46 research outputs found

    Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation of Line Segments and Graphs

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    Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation (CVT) of points has many applications in geometry processing, including re-meshing and segmentation to name but a few. In this paper, we propose a new extension of CVT, generalized to graphs. Given a graph and a 3D polygonal surface, our method optimizes the placement of the vertices of the graph in such a way that the graph segments best approximate the shape of the surface. We formulate the computation of CVT for graphs as a continuous variational problem, and present a simple approximated method to solve this problem. Our method is robust in the sense that it is independent of degeneracies in the input mesh, such as skinny triangles, T-junctions, small gaps or multiple connected components. We present some applications, to skeleton fitting and to shape segmentation

    Improving automatic rigging for 3D humanoid characters

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    In the field of computer animation the process of creating an animated character is usually a long and tedious task. An animation character is usually efined by a 3D mesh (a set of triangles in the space) that gives its external appearance or shape to the character. It also used to have an inner structure, the skeleton. When a skeleton is associated to a character mesh, this association is called skeleton binding, and a skeleton bound to a character mesh is an animation rig. Rigging from scratch a character can be a very boring process. The definition and creation of a centered skeleton together with the ’painting’, by an artist,of the influence parameters between the skeleton and the mesh (the skinning) s the most demanding part to achieve an acceptable behavior for a character. This rigging process can be simplified and accelerated using an automatic rigging method. Automatic rigging methods consist in taking as input a 3D mesh, generate a skeleton based in the shape of the original model, bound the input mesh to the generated skeleton, and finally to compute a set of parameters based in a chosen skinning method. The main objective of this thesis is to generate a method for rigging a 3D arbitrary model with minimum user interaction. This can be useful to people without experience in the animation field or to experienced people to accelerate the rigging process from days to hours or minutes depending the needed quality. Having in mind this situation we have designed our method as a set of tools that can be applied to general input models defined by an artist. The contributions made in the development of this thesis can be summarized as: • Generation of an animation Rig: Having an arbitrary closed mesh we have implemented a thinning method to create first an unrefined geometry skeleton that captures the topology and pose of the input character. Using this geometric skeleton as starting point we use a refining method that creates an adjusted logic skeleton based in a template, or may be defined by the user, that is compatible with the current animation formats. The output logic skeleton is specific for each character, and it is bounded to the input mesh to create an animation rig. • Skinning: Having defined an animation rig for an arbitrary mesh we have developed an improved skinning method; this method is based on the Linear Blend Skinning(LBS) algorithm. Our contributions in the skinning field can be sub-divided in: – We propose a segmentation method that works as the core element in a weight assigning algorithm and a skinning lgorithm, we also have developed an automatic algorithm to compute the skin weights of the LBS Skinning of a rigged polygonal mesh. – Our proposed skinning algorithm uses as base the features of the LBS Skinning. The main purpose of the developed algorithm is to solve the well-known ”candy wrap” artifact; that produces a substantial loss of volume when a link of an animation skeleton is rotated over its own axis. We have compared our results with the most important methods in the skinning field, such as Dual Quaternion Skinning (DQS) and LBS, achieving a better performance over DQS and an improvement in quality over LBS. • Animation tools: We have developed a set of Autodesk Maya commands that works together as rig tool, using our previous proposed methods. • Animation loader: Moreover, an animation loader tool has been implemented, that allows the user to load animations from a skeleton with different structure to a rigged 3D model. The contributions previously described has been published in 3 research papers, the first two were presented in international congresses and the third one was acepted for its publication in an JCR indexed journal.En el campo de la animación por computadora el proceso de crear un personaje de animación es comúnmente una tarea larga y tediosa. Un personaje de animación está definido usualmente por una malla tridimensional (un conjunto de triángulos en el espacio) que le dan su apariencia externa y forma al personaje. Es igualmente común que este tenga una estructura interna, un esqueleto de animación. Cuando un esqueleto esta asociado con una malla tridimensional, a esta asociación se le llama ligado de esqueleto, y un esqueleto ligado a la mallade un personaje es conocido en inglés como "animation rig" (el conjunto de elementos necesarios, que unidos sirven para animar un personaje). Hacer el rigging desde cero de un personaje puede ser un proceso muy tedioso. La definición y creación de un esqueleto centrado en la malla junto con el "pintado" por medio de un artista de los parámetros de influencia entre el esqueleto y la malla 3D (lo que se conoce como skinning) es la parte mas demandante para alcanzar un compartimiento aceptable al deformase (moverse) la malla de un personaje. Los métodos de rigging automáticos consisten en tomar una malla tridimensional como elemento de entrada, generar un esqueleto basado en la forma del modelo original, ligar la malla de entrada al esqueleto generado y finamente calcular el conjunto de parámetros utilizados por el método de skinning elegido. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el generar un método de rigging para un modelo tridimensional arbitrario con una interacción mínima del usuario. Este método puede ser útil para gente con poca experiencia en el campo de la animación, o para gente experimentada que quiera acelerar el proceso de rigging de días a horas o inclusive minutos, dependiendo de la calidad requerida. Teniendo en mente esta situación, hemos diseñado nuestro método como un conjunto de herramientas las cuales pueden ser aplicadas a modelos de entrada generados por cualquier artista. Las contribuciones hechas en el desarrollo de esta tesis pueden resumirse a: -Generación de un rig de animación: Teniendo una malla cerrada cualquiera, hemos implementado un método para crear primero un esqueleto geométrico sin refinar, el cual capture la pose y la topología del personaje usado como elemento de entrada. Tomando este esqueleto geométrico como punto de partida usamos un método de refinado que crea un "esqueleto lógico" adaptado a la forma del geométrico basándonos en una plantilla definida por el usuario o previamente definida, que sea compatible con los formatos actuales de animación. El esqueleto lógico generado será especifico para cada personaje, y esta ligado a la malla de entrada para así crear un rig de animación. - Skinning: Teniendo definido un rig de animación para una malla de entrada arbitraria, hemos desarrollado un método mejorado de skinning, este método sera basado en el algoritmo "Linear Blending Skinnig" (algoritmo de skinning por combinación lineal, LBS por sus siglas en inglés). Nuestras contribuciones en el campo del skinnig son: - Proponemos un nuevo método de segmentación de mallas que sea la parte medular para algoritmos de asignación automática de pesos y de skinning, también hemos desarrollado un algoritmo automático que calcule los pesos utilizados por el algoritmo LBS para una malla poligonal que tenga un rig de animación. - Nuestro algoritmo de skinning propuesto usará como base las características del algoritmo LBS. El principal propósito del algoritmo desarrollado es el solucionar el defecto conocido como "envoltura de caramelo" (candy wrapper artifact), que produce una substancial perdida de volumen al rotar una de las articulaciones del esqueleto de animación sobre su propio eje. Nuestros resultados son comparados con los métodos mas importantes en el campo del skinning tal como Cuaterniones Duales (Dual Quaternions Skinning, DQS) y LBS, alcanzando un mejor desempeño que DQS y una mejora importante sobre LBSPostprint (published version

    On some interactive mesh deformations

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    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. Additionally, some applications may require the manipulation of 3D models under certain restrictions to preserve the volume of the modified object. Hence, thepresent PhD Dissertation explores new algorithms to perform flexible, robust and efficient 3D deformations. Apart from this, it also researches on a new methodology to restrict these deformations so that the volume of the manipulated model remains constant. Some of the most used methods to achieve smooth deformations are those included in the Cage-Based Deformation paradigm. Cage-based deformations enclose the model to be deformed in a coarse polyhedron, the cage. Then, they usually rely on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates to relate the model with the vertices, and other geometric elements, of this cage, which are the control points or the deformation handles. Finally, every time that one of these handles is dragged, the model is deformed accordingly. Although this paradigm is simple, elegant and performs efficient deformations, some cage-free space deformation techniques have recently appeared. They increase the flexibility of the deformation handles, which do not need to be connected, and define powerful tools that make the deformation process more versatile and intuitive. In this context, the Dissertation introduces new Generalized Barycentric Coordinate systems specially designed to be used in a cage-free environment. Any user who wants to use the presented schemes only needs to locate a set of control points in the vicinity of the model that he or she wants to deform. These handles can be placed wherever he or she considers mode suitable and the only requirement is that the model has to be enclosed in their convex hull. Up to now, there are few techniques to produce volume-preserving space deformations. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest in performing constrained deformations due to their more realistic and physically plausible results. Our contribution to this research line consists in a deformation framework that preserves the volume of the 3D models by means of its gradient and a control surface to restrict the movement of the handles. Moreover, the proposed methodology is not restricted to the cage-based schemes, but it can also be used in a cage-free environment. Finally, our research can be specially useful for spatial deformations of biological and medical models. This kind of models represent real organs and tissues, which are often soft and lack an internal rigid structure. In addition, they are elastic and incompressible. Any application designed to deal with this group of models and to train or assist doctors must be flexible, robust, efficient and user-friendly. The combination of the proposed cage-free systems with the presented volume-preserving deformation framework satisfiesLes deformacions de models 3D s'utilitzen en diverses etapes de la generació de continguts digitals: durant la fase de modelatge, durant el procés d'animació i en alguns tipus de simulacions. A més a més, hi ha aplicacions que necessiten que la manipulació dels models 3D es faci tenint en compte certes restriccions que permeten la conservació del volum de l'objecte modificat. Tot plegat fa que les tècniques de deformació 3D siguin un camp d'estudi molt important dins del món dels Gràfics. Per aquesta raó, aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia nous algorismes que permetin realitzar deformacions 3D de manera flexible, robusta i eficient i que, a més a més, permetin conservar el volum dels objectes modificats. Un dels paradigmes més utilitzats per tal de realitzar deformacions suaus és el conegut amb el nom de Deformacions Basades en un Poliedre Englobant. Aquesta família de mètodes embolcalla el model que es vol deformar, normalment representat com una malla de triangles, dins d'un poliedre simple, amb poques cares. Un cop fet això, estableix un sistema de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades per tal de definir els vèrtexs del model a partir dels vèrtexs del poliedre englobant, els quals s'anomenen punts de control o controls de la deformació. D'aquesta manera, cada cop que s'arrossega o es modifica un d'aquests punts de control, el model que es troba dins del poliedre englobant es deforma segons el sistema de coordenades que s'ha definit. Tot i que aquest paradigma és simple, elegant i eficient, des de fa ja uns anys han començat a aparèixer noves tècniques que no necessiten el poliedre englobant per tal de realitzar la deformació. El seu principal objectiu és augmentar la flexibilitat dels controls de la deformació i definir eines que facin que el procés de deformació sigui més versàtil i intuïtiu. Tenint en compte aquest factor, aquesta Tesi també estudia sistemes de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades dissenyats per realitzar deformacions sense la necessitat de definir el poliedre englobant. D'aquesta manera, qualsevol usuari que vulgui utilitzar els mètodes que es presenten en aquesta Dissertació només s'ha d'encarregar de definir un conjunt de punts de control al voltant del model que vol deformar, podent-los posar allí on consideri més oportú segons la deformació que vulgui obtenir. L'únic requeriment necessari és que el model ha de quedar dins de l'envolupant convexa d'aquests punts de control. Actualment existeixen pocs mètodes que realitzin deformacions 3D amb preservació del volum. No obstant això, d'un temps ençà ha augmentat l'interès per realitzar deformacions subjectes a certes restriccions que fan que el resultat sigui més realista i físicament versemblant. La contribució d'aquesta Tesi dins d'aquesta línia de recerca consisteix en un sistema de deformació que preserva el volum dels objectes 3D gràcies a còmput del seu gradient i a una superfície de control que restringeix el moviment dels punts de control. Aquest mètode es pot aplicar tant als sistemes de deformació que necessiten un poliedre englobant com als que no el necessiten. Finalment, i ja per acabar, la recerca realitzada pot ser especialment útil per tal de realitzar deformacions de models mèdics i biològics. Aquests tipus de models poden representar òrgans i teixits reals, els quals, normalment, són tous, mancats d'una estructura rígida interna, elàstics i incompressibles. Qualsevol aplicació dissenyada per treballar amb aquest tipus de models i per entrenar i donar assistència a usuaris mèdics hauria de ser flexible, robusta, eficient i fàcil d'utilitzar. La combinació dels mètodes de deformació proposats conjuntament amb el sistema de preservació de volum satisfà totes aquestes condicions. Per aquesta raó es creu que les contribucions realitzades poden esdevenir eines importants per produir deformacions mèdiques.Postprint (published version

    Modeling 3D animals from a side-view sketch

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    Shape Modeling International 2014International audienceUsing 2D contour sketches as input is an attractive solution for easing the creation of 3D models. This paper tackles the problem of creating 3D models of animals from a single, side-view sketch. We use the a priori assumptions of smoothness and structural symmetry of the animal about the sagittal plane to inform the 3D reconstruction. Our contributions include methods for identifying and inferring the contours of shape parts from the input sketch, a method for identifying the hierarchy of these structural parts including the detection of approximate symmetric pairs, and a hierarchical algorithm for positioning and blending these parts into a consistent 3D implicit-surface-based model. We validate this pipeline by showing that a number of plausible animal shapes can be automatically constructed from a single sketch

    Artistic Content Representation and Modelling based on Visual Style Features

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    This thesis aims to understand visual style in the context of computer science, using traditionally intangible artistic properties to enhance existing content manipulation algorithms and develop new content creation methods. The developed algorithms can be used to apply extracted properties to other drawings automatically; transfer a selected style; categorise images based upon perceived style; build 3D models using style features from concept artwork; and other style-based actions that change our perception of an object without changing our ability to recognise it. The research in this thesis aims to provide the style manipulation abilities that are missing from modern digital art creation pipelines

    Towards parameter-less 3D mesh segmentation

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    This thesis focuses on the 3D mesh segmentation process. The research demonstrated how the process can be done in a parameterless approach which allows full automation with accurate results. Applications of this research include, but not limited to, 3D search engines, 3D character animation, robotics environment recognition, and augmented reality

    Procedural content generation for games

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    Virtual worlds play an increasingly important role in game development today. Whether in the entertainment industry, education, collaboration or data visualization - virtual space offers a freely definable environment that can be adapted to any purpose. Nevertheless, the creation of complex worlds is time-consuming and cost-intensive. A classic example for the use of a virtual world is a driving simulator where learner drivers can test their skills. The goal of the generation process is to model a realistic city that is large enough to move around for a long time without constantly passing places that have already been seen. Streets must be realistically modeled, have intersections, represent highways and country roads and create an image through buildings that create the greatest possible immersion in the virtual world. But there is still a lack of life. Pedestrians have to populate the streets in large numbers, other cars have to take part in the traffic, and a driving instructor has to sit next to the learner driver, commenting on the actions and chatting away on long journeys. In short, the effort to model such a world by hand would be immense. This thesis deals with different approaches to generate digital content for virtual worlds procedurally i.e., algorithmically. In the first part of this thesis, virtual, three-dimensional road networks are generated using a pre-defined network graph. The nodes in the graph can be generated procedurally or randomly or can be imported from open data platforms, e.g., from OpenStreetMaps (OSM). The automatic detection of intersections makes the generation flexible. The textures used for roads and intersections are constructed from prefabricated sprites whenever possible, or, in the case of a very individual construction, are newly generated during generation. The ability to create multi-lane roads gives the virtual cities a higher degree of realism. The interstices of the road network usually contain buildings, industrial areas, common areas or agricultural land. Once these so-called parcels have been identified, they can be populated with precisely these contents. In this dissertation we focus on accessible residential buildings. The second part of this thesis discusses a novel method of building generation that allows to procedurally create walk-in, multi-storey buildings. The proceeding of simple mesh generation as shown in the road network generation is extended by rules and constraints that allow a flexible floor planning and guarantee a connection of all rooms by a common corridor per floor and a staircase. Since a cityscape is usually characterised by different building shapes, the generation can be parameterized with regard to texturing, roof design, number of floors, and window and door layout. In order to ensure performance when rendering the city, each building is generated in three levels of detail. The lowest level only shows the outer walls, the highest level shows the interior rooms including stairs, doors and window frames. Once the environment is created in a way that allows the player a certain immersion, the game world has to be filled with life. Thus, the third part of this thesis discusses the procedural creation of stories for games based on pre-trained language models. The focus here is on an interactive, controlled way of playing, in which the player can interact with the objects, persons and places of the story and influence the plot. Actions generated from the entities of the previous section of the story should give a feeling of a prepared story, but always ensure the greatest possible flexibility of course. The controlled use of places, people and objects in the player's inventory allows a porting to a three-dimensional game world as well as the gameplay in the form of a text adventure. All methods for creating digital content presented in this thesis were fully implemented and evaluated with respect to usability and performance

    Sketching-based Skeleton Extraction

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    Articulated character animation can be performed by manually creating and rigging a skeleton into an unfolded 3D mesh model. Such tasks are not trivial, as they require a substantial amount of training and practice. Although methods have been proposed to help automatic extraction of skeleton structure, they may not guarantee that the resulting skeleton can help to produce animations according to user manipulation. We present a sketching-based skeleton extraction method to create a user desired skeleton structure which is used in 3D model animation. This method takes user sketching as an input, and based on the mesh segmentation result of a 3D mesh model, generates a skeleton for articulated character animation. In our system, we assume that a user will properly sketch bones by roughly following the mesh model structure. The user is expected to sketch independently on different regions of a mesh model for creating separate bones. For each sketched stroke, we project it into the mesh model so that it becomes the medial axis of its corresponding mesh model region from the current viewer perspective. We call this projected stroke a “sketched bone”. After pre-processing user sketched bones, we cluster them into groups. This process is critical as user sketching can be done from any orientation of a mesh model. To specify the topology feature for different mesh parts, a user can sketch strokes from different orientations of a mesh model, as there may be duplicate strokes from different orientations for the same mesh part. We need a clustering process to merge similar sketched bones into one bone, which we call a “reference bone”. The clustering process is based on three criteria: orientation, overlapping and locality. Given the reference bones as the input, we adopt a mesh segmentation process to assist our skeleton extraction method. To be specific, we apply the reference bones and the seed triangles to segment the input mesh model into meaningful segments using a multiple-region growing mechanism. The seed triangles, which are collected from the reference bones, are used as the initial seeds in the mesh segmentation process. We have designed a new segmentation metric [1] to form a better segmentation criterion. Then we compute the Level Set Diagrams (LSDs) on each mesh part to extract bones and joints. To construct the final skeleton, we connect bones extracted from all mesh parts together into a single structure. There are three major steps involved: optimizing and smoothing bones, generating joints and forming the skeleton structure. After constructing the skeleton model, we have proposed a new method, which utilizes the Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) technique and the Laplacian mesh deformation technique together to perform skeleton-driven animation. Traditional LBS techniques may have self-intersection problem in regions around segmentation boundaries. Laplacian mesh deformation can preserve the local surface details, which can eliminate the self-intersection problem. In this case, we make use of LBS result as the positional constraint to perform a Laplacian mesh deformation. By using the Laplacian mesh deformation method, we maintain the surface details in segmentation boundary regions. This thesis outlines a novel approach to construct a 3D skeleton model interactively, which can also be used in 3D animation and 3D model matching area. The work is motivated by the observation that either most of the existing automatic skeleton extraction methods lack well-positioned joints specification or the manually generated methods require too much professional training to create a good skeleton structure. We dedicate a novel approach to create 3D model skeleton based on user sketching which specifies articulated skeleton with joints. The experimental results show that our method can produce better skeletons in terms of joint positions and topological structure

    The benefits of an additional practice in descriptive geomerty course: non obligatory workshop at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade

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    At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, in the Descriptive geometry (DG) course, non-obligatory workshops named “facultative task” are held for the three generations of freshman students with the aim to give students the opportunity to get higher final grade on the exam. The content of this workshop was a creative task, performed by a group of three students, offering free choice of a topic, i.e. the geometric structure associated with some real or imagery architectural/art-work object. After the workshops a questionnaire (composed by the professors at the course) is given to the students, in order to get their response on teaching/learning materials for the DG course and the workshop. During the workshop students performed one of the common tests for testing spatial abilities, named “paper folding". Based on the results of the questionnairethe investigation of the linkages between:students’ final achievements and spatial abilities, as well as students’ expectations of their performance on the exam, and how the students’ capacity to correctly estimate their grades were associated with expected and final grades, is provided. The goal was to give an evidence that a creative work, performed by a small group of students and self-assessment of their performances are a good way of helping students to maintain motivation and to accomplish their achievement. The final conclusion is addressed to the benefits of additional workshops employment in the course, which confirmhigherfinal scores-grades, achievement of creative results (facultative tasks) and confirmation of DG knowledge adaption