82 research outputs found

    A Classification of Sensemaking Representations

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    Visual information seeking on palmtop devices

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    Ahlberg and Shneiderman's Starfield displays have been shown to provide fast and convenient access to large collections of data. However, the standard design requires a large, high-resolution, colour screen. This paper presents the results of a short project investigating this visual information seeking technique on a monochrome palmtop

    Conceptual design for sensemaking

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    The focus of sensemaking research is often on process and resources such as "schemas" and "frames". Less attention has been paid to the conceptual structures that make up the schema or frame, or how visualisations can be designed to support users' conceptual structures. In this chapter, we present an approach to gathering user requirements based on the conceptual structures that people are working with when making sense of a domain. We illustrate the approach with examples drawn from our own experience of designing, prototyping and testing an interactive visualisation tool for making sense of academic literature and of studies of sensemaking by lawyers and journalists. We discuss how to move from requirements to design, drawing on a classification of visualisations that highlights their principal conceptual structuring basis. Since each individual makes sense in their own way, it is beneficial to include features that enable people to work with a representation in their own way; for this, appropriation tools are helpful. We discuss the design of such features. Finally, we present an approach to evaluating interactive visualisations in terms of their support for sensemaking, focusing on the quality of the fit between users and system

    1994 Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Video Reports

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    80 minute video demonstrations of the past year's research Topics are: Introduction and table of contents - Ben Shneiderman, [3:18] Visual information seeking using the FilmFinder - Christopher Ahlberg, Ben Shneiderman, [6:12] Organization overviews and role management-Inspiration for future desktop environments - Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman, [9:39] Visual decision-making: using treemaps for the analytic hierarchy process - Toshiyuki Asahi, Ben Shneiderman, David Turo, [8:34] Visual information management for satellite network configuration-Catherine Plaisant, Harsha Kumar, Marko Teittinen, Ben Shneiderman, [8:49] Graphical macros: a technique for customizing any application using pixel-pattern matching-Richard Potter, [9:49] Education by engagement and construction: can distance learning be better than face to face?- Ben Shneiderman, [15:00] Dynamic queries demos: revised HomeFinder and text version plus health statistics atlas-Ben Shneiderman, [9:40] Dynamic Queries are user controlled displays of visual or textual information. Ben Shneiderman presents the HomeFinder (developed by Chris Williamson), followed by the text version (Vinit Jain) and the Health Statistics Atlas (Catherine Plaisant and Vinit Jain). CHI '94 slide and video show- [9:12]Open House '94 Video (Also cross-referenced as CAR-TR-794

    Research knows best, but how to communicate distraction measures practically in an industrial context

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    Selection and comparison of human-factors related measures for evaluations of in-vehicle devices involves weighting of multiple criteria. It may result in a complex decision-making process for the practitioner, specifically in a time pressured industrial context. Visual information seeking has successfully been applied to reduce the complexity of datasets in healthcare and other fields. Information is presented visually and divided in ‘Overview’, representing the data by its characteristic criteria, and ‘Details’, which are presented on demand. This division reduces information load for the user and eases comparison based on characteristics. This project, first, aims to understand what criteria practitioners use to decide about the suitability of a measure for an in-vehicle evaluation. Secondly, criteria practitioners use to select measures are implemented in a new interface approach based on methods of visual information seeking to support users in the selection and comparison of human-factors related measures for in-vehicle evaluations. Overall, the interface exposes practitioners to new measures, enables them to rapidly compare measures, and obtain information to practically apply the

    Visual query tools for uncertain data in space and time

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    Includes bibliographical references.The aim of our project was to develop query and visualisation tools for this archive of African art. Our query system had to be designed to cope with different degrees of uncertainty in data, both in time and space. One of our initial ideas was to use a geographic map to drive the interface to the system. Items were plotted as a point on the map at some random location which fell within the given location of uncertainty for the item. However, user feedback indicated that this approach was problematic, as users assumed that the point on the map was the actual location of the artwork. A better approach was found in driving the interface around a time-line metaphor

    Information Visualization

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Cassyano Januário CorrerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/02/2015Inclui referências : f. [84-99]Área de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: Antecedentes: A farmacoterapia antiobesidade ainda é alvo de amplo debate científico e político; não por acaso, já que há pouca confiabilidade tanto no âmbito dos estudos primários, quanto secundários, seja pelo reduzido tamanho amostral, elevada heterogeneidade e/ou baixa qualidade metodológica. Uma avaliação completa entre literatura existente sobre estudos primários e secundários é capaz de levantar recomendações para futuras pesquisas e também de fornecer resultados confiáveis relativos à eficácia e segurança. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia, segurança e relação risco-benefício de anfepramona (dietilpropiona), femproporex e mazindol. Métodos: Para isso revisão sistemática de estudos primários, seguida de metanálises diretas, de múltiplos tratamentos (MTC) e análise multicritério de risco-benefício foram conduzidas. Medline (via Pubmed), SCOPUS, Scielo e Directory of Open Access Journals foram pesquisadas desde a data de inserção até março de 2016. Modelo de efeitos randômicos foi escolhido para realização da metanálise direta e heterogeneidade foi avaliada pelo método do I2, associado ao valor de p. Para as comparações de múltiplos tratamentos, modelo de efeitos randômicos bayesiano foi utilizado, sendo fixado o placebo como comparador. Análises multicritério de risco-benefício utilizaram modelo de simulações de Monte Carlo, sendo realizadas segundo modelo estocástico. Resultados: De 739 publicações identificadas, 25 foram incluídas nas metanálises. A avaliação global da Cochrane resultou em 19 estudos com alto risco de viés e seis com risco incerto. Devido à falta de informação em estudos primários, metanálise direta só foi possível para avaliação de anfepramona, mazindol, comparados ao placebo. Anfepramona apresentou redução de peso corporal maior do que placebo tanto para tratamento de curta-duração (< 180 dias) diferença entre médias (DM) -1.281 kg (IC 95%: -1.538; -1.024), I2: 0.0% (p = 0.379), quanto para tratamentos de longa-duração (? 180 dias) DM de -6.518 kg (IC 95%: -8.419; -4.617), I2: 0.0% (p = 0.719). Apenas estudos de longa-duração reportaram eficácia segundo redução de circunferência abdominal, redução de 5% e 10% do peso corporal, confirmando a eficácia de anfepramona superior ao placebo. Mazindol apresentou redução de peso corporal superior ao placebo DM -1.721 kg (IC 95%: -2.164; -1.278), I2: 0.9% (p = 0.388) em tratamento de curta-duração. Desfechos metabólicos foram pobremente reportados, inviabilizando as metanálises. Segundo análise qualitativa, reações adversas graves foram identificadas apenas nos relatos de caso, em detrimento dos ensaios clínicos. MTC corroboram com metanálises diretas referentes à superioridade de eficácia para anfepramona em tratamento de longa-duração e anfepramona e mazindol em tratamentos de curta-duração. Análises de risco-benefício variaram a depender da duração do tratamento e do conjunto de desfechos escolhidos. Conclusões: Tanto pelo predomínio de alto risco de viés e ausência de desfechos importantes para a avaliação da terapia antiobesidade, os medicamentos avaliados não apresentaram evidências suficientes para confirmar sua eficácia para o tratamento da obesidade. No entanto, não foram identificados dados de segurança robustos que corroborem com sua retirada do mercado. Ensaios clínicos randomizados futuros poderiam realizar mais análises do tipo fármaco contra fármaco, com reporte dos desfechos mudança de circunferência abdominal, mudança de peso corporal, participantes com 5% e 10% de redução de peso e biomarcadores metabólicos (pressão arterial, lipídios e glicídios), ao longo de 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses. Palavras-chave: Obesidade; Perda de peso; Resultado do Tratamento; Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências.Abstract: Background: Anti-obesity pharmacotherapy remains the main subject of disagreement among specialists, not only in the scientific field but also in the regulatory market. This is probably due to small sample size, high level of heterogeneity and low methodological quality. A thorough assessment of the existing literature (primary and secondary studies) can generate recommendations for future research and also provide reliable findings related to efficacy and safety. Objectives: To evaluate efficacy, safety and risk-benefit ratio of anfepramone (diethylpropion), femproporex and mazindol. Methods: We systematically reviewed primary studies and followed our review with direct meta-analysis, mixed treatment comparison (MTC), and multi-criteria benefit-risk assessment. Medline (via Pubmed), SCOPUS, Scielo and Directory of Open Access Journals were searched until Mar 2016. Random effect models were chosen to perform direct meta-analysis and heterogeneity was explored through I2 associated to p-value. For MTC, a random effect model was used, specifically fixed placebo as baseline treatment. Multi-criteria assessments were run through the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (stochastic model) method. Results: It was identified 739 publications, being 25 included in meta-analysis. The global evaluation of Cochrane resulted in 19 studies with high level of bias and six with uncertain risk. Due to lack of information in primary studies, direct meta-analysis was conducted only to diethylpropion and mazindol, both compared to placebo. Diethylpropion showed higher loss of weight compared to placebo in the short-term (< 180 days) mean difference (MD) -1.281 kg (CI 95%: -1.538; -1.024), I2: 0.0% (p = 0.379) and long-term (? 180 days) MD -6.518 kg (CI 95%: -8.419; -4.617), I2: 0.0% (p = 0.719). Only studies with long-term follow-up reported efficacy in terms of abdominal circumference and reductions of 5% and 10% of body weight. Their results corroborated diethylpropion efficacy greater than placebo. Mazindol showed a loss of weight greater than placebo MD -1.721 kg (CI 95%: -2.164; -1.278), I2: 0.9% (p = 0.388)) in the short term; metabolic outcomes were poorly described, preventing meta-analysis. According to qualitative assessment, major adverse reactions were reported only in case reports, not being described in clinical trials, what in turns presented only moderate and minor adverse reactions. MTC corroborated the direct meta-analysis concerning the superiority of efficacy for diethylpropion in long-term and diethylpropion and mazindol in short-term. Risk-benefit assessment results varied according to treatment duration and outcomes chosen. Conclusions: Considering the high level of risk of bias and absence of important outcomes for anti-obesity therapy assessment, there is not enough evidence to support the effectiveness of the drugs evaluated do not have enough evidence to support their effectiveness on the treatment of obesity. However, the data do not justify their withdrawal from the market. Future randomized clinical trials should explore comparisons among active drugs (head-to-head), reporting changes in abdominal circumference, body weight change, loss of 5 and 10% of body weight and also in metabolic biomarkers (blood pressure, lipids and glucose) throughout 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Keywords: Obesity; Weight loss; Treatment Outcome; Evidence-Based Practice

    A Comparison of Display Techniques for Large Graphs

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    Visualizing information focuses on the display of data in order to provide the user a representation that provides understanding of the data. Information visualization systems typically couple interaction mechanisms for providing overviews of the data with more detailed information through a zooming interface. This thesis compares three different techniques for displaying graphs provided by the prefuse visualization system: force-directed node positioning, radial node positioning, and a tree view of graphs. Using a large, real world data set from the South Texas College’s Distance Education department, the three visualization techniques are compared for a set of tasks that users routinely need to perform using standard data access techniques. Though the tree view visualization is the most limited in generality of the three techniques, it is found to best provide support for the tasks, in part because of its ability to provide the abstractions that best match the tasks