943 research outputs found

    Video ChatCaptioner: Towards the Enriched Spatiotemporal Descriptions

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    Video captioning aims to convey dynamic scenes from videos using natural language, facilitating the understanding of spatiotemporal information within our environment. Although there have been recent advances, generating detailed and enriched video descriptions continues to be a substantial challenge. In this work, we introduce Video ChatCaptioner, an innovative approach for creating more comprehensive spatiotemporal video descriptions. Our method employs a ChatGPT model as a controller, specifically designed to select frames for posing video content-driven questions. Subsequently, a robust algorithm is utilized to answer these visual queries. This question-answer framework effectively uncovers intricate video details and shows promise as a method for enhancing video content. Following multiple conversational rounds, ChatGPT can summarize enriched video content based on previous conversations. We qualitatively demonstrate that our Video ChatCaptioner can generate captions containing more visual details about the videos. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/Vision-CAIR/ChatCaptione

    JourneyDB: A Benchmark for Generative Image Understanding

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    While recent advancements in vision-language models have had a transformative impact on multi-modal comprehension, the extent to which these models possess the ability to comprehend generated images remains uncertain. Synthetic images, in comparison to real data, encompass a higher level of diversity in terms of both content and style, thereby presenting significant challenges for the models to fully grasp. In light of this challenge, we introduce a comprehensive dataset, referred to as JourneyDB, that caters to the domain of generative images within the context of multi-modal visual understanding. Our meticulously curated dataset comprises 4 million distinct and high-quality generated images, each paired with the corresponding text prompts that were employed in their creation. Furthermore, we additionally introduce an external subset with results of another 22 text-to-image generative models, which makes JourneyDB a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the comprehension of generated images. On our dataset, we have devised four benchmarks to assess the performance of generated image comprehension in relation to both content and style interpretation. These benchmarks encompass prompt inversion, style retrieval, image captioning, and visual question answering. Lastly, we evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art multi-modal models when applied to the JourneyDB dataset, providing a comprehensive analysis of their strengths and limitations in comprehending generated content. We anticipate that the proposed dataset and benchmarks will facilitate further research in the field of generative content understanding. The dataset is publicly available at https://journeydb.github.io.Comment: Accepted to the Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    Simple Baselines for Interactive Video Retrieval with Questions and Answers

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    To date, the majority of video retrieval systems have been optimized for a "single-shot" scenario in which the user submits a query in isolation, ignoring previous interactions with the system. Recently, there has been renewed interest in interactive systems to enhance retrieval, but existing approaches are complex and deliver limited gains in performance. In this work, we revisit this topic and propose several simple yet effective baselines for interactive video retrieval via question-answering. We employ a VideoQA model to simulate user interactions and show that this enables the productive study of the interactive retrieval task without access to ground truth dialogue data. Experiments on MSR-VTT, MSVD, and AVSD show that our framework using question-based interaction significantly improves the performance of text-based video retrieval systems.Comment: ICCV 2023, project page: https://github.com/kevinliang888/IVR-QA-baseline

    TaleCrafter: Interactive Story Visualization with Multiple Characters

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    Accurate Story visualization requires several necessary elements, such as identity consistency across frames, the alignment between plain text and visual content, and a reasonable layout of objects in images. Most previous works endeavor to meet these requirements by fitting a text-to-image (T2I) model on a set of videos in the same style and with the same characters, e.g., the FlintstonesSV dataset. However, the learned T2I models typically struggle to adapt to new characters, scenes, and styles, and often lack the flexibility to revise the layout of the synthesized images. This paper proposes a system for generic interactive story visualization, capable of handling multiple novel characters and supporting the editing of layout and local structure. It is developed by leveraging the prior knowledge of large language and T2I models, trained on massive corpora. The system comprises four interconnected components: story-to-prompt generation (S2P), text-to-layout generation (T2L), controllable text-to-image generation (C-T2I), and image-to-video animation (I2V). First, the S2P module converts concise story information into detailed prompts required for subsequent stages. Next, T2L generates diverse and reasonable layouts based on the prompts, offering users the ability to adjust and refine the layout to their preference. The core component, C-T2I, enables the creation of images guided by layouts, sketches, and actor-specific identifiers to maintain consistency and detail across visualizations. Finally, I2V enriches the visualization process by animating the generated images. Extensive experiments and a user study are conducted to validate the effectiveness and flexibility of interactive editing of the proposed system.Comment: Github repository: https://github.com/VideoCrafter/TaleCrafte

    Advancing Medical Imaging with Language Models: A Journey from N-grams to ChatGPT

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    In this paper, we aimed to provide a review and tutorial for researchers in the field of medical imaging using language models to improve their tasks at hand. We began by providing an overview of the history and concepts of language models, with a special focus on large language models. We then reviewed the current literature on how language models are being used to improve medical imaging, emphasizing different applications such as image captioning, report generation, report classification, finding extraction, visual question answering, interpretable diagnosis, and more for various modalities and organs. The ChatGPT was specially highlighted for researchers to explore more potential applications. We covered the potential benefits of accurate and efficient language models for medical imaging analysis, including improving clinical workflow efficiency, reducing diagnostic errors, and assisting healthcare professionals in providing timely and accurate diagnoses. Overall, our goal was to bridge the gap between language models and medical imaging and inspire new ideas and innovations in this exciting area of research. We hope that this review paper will serve as a useful resource for researchers in this field and encourage further exploration of the possibilities of language models in medical imaging

    AutoAD: Movie Description in Context

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    The objective of this paper is an automatic Audio Description (AD) model that ingests movies and outputs AD in text form. Generating high-quality movie AD is challenging due to the dependency of the descriptions on context, and the limited amount of training data available. In this work, we leverage the power of pretrained foundation models, such as GPT and CLIP, and only train a mapping network that bridges the two models for visually-conditioned text generation. In order to obtain high-quality AD, we make the following four contributions: (i) we incorporate context from the movie clip, AD from previous clips, as well as the subtitles; (ii) we address the lack of training data by pretraining on large-scale datasets, where visual or contextual information is unavailable, e.g. text-only AD without movies or visual captioning datasets without context; (iii) we improve on the currently available AD datasets, by removing label noise in the MAD dataset, and adding character naming information; and (iv) we obtain strong results on the movie AD task compared with previous methods.Comment: CVPR2023 Highlight. Project page: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/autoad

    HiLM-D: Towards High-Resolution Understanding in Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving systems generally employ separate models for different tasks resulting in intricate designs. For the first time, we leverage singular multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to consolidate multiple autonomous driving tasks from videos, i.e., the Risk Object Localization and Intention and Suggestion Prediction (ROLISP) task. ROLISP uses natural language to simultaneously identify and interpret risk objects, understand ego-vehicle intentions, and provide motion suggestions, eliminating the necessity for task-specific architectures. However, lacking high-resolution (HR) information, existing MLLMs often miss small objects (e.g., traffic cones) and overly focus on salient ones (e.g., large trucks) when applied to ROLISP. We propose HiLM-D (Towards High-Resolution Understanding in MLLMs for Autonomous Driving), an efficient method to incorporate HR information into MLLMs for the ROLISP task. Especially, HiLM-D integrates two branches: (i) the low-resolution reasoning branch, can be any MLLMs, processes low-resolution videos to caption risk objects and discern ego-vehicle intentions/suggestions; (ii) the high-resolution perception branch (HR-PB), prominent to HiLM-D,, ingests HR images to enhance detection by capturing vision-specific HR feature maps and prioritizing all potential risks over merely salient objects. Our HR-PB serves as a plug-and-play module, seamlessly fitting into current MLLMs. Experiments on the ROLISP benchmark reveal HiLM-D's notable advantage over leading MLLMs, with improvements of 4.8% in BLEU-4 for captioning and 17.2% in mIoU for detection

    Socratic Models: Composing Zero-Shot Multimodal Reasoning with Language

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    Large foundation models can exhibit unique capabilities depending on the domain of data they are trained on. While these domains are generic, they may only barely overlap. For example, visual-language models (VLMs) are trained on Internet-scale image captions, but large language models (LMs) are further trained on Internet-scale text with no images (e.g. from spreadsheets, to SAT questions). As a result, these models store different forms of commonsense knowledge across different domains. In this work, we show that this model diversity is symbiotic, and can be leveraged to build AI systems with structured Socratic dialogue -- in which new multimodal tasks are formulated as a guided language-based exchange between different pre-existing foundation models, without additional finetuning. In the context of egocentric perception, we present a case study of Socratic Models (SMs) that can provide meaningful results for complex tasks such as generating free-form answers to contextual questions about egocentric video, by formulating video Q&A as short story Q&A, i.e. summarizing the video into a short story, then answering questions about it. Additionally, SMs can generate captions for Internet images, and are competitive with state-of-the-art on zero-shot video-to-text retrieval with 42.8 R@1 on MSR-VTT 1k-A. SMs demonstrate how to compose foundation models zero-shot to capture new multimodal functionalities, without domain-specific data collection. Prototypes are available at socraticmodels.github.io.Comment: https://socraticmodels.github.io

    InternVid: A Large-scale Video-Text Dataset for Multimodal Understanding and Generation

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    This paper introduces InternVid, a large-scale video-centric multimodal dataset that enables learning powerful and transferable video-text representations for multimodal understanding and generation. The InternVid dataset contains over 7 million videos lasting nearly 760K hours, yielding 234M video clips accompanied by detailed descriptions of total 4.1B words. Our core contribution is to develop a scalable approach to autonomously build a high-quality video-text dataset with large language models (LLM), thereby showcasing its efficacy in learning video-language representation at scale. Specifically, we utilize a multi-scale approach to generate video-related descriptions. Furthermore, we introduce ViCLIP, a video-text representation learning model based on ViT-L. Learned on InternVid via contrastive learning, this model demonstrates leading zero-shot action recognition and competitive video retrieval performance. Beyond basic video understanding tasks like recognition and retrieval, our dataset and model have broad applications. They are particularly beneficial for generating interleaved video-text data for learning a video-centric dialogue system, advancing video-to-text and text-to-video generation research. These proposed resources provide a tool for researchers and practitioners interested in multimodal video understanding and generation.Comment: Data and Code: https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternVideo/tree/main/Data/InternVi