21 research outputs found

    Indian evangelical mission, 1960-1990 : an examination Tyagigargha or the way of sacrifice as a model for mission along the Indian roa

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    Articles from MSSRF

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    Annexure 42 of final repor

    Empowering Methodist laity in South India for effective ministry

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    Usk ja identiteet komi külas: protestandid õigeusklikus sotsiokultuurilises keskkonnas

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVäitekiri teeb sissevaate nõukogude aja järgse usuelu arengusuundadesse Komi Vabariigis. Alates 1990. aastatest on Venemaa religioossele maastikule ilmunud arvukalt kohalikus kontekstis uusi ja vähetuntud usugruppe. Samal ajal on jõudsalt kasvanud Vene Õigeusu Kiriku ühiskondlik positsioon ja tähendus. Nõukogude korra ja identiteedi lagunemise järel on religioon omandanud olulise sotsiaalse rolli, seda on nähtud kultuuri ja identiteedi hoidmise ja loomise vahendina, usuline identiteet on võrdsustatud etnilise ja kultuurilise kuuluvusega. Dissertatsioon käsitleb usulise mitmekesistumisega kaasnenud sotsiaalseid pingeid, keskendudes õigeuskliku enamuse ja protestantliku vähemuse vaheliste suhete problemaatikale ühe väikese evangeelsete kristlaste kogukonna näitel. Uurimuse keskmes oleva kogukonna eripäraks on selle oikumeeniline suunitlus ning avatus erinevate denominatsiooniliste eelistustega inimestele. Mitmed kogukonna liikmed on selles avatuses ja kristluse vormide mitmekesisust tunnustavas lähenemises leidnud võimaluse teadlikult kombineerida õigeusklikku ja evangeelset identiteeti. Esimest väärtustatakse tihti järjepidevuse kontekstis, teine on paljude jaoks võimaldanud tähenduslikult ümber mõtestada oma suhte religiooni ja jumalaga. Käsitlen raskusi, millega kogukonna liikmed on vastamisi sattunud, püüdes legitimeerida oma kohalolu ajalooliselt õigeusklikus kultuuriruumis ning analüüsin strateegiaid, mille abil püütakse sobituda nende suhtes tihti ebasõbralikku keskkonda. Uurin, kuidas sotsiaalse konteksti eripärad on mõjutanud kohalikke religioosseid tõlgendusi, väljendusi ja praktikaid. Samuti käsitlen seda, kuidas protestandid kasutavad ja kohandavad teatud ideid ja praktikaid viisil, mis on tähenduslikud nii konkreetses sotsiokultuurilises keskkonnas kui ka nende usu kontekstis. Uurimuse aluseks olev materjal on kogutud Komi Vabariigis Kulömdini rajooni külades etnoloogilistel välitöödel, mis toimusid aastatel 2006–2015.This study explores the dynamics of post-Soviet religious life in Komi Republic, Northern Russia. Following the demise of communist and Soviet identity, the question of identity has been on the foreground in Russia in general as well as in the Komi Republic. Religion has acquired important social role as part of the resources of constituting and expressing identity and culture. Russian Orthodoxy as the historically and culturally most rooted religious tradition claimed and was granted a special and leading position in the religious landscape of Russia. At the same time, more or less explicitly this dominating position has been challenged in the context of exuberant religious diversity that quickly developed in the post-Soviet society. This thesis focuses on the relationship between Orthodox majority and Protestant minority on the example of a small evangelical group in the Komi countryside. Although numerically a minority, the social visibility and significance of evangelical Christians in Russia considerably exceeds their proportion in numbers. Looking at evangelical Christians’ interactions with the surrounding society allows examining tensions accompanying the growth of religious pluralism, tackling questions of belonging and discussing links between religion and national and ethnic identity. The study examines the difficulties a minority religion group has faced in establishing itself as legitimate in rural Komi and the strategies of how the group members negotiate their presence in the wider society frequently unsympathetic towards them. How the particularities of specific social context have influenced local interpretations, expressions and practices of faith are analysed. The study also discusses how the evangelicals use and adapt specific ideas and practices in ways that are meaningful to both their particular socio-cultural context and faith. The study is based on ethnological fieldwork conducted in the villages of Kulömdin, Komi Repbulic, between 2006 and 2015

    The Participatory We-Self: Ethnicity and Music in Northern Thailand.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    The history of the expansion of Protestant Christianity among the Nepali diaspora

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    The history of the Protestant Christian church among Nepali people started while Nepal was still a "closed" country, among a diaspora community across the eastern border in Darjeeling, then a part of British India. This thesis documents the history of the expansion of Christianity throughout the Nepali diaspora as it spread to disparate parts of India and beyond. In order to trace that history, it was also necessary to historically trace the dispersion itself and its contacts with Christianity.The first chapter deals with the basic question of "Who is a Nepali?" and the historico-sociological forces that led to widespread external migration out of Nepal. Then a two-tiered region by region historical analysis is made of the Nepali diaspora itself in the context of its receptor communities and the influence of Christianity among it, resulting in the establishment of Nepali Protestant Christian churches. This process is traced from its early beginnings in Darjeeling on through the Eastern Himalayan states of Sikkim and Bhutan and into the Duars, and along the relentless eastward migration trail into North East India and Burma. The analysis then looks at the regions to the south and west of Nepal in three broadly defined blocks: the North India plains of North Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the Western Himalayas with emphasis on the UP hills and Himachal Pradesh, and urban India. A separate chapter documents the spread of Christianity among Gurkha soldiers, particularly within the British Brigade of Gurkhas. Throughout attention is given to the agents of Christian expansion and other factors inherent in that expansion, the particular ethnicity of the Nepali most affected, their links back to the "mother church" in Darjeeling and with the church in Nepal. Finally, contrasts concerning where and how Christianity has spread among the Nepali diaspora are drawn between the regions

    Church in the apostolic spirit: a strategy for building indigenous apostolic congregations in the cultural context of Eastern Orthodox and post-Communist Romania

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    Observations and suggestions by others

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    Annexure 41 of final repor

    The introduction of the universal coverage of health care in Thailand : policy responses

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    In 2001, Thailand introduced the Universal Coverage of Health Care Policy (UC) very rapidly after the new government came to power. The policy aims to entitle all citizens to health care and includes health system reforms to achieve equity, efficiency, and accountability. The overall question this thesis asks is how did this policy come about, and how likely is it that the policy will achieve its goals? Literature suggests that understanding the policy process is as important as assessing the content of particular policies when judging policy outcomes. By using an analytical framework to explore four elements: context, actors, process, and content, this thesis aims to generate general understanding of the UC policy process, and to use this analysis to assess implementation. It starts by addressing how and why universal coverage, which had long been discussed in Thailand, got on to the policy agenda in 2001, and then explores how the policy was formulated nationally. It goes on to look at implementation in one province, examining the inter-relationships between provincial, district and community facilities. Data were gathered from key informant interviews, document and media analysis, and group discussion with villagers. The analysis suggests that Thailand's democratization, created new actors in health policymaking processes which had long been under control of bureaucrats and professionals. The 1997 Constitution encouraged a more pluralistic political system. Universal access to health was advocated by a group of non-government organizations who pushed to get UC through legislation and announced their campaign a few months before the 2001 election. NGO interest was paralleled by a political party campaign, announced in 2000 by the Thai-Rak Thai Party, and implemented as UC when the Party came to power. UC was picked up because it was seen as legitimate, feasible under the existing infrastructure and government budget, and also congruent with the reform intention of the political party. Once it became the government in 2001, an important factor in early policy formulation was the extent to which national research provided evidence to support the policy. The research community was tightly-knit and concentrated in medical-related professions. One member of this policy community played an important role as a policy entrepreneur. This policy community continued to support evidence for debates in policy-making during both policy formulation and implementation. The implementation process was a top-down process; however, there were some spaces for street level bureaucrats to adapt decisions to fit their context. Implementation started through the extension of insurance coverage in four phases under the execution of the Ministry of Public Health. Private providers were only minimally involved in these formulation and implementation phases. The UC policy in 2001-2 was characterised by clear policy goals, limited participation, strong institutional capacity, and very rapid implementation - all factors which anticipated success of the policy. However, the complex technical features of the policy and the big change in system reform were a brake on success. One of the implementation problems was the mobilization of human resources, especially where bureaucrats were resistant to change. It seems that the implementation of the UC policy in Thailand reflected both managerial as well as political problems. Given the findings of this study, policy monitoring should pay attention to political as well as technical assessment.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Running among thorns : perspectives on Ethiopian/United States educational experiences.

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    This dissertation is a qualitative exploration of the perspectives of Ethiopian immigrants to the United States who have educational experience in both cultures. By interviewing five respondents and asking them to reflect on the role that their education played in their acculturation to the United States, a series of case histories was developed. The case histories were analyzed using the Differentiated Multi-Dimensional Model of Acculturation to determine if they upheld the two predictions made by this model: 1) acculturation for any particular individual proceeds independently at different rates across three different dimensions: language, behavior, and cultural identity; and 2) acculturation rates and patterns between individuals across these three dimensions differ. Chapter One summarizes the purpose, significance, and structure of the dissertation, introduces the research questions, and defines significant terms. Chapter Two, the literature review, consists of three parts. First, there is an extensive review of Ethiopian educational history. This section explores in some depth the six strands that comprise that history, their interaction with each other, and their impacts upon three ‘troubling topics’: the role of women, ethnic identity, and slavery. Second, for comparison purposes, there is a much briefer summary of U.S. educational history. Finally, there is an introduction to acculturation, including the theoretical model used in this study. Chapter Three presents the research design of the dissertation, including a brief introduction to its theoretical roots in the case study approach. The chapter also outlines the two-step plan for data analysis. Chapter Four records the case study reports from the five respondents and analyzes each report, viewed individually. The first prediction of the model was upheld. Chapter Five provides a summary of suggestions for educational practice and discusses findings of the cross-analysis of the case studies, viewed collectively. The theoretical model\u27s second prediction was called into question. This paper posed four theoretical questions to focus further study