4 research outputs found

    Fault-Proneness Estimation and Java Migration: A Preliminary Case Study

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    The paper presents and discusses an industrial case study, where an eight year running software project has been analyzed. We collected about 1000 daily-versions, together with the file version control system, and bug tracking data. This project has been migrated from Java 1.4 to Java 1.5, and visible effects of this migration on the bytecode are presented and discussed. From this case study, we expect to observe the effects on the code size produced by the Java technology migration, and to improve the performances of already existing fault-proneness estimation models. Preliminary results about fault-proneness estimation are shown

    Feasibility study using remote sensing technologies to improve zonal vineyard management

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    The primary purpose of this research was to examine the feasibility of using remote sensing data to improve efficiency of zonal vineyard management. To achieve this goal, correlation analysis between the significant vineyard management variables and different remote sensing data analysis tools were undertaken. The variables included leaf water potential, soil moisture, canopy size, vine health, vineyard yield, and fruit composition, which further impacts wine quality. The remote sensing data analysis tools included normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and other indices extracted from electromagnetic reflectance data of grapevine leaves and canopies. In each site, sentinel vines (i.e., 72-81) were identified in a grid form. GPS-based geolocation was carried out for six Cabernet Franc vineyards in Ontario's Niagara wine country. Even though remote sensing data analysis tools were not associated with several other important variables for quality grape production, this research still confirmed that remote sensing data analysis has significant potential to differentiate specific zones of canopy size, water stress, yield, some superior fruit compositions, and the resulting wine sensory attributes within a single vineyard site. This study also confirmed that the mechanism of plant defense systems against biotic stress could have impacts on the spectral behaviour of grapevine leaves and hyperspectral remote sensing technologies could be applied as a tool to identify the spectral behaviour changes due to stress. Overall, this study verified the feasibility of remote sensing technologies to enhance the efficiency of vineyard management in the correlation of data from various remote sensing data-analysis techniques and viticulturally important variables for plant health and growth, and fruit and wine quality. As a first step to develop a site-specific crop management (SSCM) model for vineyard management, it also proposes future research opportunities to test and develop an efficient vineyard management decision making model

    Caractérisation de la variation phénotypique de la taille de la baie chez la vigne Vitis vinifera L. et approches de génétique d'association et de recherche de traces de sélection pour ce caractère

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    La taille du fruit est un caractère agronomique important pour le rendement des espèces cultivées.Or, excepté chez la tomate, les mécanismes impliqués dans la variation de la taille des fruits charnus sont encore mal connus. L'objectif de ma thèse était d'identifier les principaux facteurs anatomiques impliqués dans la variation de la taille des baies, de réaliser des tests d'association génétique sur des gènes candidats et de rechercher des possibles traces de domestication liées à la variation de la taille des baies. Le nombre de cellules déjà déterminé dans l ovaire avant l anthèse et la capacité des cellules du mésocarpe à grossir après l anthèse se sont révélés les principaux déterminants de la variation de la baie entre les variétés. Trois gènes potentiellement impliqués dans ce caractère ont été identifiés par des approches de génétique d'association. La MADS boxVvAGL11 est associée au nombre de pépins de la baie. VvHMGR1, une HMGR impliquée dans la synthèse des isoprénoïdes précurseurs de régulateurs de croissance, est associée à la longueur des baies. Enfin, VvJMJ un facteur de transcription de type jumonji est à la fois associé à la variation du poids et à la longueur des baies. La caractérisation du locus Fleshless berry (Flb) a également été poursuivie avec (i) l analyse du polymorphisme de séquence de 69 fragments de gènes entre les vignes sauvages et cultivées, ce qui a permis l identification d un gène présentant une trace de sélection et une diversité nucléotidique plus élevée dans le compartiment sauvage que dans lecultivé. (ii) La mise en évidence d une homozygotie complète d une région de 1 Mb contenant le locus Flb chez certains cultivars comme l Ugni Blanc, rendant impossible le clonage positionnel du gène dans la population F1. L ensemble de ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence la complexité des mécanismes à l origine de la variation de la taille de la baie chez la vigne. Nous avons montré la faisabilité des études de génétique d association chez la vigne en utilisant des gènes candidats pour le poids de baies, et identifié les candidats les plus intéressants pour la sélection assistée par marqueurs et les études fonctionnelles ultérieures.Fruit size is an important trait in fruit crops. However, excepted in tomato, little is known about the genetic and molecular control of fleshy fruit size variation. The aim of my thesis was to identify themain anatomical factors underlying berry size variation, to carry out an association genetics based approach with candidate genes and to search for possible signatures of domestication linked toberry size variation. Cell divisions before anthesis and cell expansion after anthesis were found tobe the major determinants of flesh weight variation between varieties in grapevine. Three geneswere identified by association genetics approaches. The VvAGL11 MADS box was found associated only with the seed number per berry. VvHMGR1, a putative HMGR involved in the synthesis of isoprenoid, a precursor of plant growth regulators, was found associated with berry length. Finally,VvJMJ encoding a putative transcription factor jumonji was associated both with berry weight andberry length variation. The characterization of the Fleshless berry locus (Flb) was also pursued with(i) the analysis of the sequence polymorphism of 69 regions between wild and cultivated grapevines,that leaded to the identification of one gene showing a trace of selection and a higher nucleotide diversity in the wild compartment than in the cultivated compartment. (ii) The discovery of acomplete homozygosity of a 1 Mb region containing the Flb locus in some cultivars such as theUgni Blanc, making impossible the fine mapping of the Flb locus in a F1 population. This study has highlighted the complexity of the mechanisms underlying the berry size variation in grapevines. We demonstrated the feasibility to screen in grapevine by association genetics candidate genes for berryweight and to select the most interesting ones for marker-assisted selection and for furtherfunctional studies.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF