19 research outputs found

    Deep Clustering and Deep Network Compression

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    The use of deep learning has grown increasingly in recent years, thereby becoming a much-discussed topic across a diverse range of fields, especially in computer vision, text mining, and speech recognition. Deep learning methods have proven to be robust in representation learning and attained extraordinary achievement. Their success is primarily due to the ability of deep learning to discover and automatically learn feature representations by mapping input data into abstract and composite representations in a latent space. Deep learning’s ability to deal with high-level representations from data has inspired us to make use of learned representations, aiming to enhance unsupervised clustering and evaluate the characteristic strength of internal representations to compress and accelerate deep neural networks.Traditional clustering algorithms attain a limited performance as the dimensionality in-creases. Therefore, the ability to extract high-level representations provides beneficial components that can support such clustering algorithms. In this work, we first present DeepCluster, a clustering approach embedded in a deep convolutional auto-encoder. We introduce two clustering methods, namely DCAE-Kmeans and DCAE-GMM. The DeepCluster allows for data points to be grouped into their identical cluster, in the latent space, in a joint-cost function by simultaneously optimizing the clustering objective and the DCAE objective, producing stable representations, which is appropriate for the clustering process. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of proposed methods are reported, showing the efficiency of deep clustering on several public datasets in comparison to the previous state-of-the-art methods.Following this, we propose a new version of the DeepCluster model to include varying degrees of discriminative power. This introduces a mechanism which enables the imposition of regularization techniques and the involvement of a supervision component. The key idea of our approach is to distinguish the discriminatory power of numerous structures when searching for a compact structure to form robust clusters. The effectiveness of injecting various levels of discriminatory powers into the learning process is investigated alongside the exploration and analytical study of the discriminatory power obtained through the use of two discriminative attributes: data-driven discriminative attributes with the support of regularization techniques, and supervision discriminative attributes with the support of the supervision component. An evaluation is provided on four different datasets.The use of neural networks in various applications is accompanied by a dramatic increase in computational costs and memory requirements. Making use of the characteristic strength of learned representations, we propose an iterative pruning method that simultaneously identifies the critical neurons and prunes the model during training without involving any pre-training or fine-tuning procedures. We introduce a majority voting technique to compare the activation values among neurons and assign a voting score to evaluate their importance quantitatively. This mechanism effectively reduces model complexity by eliminating the less influential neurons and aims to determine a subset of the whole model that can represent the reference model with much fewer parameters within the training process. Empirically, we demonstrate that our pruning method is robust across various scenarios, including fully-connected networks (FCNs), sparsely-connected networks (SCNs), and Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), using two public datasets.Moreover, we also propose a novel framework to measure the importance of individual hidden units by computing a measure of relevance to identify the most critical filters and prune them to compress and accelerate CNNs. Unlike existing methods, we introduce the use of the activation of feature maps to detect valuable information and the essential semantic parts, with the aim of evaluating the importance of feature maps, inspired by novel neural network interpretability. A majority voting technique based on the degree of alignment between a se-mantic concept and individual hidden unit representations is utilized to evaluate feature maps’ importance quantitatively. We also propose a simple yet effective method to estimate new convolution kernels based on the remaining crucial channels to accomplish effective CNN compression. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our filter selection criteria, which outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.To conclude, we present a comprehensive, detailed review of time-series data analysis, with emphasis on deep time-series clustering (DTSC), and a founding contribution to the area of applying deep clustering to time-series data by presenting the first case study in the context of movement behavior clustering utilizing the DeepCluster method. The results are promising, showing that the latent space encodes sufficient patterns to facilitate accurate clustering of movement behaviors. Finally, we identify state-of-the-art and present an outlook on this important field of DTSC from five important perspectives

    Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016 Workshop (DCASE2016)

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    Cross-systems Personalisierung

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    The World Wide Web provides access to a wealth of information and services to a huge and heterogeneous user population on a global scale. One important and successful design mechanism in dealing with this diversity of users is to personalize Web sites and services, i.e. to customize system content, characteristics, or appearance with respect to a specific user. Each system independently builds up user proïŹles and uses this information to personalize the service offering. Such isolated approaches have two major drawbacks: firstly, investments of users in personalizing a system either through explicit provision of information or through long and regular use are not transferable to other systems. Secondly, users have little or no control over the information that defines their profile, since user data are deeply buried in personalization engines running on the server side. Cross system personalization (CSP) (Mehta, Niederee, & Stewart, 2005) allows for sharing information across different information systems in a user-centric way and can overcome the aforementioned problems. Information about users, which is originally scattered across multiple systems, is combined to obtain maximum leverage and reuse of information. Our initial approaches to cross system personalization relied on each user having a unified profile which different systems can understand. The unified profile contains facets modeling aspects of a multidimensional user which is stored inside a "Context Passport" that the user carries along in his/her journey across information space. The user’s Context Passport is presented to a system, which can then understand the context in which the user wants to use the system. The basis of ’understanding’ in this approach is of a semantic nature, i.e. the semantics of the facets and dimensions of the uniïŹed proïŹle are known, so that the latter can be aligned with the proïŹles maintained internally at a specific site. The results of the personalization process are then transfered back to the user’s Context Passport via a protocol understood by both parties. The main challenge in this approach is to establish some common and globally accepted vocabulary and to create a standard every system will comply with. Machine Learning techniques provide an alternative approach to enable CSP without the need of accepted semantic standards or ontologies. The key idea is that one can try to learn dependencies between proïŹles maintained within one system and profiles maintained within a second system based on data provided by users who use both systems and who are willing to share their proïŹles across systems – which we assume is in the interest of the user. Here, instead of requiring a common semantic framework, it is only required that a sufficient number of users cross between systems and that there is enough regularity among users that one can learn within a user population, a fact that is commonly exploited in collaborative filtering. In this thesis, we aim to provide a principled approach towards achieving cross system personalization. We describe both semantic and learning approaches, with a stronger emphasis on the learning approach. We also investigate the privacy and scalability aspects of CSP and provide solutions to these problems. Finally, we also explore in detail the aspect of robustness in recommender systems. We motivate several approaches for robustifying collaborative filtering and provide the best performing algorithm for detecting malicious attacks reported so far.Die Personalisierung von Software Systemen ist von stetig zunehmender Bedeutung, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit Web-Applikationen wie Suchmaschinen, Community-Portalen oder Electronic Commerce Sites, die große, stark diversifizierte Nutzergruppen ansprechen. Da explizite Personalisierung typischerweise mit einem erheblichen zeitlichem Aufwand fĂŒr den Nutzer verbunden ist, greift man in vielen Applikationen auf implizite Techniken zur automatischen Personalisierung zurĂŒck, insbesondere auf Empfehlungssysteme (Recommender Systems), die typischerweise Methoden wie das Collaborative oder Social Filtering verwenden. WĂ€hrend diese Verfahren keine explizite Erzeugung von Benutzerprofilen mittels Beantwortung von Fragen und explizitem Feedback erfordern, ist die QualitĂ€t der impliziten Personalisierung jedoch stark vom verfĂŒgbaren Datenvolumen, etwa Transaktions-, Query- oder Click-Logs, abhĂ€ngig. Ist in diesem Sinne von einem Nutzer wenig bekannt, so können auch keine zuverlĂ€ssigen persönlichen Anpassungen oder Empfehlungen vorgenommen werden. Die vorgelegte Dissertation behandelt die Frage, wie Personalisierung ĂŒber Systemgrenzen hinweg („cross system“) ermöglicht und unterstĂŒtzt werden kann, wobei hauptsĂ€chlich implizite Personalisierungstechniken, aber eingeschrĂ€nkt auch explizite Methodiken wie der semantische Context Passport diskutiert werden. Damit behandelt die Dissertation eine wichtige Forschungs-frage von hoher praktischer Relevanz, die in der neueren wissenschaftlichen Literatur zu diesem Thema nur recht unvollstĂ€ndig und unbefriedigend gelöst wurde. Automatische Empfehlungssysteme unter Verwendung von Techniken des Social Filtering sind etwas seit Mitte der 90er Jahre mit dem Aufkommen der ersten E-Commerce Welle popularisiert orden, insbesondere durch Projekte wie Information Tapistery, Grouplens und Firefly. In den spĂ€ten 90er Jahren und Anfang dieses Jahrzehnts lag der Hauptfokus der Forschungsliteratur dann auf verbesserten statistischen Verfahren und fortgeschrittenen Inferenz-Methodiken, mit deren Hilfe die impliziten Beobachtungen auf konkrete Anpassungs- oder Empfehlungsaktionen abgebildet werden können. In den letzten Jahren sind vor allem Fragen in den Vordergrund gerĂŒckt, wie Personalisierungssysteme besser auf die praktischen Anforderungen bestimmter Applikationen angepasst werden können, wobei es insbesondere um eine geeignete Anpassung und Erweiterung existierender Techniken geht. In diesem Rahmen stellt sich die vorgelegte Arbeit

    3D-3D Deformable Registration and Deep Learning Segmentation based Neck Diseases Analysis in MRI

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    Whiplash, cervical dystonia (CD), neck pain and work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD) are the most common diseases in the cervical region. Headaches, stiffness, sensory disturbance to the legs and arms, optical problems, aching in the back and shoulder, and auditory and visual problems are common symptoms seen in patients with these diseases. CD patients may also suffer tormenting spasticity in some neck muscles, with the symptoms possibly being acute and persisting for a long time, sometimes a lifetime. Whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) may occur due to sudden forward and backward movements of the head and neck occurring during a sporting activity or vehicle or domestic accident. These diseases affect private industries, insurance companies and governments, with the socio-economic costs significantly related to work absences, long-term sick leave, early disability and disability support pensions, health care expenses, reduced productivity and insurance claims. Therefore, diagnosing and treating neck-related diseases are important issues in clinical practice. The reason for these afflictions resulting from accident is the impairment of the cervical muscles which undergo atrophy or pseudo-hypertrophy due to fat infiltrating into them. These morphological changes have to be determined by identifying and quantifying their bio-markers before applying any medical intervention. Volumetric studies of neck muscles are reliable indicators of the proper treatments to apply. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, injection of a toxin or surgery could be possible ways of treating these diseases. However, the dosages required should be precise because the neck region contains some sensitive organs, such as nerves, blood vessels and the trachea and spinal cord. Image registration and deep learning-based segmentation can help to determine appropriate treatments by analyzing the neck muscles. However, this is a challenging task for medical images due to complexities such as many muscles crossing multiple joints and attaching to many bones. Also, their shapes and sizes vary greatly across populations whereas their cross-sectional areas (CSAs) do not change in proportion to the heights and weights of individuals, with their sizes varying more significantly between males and females than ages. Therefore, the neck's anatomical variabilities are much greater than those of other parts of the human body. Some other challenges which make analyzing neck muscles very difficult are their compactness, similar gray-level appearances, intra-muscular fat, sliding due to cardiac and respiratory motions, false boundaries created by intramuscular fat, low resolution and contrast in medical images, noise, inhomogeneity and background clutter with the same composition and intensity. Furthermore, a patient's mode, position and neck movements during the capture of an image create variability. However, very little significant research work has been conducted on analyzing neck muscles. Although previous image registration efforts form a strong basis for many medical applications, none can satisfy the requirements of all of them because of the challenges associated with their implementation and low accuracy which could be due to anatomical complexities and variabilities or the artefacts of imaging devices. In existing methods, multi-resolution- and heuristic-based methods are popular. However, the above issues cause conventional multi-resolution-based registration methods to be trapped in local minima due to their low degrees of freedom in their geometrical transforms. Although heuristic-based methods are good at handling large mismatches, they require pre-segmentation and are computationally expensive. Also, current deformable methods often face statistical instability problems and many local optima when dealing with small mismatches. On the other hand, deep learning-based methods have achieved significant success over the last few years. Although a deeper network can learn more complex features and yields better performances, its depth cannot be increased as this would cause the gradient to vanish during training and result in training difficulties. Recently, researchers have focused on attention mechanisms for deep learning but current attention models face a challenge in the case of an application with compact and similar small multiple classes, large variability, low contrast and noise. The focus of this dissertation is on the design of 3D-3D image registration approaches as well as deep learning-based semantic segmentation methods for analyzing neck muscles. In the first part of this thesis, a novel object-constrained hierarchical registration framework for aligning inter-subject neck muscles is proposed. Firstly, to handle large-scale local minima, it uses a coarse registration technique which optimizes a new edge position difference (EPD) similarity measure to align large mismatches. Also, a new transformation based on the discrete periodic spline wavelet (DPSW), affine and free-form-deformation (FFD) transformations are exploited. Secondly, to avoid the monotonous nature of using transformations in multiple stages, affine registration technique, which uses a double-pushing system by changing the edges in the EPD and switching the transformation's resolutions, is designed to align small mismatches. The EPD helps in both the coarse and fine techniques to implement object-constrained registration via controlling edges which is not possible using traditional similarity measures. Experiments are performed on clinical 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the neck, with the results showing that the EPD is more effective than the mutual information (MI) and the sum of squared difference (SSD) measures in terms of the volumetric dice similarity coefficient (DSC). Also, the proposed method is compared with two state-of-the-art approaches with ablation studies of inter-subject deformable registration and achieves better accuracy, robustness and consistency. However, as this method is computationally complex and has a problem handling large-scale anatomical variabilities, another 3D-3D registration framework with two novel contributions is proposed in the second part of this thesis. Firstly, a two-stage heuristic search optimization technique for handling large mismatches,which uses a minimal user hypothesis regarding these mismatches and is computationally fast, is introduced. It brings a moving image hierarchically closer to a fixed one using MI and EPD similarity measures in the coarse and fine stages, respectively, while the images do not require pre-segmentation as is necessary in traditional heuristic optimization-based techniques. Secondly, a region of interest (ROI) EPD-based registration framework for handling small mismatches using salient anatomical information (AI), in which a convex objective function is formed through a unique shape created from the desired objects in the ROI, is proposed. It is compared with two state-of-the-art methods on a neck dataset, with the results showing that it is superior in terms of accuracy and is computationally fast. In the last part of this thesis, an evaluation study of recent U-Net-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is performed on a neck dataset. It comprises 6 recent models, the U-Net, U-Net with a conditional random field (CRF-Unet), attention U-Net (A-Unet), nested U-Net or U-Net++, multi-feature pyramid (MFP)-Unet and recurrent residual U-Net (R2Unet) and 4 with more comprehensive modifications, the multi-scale U-Net (MS-Unet), parallel multi-scale U-Net (PMSUnet), recurrent residual attention U-Net (R2A-Unet) and R2A-Unet++ in neck muscles segmentation, with analyses of the numerical results indicating that the R2Unet architecture achieves the best accuracy. Also, two deep learning-based semantic segmentation approaches are proposed. In the first, a new two-stage U-Net++ (TS-UNet++) uses two different types of deep CNNs (DCNNs) rather than one similar to the traditional multi-stage method, with the U-Net++ in the first stage and the U-Net in the second. More convolutional blocks are added after the input and before the output layers of the multi-stage approach to better extract the low- and high-level features. A new concatenation-based fusion structure, which is incorporated in the architecture to allow deep supervision, helps to increase the depth of the network without accelerating the gradient-vanishing problem. Then, more convolutional layers are added after each concatenation of the fusion structure to extract more representative features. The proposed network is compared with the U-Net, U-Net++ and two-stage U-Net (TS-UNet) on the neck dataset, with the results indicating that it outperforms the others. In the second approach, an explicit attention method, in which the attention is performed through a ROI evolved from ground truth via dilation, is proposed. It does not require any additional CNN, as does a cascaded approach, to localize the ROI. Attention in a CNN is sensitive with respect to the area of the ROI. This dilated ROI is more capable of capturing relevant regions and suppressing irrelevant ones than a bounding box and region-level coarse annotation, and is used during training of any CNN. Coarse annotation, which does not require any detailed pixel wise delineation that can be performed by any novice person, is used during testing. This proposed ROI-based attention method, which can handle compact and similar small multiple classes with objects with large variabilities, is compared with the automatic A-Unet and U-Net, and performs best

    Models for learning reverberant environments

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    Reverberation is present in all real life enclosures. From our workplaces to our homes and even in places designed as auditoria, such as concert halls and theatres. We have learned to understand speech in the presence of reverberation and also to use it for aesthetics in music. This thesis investigates novel ways enabling machines to learn the properties of reverberant acoustic environments. Training machines to classify rooms based on the effect of reverberation requires the use of data recorded in the room. The typical data for such measurements is the Acoustic Impulse Response (AIR) between the speaker and the receiver as a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. Its representation however is high-dimensional and the measurements are small in number, which limits the design and performance of deep learning algorithms. Understanding properties of the rooms relies on the analysis of reflections that compose the AIRs and the decay and absorption of the sound energy in the room. This thesis proposes novel methods for representing the early reflections, which are strong and sparse in nature and depend on the position of the source and the receiver. The resulting representation significantly reduces the coefficients needed to represent the AIR and can be combined with a stochastic model from the literature to also represent the late reflections. The use of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) for the task of classifying rooms is investigated, which provides novel results in this field. The aforementioned issues related to AIRs are highlighted through the analysis. This leads to the proposal of a data augmentation method for the training of the classifiers based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which uses existing data to create artificial AIRs, as if they were measured in real rooms. The networks learn properties of the room in the space defined by the parameters of the low-dimensional representation that is proposed in this thesis.Open Acces

    A comparison of the CAR and DAGAR spatial random effects models with an application to diabetics rate estimation in Belgium

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    When hierarchically modelling an epidemiological phenomenon on a finite collection of sites in space, one must always take a latent spatial effect into account in order to capture the correlation structure that links the phenomenon to the territory. In this work, we compare two autoregressive spatial models that can be used for this purpose: the classical CAR model and the more recent DAGAR model. Differently from the former, the latter has a desirable property: its ρ parameter can be naturally interpreted as the average neighbor pair correlation and, in addition, this parameter can be directly estimated when the effect is modelled using a DAGAR rather than a CAR structure. As an application, we model the diabetics rate in Belgium in 2014 and show the adequacy of these models in predicting the response variable when no covariates are available

    A Statistical Approach to the Alignment of fMRI Data

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    Multi-subject functional Magnetic Resonance Image studies are critical. The anatomical and functional structure varies across subjects, so the image alignment is necessary. We define a probabilistic model to describe functional alignment. Imposing a prior distribution, as the matrix Fisher Von Mises distribution, of the orthogonal transformation parameter, the anatomical information is embedded in the estimation of the parameters, i.e., penalizing the combination of spatially distant voxels. Real applications show an improvement in the classification and interpretability of the results compared to various functional alignment methods