7,205 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Virtual Laboratory Product as Geometry Learning Media

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    A virtual laboratory geometry product was developed at the Open University. In 2020, tests to assess this product were carried out by material experts and media experts, as well as online limited tests for students taking geometry courses at the Open University and PGRI Semarang University. The findings showed that the virtual product of the geometry lab was capable of displaying virtual and augmented reality, which could increase student motivation and learning. The product scored 91 and 94 based on the validation of media experts and materials experts, respectively, indicating that the virtual geometry lab product is feasible to use. More than 90% of lecturers and students at the Open University and PGRI University Semarang were very happy to use it. A second year was planned for product implementation with expanded testing in PTN and PTS in Central Java. After being given the application of the virtual geometry lab product, 95% of students agreed with it being used as a supplement to learning media in the classroom, while their learning outcomes also improved. The control class average was 77.45, and the experimental class average was 83.36, after being given the application of the virtual geometry lab product. Keywords: implementation, virtual geometry lab, virtual reality, independent learning, student spatial abilit

    Design of a Virtual Laboratory Based on Virtual Reality for Learning Resources in Early Childhood Learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of education and universities, including the Open University’s Early Childhood Education study program. Because the number of students taking this course is very large at all levels, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were problems in the online learning media courses and kindergarten learning resources. It was recognized that there was a need to create a forum in the Early Childhood Education study program, namely a virtual learning laboratory program for the pandemic and post-pandemic period. It was identified that this program should use virtual reality, so that students can surf the lab in cyberspace as if they were there, with media and learning resources that are adapted to the culture of the Indonesian people and others, so that students are more independent in their learning. The ADDIE R&D model was used in this study (analysis, design, develop, implementation and evaluation). The needs were first analyzed and then the virtual reality lab product was developed, which included media for kindergarten courses and other learning resources, especially about educational game tools. This was validated by learning material experts and learning media experts with scores of 91 and 94, respectively. Keywords: design, virtual laboratory, virtual reality, independent learnin

    Planetarium Virtual sebagai Media Pembelajaran Astronomi Berbasis Virtual Reality

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    Dunia digital sangat cocok digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, salah satunya sebagai media pembelajaran atau edukasi mengenai astronomi tata surya. Pengenalan terkait sistem tata surya dapat memanfaatkan media digital, menurut peneliti dikarenakan seseorang akan lebih menangkap media pembelajaran dengan cara visual secara 3D dibandingkan dengan cara pembelajaran menggunakan media 2D. Salah satu media pembelajaran 3D dapat memanfaatkan teknologi Virtual Reality. Untuk itu penelitian ini menghadirkan planetarium dengan cara virtual yang dapat menjadi media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Virtual Reality. Pengembangan pada sistem ini menggunakan model ADDIE Analysis (Analisis), Design (Desain), Develop (Pengembangan), Implement (Implementasi), Evaluate (Evaluasi). Dengan adanya aplikasi Planetarium Virtual membuat seseorang dapat menjelajah seolah-olah dalam planetarium dan didesain menyerupai ruang angkasa. Hasil pengujian dilakukan dengan angka skala 1 sampai dengan 5 yang dilakukan 119 responden, Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap 119 responden melalui kuesioner, menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pengguna aplikasi terhadap interface (tampilan) aplikasi tersebut yaitu sebesar 18,5% untuk skala 3, 53,8% untuk skala 4, dan 27,7% untuk skala 5. Kemudian hasil yang didapat untuk tingkat kepuasan terhadap fungsi atau kegunaan aplikasi oleh pengguna yaitu 22,7% untuk skala 3, 47,9% untuk skala 4, dan 29,4% untuk skala 5. Aplikasi dapat dioprasikan pada sistem operasi android minimal versi KitKat

    Design of Virtual Lab Geometry Using Virtual to Supplement Learning In Mathematics Classes

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    In learning the geometry of the parallels, there is a misconception between the position of the two lines and the position of the two angles. One way by which students can learn this material better is by virtual reality-based virtual lab media that is able to display objects like in the real world. The purpose of this research is to design the learning media, Virtual Laboratory Geometry Based on Virtual Reality so that students of the mathematics education study program at the Universitas PGRI Semarang are able to understand the alignment material accurately. This study uses ADDIE model development research with five steps that are carried out systematically. Virtual reality-based geometry lab application products have been validated by learning materials experts and learning media experts with scores of 91 and 92, which are categorized as very suitable for use in learning geometry in the classroom. Keywords: Design; Virtual Geometry Lab; Supplements; Learning Medi

    The Efficacy of Using Augmented Reality Technology to Develop Multiple Intelligences for Children in Early Childhood

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    The current study aims to measures the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood. The semi-experimental method was used with one group (pre and post). The research was applied to (30 children) from kindergarten children. Their ages ranged between (5-6) years. The study used the following materials and tools: a program based on the use of augmented reality technology to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, a measure of multiple intelligences (linguistic - social - logical-mathematical - personal - natural intelligence) among children in early childhood (prepared by the researchers), and the study reached the following results: the effectiveness of using augmented reality in the development of multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, where the experimental group in the pre-application obtained an average of (13.97), while in the post-application it got an average of (25.80). The pre-application had a general average of (2.87), while it got an average of (5.13) in the post-application. The post-test has an average of (5.27), the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in developing social intelligence Where the experimental group in the pre-application obtained a general average of (2.73), while in the post-application it got an average of (5.20). The post application has an average of (5.07) the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in developing natural intelligence, where the experimental group in the pre application got an average of (2.73), while in the post application it got an average of (5.13), in the light of the results of the study, the researchers presented several Recommendations for the development of multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, which are: directing those in charge of preparing kindergarten curricula to include augmented reality technology in kindergarten curricula, directing the interest of kindergarten teachers, using augmented reality technology in developing multiple intelligences in children in early childhood, directing kindergarten teachers the diversity of methods and strategies used to develop multiple intelligences in children in early childhood


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    Saat ini perkembangan dibidang teknologi sangat pesat, banyak sector yang sudah memanfaatkan teknologi untuk menunjang kebutuhan mereka baik di sektor ekonomi, pariwisata dan pendidikan. Tidak adanya alat yang digunakan siswa untuk belajar tentunya akan menghambat daya ingat dan visualisasi mereka terhadap suatu objek. Berdasarkan hasil observasi di SMKN 1 Jetis, menyatakan bahwa di sekolah tersebut tidak banyak memiliki alat fotografi sehingga dalam pembelajaran siswa belajar secara mandiri dengan mencari informasi di buku ataupun internet. Virtual reality merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang dapat menjadikan objek menjadi 2 Dimensi atau 3 Dimensi, sehingga pengguna dapat melihat secara nyata dari suatu objek. Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar dan nilai siswa setelah melaksanakan kegiatan belajar pada saat memakai media belajar yang disebut virtual reality pada pelajaran desain grafis percetakan. Kelas yang digunakan untuk eksperimen adalah kelas XI MM 1 di SMK Negeri 1 Jetis Mojokerto. Penelitian ini memakai Pre-Experimental Design dengan rancangan One-group pretest-posttest design dan Sampling purposive dalam teknik pengambilan sampelnya. Instrument pada penelitian ini berbentuk lembaran observasi, lembaran pertanyaan terkait motivasi belajar , dan soal untuk dijadikan tes yang sudah dinyatakan valid. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan teknik Paired Sample T-Test. Analisis angket motivasi siswa menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa terdapat peningkatan dengan rata-rata sebesar 5.7. penelitian ini memperoleh hasil nilai rata-rata belajar sebelum pembelajaran yaitu 52 dan sesudah pembelajaran yaitu 82. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, ada beda dari kedua rata-rata didapat nilai sig (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0,05 bisa disimpulakan, adanya beda dari kedua rata-rata nilai siswa seusai belajar dan sesudah belajar dengan memakai media belajar virtual reality. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa dan hasil angket motivasi belajar sehingga media pembelajaran menggunakan virtual reality layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, virtual reality, hasil belajar, motivasi belajar

    The development of social interaction for early childhood in Lampang province by using virtual reality application

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    The aim of this research was to develop social interaction for early childhood children in Lampang province, Thailand by using virtual reality technology. The population in this study was early childhood children from 355 schools in Lampang province, under the jurisdiction of Lampang Primary Educational Service Area 1, 2, and 3. The sample group consisted of sixty early childhood children who were selected by purposive selection. The research tools the application of Lampang learning resources and the early childhood social development evaluation form. The results were statistically analysed for percentages in the form of descriptive narrative. The results showed that the overall social development of the sample group was at the highest level or 76.58% with an average value of 4.53. Also, the results presented that the sample group was able to follow the rules and the agreements of the learning resources appropriately, give comments and answer the questions of the instructors. This was a result of using the VRLampang application which could be divided into three parts: 1) regulations and guidelines of the learning resources 2) information of ten Lampang learning resources 3) the efficient learning content activities appropriate for students

    Leveling the Playing Field: Supporting Neurodiversity via Virtual Realities

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    Neurodiversity is a term that encapsulates the diverse expression of human neurology. By thinking in broad terms about neurological development, we can become focused on delivering a diverse set of design features to meet the needs of the human condition. In this work, we move toward developing virtual environments that support variations in sensory processing. If we understand that people have differences in sensory perception that result in their own unique sensory traits, many of which are clustered by diagnostic labels such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Rett syndrome, dyslexia, and so on, then we can leverage that knowledge to create new input modalities for accessible and assistive technologies. In an effort to translate differences in sensory perception into new variations of input modalities, we focus this work on ASD. ASD has been characterized by a complex sensory signature that can impact social, cognitive, and communication skills. By providing assistance for these diverse sensory perceptual abilities, we create an opportunity to improve the interactions people have with technology and the world. In this paper, we describe, through a variety of examples, the ways to address sensory differences to support neurologically diverse individuals by leveraging advances in virtual reality

    Current Trends in Game-Based Learning

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    A myriad of technological options can be used to support digital game-based learning. One popular technology in this context is the mobile device, considering its high penetration rate in our societies, even among young people. These can be combined with other technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), to increase students’ motivation and engagement in learning processes.Due to this, there is an emergent need to know and promote good practices in the development and implementation of game-based learning approaches in educational settings. This was the motto for the proposal of the Education Sciences (ISSN: 2227-7102) Special Issue “Current Trends in Game-Based Learning”. This book is a reprint of this Special Issue, collecting a set of five papers that illustrate the contribution of innovative approaches to education, specifically the ones exploring the motivational factors associated with playing games and the technology that may support them

    Remixing real and imaginary in art education with fully immersive virtual reality

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    This article explores digital material/ism by examining student teachers’ experiences, processes and products with fully immersive virtual reality (VR) as part of visual art education. The students created and painted a virtual world, given the name Gretan puutarha (‘Greta’s Garden’), using the Google application Tilt Brush. They also applied photogrammetry techniques to scan 3D objects from the real world in order to create 3D models for their VR world. Additionally, they imported 2D photographs and drawings along with applied animated effects to construct their VR world digitally, thereby remixing elements from real life and fantasy. The students were asked open-ended questions to find out how they created art virtually and the results were analysed using Burdea’s VR concepts of immersion, interaction and imagination. Digital material was created intersubjectively and intermedially while it was also remixed with real and imaginary. Various webs of meanings were created, both intertextual and rhizomatic in nature.This article explores digital material/ism by examining student teachers’ experiences, processes and products with fully immersive virtual reality (VR) as part of visual art education. The students created and painted a virtual world, given the name Gretan puutarha (‘Greta’s Garden’), using the Google application Tilt Brush. They also applied photogrammetry techniques to scan 3D objects from the real world in order to create 3D models for their VR world. Additionally, they imported 2D photographs and drawings along with applied animated effects to construct their VR world digitally, thereby remixing elements from real life and fantasy. The students were asked open-ended questions to find out how they created art virtually and the results were analysed using Burdea’s VR concepts of immersion, interaction and imagination. Digital material was created intersubjectively and intermedially while it was also remixed with real and imaginary. Various webs of meanings were created, both intertextual and rhizomatic in nature.Peer reviewe