384 research outputs found

    Deceit: A flexible distributed file system

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    Deceit, a distributed file system (DFS) being developed at Cornell, focuses on flexible file semantics in relation to efficiency, scalability, and reliability. Deceit servers are interchangeable and collectively provide the illusion of a single, large server machine to any clients of the Deceit service. Non-volatile replicas of each file are stored on a subset of the file servers. The user is able to set parameters on a file to achieve different levels of availability, performance, and one-copy serializability. Deceit also supports a file version control mechanism. In contrast with many recent DFS efforts, Deceit can behave like a plain Sun Network File System (NFS) server and can be used by any NFS client without modifying any client software. The current Deceit prototype uses the ISIS Distributed Programming Environment for all communication and process group management, an approach that reduces system complexity and increases system robustness

    ElasTraS: An Elastic Transactional Data Store in the Cloud

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    Over the last couple of years, "Cloud Computing" or "Elastic Computing" has emerged as a compelling and successful paradigm for internet scale computing. One of the major contributing factors to this success is the elasticity of resources. In spite of the elasticity provided by the infrastructure and the scalable design of the applications, the elephant (or the underlying database), which drives most of these web-based applications, is not very elastic and scalable, and hence limits scalability. In this paper, we propose ElasTraS which addresses this issue of scalability and elasticity of the data store in a cloud computing environment to leverage from the elastic nature of the underlying infrastructure, while providing scalable transactional data access. This paper aims at providing the design of a system in progress, highlighting the major design choices, analyzing the different guarantees provided by the system, and identifying several important challenges for the research community striving for computing in the cloud.Comment: 5 Pages, In Proc. of USENIX HotCloud 200

    Implementasi Optimistic Concurrency Control pada Sistem Aplikasi E-Commerce berdasarkan Arsitektur Microservices menggunakan Kubernetes

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    MicroService memiliki banyak pendekatan dalam penerapannya. Salah satunya dengan membuat setiap Service bersifat isolated. Untuk memenuhi sifat isolated tersebut komunikasi dilakukan secara asinkronus dimana setiap Service berkomunikasi menggunakan bantuan dari event bus. Duplikasi data akan sering terjadi dikarenakan Service bersifat isolated yaitu setiap Service tidak bisa mengambil data pada database yang bukan miliknya. Oleh karena itu duplikasi data harus tetap sinkron di setiap Service. Permasalahan muncul pada saat dilakukan scaling. Service yang di scaling memproses event secara konkuren sehingga urutan eksekusi setiap event bisa saja tidak terurut. Hal ini memungkinkan keadaan nilai dari suatu data menjadi tidak konsisten diantara masing-masing database tiap Service. Optimistic Concurrency Control sebagai solusi terhadap masalah konsistensi data yang terjadi. Hasil dari solusi yang diterapkan membuat nilai data menjadi sinkron disetiap database Service dalam keadaan scaling

    Managing Data Replication and Distribution in the Fog with FReD

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    The heterogeneous, geographically distributed infrastructure of fog computing poses challenges in data replication, data distribution, and data mobility for fog applications. Fog computing is still missing the necessary abstractions to manage application data, and fog application developers need to re-implement data management for every new piece of software. Proposed solutions are limited to certain application domains, such as the IoT, are not flexible in regard to network topology, or do not provide the means for applications to control the movement of their data. In this paper, we present FReD, a data replication middleware for the fog. FReD serves as a building block for configurable fog data distribution and enables low-latency, high-bandwidth, and privacy-sensitive applications. FReD is a common data access interface across heterogeneous infrastructure and network topologies, provides transparent and controllable data distribution, and can be integrated with applications from different domains. To evaluate our approach, we present a prototype implementation of FReD and show the benefits of developing with FReD using three case studies of fog computing applications
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