3,560 research outputs found

    Solving the tasks of subsurface resources management in GIS RAPID environment

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    Purpose. Solving the tasks of subsurface resources management based on the created GIS RAPID geoinformation technology. Methods. Close spatial relationships of lineament network characteristics and earthquake epicenters were detected in 3 seismically active areas located in the mountainous regions of Central Europe. Digital elevation models (DEM) based on ASTER satellite surveys and earthquake epicenter data were used. The nature of spatial relationship of lineament network and vein ore objects was studied in the territory of Congo DR, in the Lake Kivu area using space imagery. Gold ore objects were searched and forecasted in Uzbekistan in the site of Jamansai Mountains. High- resolution imagery from QuickBird 2 satellite, geophysical field surveys, geological and geochemical data were used. Findings. It was found that a significant number of epicenters are located in areas of high concentration of “non-standard” azimuths lineaments – from 27 to 34% of the total number of lineaments. It was revealed that 59.6% of the epicenters are located within 10% of sites with the highest values of complex deformation maps; 50% of the areas with the highest values of these maps contain, on average, 89% of all earthquake epicenters. It was found that satellite image lineament concentration maps with “non-standard” azimuths reflect the spatial relationship with known deposits much better than the concentration map of all lineaments. It was detected that the total area of gold ore objects perspective sites is about 20 km2. Originality. The use of GIS RAPID in a number of earth’s crust areas has allowed to establish new regularities linking the networks of physical field and landscape lineament characteristics with ore bodies and earthquake epicenters localization. Practical implications. A new technology has been developed for solving geological forecasting and prospecting problems. The technology can be used to solve a wide range of practical problems, especially in difficult geological conditions when searching for deep objects weakly presented in external fields and landscape.Мета. Рішення задач надрокористування на базі створеної геоінформаційної технології ГІС РАПІД. Методика. Виявлення тісних просторових взаємозв’язків різноманітних характеристик мереж лінеаментів і епіцентрів землетрусів проводилося у 3 сейсмоактивних ділянках, розташованих в гірських районах Центральної Європи. Використовувалися цифрові моделі рельєфу (DEM), побудовані за зйомками зі супутника ASTER і дані по епіцентрах землетрусів. Дослідження характеру просторового взаємозв’язку мережі лінеаментів і жильних рудних об’єктів проводилися на території Демократичної Республіки Конго, в районі озера Ківу із використанням космічних зйомок. Дослідження пошуку та прогнозу золоторудних об’єктів виконувалися в Узбекистані на ділянці Джамансайскіх гір. Використовувалися високоточні космічні зйомки зі супутника QuickBird 2, зйомки геофізичних полів, геологічні та геохімічні дані. Результати. Виявлено, що значна частина епіцентрів приурочена саме до ділянок підвищеної концентрації лінеаментів “нестандартних” азимутів, складаючи від 27 до 34% загального числа лінеаментів. Встановлено, що 59.6% епіцентрів знаходяться всередині 10% території ділянок, що володіють найвищими значеннями комплексних карт деформацій; 50% території з найвищими значеннями цих карт вміщають, в середньому, 89% усіх епіцентрів землетрусів. Визначено, що карти концентрації лінеаментів космознімків з “нестанартними” азимутами значно краще відображають просторовий взаємозв’язок з відомими родовищами у порівнянні з картою концентрації всіх лінеаментів. Встановлено, що сумарна площа перспективних ділянок золоторудних об’єктів склала близько 20 км2. Наукова новизна. Застосування ГІС РАПІД на ряді ділянок земної кори дозволило встановити нові закономірності, що зв’язують характеристики мережі лінеаментів фізичних полів і ландшафту з локалізацією рудних тіл та епіцентрів землетрусів. Практична значимість. Розроблено нову технологію рішення прогнозних і пошукових геологічних завдань, яка може застосовуватися для вирішення широкого кола практичних задач, особливо у складних геологічних умовах при пошуках глибокозалягаючих об’єктів, що слабо виявляються в зовнішніх полях і ландшафті.Цель. Решения задач недропользования на базе созданной геоинформационной технологии ГИС РАПИД. Методика. Выявление тесных пространственных взаимосвязей разнообразных характеристик сетей линеаментов и эпицентров землетрясений проводилось в 3 сейсмоактивных участках, расположенных в горных районах Центральной Европы. Использовались цифровые модели рельефа (DEM), построенные по съемкам со спутника ASTER, и данные об эпицентрах землетрясений. Исследования характера пространственной взаимосвязи сети линеаментов и жильных рудных объектов проводились на территории Демократической Республики Конго, в районе озера Киву с использованием космических съемок. Исследования поиска и прогноза золоторудных объектов выполнялись в Узбекистане на участке Джамансайских гор. Использовались высокоточные космические съемки со спутника QuickBird 2, съемки геофизических полей, геологические и геохимические данные. Результаты. Выявлено, что значительная часть эпицентров приурочена именно к участкам повышенной концентрации линеаментов “нестандартных” азимутов, составляя от 27 до 34% общего числа линеаментов. Установлено, что 59.6% эпицентров находятся внутри 10% территории участков, обладающих наивысшими значениями комплексных карт деформаций; 50% территории с наивысшими значениями этих карт вмещают, в среднем, 89% всех эпицентров землетрясений. Определено, что карты концентрации линеаментов космоснимков с “нестанартными” азимутами значительно лучше отражают пространственную взаимосвязь с известными месторождениями по сравнению с картой концентрации всех линеаментов. Установлено, что суммарная площадь перспективных участков золоторудных объектов составила около 20 км2. Научная новизна. Применение ГИС РАПИД на ряде участков земной коры позволило установить новые закономерности, связывающие характеристики сети линеаментов физических полей и ландшафта с локализацией рудных тел и эпицентров землетрясений. Практическая значимость. Разработана новая технология решения прогнозных и поисковых геологических задач, которая может применяться для решения широкого круга практических задач, особенно в сложных геологических условиях при поисках глубокозалегающих объектов, слабо проявляющихся во внешних полях и ландшафте.The work is performed as a part of planned research of the geoinformation systems department of the Dnipro University of Technology. The results are obtained without any financial support of grants and research projects. The authors express appreciation to reviewers and editors for their valuable comments, recommendations, and attention to the work

    Outdoor Localization Using BLE RSSI and Accessible Pedestrian Signals for the Visually Impaired at Intersections

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    One of the major challenges for blind and visually impaired (BVI) people is traveling safely to cross intersections on foot. Many countries are now generating audible signals at crossings for visually impaired people to help with this problem. However, these accessible pedestrian signals can result in confusion for visually impaired people as they do not know which signal must be interpreted for traveling multiple crosses in complex road architecture. To solve this problem, we propose an assistive system called CAS (Crossing Assistance System) which extends the principle of the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) signal for outdoor and indoor location tracking and overcomes the intrinsic limitation of outdoor noise to enable us to locate the user effectively. We installed the system on a real-world intersection and collected a set of data for demonstrating the feasibility of outdoor RSSI tracking in a series of two studies. In the first study, our goal was to show the feasibility of using outdoor RSSI on the localization of four zones. We used a k-nearest neighbors (kNN) method and showed it led to 99.8% accuracy. In the second study, we extended our work to a more complex setup with nine zones, evaluated both the kNN and an additional method, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with various RSSI features for classification. We found that the SVM performed best using the RSSI average, standard deviation, median, interquartile range (IQR) of the RSSI over a 5 s window. The best method can localize people with 97.7% accuracy. We conclude this paper by discussing how our system can impact navigation for BVI users in outdoor and indoor setups and what are the implications of these findings on the design of both wearable and traffic assistive technology for blind pedestrian navigation

    Building Movie Map -- A Tool for Exploring Areas in a City -- and its Evaluation

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    We propose a new Movie Map system, with an interface for exploring cities. The system consists of four stages; acquisition, analysis, management, and interaction. In the acquisition stage, omnidirectional videos are taken along streets in target areas. Frames of the video are localized on the map, intersections are detected, and videos are segmented. Turning views at intersections are subsequently generated. By connecting the video segments following the specified movement in an area, we can view the streets better. The interface allows for easy exploration of a target area, and it can show virtual billboards of stores in the view. We conducted user studies to compare our system to the GSV in a scenario where users could freely move and explore to find a landmark. The experiment showed that our system had a better user experience than GSV

    Indoor localization and navigation for blind persons using visual landmarks and a GIS

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    In an unfamiliar environment we spot and explore all available information which might guide us to a desired location. This largely unconscious processing is done by our trained sensory a nd cognitive systems. These recognize and memorize sets of landmarks which allow us to create a mental map of the envi ronment, and this map enables us to navigate by exploiting very few but the most important landmarks stored in our memory. We present a system which integrates a geographic information system of a building with visu al landmarks for localizing the user in the building and for tracing and validating a route for the user's navigation. Hence, the developed system complements the white cane for improving the user's autonomy during indoor navigation. Although de signed for visually impaired persons, the system can be used by any person for wayfinding in a complex building

    Collaborative Solutions to Visual Sensor Networks

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    Visual sensor networks (VSNs) merge computer vision, image processing and wireless sensor network disciplines to solve problems in multi-camera applications in large surveillance areas. Although potentially powerful, VSNs also present unique challenges that could hinder their practical deployment because of the unique camera features including the extremely higher data rate, the directional sensing characteristics, and the existence of visual occlusions. In this dissertation, we first present a collaborative approach for target localization in VSNs. Traditionally; the problem is solved by localizing targets at the intersections of the back-projected 2D cones of each target. However, the existence of visual occlusions among targets would generate many false alarms. Instead of resolving the uncertainty about target existence at the intersections, we identify and study the non-occupied areas in 2D cones and generate the so-called certainty map of targets non-existence. We also propose distributed integration of local certainty maps by following a dynamic itinerary where the entire map is progressively clarified. The accuracy of target localization is affected by the existence of faulty nodes in VSNs. Therefore, we present the design of a fault-tolerant localization algorithm that would not only accurately localize targets but also detect the faults in camera orientations, tolerate these errors and further correct them before they cascade. Based on the locations of detected targets in the fault-tolerated final certainty map, we construct a generative image model that estimates the camera orientations, detect inaccuracies and correct them. In order to ensure the required visual coverage to accurately localize targets or tolerate the faulty nodes, we need to calculate the coverage before deploying sensors. Therefore, we derive the closed-form solution for the coverage estimation based on the certainty-based detection model that takes directional sensing of cameras and existence of visual occlusions into account. The effectiveness of the proposed collaborative and fault-tolerant target localization algorithms in localization accuracy as well as fault detection and correction performance has been validated through the results obtained from both simulation and real experiments. In addition, conducted simulation shows extreme consistency with results from theoretical closed-form solution for visual coverage estimation, especially when considering the boundary effect