1,014 research outputs found

    Visual Sensor Based Abnormal Event Detection with Moving Shadow Removal in Home Healthcare Applications

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    Vision-based abnormal event detection for home healthcare systems can be greatly improved using visual sensor-based techniques able to detect, track and recognize objects in the scene. However, in moving object detection and tracking processes, moving cast shadows can be misclassified as part of objects or moving objects. Shadow removal is an essential step for developing video surveillance systems. The goal of the primary is to design novel computer vision techniques that can extract objects more accurately and discriminate between abnormal and normal activities. To improve the accuracy of object detection and tracking, our proposed shadow removal algorithm is employed. Abnormal event detection based on visual sensor by using shape features variation and 3-D trajectory is presented to overcome the low fall detection rate. The experimental results showed that the success rate of detecting abnormal events was 97% with a false positive rate of 2%. Our proposed algorithm can allow distinguishing diverse fall activities such as forward falls, backward falls, and falling asides from normal activities

    GAIT Technology for Human Recognition using CNN

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    Gait is a distinctive biometric characteristic that can be detected from a distance; as a result, it has several uses in social security, forensic identification, and crime prevention. Existing gait identification techniques use a gait template, which makes it difficult to keep temporal information, or a gait sequence, which maintains pointless sequential limitations and loses the ability to portray a gait. Our technique, which is based on this deep set viewpoint, is immune to frame permutations and can seamlessly combine frames from many videos that were taken in various contexts, such as diversified watching, angles, various outfits, or various situations for transporting something. According to experiments, our single-model strategy obtains an average rank-1 accuracy of 96.1% on the CASIA-B gait dataset and an accuracy of 87.9% on the OU-MVLP gait dataset when used under typical walking conditions. Our model also demonstrates a great degree of robustness under numerous challenging circumstances. When carrying bags and wearing a coat while walking, it obtains accuracy on the CASIA-B of 90.8% and 70.3%, respectively, greatly surpassing the best approach currently in use. Additionally, the suggested method achieves a satisfactory level of accuracy even when there are few frames available in the test samples; for instance, it achieves 85.0% on the CASIA-B even with only 7 frames

    A mobility enabled inpatient monitoring system using a ZigBee medical sensor network

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    This paper presents a ZigBee In-Patient Monitoring system embedded with a new ZigBee mobility management solution. The system enables ZigBee device mobility in a fixed ZigBee network. The usage, the architecture and the mobility framework are discussed in details in the paper. The evaluation shows that the new algorithm offers a good efficiency, resulting in a low management cost. In addition, the system can save lives by providing a panic button and can be used as a location tracking service. A case study focused on the Princes of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong is presented and findings are given. This investigation reveals that the developed mobile solutions offer promising value-added services for many potential ZigBee applications

    Central monitoring system for ambient assisted living

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    Smart homes for aged care enable the elderly to stay in their own homes longer. By means of various types of ambient and wearable sensors information is gathered on people living in smart homes for aged care. This information is then processed to determine the activities of daily living (ADL) and provide vital information to carers. Many examples of smart homes for aged care can be found in literature, however, little or no evidence can be found with respect to interoperability of various sensors and devices along with associated functions. One key element with respect to interoperability is the central monitoring system in a smart home. This thesis analyses and presents key functions and requirements of a central monitoring system. The outcomes of this thesis may benefit developers of smart homes for aged care

    Automatic visual detection of human behavior: a review from 2000 to 2014

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    Due to advances in information technology (e.g., digital video cameras, ubiquitous sensors), the automatic detection of human behaviors from video is a very recent research topic. In this paper, we perform a systematic and recent literature review on this topic, from 2000 to 2014, covering a selection of 193 papers that were searched from six major scientific publishers. The selected papers were classified into three main subjects: detection techniques, datasets and applications. The detection techniques were divided into four categories (initialization, tracking, pose estimation and recognition). The list of datasets includes eight examples (e.g., Hollywood action). Finally, several application areas were identified, including human detection, abnormal activity detection, action recognition, player modeling and pedestrian detection. Our analysis provides a road map to guide future research for designing automatic visual human behavior detection systems.This work is funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) under research Grant SFRH/BD/84939/2012

    Разработка средств сбора и логического анализа 3D-видеоданных на основе времяпролётной камеры и Акторного Пролога

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    Предложен подход к интеллектуальному 3D-видеонаблюдению на основе объектно-ориентированного логического программирования. В отличие от обычного 2D-видеонаблюдения, методы трёхмерного зрения обеспечивают надёжное распознавание частей тела, что делает возможным новые постановки задачи практическое применение методов анализа поведения людей в системах видеонаблюдения. Логический подход к интеллектуальному видеонаблюдению позволяет описывать сложное поведение людей на основе определений простых действий и поз. Цель данной работы заключается в реализации этих преимуществ логического подхода в области интеллектуального 3D-видеонаблюдения.Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ, грант № 16-29-09626-офи_м

    A smart home environment to support safety and risk monitoring for the elderly living independently

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    The elderly prefer to live independently despite vulnerability to age-related challenges. Constant monitoring is required in cases where the elderly are living alone. The home environment can be a dangerous environment for the elderly living independently due to adverse events that can occur at any time. The potential risks for the elderly living independently can be categorised as injury in the home, home environmental risks and inactivity due to unconsciousness. The main research objective was to develop a Smart Home Environment (SHE) that can support risk and safety monitoring for the elderly living independently. An unobtrusive and low cost SHE solution that uses a Raspberry Pi 3 model B, a Microsoft Kinect Sensor and an Aeotec 4-in-1 Multisensor was implemented. The Aeotec Multisensor was used to measure temperature, motion, lighting, and humidity in the home. Data from the multisensor was collected using OpenHAB as the Smart Home Operating System. The information was processed using the Raspberry Pi 3 and push notifications were sent when risk situations were detected. An experimental evaluation was conducted to determine the accuracy with which the prototype SHE detected abnormal events. Evaluation scripts were each evaluated five times. The results show that the prototype has an average accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 94%, 96.92% and 88.93% respectively. The sensitivity shows that the chance of the prototype missing a risk situation is 3.08%, and the specificity shows that the chance of incorrectly classifying a non-risk situation is 11.07%. The prototype does not require any interaction on the part of the elderly. Relatives and caregivers can remotely monitor the elderly person living independently via the mobile application or a web portal. The total cost of the equipment used was below R3000