12,916 research outputs found

    Down-sampling of large lidar dataset in the context of off-road objects extraction

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    Nowadays, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is used in many fields, such as transportation. Thanks to the recent technological improvements, the current generation of LiDAR mapping instruments available on the market allows to acquire up to millions of three-dimensional (3D) points per second. On the one hand, such improvements allowed the development of LiDAR-based systems with increased productivity, enabling the quick acquisition of detailed 3D descriptions of the objects of interest. However, on the other hand, the extraction of the information of interest from such huge amount of acquired data can be quite challenging and time demanding. Motivated by such observation, this paper proposes the use of the Optimum Dataset method in order to ease and speed up the information extraction phase by significantly reducing the size of the acquired dataset while preserving (retain) the information of interest. This paper focuses on the data reduction of LiDAR datasets acquired on roads, with the goal of extraction the off-road objects. Mostly motivated by the need of mapping roads and quickly determining car position along a road, the development of efficient methods for the extraction of such kind of information is becoming a hot topic in the research community

    Técnicas de inteligencia artificial aplicadas a sistemas de detección y clasificación de señales de tráfico.

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    Esta tesis, presentada como conjunto de artículos de investigación, estudia y analiza soluciones para los sistemas de detección y clasificación de señales de tráfico que suponen un reto en aplicaciones de la actualidad, como son la seguridad y asistencia en carretera a conductores, los coches autónomos, el mantenimiento de señalización vertical, o el análisis de escenas de tráfico. Las señales de tráfico constituyen un activo fundamental dentro de la red decarreteras porque su objetivo es ser fácilmente perceptible por los peatones y conductores para advertirles y guiarlos tanto de día como de noche. El hecho de que las señales estén diseñadas para ser únicas y tener características distinguibles, como formas simples y colores uniformes, implica que su detección y reconocimiento sea un problema limitado. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento de señales en tiempo real aún presenta desafíos debido a los tiempos de respuesta, los cuales son cruciales para tomar decisiones en el entorno, y la variabilidad que presentan las imágenes de escenas de tráfico, que pueden incluir imágenes a distintas escalas, puntos de vista complicados, oclusiones, y diferentes condiciones de luz. Cualquier sistema de detección y clasificación de señales de tráfico debe hacer frente a estos retos. En este trabajo, se presenta un sistema de clasificación de señales de tráfico basado en aprendizaje profundo (Deep Learning). Concretamente, los principales componentes de la red neuronal profunda (Deep Neural Network) propuesta, son capas convolucionales y redes de transformaciones espaciales (Spatial Transformer Networks). Dicha red es alimentada con imágenes RGB de señales de tráfico de distintos países como Alemania, Bélgica o España. En el caso de las señales de Alemania, que pertenecen al dataset denominado German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB), la arquitectura de red y los parámetros de optimización propuestos obtienen un 99.71% de precisión, mejorando tanto al sistema visual humano como a todos los resultados previos del estado del arte, siendo además más eficiente en términos de requisitos de memoria. En el momento de redactar esta tesis, nuestro método se encuentra en la primera posición de la clasificación a nivel mundial. Por otro lado, respecto a la problemática de la detección de señales de tráfico, se analizan varios sistemas de detección de objetos propuestos en el estado del arte, que son específicamente modificados y adaptados al dominio del problema que nos ocupa para aplicar la transferencia de conocimiento en redes neuronales (transfer learning). También se estudian múltiples parámetros de rendimiento para cada uno de los modelos de detección con el fin de ofrecer al lector cuál sería el mejor detector de señales teniendo en cuenta restricciones del entorno donde se desplegará la solución, como la precisión, el consumo de memoria o la velocidad de ejecución. Nuestro estudio muestra que el modelo Faster R-CNN Inception Resnet V2 obtiene la mejor precisión (95.77% mAP), mientras que R-FCN Resnet 101 alcanza el mejor equilibrio entre tiempo de ejecución (85.45 ms por imagen) y precisión (95.15% mAP)

    Laserkeilausaineiston ja katunäkymäkuvien hyödyntäminen tieympäristön seurannassa

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    Utilization of laser scanning has increased during the past few years in many fields of applications, for example, in road environment monitoring. Mild winters, increasing rainfalls and frost are deteriorating the surface and structure of the road causing road damages. The road environment and its condition can be examined for example with laser scanning and street view images. Utilization of laser scanning data and street view images in road environment monitoring was studied in this thesis. The main focus was on the road damages and drainage. Also individual trees were detected nearby road scenes. TerraModeler and TerraScan software were used for investigations. Five different lidar datasets were used to detect road damages and drainage. Both mobile and helicopter-based lidar data were available from Jakomäki area. In Rauma case, there were two datasets collected from the helicopter but the point densities were different. In addition, to helicopter-based lidar data, there were also street view images available from BlomSTREET service in Hyvinkää case. The results between the datasets were compared. Aim was to investigate if same damages can be found from the several datasets that have different point densities. Lidar data for individual tree detection was collected by helicopter from Korppoo area. Tree locations were also measured with a tachymeter to get reference data for automatic detection. Heights of the trees were manually determined from the point cloud. Manually measured heights and locations were compared with automatically detected ones. Detection of rut depths, slopes and drainage is possible from the high point density datasets. From lower point density datasets it is not possible to detect for example rut depths. Point cloud is possible to color by slopes, which may give some information about rut locations even from lower point density datasets. Obtaining slopes and drainage accurately is also possible from lower point density data. With TerraModeler water gathering points can be obtained. Panorama pictures from BlomSTREET can be utilized for ensuring if there is a rainwater outlet or if water will gather as a puddle. Tree locations were detected in a meter accuracy with automatic method. Successful detection of tree heights and locations is dependent on many things. Successful classification of the data and creation of tree models are the most important parameters.Laserkeilaus on yleistynyt ja sitä hyödynnetään useissa eri sovelluksissa kuten esimerkiksi tiesovelluksissa. Leudot ja sateiset talvet sekä routa kuluttavat tien pintaa ja rakennetta aiheuttaen tievaurioita, jotka voivat olla vaaraksi liikenteelle. Tienkuntoa ja sen ympäristöä voidaan tarkastella esimerkiksi laserkeilausaineistojen sekä katunäkymäkuvien avulla. Työssä tutkittiin kuinka laserkeilausaineistoa ja katunäkymäkuvia voidaan hyödyntää tieympäristön seurannassa. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin tarkastelemaan tievaurioita ja kuivatusta sekä tiealueiden läheisyydessä sijaitsevien puiden tunnistusta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin TerraModeler ja TerraScan ohjelmistoja. Tievaurioita ja kuivatusta tutkittiin viidestä eri aineistosta kolmelta eri alueelta. Jakomäen alueelta tien ominaisuuksia tutkittiin sekä mobiili- että helikopterilaserkeilausaineistosta ja Rauman alueelta vaurioita kartoitettiin kahdesta eri helikopterilla kerätystä pistetiheyden aineistosta. Hyvinkäältä helikopterilla kerätyn laserkeilausaineiston lisäksi oli saatavilla katunäkymäkuvia BlomSTREET palvelusta. Aineistoista saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin keskenään ja tutkittiin, onko niistä mahdollista havaita samankaltaisia tuloksia. Yksittäisen puun tunnistukseen käytettiin helikopterilla kerättyä laserkeilausaineistoa Korppoon alueelta ja referenssinä aineistolle toimi maastossa mitatut puiden sijainnit. Automaattisesti määritettyjen puiden sijaintia verrattiin maastossa mitattuihin sijainteihin. Myös puiden korkeus määritettiin pistepilvestä manuaalisesti ja tätä verrattiin automaattiseen korkeuden määritykseen. Korkean pistetiheyden laserkeilausaineistoilla on mahdollista tutkia tien urautumista, tien kaltevuuksia ja kuivatusta. Matalamman pistetiheyden aineistoista ei pystytä määrittämään esimerkiksi urasyvyyksiä. Pistepilvi on mahdollista värjätä kaltevuuksien mukaan, minkä avulla urautumista voidaan havaita jossain määrin myös matalampien pistetiheyksien aineistoista. Tien kaltevuuksia ja kuivatusta pystytään havaitsemaan tarkasti jopa alhaisista pistetiheyden aineistoista. TerraModelerin avulla voidaan määrittää alueet, johon sadevesi kasautuu. BlomSTREET 360 panoraamakuvien avulla pystytään tarkastamaan onko kohdassa sadevesikaivo vai kerääntyykö vesi lammikoiksi. Yksittäisten puiden sijainnin määrittäminen onnistui noin metrin tarkkuudella, mutta sijainnin ja korkeuden määrittämisen onnistuminen on riippuvainen monesta tekijästä. Pistepilven luokittelun onnistumisen lisäksi yksi tärkeä tekijä on puiden muodoista tehdyt mallit, joiden avulla TerraScan ohjelmisto etsii yksittäisiä puita

    Computer Vision-Based Traffic Sign Detection and Extraction: A Hybrid Approach Using GIS And Machine Learning

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    Traffic sign detection and positioning have drawn considerable attention because of the recent development of autonomous driving and intelligent transportation systems. In order to detect and pinpoint traffic signs accurately, this research proposes two methods. In the first method, geo-tagged Google Street View images and road networks were utilized to locate traffic signs. In the second method, both traffic signs categories and locations were identified and extracted from the location-based GoPro video. TensorFlow is the machine learning framework used to implement these two methods. To that end, 363 stop signs were detected and mapped accurately using the first method (Google Street View image-based approach). Then 32 traffic signs were recognized and pinpointed using the second method (GoPro video-based approach) for better location accuracy, within 10 meters. The average distance from the observation points to the 32 ground truth references was 7.78 meters. The advantages of these methods were discussed. GoPro video-based approach has higher location accuracy, while Google Street View image-based approach is more accessible in most major cities around the world. The proposed traffic sign detection workflow can thus extract and locate traffic signs in other cities. For further consideration and development of this research, IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) methods could be integrated to incorporate more data and improve location prediction accuracy

    Localization in Unstructured Environments: Towards Autonomous Robots in Forests with Delaunay Triangulation

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    Autonomous harvesting and transportation is a long-term goal of the forest industry. One of the main challenges is the accurate localization of both vehicles and trees in a forest. Forests are unstructured environments where it is difficult to find a group of significant landmarks for current fast feature-based place recognition algorithms. This paper proposes a novel approach where local observations are matched to a general tree map using the Delaunay triangularization as the representation format. Instead of point cloud based matching methods, we utilize a topology-based method. First, tree trunk positions are registered at a prior run done by a forest harvester. Second, the resulting map is Delaunay triangularized. Third, a local submap of the autonomous robot is registered, triangularized and matched using triangular similarity maximization to estimate the position of the robot. We test our method on a dataset accumulated from a forestry site at Lieksa, Finland. A total length of 2100\,m of harvester path was recorded by an industrial harvester with a 3D laser scanner and a geolocation unit fixed to the frame. Our experiments show a 12\,cm s.t.d. in the location accuracy and with real-time data processing for speeds not exceeding 0.5\,m/s. The accuracy and speed limit is realistic during forest operations

    Evaluation of surface defect detection in reinforced concrete bridge decks using terrestrial LiDAR

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    Routine bridge inspections require labor intensive and highly subjective visual interpretation to determine bridge deck surface condition. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) a relatively new class of survey instrument has become a popular and increasingly used technology for providing as-built and inventory data in civil applications. While an increasing number of private and governmental agencies possess terrestrial and mobile LiDAR systems, an understanding of the technology’s capabilities and potential applications continues to evolve. LiDAR is a line-of-sight instrument and as such, care must be taken when establishing scan locations and resolution to allow the capture of data at an adequate resolution for defining features that contribute to the analysis of bridge deck surface condition. Information such as the location, area, and volume of spalling on deck surfaces, undersides, and support columns can be derived from properly collected LiDAR point clouds. The LiDAR point clouds contain information that can provide quantitative surface condition information, resulting in more accurate structural health monitoring. LiDAR scans were collected at three study bridges, each of which displayed a varying degree of degradation. A variety of commercially available analysis tools and an independently developed algorithm written in ArcGIS Python (ArcPy) were used to locate and quantify surface defects such as location, volume, and area of spalls. The results were visual and numerically displayed in a user-friendly web-based decision support tool integrating prior bridge condition metrics for comparison. LiDAR data processing procedures along with strengths and limitations of point clouds for defining features useful for assessing bridge deck condition are discussed. Point cloud density and incidence angle are two attributes that must be managed carefully to ensure data collected are of high quality and useful for bridge condition evaluation. When collected properly to ensure effective evaluation of bridge surface condition, LiDAR data can be analyzed to provide a useful data set from which to derive bridge deck condition information