536 research outputs found

    Dynaamisten mallien puoliautomaattinen parametrisointi käyttäen laitosdataa

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop a new methodology for estimating parameters of NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator models to better represent data containing several operating points. Before this thesis, no known methodology had existed for combining operating point identification with parameter estimation of NAPCON ProsDS simulator models. The methodology was designed by assessing and selecting suitable methods for operating space partitioning, parameter estimation and parameter scheduling. Previously implemented clustering algorithms were utilized for the operating space partition. Parameter estimation was implemented as a new tool in the NAPCON ProsDS dynamic simulator and iterative parameter estimation methods were applied. Finally, lookup tables were applied for tuning the model parameters according to the state. The methodology was tested by tuning a heat exchanger model to several operating points based on plant process data. The results indicated that the developed methodology was able to tune the simulator model to better represent several operating states. However, more testing with different models is required to verify general applicability of the methodology.Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus oli kehittää uusi parametrien estimointimenetelmä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin dynaamisille malleille, jotta ne vastaisivat paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Ennen tätä diplomityötä NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattorin malleille ei ollut olemassa olevaa viritysmenetelmää, joka yhdistäisi operointitilojen tunnistuksen parametrien estimointiin. Menetelmän kehitystä varten tutkittiin ja valittiin sopivat menetelmät operointiavaruuden jakamiselle, parametrien estimoinnille ja parametrien virittämiseen prosessitilan mukaisesti. Aikaisemmin ohjelmoituja klusterointialgoritmeja hyödynnettiin operointiavaruuden jakamisessa. Parametrien estimointi toteutettiin uutena työkaluna NAPCON ProsDS -simulaattoriin ja estimoinnissa käytettiin iteratiivisia optimointimenetelmiä. Lopulta hakutaulukoita sovellettiin mallin parametrien hienosäätöön prosessitilojen mukaisesti. Menetelmää testattiin virittämällä lämmönvaihtimen malli kahteen eri prosessitilaan käyttäen laitokselta kerättyä prosessidataa. Tulokset osoittavat että kehitetty menetelmä pystyi virittämään simulaattorin mallin vastaamaan paremmin dataa useista prosessitiloista. Kuitenkin tarvitaan lisää testausta erityyppisten mallien kanssa, jotta voidaan varmistaa menetelmän yleinen soveltuvuus

    Tools for Nonlinear Control Systems Design

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    This is a brief statement of the research progress made on Grant NAG2-243 titled "Tools for Nonlinear Control Systems Design", which ran from 1983 till December 1996. The initial set of PIs on the grant were C. A. Desoer, E. L. Polak and myself (for 1983). From 1984 till 1991 Desoer and I were the Pls and finally I was the sole PI from 1991 till the end of 1996. The project has been an unusually longstanding and extremely fruitful partnership, with many technical exchanges, visits, workshops and new avenues of investigation begun on this grant. There were student visits, long term.visitors on the grant and many interesting joint projects. In this final report I will only give a cursory description of the technical work done on the grant, since there was a tradition of annual progress reports and a proposal for the succeeding year. These progress reports cum proposals are attached as Appendix A to this report. Appendix B consists of papers by me and my students as co-authors sorted chronologically. When there are multiple related versions of a paper, such as a conference version and journal version they are listed together. Appendix C consists of papers by Desoer and his students as well as 'solo' publications by other researchers supported on this grant similarly chronologically sorted

    Activity Report 2022

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    Making Faces - State-Space Models Applied to Multi-Modal Signal Processing

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    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Performance and Safety Enhancement Strategies in Vehicle Dynamics and Ground Contact

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    Recent trends in vehicle engineering are testament to the great efforts that scientists and industries have made to seek solutions to enhance both the performance and safety of vehicular systems. This Special Issue aims to contribute to the study of modern vehicle dynamics, attracting recent experimental and in-simulation advances that are the basis for current technological growth and future mobility. The area involves research, studies, and projects derived from vehicle dynamics that aim to enhance vehicle performance in terms of handling, comfort, and adherence, and to examine safety optimization in the emerging contexts of smart, connected, and autonomous driving.This Special Issue focuses on new findings in the following topics:(1) Experimental and modelling activities that aim to investigate interaction phenomena from the macroscale, analyzing vehicle data, to the microscale, accounting for local contact mechanics; (2) Control strategies focused on vehicle performance enhancement, in terms of handling/grip, comfort and safety for passengers, motorsports, and future mobility scenarios; (3) Innovative technologies to improve the safety and performance of the vehicle and its subsystems; (4) Identification of vehicle and tire/wheel model parameters and status with innovative methodologies and algorithms; (5) Implementation of real-time software, logics, and models in onboard architectures and driving simulators; (6) Studies and analyses oriented toward the correlation among the factors affecting vehicle performance and safety; (7) Application use cases in road and off-road vehicles, e-bikes, motorcycles, buses, trucks, etc

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    The Challenge of Machine Learning in Space Weather Nowcasting and Forecasting

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    The numerous recent breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) make imperative to carefully ponder how the scientific community can benefit from a technology that, although not necessarily new, is today living its golden age. This Grand Challenge review paper is focused on the present and future role of machine learning in space weather. The purpose is twofold. On one hand, we will discuss previous works that use ML for space weather forecasting, focusing in particular on the few areas that have seen most activity: the forecasting of geomagnetic indices, of relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbits, of solar flares occurrence, of coronal mass ejection propagation time, and of solar wind speed. On the other hand, this paper serves as a gentle introduction to the field of machine learning tailored to the space weather community and as a pointer to a number of open challenges that we believe the community should undertake in the next decade. The recurring themes throughout the review are the need to shift our forecasting paradigm to a probabilistic approach focused on the reliable assessment of uncertainties, and the combination of physics-based and machine learning approaches, known as gray-box.Comment: under revie