31 research outputs found

    Przegląd metod wizualizacji wiarygodności dawnych map pod względem dokładności geometrycznej na przykładzie mapy Śląska Cieszyńskiego

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    The article reviews methods of visualizing the reliability assessment results of old maps in terms of the possibility of automating them. The study was based on the example of the map Le Duche de Cieszyn (Teschen) Silesie, from the collection remaining after the Peace Conference ending World War I. The forms of presentation of the results offered by the developers of MapAnalyst, QGIS, ArcMap, and ArcScene applications from the ArcGIS package are evaluated. The obtained images were viewed in terms of interpretative possibilities, i.e. imagining on their basis the degree of surface deformation and distance on the map by recipients who do not use cartographic presentation methods daily. The distortion grid and 3D visualization of the sum of distance errors were indicated as the most useful.W artykule dokonano przeglądu sposobów wizualizacji wyników oceny wiarygodności dawnych map pod kątem możliwości ich zautomatyzowania. Badanie wykonano na przykładzie mapy Le Duche de Cieszyn (Teschen) Silesie, z zasobu pozostałego po konferencji pokojowej kończącej pierwszą wojnę światową. Oceniono formy prezentacji wyników, oferowane przez twórców aplikacji MapAnalyst, QGIS oraz ArcMap i ArcScene z pakietu ArcGIS. Otrzymane obrazy oceniono pod kątem możliwości interpretacyjnych, tj. wyobrażenia sobie na ich podstawie stopnia deformacji powierzchni i odległości na mapie przez odbiorców niekorzystających na co dzień z kartograficznych metod prezentacji. Wskazano siatkę zniekształceń i wizualizację 3D sumy błędów odległości jako najbardziej użyteczne


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    È ben nota l'importanza dell'apparato iconografico proprio della cartografia storica, il cui limite generalmente lamentato è relativo all'accuratezza geometrica. Nel presente contributo, mediante l'utilizzo di un software dedicato, disponibile gratuitamente in rete (Mapanalyst), si punta ad analizzare la precisione geometrica di alcune cartografie storiche (carte realizzate tra l'inizio del 1500 e la fine del 1700) relative al Golfo di Trieste. Utilizzando una serie di punti doppi individuati sulle carte storiche e su una carta moderna di riferimento, sono state create griglie di distorsione e altre modalità di visualizzazione per comprendere la qualità geometrica delle carte antiche.The relevance of the sign in the historical maps is generally recognized, however the geometric accuracy usually represents the main limit for these maps. So it’s essential to understand their distortion degree in order to introduce them in a GIS environment to study main geographic processes involving a region. In this paper we analyzed several ancient maps, carried out between 1500 and 1700 for the Trieste Gulf area (Northeast of Italy). We applied software, free downloadable from Internet, named MapAnalyst (developed from Institute of Cartography, ETH Zurich). Using pairs of control points on an old map and on a new reference, we compute distortion grid and other type of visualizations to understand accuracy and distortions of these old maps

    Alessandro Malaspina and the voyage of disenchantment

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2012Between 1775 and 1792 the shores of what is now Alaska and British Columbia were opened to European reconnaissance by a series of mostly Spanish expeditions. The most ambitious and prestigious of the Spanish expeditions was also one of the last; the Spanish hydrographic expedition of 1789-1794 --the Viaje Politico-Cientifico Alrededor del Mundo, created and commanded by Alessandro Malaspina. The Malaspina expedition was a technical tour-de-force that was meant both materially and symbolically to assert Spain's program of reform and modernization under the Bourbon monarchs, but Malaspina's liberal Enlightenment philosophy would in the end isolate him from the absolutist monarchy he served, dooming the results of the expedition to more than a century of obscurity and Malaspina to imprisonment and banishment. This thesis examines how European state cartography contributed to a competition for imperial space on the Northwest Coast and particularly how that space was shaped through the efforts of the Malaspina Expedition. A close examination of the Malaspina expedition and Malaspina's personal narrative opens a window on the distinctive Spanish imperialism of the late 18th century, and how the cartography of the region contributed to the territorial delineation of modern Alaska and British Columbia.1. Nueva Galicia and the madness of Minister Galvez -- I. The "Spanish Lake" -- II. Bourbon Spain -- III. José de Gálvez -- IV. Sovereign claims -- V. The naval division of San Blas -- VI. Bucareli and the northwest coast -- VII. Drake's legacy -- 2. The philosopher Captain : child of the enlightenment -- I. From Tuscany to Madrid -- II. An enlightened proposal -- III. The discovery and the daring -- IV. The changing tide -- V. Cataloguing the empire -- VI. The Maldonado relatión -- 3. Beyond the southern sea -- I. Cadiz to Peru -- II. The King's agent -- III. Esteban Martinez and the English Satisfaction -- IV. The redirection -- 4. Measuring the empire -- I.A war of maps -- II. Lines on a sphere -- III. Britannia conquers longitude -- IV. Spain's hydrography -- Conclusion : colliding empires and colliding visions -- I. North of Mulgrave -- II. Creating imperial space -- III. The road to Corruna -- Bibliography

    Professional Surveyor Magazine

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    Prikaz časopisa

    Rappresentazione di cartografia storica della città di Sassari in ambiente GIS Open Source

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    The aim of this research is to evaluate a methodology for the analysis of historical maps by applying open source GIS software. Maps of “Città di Sassari” has been first collected, then, after proper editing using a graphic software, processed by a GIS (Geographic Information System). By comparing those systems with updated new maps has been possible to get final results. The cartography used is the one of “Città di Sassari” currently known. Both measured and derived maps were have been used. The former obtained through measurements and surveys performed on the ground by topographers while the latter through a series of re-elaborations performed by cartographers. As redards historical cartography we wanted to understand what was detected with elementary topographic tools, even before the advent of aerophotogrammetric technique. Before entering into the real GIS, are presented those that are the basic maps that represent Sardinia, as well as a list, with related description, of the main detectors / cartographers and maps of Sassari. The feasibility of employing an Open source software has been also part of the research except for the IT tools of office automation. The reason of such decision could be addressed almost exclusively by economic reasons, because studies about historical cartography are conducted mainly in academic fields, where, unfortunately, is almost lack of funds. The research has had positive results, showing that free software can be used without reservations


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    A geovisualização de mapas históricos envolve um conjunto de técnicas cartográficas e computacionais para representar a informação espacial pretérita. Este trabalho tem por objetivo aplicar uma técnica alternativa de geovisualização de mapa histórico em ambientes WEBGIS e Google Earth. Pretende-se também apresentar de forma sucinta, resultados parciais da metodologia de georreferenciamento de mapas históricos que vem sendo desenvolvida na Linha de Pesquisa em Cartografia Histórica e Geoprocessamento do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia - Tratamento da Informação Espacial da PUC Minas nos últimos anos. Esta pesquisa aplica métodos da Comunicação Cartográfica (Semiologia Gráfica) e da Visualização Cartográfica no processo de Geovisualização de mapas históricos, especialmente mapas do Brasil dos séculos XVIII e XIX, em ambientes WEBGIS e Google Earth. Assim, após o georreferenciamento do mapa histórico em ARC GIS®, o tratamento foi realizado por meio da superposição em imagens de satélites georreferenciadas, como o Google Earth Pro. Palavras-chave: Geovisualização; cartografia histórica; mapa histórico; semiologia gráfica: geoprocessamento

    Aplicação de Software Livre de Análise Cartométrica em Cartografia Moderna Portuguesa

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    O presente estudo pretende aplicar um software livre e de código aberto que foi criado para analisar as características planimétricas e geométricas de mapas antigos – MapAnalyst (disponível em MapAnalyst.org - versão 1.3) em várias Cartas Náuticas de autores portugueses da época Moderna. Após a georreferenciação das Cartas disponíveis digitalmente o programa permite construir redes de distorção, vetores de deslocação, e linhas de valores iguais de escala e rotação delimitadas espacialmente; e desta forma aferir a exatidão geométrica e a distorção na elaboração dos mapas. Este exame permitirá também compará-los entre si de modo a perspetivar uma certa evolução na construção cartográfica e no próprio conhecimento geográfico dos espaços representados. Com esta abordagem pretende-se igualmente explorar a adequação destas técnicas para a análise de Cartografia Histórica e o seu potencial no estudo deste estilo cartográfico.This study aims to apply a free and open-source software that was created to analyse the planimetric and geometric features of old maps - MapAnalyst (available at MapAnalyst.org - version 1.3) in several nautical charts of Portuguese authors of the modern era. After georeferencing the digitally available charts, the program allows to build distortion grids, displacement vectors, and spatially limited lines of equal scale and rotation values; and thus to assess the geometric accuracy and distortion in map making. This examination will also allow to compare them with each other in order to perceive a certain evolution in cartographic construction and in the geographic knowledge of the spaces represented. With this approach it is also intended to explore the suitability of these techniques for the analysis of Historical Cartography and its potential in the study of this cartographic style

    Analysis of Water Bodies on Aretin map of Bohemia

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývala osobností Pavla Aretina, jeho mapou Čech z roku 1619 a také jejími dalšími vydáními. Hlavním cílem práce bylo analyzovat vodstvo na vybraných vydáních Aretinovy mapy z fondů Mapové sbírky Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Národního archivu, provést u nich základní analýzu obsahovou a kartometrickou. Obsahová analýza byla zaměřena na liniové a areálové prvky vodstva na Aretinových mapách. Byly zkoumány změny ve vyobrazení vodstva v průběhu čtyřech vydání Aretinovy mapy Čech a rozdíly v topografii vůči současnosti. Součástí obsahové analýzy byly rozbory mapových znaků a popisu objektů vodstva. Kartometrická analýza se zaměřovala na přesnost zákresu mapy dle identických bodů udělených na objekty související s tématem vodstva. Tato analýza byla provedena v softwaru MapAnalyst.This bachelor thesis dealt with the personality of Pavel Aretin, his map of Bohemia from 1619 and its other editions. The main goal of this work was to analyze the leadership on selected editions of Aretin's map from the funds of the Map Collection of the Faculty of Science, Charles University and the National Archive, to perform a basic content and cartometric analysis. The content analysis was focused on the line and area elements of water on Aretin's maps. Changes in the representation of the waterworks during the four editions of Aretin's map of Bohemia and differences in topography from the present were examined. The content analysis included analyzes of map features and descriptions of water bodies. The cartometric analysis focused on the accuracy of the map layout according to identical points awarded to objects related to the water theme. This analysis was performed in MapAnalyst software.Department of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyKatedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult