379 research outputs found

    Discrete-continuum hybrid modelling of flowing and static regimes

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    Bulk handling, transport and processing of granular materials and powders are fundamental operations in a wide range of industrial processes and geophysical phenomena. Particulate materials, which can be found in nature, are usually characterized by grain size which can range across several scales: from nanometre to the order of metre. Depending on the volume fraction and shear strain conditions, granular materials can have different behaviours and often can be expressed as a new state of matter with properties of solids, liquids and gases. For the above reasons both the experimental and the numerical analysis of granular media is still a difficult task and the prediction of their dynamic behaviour still represents nowadays an important challenge. The main goal of the current thesis is the development of a numerical strategy with the objective of studying the macroscopic behaviour of dry granular flows in quasi-static and dense flow regime. The problem is defined in a continuum mechanics framework and the balance laws, which govern the behaviour of a solid body, are solved by using a Lagrangian formalism. The Material Point Method (MPM), a particle-based method, is chosen due to its features which make it very suitable for the solution of large deformation problems involving complex history-dependent constitutive laws. An irreducible formulation using a Mohr-Coulomb constitutive law, which takes into account geometric non-linearities, is implemented within the MPM framework. The numerical strategy is verified and validated against several benchmark tests and experimental results, available in the literature. Further, a mixed formulation is implemented for the solution of granular flows that undergo undrained conditions. Finally, the developed MPM strategy is used and tested against the experimental study performed for the characterization of the flowability of several types of sucrose. The capabilities and limitations of this numerical strategy are observed and discussed and the bases for future research are outlined.El manejo, el transporte y el procesamiento de materiales granulares y polvo son operaciones fundamentales en una amplia gama de procesos industriales y de fenómenos geofísicos. Los materiales particulados, que pueden ser encontrados en la naturaleza, generalmente están caracterizados por el tamaño del grano, que puede variar entre varios órdenes de magnitud: desde el nanómetro hasta el orden de los metros. En función de las condiciones de fracción volumétrica y de deformación de cortante, los materiales granulares pueden tener un comportamiento diferente y a menudo pueden expresarse como un nuevo estado de materia con propiedades de sólidos, de líquidos y de gases. A causa de las observaciones antes mencionadas, tanto el análisis experimental como la simulación numérica de medios granulares es aún una tarea compleja y la predicción de su comportamiento dinámico representa aun hoy día un desafío muy importante. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una estrategia numérica con la finalidad de estudiar el comportamiento macroscópico de los flujos de medios granulares secos en régimen cuasiestático y en régimen dinámico. El problema está definido en el contexto de la mecánica de medios continuos y las leyes de equilibrio, que gobiernan el comportamiento del cuerpo sólido, y están resueltas mediante un formalismo Lagrangiano. El Metodo de los Puntos Materiales (MPM), método basado en el concepto de discretización del cuerpo sólido en partículas, está elegido por sus características que lo convierten en una técnica apropiada para resolver problemas de grandes deformaciones donde se tienen que utilizar complejas leyes constitutivas. En el marco del MPM está implementada una formulación irreducible que usa una ley constitutiva de Mohr-Coulomb y que tiene en cuenta no-linealidades geométricas. La estrategia numérica está verificada y validada con respecto a tests de referencia y resultados experimentales disponibles en la literatura. Además, se ha implementado una formulación mixta para resolver casos de flujo granular en condiciones no drenadas. Por último, la estrategia MPM desarrollada está utilizada y evaluada con respecto a un estudio experimental realizado para la caracterización de la fluidez de diferentes tipologías de azúcar. También se presentan unas observaciones y discusión sobre las capacidades y las limitaciones de esta herramienta numérica y se describen las bases de una investigación futura.Postprint (published version

    Numerical methods for the modelling of chip formation

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    The modeling of metal cutting has proved to be particularly complex due to the diversity of physical phenomena involved, including thermo-mechanical coupling, contact/friction and material failure. During the last few decades, there has been significant progress in the development of numerical methods for modeling machining operations. Furthermore, the most relevant techniques have been implemented in the the relevant commercial codes creating tools for the engineers working in the design of processes and cutting devices. This paper presents a review on the numerical modeling methods and techniques used for the simulation of machining processes. The main purpose is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method and strategy developed up-to-now. Moreover the review covers the classical Finite Element Method covering mesh-less methods, particle-based methods and different possibilities of Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches.Postprint (author's final draft

    MLS-SPH-ALE: A Review of Meshless-FV Methods and a Unifying Formulation for Particle Discretizations

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.[Abstract:] Mesh-based and particle methods were conceived as two different discretization strategies to solve partial differential equations. In the last two decades computational methods have diversified and a myriad of hybrid formulations that combine elements of these two approaches have been developed to solve Computational fluid dynamics problems. In this work we present a review about the meshless-FV family of methods, an analysis is carried out showing that the MLS-SPH-ALE method can be considered as a general formulation from which a set of particle-based methods can be recovered. Moreover, we show the relations between the MLS-SPH-ALE method and the finite volume method. The MLS-SPH-ALE method is a versatile particle-based method that was developed to circumvent the consistency issues of particle methods caused by the use of the kernel approximation. The MLS-SPH-ALE method is developed from the differential equation in ALE form using the partition unity property which is automatically fulfilled by the Moving Least Squares approximation.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the [Grant PID2021-125447OB-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and the funds by [Grant TED2021–129805B-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. They also acknowledge the funding provided by the Xunta de Galicia (Grant #ED431C 2022/06). J. Fernández-Fidalgo acknowledges the support provided by “Ayudas para la recualificación del sistema universitario español para 2021–2023. Modalidad Margarita Salas RSU.UDC.MS20" by the Ministerio de Universidades of the Spanish Government and European Union through the NextGenerationEU funds.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2022/0

    From Mesh to Meshless : a Generalized Meshless Formulation Based on Riemann Solvers for Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Civil . 5011V01[Abstract] From mesh to meshless: A generalized meshless formulation based on Riemann solvers for Computational Fluid Dynamics This thesis deals with the development of high accuracy meshless methods for the simulation of compressible and incompressible flows. Meshless methods were conceived to overcome the constraints that mesh topology impose on traditional mesh-based numerical methods. Despite the fact that meshless methods have achieved a relative success in some particular applications, the truth is that mesh-based methods are still the preferred choice to compute flows that demand high-accuracy. Instead of assuming that meshless and mesh-based methods are groups of methods that follow independent development paths, in this thesis it is proposed to increase the accuracy of meshless methods by taking guidance of some successful techniques adopted in the mesh-based community. The starting point for the development is inspired by the SPH-ALE scheme proposed by Vila. Especially, the flexibility of the ALE framework and the introduction of Riemann solvers are essential elements adopted. High accuracy is obtained by using the Moving Least Squares (MLS) technique. MLS serves multiple tasks in the implemented scheme: high order reconstruction of Riemann states, more accurate viscous flux evaluation and the replacement of the limited kernel approximation by MLS approximation with polynomial degree consistency by design. The stabilization of the scheme for compressible flows with discontinuities is based on a posteriori stabilization technique (MOOD) that introduces a great improvement compared with the traditional a priori flux limiters. The MLSPH-ALE scheme is the first proposed meshless formulation that uses high order consistent MLS approximation in a versatile ALE framework. In addition, the procedure to obtain the semi-discrete formulation keeps track of a boundary term, which eases the implementation of the boundary conditions. Another important contribution is related with the general concept of the MLSPHALE formulation. The MLSPH-ALE scheme is proved to be a global meshless formulation that under some particular settings provides the same semi-discrete equations that other meshless formulations published. The MLSPH-ALE scheme has been tested for the computation of turbulent flows. The low dissipation inherent to the Riemann solver is compatible with the implicit LES turbulent model. The proposed formulation is able to capture the energy cascade in the subsonic regime where traditional SPH formulations are reported to fail.[Resumen] Desde métodos con malla a métodos sin malla: Una formulación sin malla generalizada basada en solvers de Riemann para Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de métodos sin malla de alta precisión para la simulación de flujos compresibles e incompresibles. Los métodos sin malla fueron creados para superar las restricciones que la conectividad de la malla impone a los métodos tradicionales. A pesar de haber alcanzado un ´éxito relativo en algunas aplicaciones, la realidad es que los métodos con malla siguen siendo la opción preferida para el cálculo de flujos que demandan alta precisión. En vez de asumir que métodos sin malla y con malla son grupos de métodos que siguen caminos de desarrollo independientes, en esta tesis se propone incrementar la precisión de los métodos sin malla tomando como guía algunas de las técnicas más exitosas empleadas en la comunidad de los métodos con malla. El punto de partida para el desarrollo se inspira en el esquema SPH-ALE propuesto por Vila. De manera especial, la flexibilidad del marco de referencia ALE y la introducción de los solvers de Riemann son elementos esenciales adoptados. La alta precisión se obtiene con la técnica de Mínimos Cuadrados Móviles (MLS). MLS sirve múltiples funciones en la implementación del esquema: alto orden de reconstrucción de los estados de Riemann, evaluaciones más precisas de los flujos viscosos y reemplazo de la aproximación limitada tipo kernel por una aproximación MLS con un grado de consistencia polinómica arbitraria. La estabilización del esquema para flujos compresibles con discontinuidades se basa en una técnica de estabilización a posteriori (MOOD) que introduce una importante mejora con respecto a los tradicionales limitadores de flujo a priori. El esquema MLSPH-ALE es la primera formulación sin malla propuesta que utiliza la aproximación MLS de alto orden en un marco de referencia ALE. Además, el procedimiento dado para obtener la forma semi-discreta realiza el seguimiento de un término en la frontera del dominio que facilita la implementación discreta de las condiciones de contorno. Otra importante contribución está relacionada con el concepto general de la formulación MLSPH-ALE. Se ha demostrado que el esquema MLSPH-ALE es una formulación sin malla global que con ciertas configuraciones particulares es capaz de proporcionar las mismas formas semi-discretas que otras formulaciones publicadas. El método MLSPH-ALE ha sido puesto a prueba frente al cálculo de flujos turbulentos. La baja disipación inherente a los solver de Riemann hace que el esquema sea apto para modelar la turbulencia en un contexto de modelos implícitos LES. La formulación propuesta es capaz de capturar la cascada de energía en el rango de régimen subsónico donde los métodos tradicionales presentan fallos.[Resumo] Desde métodos con malla a métodos sen malla: Unha formulación sen malla xeneralizada baseada en solvers de Riemann para Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional. Esta tese trata sobre o desenvolvemento de métodos sen malla de alta precisión para a simulación de fluxos compresibles e incompresibles. Os métodos sen malla foron creados para superar as restricións que a conectividade da malla impón sobre os métodos tradicionais. A pesar de ter acadado un éxito relativo nalgunhas aplicacións, a realidade é que os métodos con malla seguen sendo a opción preferente para o cálculo de fluxos que demandan alta precisión. No canto de asumir que os métodos sen malla e con malla son grupos que seguen camiños de desenvolvemento independentes, nesta tese proponse incrementar a precisión dos métodos sen malla tomando como guía algunha das técnicas de máis éxito empregadas na comunidade dos métodos con malla. O punto de partida para o desenvolvemento inspírase no esquema SPH-ALE proposto por Vila. A flexibilidade do marco de referencia ALE e a introducción dos solvers de Riemann son os elementos esenciais utilizados nesta tese. A alta precisión acádase coa técnica de Mínimos Cadrados Móbiles (MLS). MLS serve para múltiples tarefas na implementación do esquema: acadar alto orde de reconstrución nos estados de Riemann, avaliacións máis precisas dos fluxos viscosos e troco da aproximación limitada tipo kernel por unha aproximación MLS con grado de consistencia polinómica arbitraria. A estabilización do esquema para fluxos compresibles con descontinuidades baséase nunha técnica de estabilización a posteriori (MOOD) que introduce unha importante mellora con respecto a os tradicionais limitadores de fluxo a priori. O esquema MLSPH-ALE ´e a primeira formulación sen malla proposta que emprega a técnica de aproximación MLS con alta consistencia nun marco de referencia ALE. Ademais, o procedemento seguido para obter a forma semi-discreta realiza o seguimento dun termo na fronteira que facilita a implementación das condicións de contorno. Outra importante contribución relacionase co concepto xeral da formulación MLSPHALE proposta. Demostrase que o esquema MLSPH-ALE é unha formulación sen malla global que con certas configuración particulares rende as mesmas formas semi-discretas que outras formulacións publicadas. O método MLSPH-ALE foi posto a proba fronte o cálculo de fluxos turbulentos. A baixa disipación implícita aportada polo solver de Riemann fai que o esquema sexa apto para acometer o modelado da turbulencia cos modelos implícitos LES. A formulación proposta captura a cascada de enerxía no rango de réxime subsónico, onde os métodos tradicionais SPH presentan deficiencias.This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-093366-B-100) of the Spanish Government and by the Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia, cofinanced with FEDER funds and the Universidade da Coruña

    Discrete-continuum hybrid modelling of flowing and static regimes

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    Bulk handling, transport and processing of granular materials and powders are fundamental operations in a wide range of industrial processes and geophysical phenomena. Particulate materials, which can be found in nature, are usually characterized by grain size which can range across several scales: from nanometre to the order of metre. Depending on the volume fraction and shear strain conditions, granular materials can have different behaviours and often can be expressed as a new state of matter with properties of solids, liquids and gases. For the above reasons both the experimental and the numerical analysis of granular media is still a difficult task and the prediction of their dynamic behaviour still represents nowadays an important challenge. The main goal of the current thesis is the development of a numerical strategy with the objective of studying the macroscopic behaviour of dry granular flows in quasi-static and dense flow regime. The problem is defined in a continuum mechanics framework and the balance laws, which govern the behaviour of a solid body, are solved by using a Lagrangian formalism. The Material Point Method (MPM), a particle-based method, is chosen due to its features which make it very suitable for the solution of large deformation problems involving complex history-dependent constitutive laws. An irreducible formulation using a Mohr-Coulomb constitutive law, which takes into account geometric non-linearities, is implemented within the MPM framework. The numerical strategy is verified and validated against several benchmark tests and experimental results, available in the literature. Further, a mixed formulation is implemented for the solution of granular flows that undergo undrained conditions. Finally, the developed MPM strategy is used and tested against the experimental study performed for the characterization of the flowability of several types of sucrose. The capabilities and limitations of this numerical strategy are observed and discussed and the bases for future research are outlined.El manejo, el transporte y el procesamiento de materiales granulares y polvo son operaciones fundamentales en una amplia gama de procesos industriales y de fenómenos geofísicos. Los materiales particulados, que pueden ser encontrados en la naturaleza, generalmente están caracterizados por el tamaño del grano, que puede variar entre varios órdenes de magnitud: desde el nanómetro hasta el orden de los metros. En función de las condiciones de fracción volumétrica y de deformación de cortante, los materiales granulares pueden tener un comportamiento diferente y a menudo pueden expresarse como un nuevo estado de materia con propiedades de sólidos, de líquidos y de gases. A causa de las observaciones antes mencionadas, tanto el análisis experimental como la simulación numérica de medios granulares es aún una tarea compleja y la predicción de su comportamiento dinámico representa aun hoy día un desafío muy importante. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una estrategia numérica con la finalidad de estudiar el comportamiento macroscópico de los flujos de medios granulares secos en régimen cuasiestático y en régimen dinámico. El problema está definido en el contexto de la mecánica de medios continuos y las leyes de equilibrio, que gobiernan el comportamiento del cuerpo sólido, y están resueltas mediante un formalismo Lagrangiano. El Metodo de los Puntos Materiales (MPM), método basado en el concepto de discretización del cuerpo sólido en partículas, está elegido por sus características que lo convierten en una técnica apropiada para resolver problemas de grandes deformaciones donde se tienen que utilizar complejas leyes constitutivas. En el marco del MPM está implementada una formulación irreducible que usa una ley constitutiva de Mohr-Coulomb y que tiene en cuenta no-linealidades geométricas. La estrategia numérica está verificada y validada con respecto a tests de referencia y resultados experimentales disponibles en la literatura. Además, se ha implementado una formulación mixta para resolver casos de flujo granular en condiciones no drenadas. Por último, la estrategia MPM desarrollada está utilizada y evaluada con respecto a un estudio experimental realizado para la caracterización de la fluidez de diferentes tipologías de azúcar. También se presentan unas observaciones y discusión sobre las capacidades y las limitaciones de esta herramienta numérica y se describen las bases de una investigación futura

    Meshfree and Particle Methods in Biomechanics: Prospects and Challenges

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    The use of meshfree and particle methods in the field of bioengineering and biomechanics has significantly increased. This may be attributed to their unique abilities to overcome most of the inherent limitations of mesh-based methods in dealing with problems involving large deformation and complex geometry that are common in bioengineering and computational biomechanics in particular. This review article is intended to identify, highlight and summarize research works on topics that are of substantial interest in the field of computational biomechanics in which meshfree or particle methods have been employed for analysis, simulation or/and modeling of biological systems such as soft matters, cells, biological soft and hard tissues and organs. We also anticipate that this review will serve as a useful resource and guide to researchers who intend to extend their work into these research areas. This review article includes 333 references

    A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for the Simulation of Centralized Sloshing Experiments

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    The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is proposed for studying hydrodynamic processes related to nuclear engineering problems. A problem of possible recriticality due to the sloshing motions of the molten reactor core is studied with SPH method. The accuracy of the numerical solution obtained in this study with the SPH method is significantly higher than that obtained with the SIMMER-III/IV reactor safety analysis code

    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a simple and effective numerical method that can be used to solve a variety of challenging problems in computational mechanics. It is a Lagrangian mesh-free method ideal for solving deformation problems. In the SPH method, the state of a system is represented by a set of particles, which possesses individual material properties and interact with each other within a specific range defined as a support domain by a weight function or smoothing function. SPH features flexibility in handling complex flow fields and in including physical effects. In theory, the basic concept of the SPH method is introduced in this paper. Some detailed numerical aspects are discussed including the kernel approximation in continuous form and particle approximation in discrete form, the properties for the smoothing functions and some of the most frequently used ones in the SPH literature, the concept of support and interface domain, SPH formulations for Navier-Stokes equation, time integration, boundary treatment, particle interaction, artificial viscosity, laminar viscosity, shifting algorithm, and so on. In applications, this paper presents an improved SPH method for modeling the diffusion process of a microneedle and using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method to simulate the 25% cross-section stenosis blood vessel model and the 75% crosssection stenosis blood vessel model. The obtained numerical results are in close agreement with available theoretical and experimental results in the literature. As an emerging transdermal drug delivery device, microneedles demonstrate some superior potential and advantages over traditional metallic needles-on-syringes in skin injection and vaccine [1]. However, very few research papers are available. This project uses a high order continuous method, the spectral element method (SEM), and a low order discrete method, the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), to investigate this new drug delivery system. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were solved with SEM under appropriate initial and slip boundary conditions for the transport of medicine inside microneedles of rectangular and circular cross-sections. In addition, Darcy-Brinkman equations and a concentration equation were solved with SEM under appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the infiltration of medicine solution through porous media of the dermis tissue once a microneedle enters the skin. Meanwhile, the Lagrangian form of the Navier-Stokes equations were solved with the weighted interpolation approach via numerical integrations without inverting any matrices. Results from the mesh-based SEM and the mesh-free SPH simulations revealed technical details about the processes of delivery of medicine particles through microneedles and diffusion in the skin tissue, and the medicine concentration changes with space and time. The overall effect of medicine delivery under initial concentration and conditions were simulated and the effect of drug delivery were assessed. The formation of thrombus is a complicated process. The existing literature rarely has a model for high-fidelity simulation of the effects and hazards of blood clots on blood flow. In this model, high-fidelity simulations are performed for complex human internal environments. The result of this simulation indicates high pressure area in blood vessel wall which matches the real condition of the vessel experiment

    Integration of DSM and SPH to Model Tailings Dam Failure Run-Out Slurry Routing Across 3D Real Terrain

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Tailings dam failure accidents occur frequently, causing substantial damage and loss of human and animal life. The prediction of run-out tailings slurry routing following dam failures is of great significance for disaster prevention and mitigation. Using satellite remote sensing digital surface model (DSM) data, tailings pond parameters and the advanced meshless smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, a 3D real-scale numerical modelling method was adopted to study the run-out tailings slurry routing across real downstream terrains that have and have not been affected by dam failures. Three case studies, including a physical modelling experiment, the 2015 Brazil Fundão tailings dam failure accident and an operating high-risk tailings pond in China, were carried out. The physical modelling experiment and the known consequences were successfully modeled and validated using the SPH method. This and the other experiments showed that the run-out tailings slurry would be tremendously destructive in the early stages of dam failure, and emergency response time would be extremely short if the dam collapses at its full designed capacity. The results could provide evidence for disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, emergency management plan optimization, and the development of more responsible site plans and sustainable site designs. However, improvements such as rheological model selection, terrain data quality, computing efficiency and land surface roughness need to be made for future studies. SPH numerical modelling is a powerful and advanced technique that is recommended for hazard assessment and the sustainable design of tailings dam facilities globally.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 51774045), National Key R&D Program of China (grant number 2017YFC0804600), China Scholarship Council (grant number 201706460051) and Natural Science Foundation project of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission (grant number cstc2016jcyjA0319 and cstc2018jcyjAX0231)

    Proof of a locally limited imperfection of the diaphragm wall based on the numerical method Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)

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    In dieser Dissertation werden die Fehlstellen in den Schlitzwänden untersucht und numerisch simuliert. Die Simulation erfolgt auf Basis des numerischen Verfahrens „Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)“. Die SPH-Methode ist ein gitterfreies Verfahren, das ursprünglich zur numerischen Simulation der astronomischen Probleme erfunden wurde. Diese Methode wurde in den letzten zehn Jahren auch häufig bei geotechnischen Problemen angewendet, insbesondere bei Problemen mit großen Verformungen, die mit herkömmlichen gitterbasierten Methoden wie der Finite-Elemente-Methode sehr schwierig und kompliziert zu simulieren sind. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wurde ein Fortran-Code zur Simulation der Imperfektionen in Schlitzwänden mit der SPH-Methode entwickelt. Um diesen Code zu validieren, werden verschiedene geotechnische Probleme modelliert und die Ergebnisse mit den verschiedenen bekannten Experimenten verglichen. Darüber hinaus wurde früher im Institut für Geo-Engineering der Technischen Universität Clausthal eine Serie von Experimenten durchgeführt, um den Einsturz des historischen Archivgebäudes der Stadt Köln in Deutschland zu erforschen. Auch dieser Versuch wird mit dem entwickelten Fortran-Code simuliert, um die Fähigkeit der SPH-Methode zur Simulation der Imperfektionen in Schlitzwänden auch bei hohem Grundwasserspiegel nachweisen zu können.In this dissertation, the imperfections of diaphragm walls are investigated and numerically simulated. The simulation is carried out based on a numerical method “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)”. The SPH method is a meshfree method, which is originally invented for numerical simulation of the astronomical problems. This method is also often applied in the last decade in the geotechnical problems, especially the problems with large deformations, which are very difficult and complicated to simulate in the conventional grid-based methods as like as Finite Element method. In this research, a Fortran-Code for simulation of the imperfections in diaphragm walls with SPH method is developed. To validate this code, various geotechnic problems are modelled and the results compared with the different known experiments. Furthermore, an Experiment is carried out earlier in the Institute of Geo Engineering in Technical University of Clausthal in order to observe the collapse of the historical archive building of the city Cologne in Germany. This experiment is also with the developed Fortran-Code simulated, to present the capabilities of the SPH method for simulating the imperfections in diaphragm walls even with high groundwater level