186 research outputs found

    Bilinear time-frequency representations of heart rate variability and respiration during stress

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    Recently, joint time-frequency signal representation has received considerable attention as a powerful tool for analyzing a variety of signals and systems. In particular, if the frequency content is time varying as in signals of biological origin which often do not comply with the stationarity assumptions, then this approach is quite attractive. In this dissertation, we explore the possibility of better representation of two particular biological signals, namely heart rate variability (HRV) and respiration. We propose the use of time-frequency analysis as a new and innovative approach to examine the physical and mental exertion attributed to exercise. Two studies are used for the main investigation, the preliminary and anticipation protocols. In the first phase of this work, the application of five different bilinear representations on modeled HRV test signals and experimental HRV and respiration signals of the preliminary protocol is evaluated. Each distribution: the short time Fourier transform (STFT), the pseudo Wigner-Ville (WVD), the smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville (SPWVD), The Choi-Williams (CWD), and the Born-Jordan-Cohen (RID) has unique characteristics which is shown to affect the amount of smoothing and the generation of cross-terms differently . The CWD and the SPWVD are chosen for further application because of overcoming the drawbacks of the other distributions by providing higher resolution in time arid frequency while suppressing interferences between the signal components. In the second phase of this research, the SPWVD and CWD are used to investigate the presence of an anticipatory component due to the stressful exercise condition as reflected in the HRV signal from a change in behavior in the autonomic nervous system. By expanding the concept of spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) into time-frequency analysis, we are able to quantitatively assess the parasympathetic (HF) and sympatho-vagal balance (LF:HF) changes as a function of time. As a result, the assessment of the autonomic nervous system during rapid changes is made. A new methodology is also proposed that adaptively uncovers the region of parasympathetic activity. It is well known that parasympathetic activity is highly correlated with the respiration frequency. This technique traces the respiration frequency and extracts the corresponding parasympathetic activity from the heart rate variability signal by adaptive filtering

    Seismic characterisation based on time-frequency spectral analysis

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    We present high-resolution time-frequency spectral analysis schemes to better resolve seismic images for the purpose of seismic and petroleum reservoir characterisation. Seismic characterisation is based on the physical properties of the Earth's subsurface media, and these properties are represented implicitly by seismic attributes. Because seismic traces originally presented in the time domain are non-stationary signals, for which the properties vary with time, we characterise those signals by obtaining seismic attributes which are also varying with time. Among the widely used attributes are spectral attributes calculated through time-frequency decomposition. Time-frequency spectral decomposition methods are employed to capture variations of a signal within the time-frequency domain. These decomposition methods generate a frequency vector at each time sample, referred to as the spectral component. The computed spectral component enables us to explore the additional frequency dimension which exists jointly with the original time dimension enabling localisation and characterisation of patterns within the seismic section. Conventional time-frequency decomposition methods include the continuous wavelet transform and the Wigner-Ville distribution. These methods suffer from challenges that hinder accurate interpretation when used for seismic interpretation. Continuous wavelet transform aims to decompose signals on a basis of elementary signals which have to be localised in time and frequency, but this method suffers from resolution and localisation limitations in the time-frequency spectrum. In addition to smearing, it often emerges from ill-localisation. The Wigner-Ville distribution distributes the energy of the signal over the two variables time and frequency and results in highly localised signal components. Yet, the method suffers from spurious cross-term interference due to its quadratic nature. This interference is misleading when the spectrum is used for interpretation purposes. For the specific application on seismic data the interference obscures geological features and distorts geophysical details. This thesis focuses on developing high fidelity and high-resolution time-frequency spectral decomposition methods as an extension to the existing conventional methods. These methods are then adopted as means to resolve seismic images for petroleum reservoirs. These methods are validated in terms of physics, robustness, and accurate energy localisation, using an extensive set of synthetic and real data sets including both carbonate and clastic reservoir settings. The novel contributions achieved in this thesis include developing time-frequency analysis algorithms for seismic data, allowing improved interpretation and accurate characterisation of petroleum reservoirs. The first algorithm established in this thesis is the Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) with an additional masking filter. The standard WVD spectrum has high resolution but suffers the cross-term interference caused by multiple components in the signal. To suppress the cross-term interference, I designed a masking filter based on the spectrum of the smoothed-pseudo WVD (SP-WVD). The original SP-WVD incorporates smoothing filters in both time and frequency directions to suppress the cross-term interference, which reduces the resolution of the time-frequency spectrum. In order to overcome this side-effect, I used the SP-WVD spectrum as a reference to design a masking filter, and apply it to the standard WVD spectrum. Therefore, the mask-filtered WVD (MF-WVD) can preserve the high-resolution feature of the standard WVD while suppressing the cross-term interference as effectively as the SP-WVD. The second developed algorithm in this thesis is the synchrosqueezing wavelet transform (SWT) equipped with a directional filter. A transformation algorithm such as the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) might cause smearing in the time-frequency spectrum, i.e. the lack of localisation. The SWT attempts to improve the localisation of the time-frequency spectrum generated by the CWT. The real part of the complex SWT spectrum, after directional filtering, is capable to resolve the stratigraphic boundaries of thin layers within target reservoirs. In terms of seismic characterisation, I tested the high-resolution spectral results on a complex clastic reservoir interbedded with coal seams from the Ordos basin, northern China. I used the spectral results generated using the MF-WVD method to facilitate the interpretation of the sand distribution within the dataset. In another implementation I used the SWT spectral data results and the original seismic data together as the input to a deep convolutional neural network (dCNN), to track the horizons within a 3D volume. Using these application-based procedures, I have effectively extracted the spatial variation and the thickness of thinly layered sandstone in a coal-bearing reservoir. I also test the algorithm on a carbonate reservoir from the Tarim basin, western China. I used the spectrum generated by the synchrosqueezing wavelet transform equipped with directional filtering to characterise faults, karsts, and direct hydrocarbon indicators within the reservoir. Finally, I investigated pore-pressure prediction in carbonate layers. Pore-pressure variation generates subtle changes in the P-wave velocity of carbonate rocks. This suggests that existing empirical relations capable of predicting pore-pressure in clastic rocks are unsuitable for the prediction in carbonate rocks. I implemented the prediction based on the P-wave velocity and the wavelet transform multi-resolution analysis (WT-MRA). The WT-MRA method can unfold information within the frequency domain via decomposing the P-wave velocity. This enables us to extract and amplify hidden information embedded in the signal. Using Biot's theory, WT-MRA decomposition results can be divided into contributions from the pore-fluid and the rock framework. Therefore, I proposed a pore-pressure prediction model which is based on the pore-fluid contribution, calculated through WT-MRA, to the P-wave velocity.Open Acces

    Techniques of EMG signal analysis: detection, processing, classification and applications

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    Electromyography (EMG) signals can be used for clinical/biomedical applications, Evolvable Hardware Chip (EHW) development, and modern human computer interaction. EMG signals acquired from muscles require advanced methods for detection, decomposition, processing, and classification. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and algorithms for EMG signal analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the signal and its nature. We further point up some of the hardware implementations using EMG focusing on applications related to prosthetic hand control, grasp recognition, and human computer interaction. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various EMG signal analysis methods. This paper provides researchers a good understanding of EMG signal and its analysis procedures. This knowledge will help them develop more powerful, flexible, and efficient applications

    Kombinacija vremensko-frekvencijske analize signala i strojnoga učenja uz primjer u detekciji gravitacijskih valova

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    This paper presents a method for classifying noisy, non-stationary signals in the time-frequency domain using artificial intelligence. The preprocessed time-series signals are transformed into time-frequency representations (TFrs) from Cohen’s class resulting in the TFr images, which are used as input to the machine learning algorithms. We have used three state-of-the-art deep-learning 2d convolutional neural network (Cnn) architectures (ResNet-101, Xception, and EfficientNet). The method was demonstrated on the challenging task of detecting gravitational-wave (gw) signals in intensive real-life, non-stationary, non-gaussian, and non-white noise. The results show excellent classification performance of the proposed approach in terms of classification accuracy, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (roC auC), recall, precision, F1 score, and area under the precision-recall curve (PR AUC). The novel method outperforms the baseline machine learning model trained on the time-series data in terms of all considered metrics. The study indicates that the proposed technique can also be extended to various other applications dealing with non-stationary data in intensive noise.Ovaj rad predstavlja metodu klasifikacije šumom narušenih nestacionarnih signala u vremensko-frekvencijskoj domeni korištenjem umjetne inteligencije. Naime, signali u obliku vremenskih nizova transformirani su nakon predobrade u vremensko-frekvencijske prikaze (TFR) iz Cohenove klase, rezultirajući TFR slikama korištenim kao ulaz u algoritme strojnoga učenja. Korištene su tri suvremene metode dubokoga učenja u obliku 2D arhitektura konvolucijskih neuronskih mreža (CNN) (ResNet-101, Xception i EfficientNet). Metoda je demonstrirana na zahtjevnom problemu detekcije signala gravitacijskih valova (GW) u intenzivnom stvarnom i nestacionarnom šumu koji nema karakteristike ni Gaussovog ni bijelog šuma. Rezultati pokazuju izvrsne performanse klasifikacije predloženoga pristupa s obzirom na točnost klasifikacije, površinu ispod krivulje značajke djelovanja prijamnika (ROC AUC), odziv, preciznost, F1-mjeru i površinu ispod krivulje preciznost-odziv (PR AUC). Nova metoda nadmašuje osnovni model strojnoga učenja treniran na podatcima u obliku vremenskih nizova s obzirom na razmatrane metrike. Istraživanje pokazuje da se predložena tehnika može proširiti i na različite druge primjene koje uključuju nestacionarne podatke u intenzivnom šumu

    Spectral Analysis for Signal Detection and Classification : Reducing Variance and Extracting Features

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    Spectral analysis encompasses several powerful signal processing methods. The papers in this thesis present methods for finding good spectral representations, and methods both for stationary and non-stationary signals are considered. Stationary methods can be used for real-time evaluation, analysing shorter segments of an incoming signal, while non-stationary methods can be used to analyse the instantaneous frequencies of fully recorded signals. All the presented methods aim to produce spectral representations that have high resolution and are easy to interpret. Such representations allow for detection of individual signal components in multi-component signals, as well as separation of close signal components. This makes feature extraction in the spectral representation possible, relevant features include the frequency or instantaneous frequency of components, the number of components in the signal, and the time duration of the components. Two methods that extract some of these features automatically for two types of signals are presented in this thesis. One adapted to signals with two longer duration frequency modulated components that detects the instantaneous frequencies and cross-terms in the Wigner-Ville distribution, the other for signals with an unknown number of short duration oscillations that detects the instantaneous frequencies in a reassigned spectrogram. This thesis also presents two multitaper methods that reduce the influence of noise on the spectral representations. One is designed for stationary signals and the other for non-stationary signals with multiple short duration oscillations. Applications for the methods presented in this thesis include several within medicine, e.g. diagnosis from analysis of heart rate variability, improved ultrasound resolution, and interpretation of brain activity from the electroencephalogram

    A Statistical Perspective of the Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    This research focuses on non-stationary basis decompositions methods in time-frequency analysis. Classical methodologies in this field such as Fourier Analysis and Wavelet Transforms rely on strong assumptions of the underlying moment generating process, which, may not be valid in real data scenarios or modern applications of machine learning. The literature on non-stationary methods is still in its infancy, and the research contained in this thesis aims to address challenges arising in this area. Among several alternatives, this work is based on the method known as the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The EMD is a non-parametric time-series decomposition technique that produces a set of time-series functions denoted as Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), which carry specific statistical properties. The main focus is providing a general and flexible family of basis extraction methods with minimal requirements compared to those within the Fourier or Wavelet techniques. This is highly important for two main reasons: first, more universal applications can be taken into account; secondly, the EMD has very little a priori knowledge of the process required to apply it, and as such, it can have greater generalisation properties in statistical applications across a wide array of applications and data types. The contributions of this work deal with several aspects of the decomposition. The first set regards the construction of an IMF from several perspectives: (1) achieving a semi-parametric representation of each basis; (2) extracting such semi-parametric functional forms in a computationally efficient and statistically robust framework. The EMD belongs to the class of path-based decompositions and, therefore, they are often not treated as a stochastic representation. (3) A major contribution involves the embedding of the deterministic pathwise decomposition framework into a formal stochastic process setting. One of the assumptions proper of the EMD construction is the requirement for a continuous function to apply the decomposition. In general, this may not be the case within many applications. (4) Various multi-kernel Gaussian Process formulations of the EMD will be proposed through the introduced stochastic embedding. Particularly, two different models will be proposed: one modelling the temporal mode of oscillations of the EMD and the other one capturing instantaneous frequencies location in specific frequency regions or bandwidths. (5) The construction of the second stochastic embedding will be achieved with an optimisation method called the cross-entropy method. Two formulations will be provided and explored in this regard. Application on speech time-series are explored to study such methodological extensions given that they are non-stationary

    The Opponent Channel Population Code of Sound Location Is an Efficient Representation of Natural Binaural Sounds

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    In mammalian auditory cortex, sound source position is represented by a population of broadly tuned neurons whose firing is modulated by sounds located at all positions surrounding the animal. Peaks of their tuning curves are concentrated at lateral position, while their slopes are steepest at the interaural midline, allowing for the maximum localization accuracy in that area. These experimental observations contradict initial assumptions that the auditory space is represented as a topographic cortical map. It has been suggested that a “panoramic” code has evolved to match specific demands of the sound localization task. This work provides evidence suggesting that properties of spatial auditory neurons identified experimentally follow from a general design principle- learning a sparse, efficient representation of natural stimuli. Natural binaural sounds were recorded and served as input to a hierarchical sparse-coding model. In the first layer, left and right ear sounds were separately encoded by a population of complex-valued basis functions which separated phase and amplitude. Both parameters are known to carry information relevant for spatial hearing. Monaural input converged in the second layer, which learned a joint representation of amplitude and interaural phase difference. Spatial selectivity of each second-layer unit was measured by exposing the model to natural sound sources recorded at different positions. Obtained tuning curves match well tuning characteristics of neurons in the mammalian auditory cortex. This study connects neuronal coding of the auditory space with natural stimulus statistics and generates new experimental predictions. Moreover, results presented here suggest that cortical regions with seemingly different functions may implement the same computational strategy-efficient coding.German Science Foundation (Graduate College "InterNeuro"

    Tracking Rhythmicity in Biomedical Signals using Sequential Monte Carlo methods

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    Cyclical patterns are common in signals that originate from natural systems such as the human body and man-made machinery. Often these cyclical patterns are not perfectly periodic. In that case, the signals are called pseudo-periodic or quasi-periodic and can be modeled as a sum of time-varying sinusoids, whose frequencies, phases, and amplitudes change slowly over time. Each time-varying sinusoid represents an individual rhythmical component, called a partial, that can be characterized by three parameters: frequency, phase, and amplitude. Quasi-periodic signals often contain multiple partials that are harmonically related. In that case, the frequencies of other partials become exact integer multiples of that of the slowest partial. These signals are referred to as multi-harmonic signals. Examples of such signals are electrocardiogram (ECG), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and human voice. A Markov process is a mathematical model for a random system whose future and past states are independent conditional on the present state. Multi-harmonic signals can be modeled as a stochastic process with the Markov property. The Markovian representation of multi-harmonic signals enables us to use state-space tracking methods to continuously estimate the frequencies, phases, and amplitudes of the partials. Several research groups have proposed various signal analysis methods such as hidden Markov Models (HMM), short time Fourier transform (STFT), and Wigner-Ville distribution to solve this problem. Recently, a few groups of researchers have proposed Monte Carlo methods which estimate the posterior distribution of the fundamental frequency in multi-harmonic signals sequentially. However, multi-harmonic tracking is more challenging than single-frequency tracking, though the reason for this has not been well understood. The main objectives of this dissertation are to elucidate the fundamental obstacles to multi-harmonic tracking and to develop a reliable multi-harmonic tracker that can track cyclical patterns in multi-harmonic signals

    Electrohysterogram signal component cataloging with spectral and time-frequency methods

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    The Electrohysterogram (EHG) is a new instrument for pregnancy monitoring. It measures the uterine muscle electrical signal, which is closely related with uterine contractions. The EHG is described as a viable alternative and a more precise instrument than the currently most widely used method for the description of uterine contractions: the external tocogram. The EHG has also been indicated as a promising tool in the assessment of preterm delivery risk. This work intends to contribute towards the EHG characterization through the inventory of its components which are: • Contractions; • Labor contractions; • Alvarez waves; • Fetal movements; • Long Duration Low Frequency Waves; The instruments used for cataloging were: Spectral Analysis, parametric and non-parametric, energy estimators, time-frequency methods and the tocogram annotated by expert physicians. The EHG and respective tocograms were obtained from the Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database. 288 components were classified. There is not a component database of this type available for consultation. The spectral analysis module and power estimation was added to Uterine Explorer, an EHG analysis software developed in FCT-UNL. The importance of this component database is related to the need to improve the understanding of the EHG which is a relatively complex signal, as well as contributing towards the detection of preterm birth. Preterm birth accounts for 10% of all births and is one of the most relevant obstetric conditions. Despite the technological and scientific advances in perinatal medicine, in developed countries, prematurity is the major cause of neonatal death. Although various risk factors such as previous preterm births, infection, uterine malformations, multiple gestation and short uterine cervix in second trimester, have been associated with this condition, its etiology remains unknown [1][2][3]