168,031 research outputs found

    A performance of comparative study for semi-structured web data extraction model

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    The extraction of information from multi-sources of web is an essential yet complicated step for data analysis in multiple domains. In this paper, we present a data extraction model based on visual segmentation, DOM tree and JSON approach which is known as Wrapper Extraction of Image using DOM and JSON (WEIDJ) for extracting semi-structured data from biodiversity web. The large number of information from multiple sources of web which is image’s information will be extracted using three different approach; Document Object Model (DOM), Wrapper image using Hybrid DOM and JSON (WHDJ) and Wrapper Extraction of Image using DOM and JSON (WEIDJ). Experiments were conducted on several biodiversity website. The experiment results show that WEIDJ approach promising results with respect to time analysis values. WEIDJ wrapper has successfully extracted greater than 100 images of data from the multi-source web biodiversity of over 15 different websites

    Opportunistic visualization with iVoLVER

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    Proposed as 'data analysis anywhere, anytime, from anything', Opportunistic Information Visualization (Opportu-Vis) [1] seeks to provide analytical support in scenarios where the data of interest is not explicitly available and has to be retrieved from digital artifacts that are not traditionally used as data sources. Examples include raster images, web pages, vector files, and photographs. This showpiece presents how iVoLVER, the Interactive Visual Language for Visualization Extraction and Reconstruction, provides support in such settings. We briefly describe the overall construction approach of the tool in scenarios where different digital artifacts are used to compose interactive visuals. All of this becomes possible by using the data extraction capabilities of iVoLVER together with the elements of its visual language.Postprin

    Automated annotation of landmark images using community contributed datasets and web resources

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    A novel solution to the challenge of automatic image annotation is described. Given an image with GPS data of its location of capture, our system returns a semantically-rich annotation comprising tags which both identify the landmark in the image, and provide an interesting fact about it, e.g. "A view of the Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 for an international exhibition in Paris". This exploits visual and textual web mining in combination with content-based image analysis and natural language processing. In the first stage, an input image is matched to a set of community contributed images (with keyword tags) on the basis of its GPS information and image classification techniques. The depicted landmark is inferred from the keyword tags for the matched set. The system then takes advantage of the information written about landmarks available on the web at large to extract a fact about the landmark in the image. We report component evaluation results from an implementation of our solution on a mobile device. Image localisation and matching oers 93.6% classication accuracy; the selection of appropriate tags for use in annotation performs well (F1M of 0.59), and it subsequently automatically identies a correct toponym for use in captioning and fact extraction in 69.0% of the tested cases; finally the fact extraction returns an interesting caption in 78% of cases

    Ekstraksi Content Structure pada Halaman Web Menggunakan Metode Vision Based Page Segmentation

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    ABSTRAKSI: Sebuah halaman web biasanya mengandung berbagai jenis content seperti navigasi, dekorasi, dan bagian-bagian lain yang tidak berhubungan dengan inti informasi dari halaman web tersebut. Di sisi lain, kadang pengguna sebenarnya hanya membutuhkan informasi inti dari halaman tersebut. Dari sinilah muncul kebutuhan akan sistem yang dapat mengekstrak informasi dari suatu halaman web. User melihat sebuah halaman web melalui web browser dan mendapatkan representasi 2D yang mempunyai banyak visual cues (penanda visual) untuk membantu membedakan bagian bagian yang berbeda dari halaman tersebut. Seorang web designer biasanya mengorganisasi content dari sebuah halaman web agar mudah untuk dibaca/dipahami oleh user. Oleh karena itu, content-content yang berhubungan secara semantik biasanya diletakkan dalam satu kelompok dan halaman web tersebut dibagi menjadi region-region untuk content yang berbeda dengan menggunakan pembeda visual seperti garis, ukuran font, warna, dll. Content-content yang sejenis biasanya akan ditampilkan dengan bentuk visual yang sama atau sejenis pula. Visual cues inilah yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk proses identifikasi dan ekstraksi data. Metode Visual-Based Page Segmentation akan memanfaatkan penanda visual (visual cues) dari halaman web untuk mengekstrak data dari halaman web tersebut. Tahap analisis dan pengujian memberikan hasil bahwa pattern visual cues yang tepat terbukti dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sistem ekstraksi informasi dari halaman web meskipun masih terdapat noise.Kata Kunci : halaman web, ekstraksi, visual cues, pattern, noiseABSTRACT: A web page usually contains various types of content such as navigation, decorations, and other parts that are not associated with the core information from these web pages. On the other hand, sometimes the user actually requires only core information from these pages. From this came the need for a system that can extract information from a web page. Users see a web page through a web browser and get a 2D representation that have a lot of visual cues to help distinguish different parts of the page. Web designers usually organize content from a web page so that it is easy to understood by the user. Therefore, the content-related content semantically usually placed in one group and web pages are divided into regions for different content using a visual differentiator such as line, font size, color, etc. Same type content would normally be displayed with a similar visual form as well. These visual cues will be used for identification and data extraction processes.Visual Based Page Segmentation Method will use visual cues from the web page to extract data from these web pages. Phase analysis and test results provide proves that appropriate pattern of visual cues can be used to create a system of information extraction from web pages although there is still some noises.Keyword: web page, extraction, visual cues, pattern, nois

    ViDE: A Visual Data Extraction Environment for the Web

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