713 research outputs found

    Deep CNN-Based Automated Optical Inspection for Aerospace Components

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    ABSTRACT The defect detection problem is of outmost importance in high-tech industries such as aerospace manufacturing and is widely employed using automated industrial quality control systems. In the aerospace manufacturing industry, composite materials are extensively applied as structural components in civilian and military aircraft. To ensure the quality of the product and high reliability, manual inspection and traditional automatic optical inspection have been employed to identify the defects throughout production and maintenance. These inspection techniques have several limitations such as tedious, time- consuming, inconsistent, subjective, labor intensive, expensive, etc. To make the operation effective and efficient, modern automated optical inspection needs to be preferred. In this dissertation work, automatic defect detection techniques are tested on three levels using a novel aerospace composite materials image dataset (ACMID). First, classical machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest, are employed for both datasets. Second, deep CNN-based models, such as improved ResNet50 and MobileNetV2 architectures are trained on ACMID datasets. Third, an efficient defect detection technique that combines the features of deep learning and classical machine learning model is proposed for ACMID dataset. To assess the aerospace composite components, all the models are trained and tested on ACMID datasets with distinct sizes. In addition, this work investigates the scenario when defective and non-defective samples are scarce and imbalanced. To overcome the problems of imbalanced and scarce datasets, oversampling techniques and data augmentation using improved deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGAN) are considered. Furthermore, the proposed models are also validated using one of the benchmark steel surface defects (SSD) dataset

    In-situ defect detection of metal Additive Manufacturing: an integrated framework

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    Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a pillar of the Industry 4.0, with many attractive advantages compared to traditional subtractive fabrication technologies. However, there are many quality issues that can be an obstacle for mass production. The in-situ camera-based monitoring and detection of defects, taking advantage of the layer-by-layer nature of the build, can be an effective solution to this problem. In this context, the use of Computer Vision and Machine Learning algorithms have a very important role. Nonetheless, they are up to this date limited by the scarcity of data for the training, as well as by the difficulty of accessing and integrating the AM process data throughout the fabrication. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a system for in-situ monitoring that analyses images from an off-axis camera mounted on top of the machine to detect the arising defects in real-time, with automated generation of synthetic images based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for dataset augmentation purposes. The computing functionalities are embedded into a holistic distributed AM platform allowing the collection, integration and storage of data at all stages of the AM pipeline

    Human-machine knowledge hybrid augmentation method for surface defect detection based few-data learning

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    Visual-based defect detection is a crucial but challenging task in industrial quality control. Most mainstream methods rely on large amounts of existing or related domain data as auxiliary information. However, in actual industrial production, there are often multi-batch, low-volume manufacturing scenarios with rapidly changing task demands, making it difficult to obtain sufficient and diverse defect data. This paper proposes a parallel solution that uses a human-machine knowledge hybrid augmentation method to help the model extract unknown important features. Specifically, by incorporating experts' knowledge of abnormality to create data with rich features, positions, sizes, and backgrounds, we can quickly accumulate an amount of data from scratch and provide it to the model as prior knowledge for few-data learning. The proposed method was evaluated on the magnetic tile dataset and achieved F1-scores of 60.73%, 70.82%, 77.09%, and 82.81% when using 2, 5, 10, and 15 training images, respectively. Compared to the traditional augmentation method's F1-score of 64.59%, the proposed method achieved an 18.22% increase in the best result, demonstrating its feasibility and effectiveness in few-data industrial defect detection.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    A Survey on Audio-Video based Defect Detection through Deep Learning in Railway Maintenance

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    Within Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning (DL) represents a paradigm that has been showing unprecedented performance in image and audio processing by supporting or even replacing humans in defect and anomaly detection. The Railway sector is expected to benefit from DL applications, especially in predictive maintenance applications, where smart audio and video sensors can be leveraged yet kept distinct from safety-critical functions. Such separation is crucial, as it allows for improving system dependability with no impact on its safety certification. This is further supported by the development of DL in other transportation domains, such as automotive and avionics, opening for knowledge transfer opportunities and highlighting the potential of such a paradigm in railways. In order to summarize the recent state-of-the-art while inquiring about future opportunities, this paper reviews DL approaches for the analysis of data generated by acoustic and visual sensors in railway maintenance applications that have been published until August 31st, 2021. In this paper, the current state of the research is investigated and evaluated using a structured and systematic method, in order to highlight promising approaches and successful applications, as well as to identify available datasets, current limitations, open issues, challenges, and recommendations about future research directions

    Artificial intelligence for advanced manufacturing quality

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    100 p.This Thesis addresses the challenge of AI-based image quality control systems applied to manufacturing industry, aiming to improve this field through the use of advanced techniques for data acquisition and processing, in order to obtain robust, reliable and optimal systems. This Thesis presents contributions onthe use of complex data acquisition techniques, the application and design of specialised neural networks for the defect detection, and the integration and validation of these systems in production processes. It has been developed in the context of several applied research projects that provided a practical feedback of the usefulness of the proposed computational advances as well as real life data for experimental validation

    Deep Learning for Crack-Like Object Detection

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    Cracks are common defects on surfaces of man-made structures such as pavements, bridges, walls of nuclear power plants, ceilings of tunnels, etc. Timely discovering and repairing of the cracks are of great significance and importance for keeping healthy infrastructures and preventing further damages. Traditionally, the cracking inspection was conducted manually which was labor-intensive, time-consuming and costly. For example, statistics from the Central Intelligence Agency show that the world’s road network length has reached 64,285,009 km, of which the United States has 6,586,610 km. It is a huge cost to maintain and upgrade such an immense road network. Thus, fully automatic crack detection has received increasing attention. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI), the deep learning technique has achieved great success and has been viewed as the most promising way for crack detection. Based on deep learning, this research has solved four important issues existing in crack-like object detection. First, the noise problem caused by the textured background is solved by using a deep classification network to remove the non-crack region before conducting crack detection. Second, the computational efficiency is highly improved. Third, the crack localization accuracy is improved. Fourth, the proposed model is very stable and can be used to deal with a wide range of crack detection tasks. In addition, this research performs a preliminary study about the future AI system, which provides a concept that has potential to realize fully automatic crack detection without human’s intervention

    Application of deep learning methods in materials microscopy for the quality assessment of lithium-ion batteries and sintered NdFeB magnets

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    Die Qualitätskontrolle konzentriert sich auf die Erkennung von Produktfehlern und die Überwachung von Aktivitäten, um zu überprüfen, ob die Produkte den gewünschten Qualitätsstandard erfüllen. Viele Ansätze für die Qualitätskontrolle verwenden spezialisierte Bildverarbeitungssoftware, die auf manuell entwickelten Merkmalen basiert, die von Fachleuten entwickelt wurden, um Objekte zu erkennen und Bilder zu analysieren. Diese Modelle sind jedoch mühsam, kostspielig in der Entwicklung und schwer zu pflegen, während die erstellte Lösung oft spröde ist und für leicht unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle erhebliche Anpassungen erfordert. Aus diesen Gründen wird die Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie immer noch häufig manuell durchgeführt, was zeitaufwändig und fehleranfällig ist. Daher schlagen wir einen allgemeineren datengesteuerten Ansatz vor, der auf den jüngsten Fortschritten in der Computer-Vision-Technologie basiert und Faltungsneuronale Netze verwendet, um repräsentative Merkmale direkt aus den Daten zu lernen. Während herkömmliche Methoden handgefertigte Merkmale verwenden, um einzelne Objekte zu erkennen, lernen Deep-Learning-Ansätze verallgemeinerbare Merkmale direkt aus den Trainingsproben, um verschiedene Objekte zu erkennen. In dieser Dissertation werden Modelle und Techniken für die automatisierte Erkennung von Defekten in lichtmikroskopischen Bildern von materialografisch präparierten Schnitten entwickelt. Wir entwickeln Modelle zur Defekterkennung, die sich grob in überwachte und unüberwachte Deep-Learning-Techniken einteilen lassen. Insbesondere werden verschiedene überwachte Deep-Learning-Modelle zur Erkennung von Defekten in der Mikrostruktur von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien entwickelt, von binären Klassifizierungsmodellen, die auf einem Sliding-Window-Ansatz mit begrenzten Trainingsdaten basieren, bis hin zu komplexen Defekterkennungs- und Lokalisierungsmodellen, die auf ein- und zweistufigen Detektoren basieren. Unser endgültiges Modell kann mehrere Klassen von Defekten in großen Mikroskopiebildern mit hoher Genauigkeit und nahezu in Echtzeit erkennen und lokalisieren. Das erfolgreiche Trainieren von überwachten Deep-Learning-Modellen erfordert jedoch in der Regel eine ausreichend große Menge an markierten Trainingsbeispielen, die oft nicht ohne weiteres verfügbar sind und deren Beschaffung sehr kostspielig sein kann. Daher schlagen wir zwei Ansätze vor, die auf unbeaufsichtigtem Deep Learning zur Erkennung von Anomalien in der Mikrostruktur von gesinterten NdFeB-Magneten basieren, ohne dass markierte Trainingsdaten benötigt werden. Die Modelle sind in der Lage, Defekte zu erkennen, indem sie aus den Trainingsdaten indikative Merkmale von nur "normalen" Mikrostrukturmustern lernen. Wir zeigen experimentelle Ergebnisse der vorgeschlagenen Fehlererkennungssysteme, indem wir eine Qualitätsbewertung an kommerziellen Proben von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und gesinterten NdFeB-Magneten durchführen