4,864 research outputs found

    Visualizing Google Scholar Profile of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan using PoP and VOSviewer: a tribute to Father of Library Science in India

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    Dr. Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan was the well-known librarian and mathematician from India. He was also called the father of Indian librarianship. He made India library conscious in particular and he influenced the thinking of library world in general. It is mainly because of his efforts that library & information science became a subject of study and research. Dr S.R. Ranganathan has recorded 307 publications since 1931 including his contributed books, book chapters, reports, and journal articles, texts of invited speeches or special lecture. He received a total of 5455 citations with h-index 27. Highest citations (306) were received in the year 2017. Also, it was observed, “The Five Laws of Library Science” published in the year 1931 received highest citation 1213. Most of his collaborative works or articles in total, are with Neelameghan, A and Gopinath, M A

    Support for National Institutes of Health (NIH) Implementation of the Revised Public Access Policy

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    Comments submitted by SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) in response to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) “Request for Information: NIH Public Access Policy” issued on March 31, 2008 (73 Federal Register 16881)

    Smart Cities: A Systematic Mapping on an Academic Basis

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    Smart Cities belong to a multidisciplinary research area, which does not yet have a formal definition and may have different meanings depending on the context. In view of this, the objective of this work is to map the term "Smart City" in the scientific field. For such, the scientific publications present in Scopus\u27 data base, accessed by the Periodicals portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES), were researched. As results, 61,435 publications were found, which after the inclusion criteria, 632 publications remained to be analyzed. China was the country that presented the largest number of publications with a total of 94 documents. The analysis of annual publications showed that there was an increase in the number of publications over the years, especially between 2018 and 2019. The main contributions of this work were the provision of a knowledge base that can be used by both scientists and researchers and developers of the organizations, identifying gaps and opportunities to be explored

    Bibliometric Analysis of Open Access Digital Humanities Publications

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    The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the open access digital humanities scholarly literatures during 2001 to 2020. This paper examines the distribution of year wise growth, authorship pattern, identifies the most productive authors, countries, publication source and institutions and most trusted research areas. The bibliographic data required for this present study has been collected through the Lens database and analyzed on the basis of various indicators of bibliometrics assessment. The study found that digital humanities research on open access platforms is growing rapidly. The study showed that that the developed countries such as the United States, United Kingdom and Canada have played a leading role in digital humanities research. The output of this research paper could be of future use to researchers and faculties associated with digital humanities

    Psychological Foundations of Mind Mapping Strategies

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    The present study investigates psychological foundations of mind mapping as one of the relevant tools in teaching and learning process. A Mind Map, the modern approach implemented and developed by Tony Buzan is viewed as a visual diagram used to record and organise information in a way which the brain finds captivating and easy to process. It is based on the conception of radial tree, diagramming key words in a colorful, radiant, tree-like structure. The study focuses on the theoretical analysis of brain’s as well as cerebral hemispheres’ functioning aiming to explain the claimed increased effectiveness of mind mapping over other forms of learning, understanding, remembering and performing. Much attention is devoted to the benefits and challenges of using mind maps. Thus, some sufficient mind mapping strategies for English teachers which can be effectively used in the classroom have been presented. The research confirms that mind mapping is a beneficial learning tool to help students brainstorm any topic and think creatively. It is a powerful way for students to reach high levels of cognitive performance. У дослідженні проведено аналіз психологічних основ створення інтелектуальних мап (ментальних карт) як одного з важливих та релевантних інструментів у навчальному процесі. Інтелектуальні мапи, як сучасний підхід у викладанні, розроблений Тоні Бузеном розглядається як візуальна схема, яка використовується для запису та організації інформації, що легко піддається обробці. Ідея інтелектуальної мапи заснована на концепції радіального дерева, у якому його окремі елементи, ключові слова поєднуються у барвисту, деревоподібну структуру. У дослідженні увага зосереджена на теоретичному аналізі функцій мозку загалом та півкуль головного мозку зокрема, який дозволяє пояснити високу ефективність використання інтелектуальних мап у порівнянні з іншими формами навчання, розуміння, запам’ятовування та виконання рішень. Велику увагу приділено перевагам та недолікам використання ментальних карт. Відтак, у статті представлені деякі стратегії використання карт для вчителів, які можуть бути ефективно використані у викладанні англійської мови. За результатами дослідження доведено, що інтелектуальні мапи є необхідним інструментом навчання, який допоможе студентам активізувати свій інтелектуальний резерв, обговорюючи будь-яку тему і мислити творчо. Це – потужний спосіб для досягнення високого рівня когнітивних функцій

    Bibliometric Analysis of Worldwide Coronavirus Research based on Web of Science between 1970 and February 2020

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    Researchers worldwide are striving hard to find a solution for the coronavirus pandemic and reduce the fatalities from this severe outbreak. The purpose of this article is to evaluate and visualize the published documents about coronavirus research, based on extracted data from Web of Science (WoS) citation database. The study used a bibliometric method and social network analysis. Data were collected using the WoS database on February 23, 2020, with 13252 records being retrieved and used as the study sample. Descriptive statistics were used in the bibliometric method and network analysis. Text Statistics Analyzer and ISI.exe were used to compute the number of authors per document. VOSviewer and UCINET were used respectively for visualization and for measuring the centrality and the density of networks. Study findings indicate the top actors of the scientific society (authors, institutions, countries) that had the most publication on coronavirus. Similarly, the top keywords used by authors were identified. Also, the density and centrality measures of co-authorship networks (degree, closeness, betweenness) for the top 10 authors, institutions, countries, and keywords were identified. The Journal of Virology had the highest number of published papers on coronavirus research. The study revealed that the leading researchers and institutions were mostly from the United States of America, England, China, Germany, Netherlands, France, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia

    Myopia Control: A Citation Network Study

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    Background: According to the World Health Organization, myopia is already one of the major causes of vision impairment and blindness. It is predicted to affect almost a half of the world's population within the next years. A lot of researches around the world have been performed on myopia, there is no clear overview of these researchers. In this manuscript, we analyzed the main connections between the most cited researchers, to build a citation network to evaluate the impact of different authors, journals, and subjects in the field of myopia control. Methods: A search using the keywords “myopia control†was made through Web of Science. Extracted data was analyzed using CitNetExplorer® software obtaining a visual evaluation of the most cited publications. A subnet analysis was made by adding the keywords “myopia control" AND ("orthokeratology" OR "corneal refractive therapyâ€), “myopia control" AND ("soft contact lens*" OR "multifocal contact lens*â€), and “myopia control" AND "atropineâ€. The most important publications of the network and subnetworks were analyzed using the "core" function. Results: This study showed 228 references that generated 1087 citations across the network. 2013 was the most important year for myopia control, with most publications and citations. Optometry and Vision Science journal has published the most cited papers. Regarding the authors, Walline ranked the first of the most cited articles on myopia control. Conclusion: This study analyzed the associations between the authors, journals and subjects in myopia control, highlighting the great importance of this area in the recent years. More than 50% of the papers in the network were published after 2013


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    Bibliometrics is the statistical analysis of articles, books, and other forms of publication. The bibliometrics analysis is performed with data on the number and authorship of scientific publications and articles, and citations to measure the work of individuals or groups of researchers, organizations, and countries to identify national and international networks and map developments in new multidisciplinary fields of science and technology. In addition, bibliometrics assesses and maps the research, organization, and country of researchers at a given time period. The Bibliometric analysis also has advantages which include mapping relationships between concepts, mapping research directions or trends, mapping state of the art (the novelty of the results of research conducted), and providing insights related to fields, topics, and research problems for future works. This study aims to determine the growth and development of N-BEATS publications, their distribution, variable keywords, and author collaboration using a bibliometric network. The research method used in this paper, through screening of articles obtained from the Scopus database page in 2008-2022, is used for citations in the form of metrics. At the same time, they are visualizing the metadata with VOSviewer. Data was collected from the direct science database with the keyword N-BEATS. The results show that 2022 has the highest number of publications, reaching 310 publications (14.90%). The distribution of research publications on N-BEATS shows a perfect distribution. Terms in the N-BEATS variable that often appear and are associated with other variables