skyrocketing globally, which impacts a variety of organizations and endpoint users. Hackers are using a multitude of approaches and tools, including ransomware threats, to take over targeted systems. These acts of cybercrime lead to huge damages in areas of business, healthcare systems, industry sectors, and other fields. Ransomware is considered as a high risk threat, which is designed to hijack the data. This paper is demonstrating the ransomware types, and how they are evolved from the malware and trojan codes, which is used to attack previous incidents, and explains the most common encryption algorithms such as AES, and RSA, ransomware uses them during infection process in order to produce complex threats. The practical approach for data encryption uses python programming language to show the efficiency of those algorithms in real attacks by executing this section on Ubuntu virtual machine. Furthermore, this paper analyzes programming languages, which is used to build ransomware. An example of ransomware code is being demonstrated in this paper, which is written specifically in C sharp language, and it has been tested out on windows operating system using MS visual studio. So, it is very important to recognize the system vulnerability, which can be very useful to prevent the ransomware. In contrast, this threat might sneak into the system easily, allowing for a ransom to be demanded. Therefore, understanding ransomware anatomy can help us to find a better solution in different situations. Consequently, this paper shows a number of outstanding removal techniques to get rid from ransomware attacks in the system

    Ransomware in High-Risk Environments

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    In today’s modern world, cybercrime is skyrocketing globally, which impacts a variety of organizations and endpoint users. Hackers are using a multitude of approaches and tools, including ransomware threats, to take over targeted systems. These acts of cybercrime lead to huge damages in areas of business, healthcare systems, industry sectors, and other fields. Ransomware is considered as a high risk threat, which is designed to hijack the data. This paper is demonstrating the ransomware types, and how they are evolved from the malware and trojan codes, which is used to attack previous incidents, and explains the most common encryption algorithms such as AES, and RSA, ransomware uses them during infection process in order to produce complex threats. The practical approach for data encryption uses python programming language to show the efficiency of those algorithms in real attacks by executing this section on Ubuntu virtual machine. Furthermore, this paper analyzes programming languages, which is used to build ransomware. An example of ransomware code is being demonstrated in this paper, which is written specifically in C sharp language, and it has been tested out on windows operating system using MS visual studio. So, it is very important to recognize the system vulnerability, which can be very useful to prevent the ransomware. In contrast, this threat might sneak into the system easily, allowing for a ransom to be demanded. Therefore, understanding ransomware anatomy can help us to find a better solution in different situations. Consequently, this paper shows a number of outstanding removal techniques to get rid from ransomware attacks in the system
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