357 research outputs found

    Follow Me: Building an Online Brand

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    Kellie Bowen ’18 scrolls methodically through Facebook on a recent afternoon, Judas Priest screaming through her ear buds. The British band hooked her on heavy metal at age 10, the first time she heard the insistent thump of the bass, howl of the electric guitar and operatic singing of front man Rob Halford. What do you do when you have a deep passion, like Bowen developed for metal? For Bowen, and others in today’s always-on, instantly connected digital world, the choice seemed obvious – create an online platform, connect with like-minded metalheads and motivate others along the way

    Improving English Speaking Ability through Vlogging: an Innovative Breakthrough for Suburban Beginner Learners in English Community Muara Bungo

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    Speaking skill has a very important role in this era to help students to communicate and to show their understanding in English. This speaking ability can help students to achieve higher academic goals or improve their soft skills to face the challenges in globalization. English Language Study Program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo tries to help the students to solve their Speaking problem by establishing a community which called the English Community. This study aimed to improve students’ speaking abilityin Muara Bungo through Vlogging. This model was chosen because they liked to play gadgets and were more interested in doing many activities with their gadgets. This research was classroom action research. The population in this study were all students who joined as members of the English community. The sample in this study was taken by using total sampling. This research was conducted in three cycles. The results of the first cycle shown that students started speaking by learning ways and techniques of using Vlogging. In the second cycle, students began to be interested in using Vlogging to learn speaking and began practicing speaking through Vlogging. In the third cycle, students were able to practice speaking in a fun way through Vlogging. Based onthe results of interviews with students, they stated that speaking through vlogging was fun, they could become millennial humans that could speak English. By learning to use Vlogging they get two things, namely the ability to speak English and the ability to use Vlogging. In conclusion, Vlogging could improve students' ability in Speaking.Keterampilan berbicara (speaking) adalah salah satu keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting di era ini untuk membantu mahasiswa berkomunikasi dan menunjukkan pemahaman mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan berbicara ini dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk mencapai tujuan akademis yang lebih tinggi atau meningkatkan soft skills mereka untuk menghadapi tantangan globalisasi. Prodi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo mencoba untuk membantu masalah Speaking mahasiswa dengan mendirikan suatu komunitas yang disebut dengan English Community. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking mahasiswa di Muara Bungo memalui media Vlogging. Media ini dipilih karena mereka suka bermain gadget dan lebih tertarik untuk melakukan banyak kegiatan dengan gadget mereka. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam komunitas Bahasa Inggris. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil menggunakan total sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga siklus. Hasil penelitian pada siklus petama menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mulai belajar cara dan teknik menggunakan Vlogging untuk mempraktekkan speaking. Pada siklus kedua mahasiswa mulai tertarik menggunakan Vlogging untuk belajar speaking dan mulai mempratekkan speaking melalui Vlogging.  pada siklus ketiga mahasiswa sudah mempu mempraktekkan speaking dengan cara yang menyenangkan dengan menggunakan Vlogging. Selain itu dari hasil wawancara dengan mahasiwa, mereka menyatakan bahwa speaking dengan vloggging itu menyenangkan, mereka bisa menjadi manusia milineal yang mampu berbahasa Inggris. Dengan belajar menggunakan Vlogging mereka mendapatkan dua hal, yakni kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan kemampuan menggunakan Vlogging.  kesimpulannya, Vlogging mampu meningkat kemampuan mahasiswa dalam Speaking

    Vlogging as a Medium for Eighth Graders of SMP Negeri 1 Gresik in Speaking Recount Text

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    AbstrakVlogging saat ini menjadi sangat popular di kalangan muda dan para remaja. Namun, dalam mengajar kemampuan berbicara, kebanyakan guru masih menggunakan cara yang tradisional dan membosankan. Aktivitas vlogging seperti ini dapat dijadikan sebuah media yang menarik minat siswa untuk berbicara Bahasa inggris lebih sering. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana vlogging dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran berbicara Bahasa inggris khususnya teks recount, untuk membuktikan bahwa vlogging dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa inggris siswa terutama pada teks recount, dan untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa mengenai penggunaannya dalam proses pembelajaran. 27 siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa inggris yang berbeda dipilih untuk menjadi subjek pada penelitian ini. Setiap siswa diminta untuk membuat video berdurasi tidak lebih dari 5 menit sebanyak tiga video. Catatan lapangan, rubrik kemampuan berbicara, dan angket digunakan untuk menemukan data yang diperlukan pada penelitian ini. Peneliti menemukan hasil bahwa siswa menunjukkan adanya perkembangan pada pelafalan, kelancaran, struktur, pilihan kata, dan pemahaman. Disamping itu, mereka merasa senang dalam proses pembuatan dan pembelajarannya. Bagi mereka, vlogging merupakan hal baru yang menarik untuk mereka berlatih dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa inggris mereka. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah vlogging dapat dipastikan merupakan media alternative untuk siswa berlatih dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa inggris mereka terurtama pada teks recount.Kata Kunci: vlogging, teks recount, kemampuan berbicara. AbstractVlogging is recently becoming really popular among teens and adolescence. However, to teach speaking, many teachers still use the traditional and tedious. Vlogging can be an interesting medium for students to encourage themselves in using English more. The aim of this study is to describe how vlogging can be implemented in teaching speaking recount text, to give a revelation in the use of vlogging in enhancing students’ speaking skills in English, especially for recount text, and to portray the students’ responses toward the implementation. 27 students with different speaking skills were chosen to be the subjects of this research. Each of the students was asked to make a video no longer than 5 minutes 3 times. Each of the video was analyzed to see the differences and growth in the use of English in the video. Field notes, speaking rubric, and questionnaire were used in order to find the data required for this research. The researcher found that vlogging can be positively used in teaching recount text, especially for speaking skills. The implementation of vlogging strongly affects the students’ speaking skills. The students showed improvement in their pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Furthermore, they felt happy in making their vlogs and having it in the learning process. It was such a new exciting way for them to learn and to develop their speaking skills. In conclusion, vlogging is certainly an alternative-stimulating media for students to grow their speaking ability especially in recount text.Keywords: vlogging, recount text, speaking ability

    Web 2.0 Technology Meets Mobile Assisted Language Learning

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    This paper is intended to provide a brief introduction to a wide variety of emerging Web 2.0 and mobile technologies that can be used to great effect in foreign and second language teaching. Specifically, the unique potential and anticipated growth of mobile technologies for language production and consumption are discussed as an ideal opportunity to increase the authenticity, engagement and efficiency, and overall effectiveness of language learning within and beyond the classroom. A number of representative mobile Web 2.0 technologies will be examined and their applications to language pedagogy will be elucidated in conjunction with relevant paradigms of second language acquisition theory and instructional praxis. Implications for future innovation and opportunities for additional research will be discussed
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