4,301 research outputs found

    End-User Development for Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has become more and more relevant in our society. Creating AI systems is almost always the prerogative of IT and AI experts. However, users may need to create intelligent solutions tailored to their specific needs. In this way, AI systems can be enhanced if new approaches are devised to allow non-technical users to be directly involved in the definition and personalization of AI technologies. End-User Development (EUD) can provide a solution to these problems, allowing people to create, customize, or adapt AI-based systems to their own needs. This paper presents a systematic literature review that aims to shed the light on the current landscape of EUD for AI systems, i.e., how users, even without skills in AI and/or programming, can customize the AI behavior to their needs. This study also discusses the current challenges of EUD for AI, the potential benefits, and the future implications of integrating EUD into the overall AI development process.Comment: This version did not undergo peer-review. A corrected version is published by Springer Nature in the Proceedings of 9th International Syposium on End-User Development (ISEUD 2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34433-6_

    Towards a Data Visualization Dashboard for Smart Cities

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    Assessment of an enterprise employee portal using dashboard monitoring system: a case study

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    A portal is a browser-based application that provides a web platform for users to improve inter-department collaboration and customer service. Portals are classified either as internal facing portals or external public facing portals. This study addresses the problems facing an internal portal related to its contents, functions and usability and provides a list of essential contents and functions that it should include through integrating theories and industry best practices. The theory framework is based on literature review and the industry best practices are based on the analysis of a number of internal portals of companies used as case studies. These two were compared to develop an information mapping grid to identify gaps between theories and practices. A case company was used to uncover additional insights on employee portal content and functionalities through the analysis of actual and perceived user portal usage. The results were then compared using an information mapping grid to derive a set of content and functionalities to improve usability of an internal employee portal. Results of this study indicate that customization and personalization is an important feature of an employee portal, however, features pertaining to communication and collaboration support, search support, help system and employee self-services appear to be more important in practice. The information mapping grid derived, the data warehouse architecture developed and the Dashboard Monitoring systems created to assess usability of an employee portal are applicable to similar enterprises --Abstract, page iii

    Taking advantage of the software product line paradigm to generate customized user interfaces for decision-making processes: a case study on university employability

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    [EN]University employment and, specifically, employability has gained relevance since research in these fields can lead to improvement in the quality of life of individual citizens. However, empirical research is still insufficient to make significant decisions, and relying on powerful tools to explore data and reach insights on these fields is paramount. Information dashboards play a key role in analyzing and visually exploring data about a specific topic or domain, but end users can present several necessities that differ from each other, regarding the displayed information itself, design features and even functionalities. By applying a domain engineering approach (within the software product line paradigm), it is possible to produce customized dashboards to fit into particular requirements, by the identification of commonalities and singularities of every product that could be part of the product line. Software product lines increase productivity, maintainability and traceability regarding the evolution of the requirements, among other benefits. To validate this approach, a case study of its application in the context of the Spanish Observatory for University Employability and Employment system has been developed, where users (Spanish universities and administrators) can control their own dashboards to reach insights about the employability of their graduates. These dashboards have been automatically generated through a domain specific language, which provides the syntax to specify the requirements of each user. The domain language fuels a template-based code generator, allowing the generation of the dashboards' source code. Applying domain engineering to the dashboards' domain improves the development and maintainability of these complex software products given the variety of requirements that users might have regarding their graphical interfaces

    Empowering email marketing

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to explore an empowering email marketing strategy that marketers can use for effective, modern email marketing. It describes the strategic transformation of email marketing from one-way persuasive communication to customized two-way interaction using Pettigrew´s (1987) context, content, process (CCP) framework. Consumer empowerment is used as the specific context in which email marketing takes place, and the content and process of email marketing are examined in relation to it. Changes in the business environment, accelerated by the Internet, have shifted the power dynamic between consumers and organizations, transforming their relationship from reactive transaction to proactive collaboration. This has created a need to move beyond persuasive marketing to more interactive and tailored communication. Compared to other interactive marketing practices, such as social media or mobile apps, email seems to be stuck in old, inefficient ways of implementation. Consumers view marketing emails as annoying and irrelevant, even though marketers have better opportunities than ever before to use consumer data to tailor and target messages according to consumer expectations. The research consists of three sub-studies: a systematic literature review using inductive qualitative analysis, and two online controlled experiments using different deductive quantitative analysis methods. It evaluates real-world consumer behavior and seeks to answer the main research question: What are the implications of an organization’s adoption of an empowering email marketing strategy? The dissertation proposes that adopting an empowering email marketing strategy requires advanced first-party data management that enables interaction. Email marketing should be based on permission, and the contents of emails should be tailored to the preferences of the individual recipients, but by directly asking about their preferences rather than inferring them from observed data. According to the study’s empirical findings, content matters: relevant content and active engagement improve behavioral email marketing results (open rates, click-to-open rates, and conversion rates). The study also recommends testing email content in the marketer's own operational environment.Voimaannuttava sähköpostimarkkinointi Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan voimaannuttavan sähköpostimarkkinoinnin strategiaa, jota markkinoijat voivat käyttää tehokkaaseen, nykyaikaiseen markkinointiviestintään. Tutkimus kuvaa sähköpostimarkkinoinnin muutosta yksisuuntaisesta massaviestinnästä räätälöidyksi kaksisuuntaiseksi vuorovaikutukseksi käyttäen viitekehyksenä Pettigrew'n (1987) organisaatiomuutoksen kontekstia, sisältöä ja prosessia kuvaavaa mallia. Kontekstina on kuluttajien voimaantuminen, jonka puitteissa tarkastellaan sähköpostimarkkinoinnin sisältöä ja prosessia. Internetin kiihdyttämät muutokset liiketoimintaympäristössä ovat muuttaneet kuluttajien ja organisaatioiden välisiä valtasuhteita ja tehneet reaktiivisesta vaihdannasta aktiivista yhteistyötä. Muutoksen myötä on tullut tarve siirtyä suostuttelevasta massamarkkinoinnista vuorovaikutteisempaan ja räätälöidympään viestintään. Muihin interaktiivisen markkinoinnin muotoihin, kuten sosiaaliseen mediaan tai mobiilisovelluksiin verrattuna, sähköposti näyttää kuitenkin juuttuneen vanhoihin, tehottomiin toteutustapoihin. Kuluttajat pitävät markkinointisähköposteja ärsyttävinä ja turhina, vaikka markkinoijilla olisi aiempaa paremmat mahdollisuudet käyttää kuluttajatietoja viestien räätälöimiseen ja kohdistamiseen. Tutkimus etenee kolmen osatutkimuksen kautta. Systemaattisessa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käytetään induktiivista kvalitatiivista analyysiä ja kahdessa koeasetelmassa käytetään deduktiivisia kvantitatiivisia analyysimenetelmiä. Työ arvioi kuluttajien käyttäytymistä todellisessa päätöksentekotilanteessa ja etsii vastausta kysymykseen: Millaisia vaikutuksia voimaannuttavan sähköpostimarkkinointistrategian omaksumisesta on organisaatioille? Väitöskirja esittää, että voimaannuttavan sähköpostimarkkinointistrategian omaksuminen edellyttää kehittynyttä, vuorovaikutuksen mahdollistavaa ensimmäisen osapuolen tiedonhallintaa. Sähköpostimarkkinoinnin tulee perustua lupaan ja sisältöön, joka on räätälöity yksittäisten vastaanottajien mieltymysten mukaan kysymällä suoraan heidän mieltymyksistään havaitun datan hyödyntämisen sijaan. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan uutiskirjeen sisällöllä on väliä: relevantti sisältö ja vuorovaikutus parantavat käyttäytymiseen perustuvia sähköpostimarkkinoinnin tuloksia (avauksia, klikkauksia ja konversioita). Tutkimus suosittelee sähköpostin sisällön testaamista markkinoijan omassa toimintaympäristössä

    Mapping the Intersection of Two Cultures: Interactive Documentary and Digital Journalism

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    The convergence of digital journalism and interactive and participatory documentary, two forms at the defining edges of their respective fields, is the focus of this report. Why interactive and participatory documentary? Because these immersive, visual and, above all, experimental narratives have developed rapidly over the past few years, offering wide-ranging examples for journalists who seek to reach new audiences, to enhance the relevance of their reporting for an informed, engaged citizenry, and to make better use of the interactive and collaborative potential of today's mobile technologies.This report contextualizes and maps the views of the people who are leading change, charting their ambitions and concerns, tracking their organizations and strategies, and interpreting the larger patterns that emerge as storytellers and producers redefine their arts. It considers such institutional imperatives as reorganizing the production pipeline and means of distribution, listening to and working together with audiences, partnering with other media organizations, and looking to internal assets such as archives.Case studies drawn from organizations such as The New York Times, The Guardian, National Film Board of Canada, NPR, AIR, Frontline, and other sector-leading organizations examine change within particular institutions, as well as alliances between them and the production and distribution of particular joint projects. A broader environmental assessment of the conditions faced by legacy journalism organizations complements and situates the case studies. Against this backdrop, the case studies illustrate innovations and opportunities that have recently emerged at the intersection of journalism and documentary, charting best practices as well as lessons learned that can help quality journalism thrive in this fast-changing ecosystem