4,226 research outputs found

    Serious game augmented reality 3D for physical rehabilitation

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    This research consists in the development of a PhysioAR framework (Augmented Reality Physiotherapy) that consider a set of two wearable sensors (Left Controller and Right Controller and Meta/Oculus Quest headset controller for use in natural interactions with a set of AR therapeutic serious games developed on the Unity 3D. The system allows to perform training sessions for hands and fingers, knees and legs motor rehabilitation bearing in mind that the games are for people who have suffered from stroke. The training is part of special care that must be taken for this through the serious games that are properly adapted to be a source of motivation and easy to be played. This FisioAR project includes, two different apps designed, one for calendar and for physiotherapists has a background data with all information needed to do and other to make login in main app and have the possibility to interact with our three types of games specifically designed, developed and implemented for Oculus Quest. Two different mobile apps were constructed on Outsystems platform, where one is destinated to physiotherapists and other is destinated to AVC patient’s. Three Different types of serious games were developed on Unity Platform Engine and all the games have specific contents to be played according with motor and cognitive rehabilitation objectives. The first game called Boxes Game, has six cubes displayed with different colors and six spheres also with six different colors. The main goal of this game is to put the maximum number of spheres in a box with the same color. This game will involve the use of legs, knees and arms and can be easily adapted to each patients’ conditions, making it more or less demanding. The Second Game is called Garden Care Game. Its scenario was made with prefabs (assets) and materials from Unity asset store to simulate a realistic garden, with a watering can, fences and a set of flowers. The main goal of this game is to care the flowers with water. This simple goal is related with the measurement of the wrist rotation made by the patient through wearable sensors while watering each flower. This game as a score for each flower watered. In the Third Game called Puzzle Game, there’s a white screen with the same number of divisions as the existing image blocks in project.Esta pesquisa consiste no desenvolvimento de uma solução do projeto FisioAR baseada em dispositivos vestíveis, combinando um conjunto de sensores vestíveis e controlador de headset para uso em interações naturais com um conjunto de serious games terapêuticos VR desenvolvidos na plataforma de games 3D Unity. O sistema permite realizar treinos de reabilitação motora de mãos e dedos, joelhos e pernas tendo em vista que os jogos são para pessoas que sofreram AVC e devem ser tomados cuidados especiais com isso e que os jogos estão devidamente adaptados para serem mais simples. ser jogado. Este projeto FisioAR tem em todas as implementações, dois aplicativos diferentes projetados, três tipos diferentes de jogos projetados no Oculus Quest. Dois aplicativos diferentes foram construídos na plataforma Outsystems sendo um destinado a fisioterapeutas e outro a pacientes AVC. Três tipos diferentes de jogos foram especialmente projetados no Unity Platform Engine e todos os jogos possuem conteúdos específicos para serem jogados. O primeiro jogo denominado Boxes Game, tem seis cubos apresentados com cores diferentes e seis esferas também com seis cores diferentes. O principal objetivo deste jogo é colocar o número máximo de esferas em uma caixa com a mesma cor e com distância mínima percorrida. Este jogo envolverá o uso de pernas, joelhos e braços e pode ser facilmente adaptado às condições de cada paciente, tornando-o mais ou menos exigente. O segundo jogo é chamado de jogo de cuidado de jardim. Seu cenário foi feito com pré-fabricados e materiais da loja de ativos da unidade para simular um jardim realista, com regador, cercas e um conjunto de flores. O objetivo principal deste jogo é regar as flores. Esse objetivo simples está relacionado à medição da rotação do punho feita pelo paciente por meio de sensores vestíveis ao regar cada flor. Este jogo é uma pontuação para cada flor regada. No terceiro jogo, chamado Puzzle Game, há uma tela branca com o mesmo número de divisões que os blocos de imagem existentes no projeto

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Virtual Reality training for patients with non-specific persistent low back pain and pain-related fear of movement: A single-subject experimental study

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2019-10-15Introduction: Non-specific persistent low back pain is one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions in modern society. A growing body of evidence shows graded exposure therapy is the most preferable treatment to target pain-related fear of movement. However, graded exposure therapy has some limitations, e.g. low patient preference and high drop-out rates. Therefore, the emerging nature of Virtual Reality (VR) provides an interesting medium to investigate whether pain and pain-related fear can be targeted through graded exposure using immersive virtual environments. Method: In a sequential replicated and randomized single-subject experimental design with multiple measurements, 10 patients with non-specific persistent low back pain had a 35-day intervention with 6 to 9 VR training sessions. Primary outcome measures (measured daily) were pain intensity, pain-related fear of movement, pain catastrophization and pain anxiety symptoms, while secondary outcome measures (measured pre- and post-intervention) were related to disability and activities of daily life. Results: VR training resulted in a statistically significant reduction of pain intensity, painrelated fear of movement, pain catastrophizing, and pain anxiety. Clinically relevant improvements were observed for disability. Conclusion/Future implications: There is a need to reduce the costs and suffering caused by persistent low back pain. VR may provide opportunities to exercise in specifically tailored virtual environments, with the goal of achieving meaningful and valued life-activities in an engaging fashion. However, the technology is only in its infancy, and thus, opportunities and challenges with implementation must be further investigated. Finally, given the nature of the present study design, the results cannot be generalized to a larger population, and therefore, further research involving rigorous trial designs (randomised controlled trial) is also warranted.Introduksjon: Langvarige korsryggsmerter er blant de mest prevalente muskel- og skjelettplagene i det moderne samfunnet. Stadig mer forskning viser at smerte-relatert frykt for bevegelse kan opprettholde funksjonstap hos mange ryggpasienter, og at gradvis eksponeringsterapi er blant de mest effektive behandlingsmetodene. Men gradvis eksponeringsterapi har begrensninger som bl.a. lav pasient-preferanse og høy drop-out rate. På bakgrunn av den nylige teknologiske utviklingen av Virtual Reality (VR), åpnes det utforskning av effekten av gradvis eksponeringstrening for ryggpasienter i ulike virtuelle miljø. Metode: I et sekvensielt replisert, randomisert singel-subjekt eksperimentelt design med gjentatte målinger, gjennomgikk 10 ryggpasienter en 35-dagers intervensjon som bestod av et minimum av 6 VR-treninger og maksimum av 9 VR-treninger. Primære utfallsmål bestod av smerteintensitet, smerte-relatert frykt, katastrofetanker og angst for smerte, mens sekundære utfallsmål målte endringer i funksjonsnivå og aktiviteter i dagliglivet. Resultater: Studien viste at VR-trening hadde en statistisk signifikant effekt på smerteintensitet, smerte-relatert frykt, katastrofetanker og angst for smerte. Klinisk relevante endringer ble observert for endringer i funksjonsnivå. Konklusjon/Fremtidige implikasjoner: Det er et stort behov for å redusere kostnader og lidelse forbundet med ryggsmerter. Tilpasset trening i ulike virtuelle miljø i VR bør undersøkes nærmere ettersom det fremstår som et motiverende og kostnadseffektivt hjelpemiddel for bruk i fysioterapipraksis. Men teknologien er fortsatt i utviklingsstadiet, og det trengs fortsatt oversikt over muligheter og utfordringer ved implementering. Forskerne i denne studien anerkjenner at resultatene av studien ikke kan generaliseres til en større populasjon grunnet studiedesign, og at det er behov for studier randomiserte kontrollerte studier på dette feltet.Masteroppgave i fysioterapivitenskapFYST39

    Future bathroom: A study of user-centred design principles affecting usability, safety and satisfaction in bathrooms for people living with disabilities

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    Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2010-11 (Department of Health) Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 197

    Science and Mathematics Student Research Day 1997

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