5 research outputs found

    Internetsicherheit in Europa

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    The question of how the law can deal with the problem of internet security is addressed in this volume. Starting with the fact that the internet is structurally insecure, the author finds that the uncertainty this causes must be countered with legal means, particularly when it comes to controlling information about weak spots. Hannfried Leisterer’s study examines whether and to what extent information management law can contribute to ensuring internet security

    Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft

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    Das Gutachten „Unsere gemeinsame digitale Zukunft“ macht deutlich, dass Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien und -konzepte im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung grundlegend weiterentwickelt werden müssen. Nur wenn der digitale Wandel und die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit konstruktiv verzahnt werden, kann es gelingen, Klima- und Erdsystemschutz sowie soziale Fortschritte menschlicher Entwicklung voranzubringen. Ohne aktive politische Gestaltung wird der digitale Wandel den Ressourcen- und Energieverbrauch sowie die Schädigung von Umwelt und Klima weiter beschleunigen. Daher ist es eine vordringliche politische Aufgabe, Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen, die Digitalisierung in den Dienst nachhaltiger Entwicklung zu stellen

    The Paradox of Openness

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    Openness implies bottom-up empowerment and top-down transparency. The Paradox of Openness analyses the tensions encountered when openness is applied to the quest for democracy and markets, freedom and truth, compliance and transparency, and consensus and dissent in progressive Nordic societies.; Readership: All interested in the history and contemporary practices of openness and transparency, and anyone concerned with the Nordic experience of combining the call for openness with consensual political cultures

    The Paradox of Openness

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    Openness implies bottom-up empowerment and top-down transparency. The Paradox of Openness analyses the tensions encountered when openness is applied to the quest for democracy and markets, freedom and truth, compliance and transparency, and consensus and dissent in progressive Nordic societies.; Readership: All interested in the history and contemporary practices of openness and transparency, and anyone concerned with the Nordic experience of combining the call for openness with consensual political cultures

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