1,746 research outputs found

    Pop Music Highlighter: Marking the Emotion Keypoints

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    The goal of music highlight extraction is to get a short consecutive segment of a piece of music that provides an effective representation of the whole piece. In a previous work, we introduced an attention-based convolutional recurrent neural network that uses music emotion classification as a surrogate task for music highlight extraction, for Pop songs. The rationale behind that approach is that the highlight of a song is usually the most emotional part. This paper extends our previous work in the following two aspects. First, methodology-wise we experiment with a new architecture that does not need any recurrent layers, making the training process faster. Moreover, we compare a late-fusion variant and an early-fusion variant to study which one better exploits the attention mechanism. Second, we conduct and report an extensive set of experiments comparing the proposed attention-based methods against a heuristic energy-based method, a structural repetition-based method, and a few other simple feature-based methods for this task. Due to the lack of public-domain labeled data for highlight extraction, following our previous work we use the RWC POP 100-song data set to evaluate how the detected highlights overlap with any chorus sections of the songs. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods over competing methods. For reproducibility, we open source the code and pre-trained model at https://github.com/remyhuang/pop-music-highlighter/.Comment: Transactions of the ISMIR vol. 1, no.

    Music feature extraction and analysis through Python

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    En l'era digital, plataformes com Spotify s'han convertit en els principals canals de consum de música, ampliant les possibilitats per analitzar i entendre la música a través de les dades. Aquest projecte es centra en un examen exhaustiu d'un conjunt de dades obtingut de Spotify, utilitzant Python com a eina per a l'extracció i anàlisi de dades. L'objectiu principal es centra en la creació d'aquest conjunt de dades, emfatitzant una àmplia varietat de cançons de diversos subgèneres. La intenció és representar tant el panorama musical més tendenciós i popular com els nínxols, alineant-se amb el concepte de distribució de Cua Llarga, terme popularitzat com a "Long Tail" en anglès, que destaca el potencial de mercat de productes de nínxols amb menor popularitat. A través de l'anàlisi, es posen de manifest patrons en l'evolució de les característiques musicals al llarg de les dècades passades. Canvis en característiques com l'energia, el volum, la capacitat de ball, el positivisme que desprèn una cançó i la seva correlació amb la popularitat sorgeixen del conjunt de dades. Paral·lelament a aquesta anàlisi, es concep un sistema de recomanació musical basat en el contingut del conjunt de dades creat. L'objectiu és connectar cançons, especialment les menys conegudes, amb possibles oients. Aquest projecte ofereix perspectives beneficioses per a entusiastes de la música, científics de dades i professionals de la indústria. Les metodologies implementades i l'anàlisi realitzat presenten un punt de convergència de la ciència de dades i la indústria de la música en el context digital actualEn la era digital, plataformas como Spotify se han convertido en los principales canales de consumo de música, ampliando las posibilidades para analizar y entender la música a través de los datos. Este proyecto se centra en un examen exhaustivo de un conjunto de datos obtenido de Spotify, utilizando Python como herramienta para la extracción y análisis de datos. El objetivo principal se centra en la creación de este conjunto de datos, enfatizando una amplia variedad de canciones de diversos subgéneros. La intención es representar tanto el panorama musical más tendencioso y popular como los nichos, alineándose con el concepto de distribución de Cola Larga, término popularizado como Long Tail en inglés, que destaca el potencial de mercado de productos de nichos con menor popularidad. A través del análisis, se evidencian patrones en la evolución de las características musicales a lo largo de las décadas pasadas. Cambios en características como la energía, el volumen, la capacidad de baile, el positivismo que desprende una canción y su correlación con la popularidad surgen del conjunto de datos. Paralelamente a este análisis, se concibe un sistema de recomendación musical basado en el contenido del conjunto de datos creado. El objetivo es conectar canciones, especialmente las menos conocidas, con posibles oyentes. Este proyecto ofrece perspectivas beneficiosas para entusiastas de la música, científicos de datos y profesionales de la industria. Las metodologías implementadas y el análisis realizado presentan un punto de convergencia de la ciencia de datos y la industria de la música en el contexto digital actualIn the digital era, platforms like Spotify have become the primary channels of music consumption, broadening the possibilities for analyzing and understanding music through data. This project focuses on a comprehensive examination of a dataset sourced from Spotify, with Python as the tool for data extraction and analysis. The primary objective centers around the creation of this dataset, emphasizing a diverse range of songs from various subgenres. The intention is to represent both mainstream and niche musical landscapes, aligning with the Long Tail distribution concept, which highlights the market potential of less popular niche products. Through analysis, patterns in the evolution of musical features over past decades become evident. Shifts in features such as energy, loudness, danceability, and valence and their correlation with popularity emerge from the dataset. Parallel to this analysis is the conceptualization of a music recommendation system based on the content of the data set. The aim is to connect tracks, especially lesser-known ones, with potential listeners. This project provides insights beneficial for music enthusiasts, data scientists, and industry professionals. The methodologies and analyses present a convergence of data science and the music industry in today's digital contex

    Weblog and short text feature extraction and impact on categorisation

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    The characterisation and categorisation of weblogs and other short texts has become an important research theme in the areas of topic/trend detection, and pattern recognition, amongst others. The value of analysing and characterising short text is to understand and identify the features that can identify and distinguish them, thereby improving input to the classification process. In this research work, we analyse a large number of text features and establish which combinations are useful to discriminate between the different genres of short text. Having identified the most promising features, we then confirm our findings by performing the categorisation task using three approaches: the Gaussian and SVM classifiers and the K-means clustering algorithm. Several hundred combinations of features were analysed in order to identify the best combinations and the results confirmed the observations made. The novel aspect of our work is the detection of the best combination of individual metrics which are identified as potential features to be used for the categorisation process.The research work of the third author is partially funded by the WIQ-EI (IRSES grant n. 269180) and DIANA APPLICATIONS (TIN2012-38603-C02-01), and done in the framework of the VLC/Campus Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems.Perez Tellez, F.; Cardiff, J.; Rosso, P.; Pinto Avendaño, DE. (2014). Weblog and short text feature extraction and impact on categorisation. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 27(5):2529-2544. https://doi.org/10.3233/IFS-141227S2529254427

    The Word2vec Graph Model for Author Attribution and Genre Detection in Literary Analysis

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    Analyzing the writing styles of authors and articles is a key to supporting various literary analyses such as author attribution and genre detection. Over the years, rich sets of features that include stylometry, bag-of-words, n-grams have been widely used to perform such analysis. However, the effectiveness of these features largely depends on the linguistic aspects of a particular language and datasets specific characteristics. Consequently, techniques based on these feature sets cannot give desired results across domains. In this paper, we propose a novel Word2vec graph based modeling of a document that can rightly capture both context and style of the document. By using these Word2vec graph based features, we perform classification to perform author attribution and genre detection tasks. Our detailed experimental study with a comprehensive set of literary writings shows the effectiveness of this method over traditional feature based approaches. Our code and data are publicly available at https://cutt.ly/svLjSgkComment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization

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    The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.Comment: Accepted for publication on ACM Computing Survey

    Adaptive speaker diarization of broadcast news based on factor analysis

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    The introduction of factor analysis techniques in a speaker diarization system enhances its performance by facilitating the use of speaker specific information, by improving the suppression of nuisance factors such as phonetic content, and by facilitating various forms of adaptation. This paper describes a state-of-the-art iVector-based diarization system which employs factor analysis and adaptation on all levels. The diarization modules relevant for this work are: the speaker segmentation which searches for speaker boundaries and the speaker clustering which aims at grouping speech segments of the same speaker. The speaker segmentation relies on speaker factors which are extracted on a frame-by-frame basis using eigenvoices. We incorporate soft voice activity detection in this extraction process as the speaker change detection should be based on speaker information only and we want it to disregard the non-speech frames by applying speech posteriors. Potential speaker boundaries are inserted at positions where rapid changes in speaker factors are witnessed. By employing Mahalanobis distances, the effect of the phonetic content can be further reduced, which results in more accurate speaker boundaries. This iVector-based segmentation significantly outperforms more common segmentation methods based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) or speech activity marks. The speaker clustering employs two-step Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC): after initial BIC clustering, the second cluster stage is realized by either an iVector Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) system or Cosine Distance Scoring (CDS) of extracted speaker factors. The segmentation system is made adaptive on a file-by-file basis by iterating the diarization process using eigenvoice matrices adapted (unsupervised) on the output of the previous iteration. Assuming that for most use cases material similar to the recording in question is readily available, unsupervised domain adaptation of the speaker clustering is possible as well. We obtain this by expanding the eigenvoice matrix used during speaker factor extraction for the CDS clustering stage with a small set of new eigenvoices that, in combination with the initial generic eigenvoices, models the recurring speakers and acoustic conditions more accurately. Experiments on the COST278 multilingual broadcast news database show the generation of significantly more accurate speaker boundaries by using adaptive speaker segmentation which also results in more accurate clustering. The obtained speaker error rate (SER) can be further reduced by another 13% relative to 7.4% via domain adaptation of the CDS clustering. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Authorship Verification in Arabic using Function Words: A Controversial Case Study of Imam Ali's Book Peak of Eloquence

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    This paper addresses the viability of two multivariate methods (Principal Components Analysis and Cluster Analysis) in verifying the disputed authorship of a famous Arabic religious book called (Nahjul-Balagha/ Peak of Eloquence). This book occupies an exceptional position in the history of the huge debates held between the two basic Islamic sectors: Sunni'e and Shia. Therefore, it represents a serious challenge to the viability of the multivariate techniques in resolving certain types of historical and sectarian conflicts and controversies. Furthermore, verifying the authorship of this book could be a good opportunity to find out whether there are certain quantitative techniques of attribution that hold for different languages such as English and Arabic. Function words have been targeted in this paper as possible indicators of the author's identity. Accordingly, a set of Arabic function words would be tested using WordSmith Tools (version 5). It turned out that the multivariate techniques are most likely robust for addressing the type of issues raised about Nahjul-Balagha. Besides, it appeared that the statistical patterns of function word usages are quite sensitive to genre in Arabic. Keywords: authorship attribution, authorship verification, stylometrics, computational stylistics
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