9,380 research outputs found

    Restructuring Health Insurance Markets

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    Examines six possible structural changes to the health insurance market to expand coverage, including rate compression, high-risk pools, and an insurance exchange. Outlines their benefits and the most effective way to structure and implement them

    Practical Verification of Decision-Making in Agent-Based Autonomous Systems

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    We present a verification methodology for analysing the decision-making component in agent-based hybrid systems. Traditionally hybrid automata have been used to both implement and verify such systems, but hybrid automata based modelling, programming and verification techniques scale poorly as the complexity of discrete decision-making increases making them unattractive in situations where complex log- ical reasoning is required. In the programming of complex systems it has, therefore, become common to separate out logical decision-making into a separate, discrete, component. However, verification techniques have failed to keep pace with this devel- opment. We are exploring agent-based logical components and have developed a model checking technique for such components which can then be composed with a sepa- rate analysis of the continuous part of the hybrid system. Among other things this allows program model checkers to be used to verify the actual implementation of the decision-making in hybrid autonomous systems

    A Quest for Justice in Cuzco, Peru:Race and Evidence in the Case of Mercedes Ccorimanya Lavilla

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    The life of Mercedes Ccorimanya Lavilla renders a telling portrait of the pursuit of justice in Cuzco, Peru, revealing how courts of law can be key sites in the production and negotiation of racial and gender taxonomies. Mercedes (who was gang-raped as a young woman) illustrates the near-heroic efforts necessary to mount and pursue rape charges in Peruvian courts, where rape victims largely manage the construction of evidence in lieu of the state. In the following article, I reconstruct the social circumstances and legal institutional setting surrounding the rape trial of Mercedes Ccorimanya Lavilla through the use of historical and ethnographic materials. In arguing that race mutually defines women's sexuality in rural Peru, I show how (in order to achieve a conviction) Mercedes had to develop a strategy in which she instrumentally employed the languages of race to distance herself from her own indigeneity, as well as that of her alleged attackers

    Analyzing UVM reuse

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    Abstract. This thesis investigates Universal Verification Methodology’s (UVM) reuse possibilities. Initally, the object-oriented features of the UVM’s programming language SystemVerilog (SV), are introduced. Those features are one enabling factor in UVM reuse. The work also provides a brief overview to the development history of UVM and presents its properties. The structure of a conventional UVM testbench is also demonstrated. Finally, the features that make the UVM testbench more reusable are briefly introduced. In the practical part of the study, a UVM testbench is made for Nordic Semiconductor’s Introproject. The testbench was created with extensive comments so that beginners would get the most out of it. The methods that make the testbench reusable are also applied to the testbench. At the end of the practical part, the reuse possibilities of the testbench were tested by changing the Design Under Test (DUT). Modifications were made to the testbench in order to match the new features of the DUT.UVM uudelleenkäytön analysointi. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö tutkii Universaalin varmennusmenetelmän (UVM) uudelleenkäyttömahdollisuuksia. Aluksi UVM:n ohjelmointikielen, SystemVerilogin olio-ohjelmointipohjaisia ominaisuuksia käydään läpi. Nämä ominaisuudet ovat yksi mahdollistava tekijä UVM uudelleenkäytössä. Työssä tehdään lisäksi lyhyt katsaus UVM:n kehityshistoriaan ja esitellään myös sen ominaisuudet sekä tavanomaisen UVM-testipenkin rakenne. Lopuksi esitellään lyhyesti ominaisuuksia, jolla saa tehtyä UVM testipenkistä paremmin uudelleenkäytettävän. Työn käytännön osuudessa tehdään UVM-testipenkki Nordic Semiconductorin Introprojektiin. Testipenkki tehtiin laajasti kommentoimalla, jotta aloitteleva testipenkin tekijä saa siitä mahdollisimman paljon irti. Testipenkin tekemisessä käytettiin myös menetelmiä, joita esiteltiin aiemmassa teoriakappaleessa. Käytännön osuuden lopuksi testattiin testipenkin uudelleenkäyttöä muuttamalla testissä olevaa komponenttia. Testipenkkiin tehtiin muutokset, jolla se saatiin taas vastaamaan komponentin tarpeita

    Legal Information and the Development of American Law: Writings on the Form and Structure of the Published Law

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    Robert C. Berring\u27s writings about the impacts of electronic databases, the Internet, and other communications technologies on legal research and practice are an essential part of a larger literature that explores the ways in which the forms and structures of published legal information have influenced how American lawyers think about the law. This paper reviews Berring\u27s writings, along with those of other writers concerned with these questions, focusing on the implications of Berring\u27s idea that in the late nineteenth century American legal publishers created a conceptual universe of thinkable thoughts through which U.S. lawyers came to view the law. It concludes that, spurred by Berring and others, the literature of legal information has become far reaching in scope and interdisciplinary in approach, while the themes struck in Berring\u27s work continue to inform the scholarship of newer writers

    'Timely' diagnosis of dementia: what does it mean? A narrative analysis of GPs' accounts

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    This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    The Mario AI Benchmark and Competitions

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