3,593 research outputs found

    A computational academic integrity framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d¿aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    A Computational Academic Integrity Framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    Drawing Elena Ferrante's Profile. Workshop Proceedings, Padova, 7 September 2017

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    Elena Ferrante is an internationally acclaimed Italian novelist whose real identity has been kept secret by E/O publishing house for more than 25 years. Owing to her popularity, major Italian and foreign newspapers have long tried to discover her real identity. However, only a few attempts have been made to foster a scientific debate on her work. In 2016, Arjuna Tuzzi and Michele Cortelazzo led an Italian research team that conducted a preliminary study and collected a well-founded, large corpus of Italian novels comprising 150 works published in the last 30 years by 40 different authors. Moreover, they shared their data with a select group of international experts on authorship attribution, profiling, and analysis of textual data: Maciej Eder and Jan Rybicki (Poland), Patrick Juola (United States), Vittorio Loreto and his research team, Margherita Lalli and Francesca Tria (Italy), George Mikros (Greece), Pierre Ratinaud (France), and Jacques Savoy (Switzerland). The chapters of this volume report the results of this endeavour that were first presented during the international workshop Drawing Elena Ferrante's Profile in Padua on 7 September 2017 as part of the 3rd IQLA-GIAT Summer School in Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data. The fascinating research findings suggest that Elena Ferrante\u2019s work definitely deserves \u201cmany hands\u201d as well as an extensive effort to understand her distinct writing style and the reasons for her worldwide success

    Who wrote this scientific text?

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    The IEEE bibliographic database contains a number of proven duplications with indication of the original paper(s) copied. This corpus is used to test a method for the detection of hidden intertextuality (commonly named "plagiarism"). The intertextual distance, combined with the sliding window and with various classification techniques, identifies these duplications with a very low risk of error. These experiments also show that several factors blur the identity of the scientific author, including variable group authorship and the high levels of intertextuality accepted, and sometimes desired, in scientific papers on the same topic

    A model to improve the Evaluation and Selection of Public Contest´s Candidates (Police Officers) based on AI technologies

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsThe number of candidates applying to Public Contests is increasing compared to the number of Human Resources employees required for selecting them for Police Forces. This work intends to perceive how those Public Institutions can evaluate and select their candidates efficiently during the different phases of the recruitment process, and for achieving this purpose AI approaches will be studied. This paper presents two research questions and introduces a corresponding systematic literature review, focusing on AI technologies, so the reader is able to understand which are most used and more appropriate to be applied to Police Forces as a complementary recruitment strategy of the National Criminal Investigation Police agency of Portugal – Polícia Judiciária. Design Science Research (DSR) was the methodological approach chosen. The suggestion of a theoretical framework is the main contribution of this study in pair with the segmentation of the candidates (future Criminal Inspectors). It also helped to comprehend the most important facts facing Public Institutions regarding the usage of AI technologies, to make decisions about evaluating and selecting candidates. Following the PRISMA methodology guidelines, a systematic literature review and meta-analyses method was adopted to identify how can the usage and exploitation of transparent AI have a positive impact on the recruitment process of a Public Institution, resulting in an analysis of 34 papers published between 2017 and 2021. The AI-based theoretical framework, applicable within the analysis of literature papers, solves the problem of how the Institutions can gain insights about their candidates while profiling them; how to obtain more accurate information from the interview phase; and how to reach a more rigorous assessment of their emotional intelligence providing a better alignment of moral values. This way, this work aims to advise the improvement of the decision making to be taken by a recruiter of a Police Force Institution, turning it into a more automated and evidence-based decision when it comes to recruiting the adequate candidate for the place