164 research outputs found

    Distribution efficace des contenus dans les réseaux : partage de ressources sans fil, planification et sécurité

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    In recent years, the amount of traffic requests that Internet users generate on a daily basis has increased exponentially, mostly due to the worldwide success of video streaming services, such as Netflix and YouTube. While Content-Delivery Networks (CDNs) are the de-facto standard used nowadays to serve the ever increasing users’ demands, the scientific community has formulated proposals known under the name of Content-Centric Networks (CCN) to change the network protocol stack in order to turn the network into a content distribution infrastructure. In this context this Ph.D. thesis studies efficient techniques to foster content distribution taking into account three complementary problems:1) We consider the scenario of a wireless heterogeneous network, and we formulate a novel mechanism to motivate wireless access point owners to lease their unexploited bandwidth and cache storage, in exchange for an economic incentive.2) We study the centralized network planning problem and (I) we analyze the migration to CCN; (II) we compare the performance bounds for a CDN with those of a CCN, and (III) we take into account a virtualized CDN and study the stochastic planning problem for one such architecture.3) We investigate the security properties on access control and trackability and formulate ConfTrack-CCN: a CCN extension to enforce confidentiality, trackability and access policy evolution in the presence of distributed caches.Au cours de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, la quantitĂ© de trafic que les utilisateurs Internet produisent sur une base quotidienne a augmentĂ© de façon exponentielle, principalement en raison du succĂšs des services de streaming vidĂ©o, tels que Netflix et YouTube. Alors que les rĂ©seaux de diffusion de contenu (Content-Delivery Networks, CDN) sont la technique standard utilisĂ©e actuellement pour servir les demandes des utilisateurs, la communautĂ© scientifique a formulĂ© des propositions connues sous le nom de Content-Centric Networks (CCN) pour changer la pile de protocoles rĂ©seau afin de transformer Internet en une infrastructure de distribution de contenu. Dans ce contexte, cette thĂšse de doctorat Ă©tudie des techniques efficaces pour la distribution de contenu numĂ©rique en tenant compte de trois problĂšmes complĂ©mentaires : 1) Nous considĂ©rons le scĂ©nario d’un rĂ©seau hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne sans fil, et nous formulons un mĂ©canisme pour motiver les propriĂ©taires des points d’accĂšs Ă  partager leur capacitĂ© WiFi et stockage cache inutilisĂ©s, en Ă©change d’une contribution Ă©conomique.2) Nous Ă©tudions le problĂšme centralisĂ© de planification du rĂ©seau en prĂ©sence de caches distribuĂ©es et (I) nous analysons la migration optimale du rĂ©seau Ă  CCN; (II) nous comparons les bornes de performance d’un rĂ©seau CDN avec ceux d’un CCN, et (III) nous considĂ©rons un rĂ©seau CDN virtualisĂ© et Ă©tudions le problĂšme stochastique de planification d’une telle infrastructure.3) Nous considĂ©rons les implications de sĂ©curitĂ© sur le contrĂŽle d’accĂšs et la traçabilitĂ©, et nous formulons ConfTrack-CCN, une extension deCCN utilisĂ©e pour garantir la confidentialitĂ©, traçabilitĂ© et l’évolution de la politique d’accĂšs, en prĂ©sence de caches distribuĂ©es


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    The reduction of power consumption in communication networks has become a key issue for both the Internet Service Providers (ISP) and the research community. Ac- cording to different studies, the power consumption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) varies from 2% to 10% of the worldwide power consumption [1,2]. Moreover, the expected trends for the future predict a notably increase of the ICT power consumption, doubling its value by 2020 [2] and growing to around 30% of the worldwide electricity demand by 2030 according to business-as-usual evaluation scenarios [15]. It is therefore not surprising that researchers, manufacturers and network providers are spending significant efforts to reduce the power consumption of ICT systems from dif- ferent angles. To this extent, networking devices waste a considerable amount of power. In partic- ular, their power consumption has always been increased in the last years, coupled with the increase of the offered performance [16]. Actually, power consumption of network- ing devices scales with the installed capacity, rather than the current load [17]. Thus, for an ISP the network power consumption is practically constant, unrespectively to traffic fluctuations. However, actual traffic is subject to strong day/night oscillations [3]. Thus, many devices are underutilized, especially during off-peak hours when traffic is low. This represents a clear opportunity for saving energy, since many resources (i.e., routers and links) are powered on without being fully utilized. In this context, resource consolidation is a known paradigm for the reduction of the power consumption. It consists in having a carefully selected subset of network devices entering a low power state, and use the rest to transport the required amount of traffic. This is possible without disrupting the Quality of Service (QoS) offered by the network infrastructure, since communication networks are designed over the peak foreseen traffic request, and with redundancy and over-provisioning in mind. In this thesis work, we present different techniques to perform resource consolida- tion in backbone IP-based networks, ranging from centralized solutions, where a central entity computes a global solution based on an omniscient vision of the network, to dis- tributed solutions, where single nodes take independent decisions on the local power- state, based solely on local knowledge. Moreover, different technological assumptions are made, to account for different possible directions of the network devices evolutions, ranging from the possibility to switch off linecard ports, to whole network nodes, and taking into account different power consumption profiles

    Actes du 11ùme Atelier en Évaluation de Performances

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    International audienceLe prĂ©sent document contient les actes du 11Ăšme Atelier en Évaluation des Performances qui s'est tenu les 15-17 Mars 2016 au LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse. L’Atelier en Évaluation de Performances est une rĂ©union destinĂ©e Ă  faire s’exprimer et se rencontrer les jeunes chercheurs (doctorants et postdoctorants) dans le domaine de la ModĂ©lisation et de l’Évaluation de Performances, une discipline consacrĂ©e Ă  l’étude et l’optimisation de systĂšmes dynamiques stochastiques et/ou temporisĂ©s apparaissant en Informatique, TĂ©lĂ©communications, Productique et Robotique entre autres. La prĂ©sentation informelle de travaux, mĂȘme en cours, y est encouragĂ©e afin de renforcer les interactions entre jeunes chercheurs et prĂ©parer des soumissions de nouveaux projets scientifiques. Des exposĂ©s de synthĂšse sur des domaines de recherche d’actualitĂ©, donnĂ©s par des chercheurs confirmĂ©s du domaine renforcent la partie formation de l’atelier

    Optical routing in packet switched networks

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Izmir, 2001Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 72-75)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 75 leavesEver-increasing demand for high capacities brought by Internet usage forces designing faster transport networks for carrying information packets. In the last ten years much attention has been focused on transporting packets directly over the optical transport networks. Researches in this area range from simple electronic and optical switching/routing methods to hybrid and more complicated all-optical packet switching systems. However, major bottleneck in all these methods is designing fast, reliable and inexpensive optical routing/switching devices.In this thesis, a method for optical routing usmg fiber Bragg gratings is proposed. In this method, electronic interface is used only for routing information (routing table) update cycle while packet header extraction and switching is done in optical domain. Routing is performed optically by controlling the refractive index change in fiber gratings. Four bits of header (label) information is used for routing packets to three different output routes. The network is simulated and its performance is evaluated by special software of Virtual Photonics

    A Location Routing Protocol Based on Smart Antennas for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    RÉSUMÉ Les rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans fil sont une technologie Ă©mergente pour la surveillance de l’environnement. Un rĂ©seau de capteurs typique se compose d'un grand nombre de capteurs miniatures (noeuds) multifonctionnels, Ă  faible coĂ»t et Ă  faible consommation d’énergie, Ă©quipĂ©s d’un radio Ă©metteur-rĂ©cepteur et d’un ensemble de transducteurs pour rĂ©colter et transmettre des donnĂ©es environnementales d'une maniĂšre autonome. Une des contraintes les plus importantes de capteurs est la nĂ©cessitĂ©e d’économiser de l’énergie puisqu’ils utilisent des batteries de durĂ© limitĂ©e, gĂ©nĂ©ralement irremplaçables. En outre, ils se caractĂ©risent Ă©galement par une faible vitesse de traitement, capacitĂ© de stockage et de bande passante, qui nĂ©cessite une gestion des ressources trĂšs attentive. En raison des limitations et caractĂ©ristiques inhĂ©rentes aux capteurs, le routage dans les rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans fil suppose un vrai dĂ©fi. La tĂąche de trouver et de maintenir des routes n'est pas triviale Ă©tant donnĂ© les restrictions d'Ă©nergie et les changements soudains dans l'Ă©tat des noeuds (exemple: mal-fonctionnement) qui entrainent des changements frĂ©quents et imprĂ©visibles dans la structure topologique. Ce travail prĂ©sente LBRA, un nouveau protocole de routage gĂ©olocalisĂ© qui utilise des antennes intelligentes pour estimer les positions des noeuds dans le rĂ©seau, et qui base les dĂ©cisions de routage sur l’état de connexion des voisins et leur position relative. L'objectif principal de LBRA est d'Ă©liminer le trafic de contrĂŽle du rĂ©seau autant que possible. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l'algorithme emploie la position locale pour prendre des dĂ©cisions de routage, met en oeuvre un nouveau mĂ©canisme pour recueillir les informations de localisation et utilise seulement les noeuds impliquĂ©s dans la route pour faire la synchronisation des donnĂ©es de positionnement. De plus, le protocole considĂšre le niveau de la batterie au moment de prendre des dĂ©cisions de routage afin de balancer la dĂ©pense d’énergie du rĂ©seau. LBRA est une version amĂ©liorĂ©e du routage de ZigBee (norme actuelle pour les rĂ©seaux Ă  faible coĂ»t et Ă  faible consommation d’énergie) qui se base, lui aussi, sur AODV. Afin d'Ă©valuer dans quelle mesure LBRA reprĂ©sente vraiment une amĂ©lioration par rapport au routage de ZigBee, une sĂ©rie de simulations a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© Ă  l'aide du logiciel Network Simulator (ns). Les deux protocoles ont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©s dans le simulateur. Les performances ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es dans une variĂ©tĂ© de scenarios, dans des conditions diffĂ©rentes tels que les charges de trafic, les tailles de rĂ©seau et les conditions de mobilitĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats des expĂ©riences ont montrĂ© que LBRA rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©duire le trafic de contrĂŽle et la charge de routage, tout en amĂ©liorant le taux de livraison des paquets, Ă  la fois pour les rĂ©seaux fixes et les rĂ©seaux mobiles. L'abaissement de l'alimentation du rĂ©seau est aussi plus Ă©quilibrĂ©, puisque les dĂ©cisions de routage sont prises en fonction du niveau de la batterie des noeuds.----------ABSTRACT Wireless sensor networks are an emerging technology for environmental monitoring. A typical sensor network is composed of a large number of low-cost, low-power, multi-functional miniature sensor devices (nodes) equipped with a radio transceiver and a set of transducers utilized to acquire information about the surrounding environment. One of the most important constraints of sensor nodes is the low power consumption requirement since they carry limited, generally irreplaceable, batteries. In addition, they are also characterized by scarce processing speed, storage capacity and communication bandwidth, thus requiring careful resource management. Due to the inherent characteristics and restrictions of sensor nodes, routing in WSNs is very challenging. The task of finding and maintaining routes is nontrivial since energy restrictions and sudden changes in node status (e.g. failure) cause frequent and unpredictable topological changes. This work introduces a novel location routing protocol that uses smart antennas to estimate nodes positions into the network and to deliver information basing routing decisions on neighbour’s status connection and relative position, named LBRA. The main purpose of LBRA is to eliminate network control overhead as much as possible. To achieve this goal, the algorithm employs local position for route decision, implements a novel mechanism to collect the location information and involves only route participants in the synchronization of location information. In addition, the protocol uses node battery information to make power aware routing decisions. LBRA is an enhanced version of the ZigBee routing, which is the current standard for reliable, cost-effective and low power wireless networking, and like the latter is prototyped from AODV. In order to asses to what extent LBRA truly represents an improvement with respect to the ZigBee routing, a series of simulations were designed with the help of the Network Simulator (ns). Basically, both protocols were implemented in the simulator and its performance was compared in a variety of traffic load, network size and mobility conditions. The experiment results showed that LBRA succeed in reducing the control overhead and the routing load, improving the packet delivery rate for both static and mobile networks. Additionally, network power depletion is more balanced, since routing decisions are made depending on nodes’ battery level

    Tutkimus virtualisoinnista ja energiatehokkuudesta Linuxilla

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    Virtualization has in recent years risen in popularity to the extent of changing the way information technology infrastructure in enterprise data centers is built. Once known as a technique to achieve time sharing between processes, virtualization now offers ïŹ‚exibility in resource usage and software deployment, security, and energy savings by consolidation of many virtualized servers into a single physical one. However, in its modern form, virtualization is still a relatively young technology. There are many studies regarding the performance of different virtualization technologies, but only a few emphasize energy efficiency. When information technology service providers invest in more server hardware, their energy expenses also rise. As optimization for energy efficiency becomes more and more important, possible power consumption overhead caused by virtualization will be an important factor when setting up virtualized servers. In this thesis we studied virtualization using Linux with focus on energy efficiency. We conducted sets of performance tests while measuring power consumption, and assessed how virtualization affects energy efficiency. The tests included synthetic tests and more practical web server tests, with single and multiple virtual machines. We tested various conïŹgurations to ïŹnd out what one should generally note when building a virtualized environment with focus on energy efficiency. All of this was done using various virtualization technologies to ïŹnd out their differences regarding energy efficiency. The tested technologies were KVM, Xen, and vSphere Hypervisor. With respect to energy efficiency or performance, we observed differences in virtualization technologies, and the same technology was not always the best in every situation. We found KVM to offer good energy efficiency, and Xen to have some trouble with recent Linux versions. In web server tests, the use of paravirtualization had almost no effect on power consumption. Processor performance states affected performance and energy efficiency. Power consumption had a tendency to be generally high with bare-metal virtual machine monitors Xen and vSphere Hypervisor. More research with a wider selection of test hardware and software is required to better deïŹne the setups and situations where this power consumption trend and the possible effect of paravirtualization on energy efficiency are observable

    Cooperation in open, decentralized, and heterogeneous computer networks

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    Community Networks (CN) are naturally open and decentralized structures, that grow organically with the addition of heterogeneous network devices, contributed and configured as needed by their participants. The continuous growth in popularity and dissemination of CNs in recent years has raised the perception of a mature and sustainable model for the provisioning of networking services. However, because such infrastructures include uncontrolled entities with non delimited responsibilities, every single network entity does indeed represent a potential single-point of failure that can stop the entire network from working, and that no other entity can prevent or even circumvent. Given the open and decentralized nature of CNs, that brings together individuals and organizations with different and even conflicting economic, political, and technical interests, the achievement of no more than basic consensus on the correctness of all network nodes is challenging. In such environment, the lack of self-determination for CN participants in terms of control and security of routing can be regarded as an obstacle for growth or even as a risk of collapse. To address this problem we first consider deployments of existing Wireless CN and we analyze their technology, characteristics, and performance. We perform an experimental evaluation of a production 802.11an Wireless CN, and compare to studies of other Wireless CN deployments in the literature. We compare experimentally obtained throughput traces with path-capacity calculations based on well-known conflict graph models. We observe that in the majority of cases the path chosen by the employed BMX6 routing protocol corresponds with the best identified path in our model. We analyze monitoring and interaction shortcomings of CNs and address these with Network Characterization Tool (NCT), a novel tool that allows users to assess network state and performance, and improve their quality of experience by individually modifying the routing parameters of their devices. We also evaluate performance outcomes when different routing policies are in use. Routing protocols provide self-management mechanisms that allow the continuous operation of a Community Mesh Network (CMN). We focus on three widely used proactive mesh routing protocols and their implementations: BMX6, OLSR, and Babel. We describe the core idea behind these protocols and study the implications of these in terms of scalability, performance, and stability by exposing them to typical but challenging network topologies and scenarios. Our results show the relative merits, costs, and limitations of the three protocols. Built upon the studied characteristics of typical CN deployments, their requirements on open and decentralized cooperation, and the potential controversy on the trustiness of particular components of a network infrastructure, we propose and evaluate SEMTOR, a novel routing-protocol that can satisfy these demands. SEMTOR allows the verifiable and undeniable definition and distributed application of individually trusted topologies for routing traffic towards each node. One unique advantage of SEMTOR is that it does not require a global consensus on the trustiness of any node and thus preserves cooperation among nodes with even oppositional defined trust specification. This gives each node admin the freedom to individually define the subset, and the resulting sub-topology, from the whole set of participating nodes that he considers sufficiently trustworthy to meet their security, data-delivery objectives and concerns. The proposed mechanisms have been realized as a usable and open-source implementation called BMX7, as successor of BMX6. We have evaluated its scalability, contributed robustness, and security. These results show that the usage of SEMTOR for securing trusted routing topologies is feasible, even when executed on real and very cheap (10 Euro, Linux SoC) routers as commonly used in Community Mesh Networks.Las Redes Comunitarias (CNs) son estructuras de naturaleza abierta y descentralizada, que crecen orgĂĄnicamente con la adiciĂłn de dispositivos de red heterogĂ©neos que aportan y configuran sus participantes segĂșn sea necesario. Sin embargo, debido a que estas infraestructuras incluyen entidades con responsabilidades poco delimitadas, cada entidad puede representar un punto de fallo que puede impedir que la red funcione y que ninguna otra entidad pueda prevenir o eludir. Dada la naturaleza abierta y descentralizada de las CNs, que agrupa individuos y organizaciones con diferentes e incluso contrapuestos intereses econĂłmicos, polĂ­ticos y tĂ©cnicos, conseguir poco mĂĄs que un consenso bĂĄsico sobre los nodos correctos en la red puede ser un reto. En este entorno, la falta de autodeterminaciĂłn para los participantes de una CN en cuanto a control y seguridad del encaminamiento puede considerarse un obstĂĄculo para el crecimiento o incluso un riesgo de colapso. Para abordar este problema consideramos las implementaciones de redes comunitarias inalĂĄmbricas (WCN) y se analiza su tecnologĂ­a, caracterĂ­sticas y desempeño. Realizamos una evaluaciĂłn experimental de una WCN establecida y se compara con estudios de otros despliegues. Comparamos las trazas de rendimiento experimentales con cĂĄlculos de la capacidad de los caminos basados en modelos bien conocidos del grafo. Se observa que en la mayorĂ­a de los casos el camino elegido por el protocolo de encaminamiento BMX6 corresponde con el mejor camino identificado en nuestro modelo. Analizamos las limitaciones de monitorizaciĂłn e interacciĂłn en CNs y los tratamos con NCT, una nueva herramienta que permite evaluar el estado y rendimiento de la red, y mejorar la calidad de experiencia modificando los parĂĄmetros de sus dispositivos individuales. TambiĂ©n evaluamos el rendimiento resultante para diferentes polĂ­ticas de encaminamiento. Los protocolos de encaminamiento proporcionan mecanismos de autogestiĂłn que hacen posible el funcionamiento continuo de una red comunitaria mesh (CMN). Nos centramos en tres protocolos de encaminamiento proactivos para redes mesh ampliamente utilizados y sus implementaciones: BMX6, OLSR y Babel. Se describe la idea central de estos protocolos y se estudian la implicaciones de Ă©stos en tĂ©rminos de escalabilidad, rendimiento y estabilidad al exponerlos a topologĂ­as y escenarios de red tĂ­picos pero exigentes. Nuestros resultados muestran los mĂ©ritos, costes y limitaciones de los tres protocolos. A partir de las caracterĂ­sticas analizadas en despliegues tĂ­picos de redes comunitarias, y de las necesidades en cuanto a cooperaciĂłn abierta y descentralizada, y la esperable divergencia sobre la confiabilidad en ciertos componentes de la infraestructura de red, proponemos y evaluamos SEMTOR, un nuevo protocolo de encaminamiento que puede satisfacer estas necesidades. SEMTOR permite definir de forma verificable e innegable, asĂ­ como aplicar de forma distribuida, topologĂ­as de confianza individualizadas para encaminar trĂĄfico hacia cada nodo. Una ventaja Ășnica de SEMTOR es que no precisa de consenso global sobre la confianza en cualquier nodo y por tanto preserva la cooperaciĂłn entre los nodos, incluso con especificaciones de confianza definidas por oposiciĂłn. Esto proporciona a cada administrador de nodo la libertad para definir el subconjunto, y la sub-topologĂ­a resultante, entre el conjunto de todos los nodos participantes que considere dignos de suficiente confianza para cumplir con su objetivo y criterio de seguridad y entrega de datos. Los mecanismos propuestos se han realizado en forma de una implementaciĂłn utilizable de cĂłdigo abierto llamada BMX7. Se ha evaluado su escalabilidad, robustez y seguridad. Estos resultados demuestran que el uso de SEMTOR para asegurar topologĂ­as de encaminamiento de confianza es factible, incluso cuando se ejecuta en routers reales y muy baratos utilizados de forma habitual en WCN.Postprint (published version
