114 research outputs found

    Mechanical Verification of Interactive Programs Specified by Use Cases

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    International audienceInteractive programs, like user interfaces, are hard to formally specify and thus to prove correct. Some ideas coming from functional programming languages have been successful to improve the way we write safer programs, compared to traditional imperative languages, but these ideas mostly apply to code fragments without any inputs–outputs. Using the purely functional language Coq, we present a new technique to represent interactive programs and formally verify use cases using the Coq proof engine as a symbolic debugger. To this end we introduce the notion of scenarios, well-typed schema of interactions between an environment and a program. We design and certify a blog system as an illustration. Our approach generalizes unit-testing techniques and outlines a new method for mechanically assisted checking of effectful functional programs. I. Introduction Implementing and proving correct interactive programs is challenging. Indeed, interactive programs are hard to reason about because they communicate with an outer environment (the operating system, the network, the user,. . .) which may be under-specified and non determin-istic. Moreover, the communications between the program and the environment can happen at many points during the execution and may depend on previous interactions. Many techniques have been developed to model, specify and prove correct interactive or concurrent programs[15]. For instance, process algebra and temporal logics are well understood abstract models for such programs. In these abstract models, some interesting behavioral properties can be automatically proved by model-checkers. Yet, these tools usually provide guarantees about the model of the program, not its actual implementation. In another approach, called software-proof co-design, the specification and the verification of a program is not disconnected from its actual implementation. In that case, specifying, implementing and verifying are tightly interleaved in the software development process. This tight integration is possible within the Coq proof assistant which is both a programming language and an assisted prover. Yet, even if a realistic compiler for the C language has already been developed in Coq[12], using Coq as a general purpose programming language may be considere

    Meta-F*: Proof Automation with SMT, Tactics, and Metaprograms

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    We introduce Meta-F*, a tactics and metaprogramming framework for the F* program verifier. The main novelty of Meta-F* is allowing the use of tactics and metaprogramming to discharge assertions not solvable by SMT, or to just simplify them into well-behaved SMT fragments. Plus, Meta-F* can be used to generate verified code automatically. Meta-F* is implemented as an F* effect, which, given the powerful effect system of F*, heavily increases code reuse and even enables the lightweight verification of metaprograms. Metaprograms can be either interpreted, or compiled to efficient native code that can be dynamically loaded into the F* type-checker and can interoperate with interpreted code. Evaluation on realistic case studies shows that Meta-F* provides substantial gains in proof development, efficiency, and robustness.Comment: Full version of ESOP'19 pape

    Effectful Programming in Declarative Languages with an Emphasis on Non-Determinism: Applications and Formal Reasoning

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    This thesis investigates effectful declarative programming with an emphasis on non-determinism as an effect. On the one hand, we are interested in developing applications using non-determinism as underlying implementation idea. We discuss two applications using the functional logic programming language Curry. The key idea of these implementations is to exploit the interplay of non-determinism and non-strictness that Curry employs. The first application investigates sorting algorithms parametrised over a comparison function. By applying a non-deterministic predicate to these sorting functions, we gain a permutation enumeration function. We compare the implementation in Curry with an implementation in Haskell that uses a monadic interface to model non-determinism. The other application that we discuss in this work is a library for probabilistic programming. Instead of modelling distributions as list of event and probability pairs, we model distributions using Curry's built-in non-determinism. In both cases we observe that the combination of non-determinism and non-strictness has advantages over an implementation using lists to model non-determinism. On the other hand, we present an idea to apply formal reasoning on effectful declarative programming languages. In order to start with simple effects, we focus on modelling a functional subset first. That is, the effects of interest are totality and partiality. We then observe that the general scheme to model these two effects can be generalised to capture a wide range of effects. Obviously, the next step is to apply the idea to model non-determinism. More precisely, we implement a model for the non-determinism of Curry: non-strict non-determinism with call-time choice. Therefore, we finally discuss why the current representation models call-by-name rather than Curry's call-by-need semantics and give an outlook on ideas to tackle this problem.Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der deklarativen Programmierung mit Effekten und legt dabei besonderen Fokus auf Nichtdeterminismus als Effekt. Einerseits möchten wir Anwendungen entwickeln, deren zugrundeliegende Implementierungsidee auf Nichtdeterminismus basiert. Wir stellen dazu zwei beispielhafte Anwendungen vor, die in der funktional logischen Programmiersprache Curry implementiert sind. Die Kernidee dieser Implementierungen ist dabei die Kombination von Nichtstriktheit und Nichtdeterminismus, die Curry unterliegen, gewinnbringend auszunutzen. FĂŒr die erste Anwendung untersuchen wir Sortierfunktionen, die ĂŒber eine Vergleichsfunktion parametrisiert sind, und wenden diese Funktionen auf ein nichtdeterministisches PrĂ€dikat an. Dabei entsteht eine Funktion, die Permutationen der Eingabeliste berechnet. Wir vergleichen unsere Implementierung in Curry mit einer Implementierung in Haskell, die den Nichtdeterminismus monadisch modelliert. Als zweite Anwendung werden wir ĂŒber eine Bibliothek zur probabilistischen Programmierung diskutieren. Statt der ĂŒblichen Modellierung von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen als Liste von Paaren von Ereignis- und korrespondierenden Wahrscheinlichkeitswerten modellieren wir diese Verteilungen mithilfe von Currys nativem Nichtdeterminismus. Beide Implementierungen haben durch die Kombination von Nichtdeterminismus und Nichtstriktheit Vorteile gegenĂŒber einer Implementierung, die den Nichtdeterminismus durch Listen reprĂ€sentiert. Andererseits möchten wir eine Möglichkeit schaffen, ĂŒber die Programme, die wir in effektbehafteten deklarativen Programmiersprachen entwickelt haben, in einem formalen Rahmen zu argumentieren. Dabei fangen wir mit der Teilmenge der rein funktionalen Effekte an, das heißt, wir interessieren uns zunĂ€chst fĂŒr totale und partielle Programme. Die zugrundeliegende Idee zur Modellierung dieser zwei Effekte kann dann auch fĂŒr weitere Effekte genutzt werden. Als natĂŒrlichen nĂ€chsten Schritt betrachten wir den Effekt, der bei der Sprache Curry zusĂ€tzlich hinzukommt: nicht-strikter Nichtdeterminismus mit call-time choice Semantik. Dabei geben wir eine Übersicht darĂŒber, warum die aktuelle ReprĂ€sentation call-by-name modelliert, sowie erste Ideen, wie die fĂŒr Curry erforderliche call-by-need Semantik modelliert werden könnte

    Morpheus: Automated Safety Verification of Data-Dependent Parser Combinator Programs

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    Parser combinators are a well-known mechanism used for the compositional construction of parsers, and have shown to be particularly useful in writing parsers for rich grammars with data-dependencies and global state. Verifying applications written using them, however, has proven to be challenging in large part because of the inherently effectful nature of the parsers being composed and the difficulty in reasoning about the arbitrarily rich data-dependent semantic actions that can be associated with parsing actions. In this paper, we address these challenges by defining a parser combinator framework called Morpheus equipped with abstractions for defining composable effects tailored for parsing and semantic actions, and a rich specification language used to define safety properties over the constituent parsers comprising a program. Even though its abstractions yield many of the same expressivity benefits as other parser combinator systems, Morpheus is carefully engineered to yield a substantially more tractable automated verification pathway. We demonstrate its utility in verifying a number of realistic, challenging parsing applications, including several cases that involve non-trivial data-dependent relations

    Mechanized Reasoning About how Using Functional Programs And Embeddings

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    Embedding describes the process of encoding a program\u27s syntax and/or semantics in another language---typically a theorem prover in the context of mechanized reasoning. Among different embedding styles, deep embeddings are generally preferred as they enable the most faithful modeling of the original language. However, deep embeddings are also the most complex, and working with them requires additional effort. In light of that, this dissertation aims to draw more attention to alternative styles, namely shallow and mixed embeddings, by studying their use in mechanized reasoning about programs\u27 properties that are related to how . More specifically, I present a simple shallow embedding for reasoning about computation costs of lazy programs, and a class of mixed embeddings that are useful for reasoning about properties of general computation patterns in effectful programs. I show the usefulness of these embedding styles with examples based on real-world applications

    Semantics for Noninterference with Interaction Trees

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    Noninterference is the strong information-security property that a program does not leak secrets through publicly-visible behavior. In the presence of effects such as nontermination, state, and exceptions, reasoning about noninterference quickly becomes subtle. We advocate using interaction trees (ITrees) to provide compositional mechanized proofs of noninterference for multi-language, effectful, nonterminating programs, while retaining executability of the semantics. We develop important foundations for security analysis with ITrees: two indistinguishability relations, leading to two standard notions of noninterference with adversaries of different strength, along with metatheory libraries for reasoning about each. We demonstrate the utility of our results using a simple imperative language with embedded assembly, along with a compiler into that assembly language

    Reaching for the Star: Tale of a Monad in Coq

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    Monadic programming is an essential component in the toolbox of functional programmers. For the pure and total programmers, who sometimes navigate the waters of certified programming in type theory, it is the only means to concisely implement the imperative traits of certain algorithms. Monads open up a portal to the imperative world, all that from the comfort of the functional world. The trend towards certified programming within type theory begs the question of reasoning about such programs. Effectful programs being encoded as pure programs in the host type theory, we can readily manipulate these objects through their encoding. In this article, we pursue the idea, popularized by Maillard [Kenji Maillard, 2019], that every monad deserves a dedicated program logic and that, consequently, a proof over a monadic program ought to take place within a Floyd-Hoare logic built for the occasion. We illustrate this vision through a case study on the SimplExpr module of CompCert [Xavier Leroy, 2009], using a separation logic tailored to reason about the freshness of a monadic gensym

    Interaction Trees: Representing Recursive and Impure Programs in Coq

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    "Interaction trees" (ITrees) are a general-purpose data structure for representing the behaviors of recursive programs that interact with their environments. A coinductive variant of "free monads," ITrees are built out of uninterpreted events and their continuations. They support compositional construction of interpreters from "event handlers", which give meaning to events by defining their semantics as monadic actions. ITrees are expressive enough to represent impure and potentially nonterminating, mutually recursive computations, while admitting a rich equational theory of equivalence up to weak bisimulation. In contrast to other approaches such as relationally specified operational semantics, ITrees are executable via code extraction, making them suitable for debugging, testing, and implementing software artifacts that are amenable to formal verification. We have implemented ITrees and their associated theory as a Coq library, mechanizing classic domain- and category-theoretic results about program semantics, iteration, monadic structures, and equational reasoning. Although the internals of the library rely heavily on coinductive proofs, the interface hides these details so that clients can use and reason about ITrees without explicit use of Coq's coinduction tactics. To showcase the utility of our theory, we prove the termination-sensitive correctness of a compiler from a simple imperative source language to an assembly-like target whose meanings are given in an ITree-based denotational semantics. Unlike previous results using operational techniques, our bisimulation proof follows straightforwardly by structural induction and elementary rewriting via an equational theory of combinators for control-flow graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 4 pages references, published at POPL 202
