221 research outputs found

    On Automated Lemma Generation for Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions

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    Separation Logic with inductive definitions is a well-known approach for deductive verification of programs that manipulate dynamic data structures. Deciding verification conditions in this context is usually based on user-provided lemmas relating the inductive definitions. We propose a novel approach for generating these lemmas automatically which is based on simple syntactic criteria and deterministic strategies for applying them. Our approach focuses on iterative programs, although it can be applied to recursive programs as well, and specifications that describe not only the shape of the data structures, but also their content or their size. Empirically, we find that our approach is powerful enough to deal with sophisticated benchmarks, e.g., iterative procedures for searching, inserting, or deleting elements in sorted lists, binary search tress, red-black trees, and AVL trees, in a very efficient way

    Bi-Abductive Inference for Shape and Ordering Properties

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    Template-based verification of heap-manipulating programs

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    We propose a shape analysis suitable for analysis engines that perform automatic invariant inference using an SMT solver. The proposed solution includes an abstract template domain that encodes the shape of a program heap based on logical formulae over bit-vectors. It is based on a points-to relation between pointers and symbolic addresses of abstract memory objects. Our abstract heap domain can be combined with value domains in a straight-forward manner, which particularly allows us to reason about shapes and contents of heap structures at the same time. The information obtained from the analysis can be used to prove reachability and memory safety properties of programs manipulating dynamic data structures, mainly linked lists. The solution has been implemented in 2LS and compared against state-of-the-art tools that perform the best in heap-related categories of the well-known Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP). Results show that 2LS outperforms these tools on benchmarks requiring combined reasoning about unbounded data structures and their numerical contents

    Verification of Pointer Programs Based on Forest Automata

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    V této práci je rozvíjena existující metoda pro shape analýzu programů založená na lesních automatech. Dále je také vylepšována implementace této metody, nástroj Forester. Lesní automaty jsou založeny na stromových automatech, jejichž jednoduchou implementaci Forester obsahuje. Prvním přínosem této práce je nahrazení této implementace knihovnou VATA, která obsahuje efektivní algoritmy pro reprezentaci a manipulaci stromových automatů. Verze nástroje Forester používající knihovnu VATA se zúčastnila mezinárodní soutěže SV-COMP 2015. Dále je verifikace založená na lesních automatech v této práci rozšířena o predikátovou abstrakci a analýzu nalezených protipříkladů. Výsledek této analýzy je možné využít následujícími způsoby. Prvním je určení toho, zda je nalezené chyba reálná nebo naopak nepravá. Druhým je pak zjemnění predikátové abstrakce pomocí predikátů odvozených při zpětném běhu. Obě techniky byly také implementovány v nástroji Forester. Na závěr je zhodnoceno zlepšení, které tyto techniky přinesly oproti původní verzi nástroje Forester.In this work, we focus on improving the forest automata based shape analysis implemented in the Forester tool. This approach represents shapes of the heap using forest automata. Forest automata are based on tree automata and Forester currently has only a simple implementation of tree automata. Our first contribution is replacing this implementation by the general purpose tree automata library VATA, which contains the highly optimized implementations of automata operations. The version of Forester using the VATA library participated in the competition SV-COMP 2015. We further extended the forest automata based verification method with two new techniques - a counterexample analysis and predicate abstraction. The first one allows us to determine whether a found error is a real or spurious one. The results of the counterexample analysis is also used for creating new predicates which are used for the refinement of predicate abstraction. We show that both of these techniques contribute to an improvement over the early approach.

    Foundations for decision problems in separation logic with general inductive predicates

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    Abstract. We establish foundational results on the computational com-plexity of deciding entailment in Separation Logic with general induc-tive predicates whose underlying base language allows for pure formulas, pointers and existentially quantified variables. We show that entailment is in general undecidable, and ExpTime-hard in a fragment recently shown to be decidable by Iosif et al. Moreover, entailment in the base language is ΠP2-complete, the upper bound even holds in the presence of list predicates. We additionally show that entailment in essentially any fragment of Separation Logic allowing for general inductive predicates is intractable even when strong syntactic restrictions are imposed.

    Graph-Based Shape Analysis Beyond Context-Freeness

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    We develop a shape analysis for reasoning about relational properties of data structures. Both the concrete and the abstract domain are represented by hypergraphs. The analysis is parameterized by user-supplied indexed graph grammars to guide concretization and abstraction. This novel extension of context-free graph grammars is powerful enough to model complex data structures such as balanced binary trees with parent pointers, while preserving most desirable properties of context-free graph grammars. One strength of our analysis is that no artifacts apart from grammars are required from the user; it thus offers a high degree of automation. We implemented our analysis and successfully applied it to various programs manipulating AVL trees, (doubly-linked) lists, and combinations of both

    SL-COMP: Competition of Solvers for Separation Logic

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    International audienceSL-COMP aims at bringing together researchers interested on improving the state of the art of the automated deduction methods for Separation Logic (SL). The event took place twice until now and collected more than 1K problems for different fragments of SL. The input format of problems is based on the SMT-LIB format and therefore fully typed; only one new command is added to SMT-LIB's list, the command for the declaration of the heap's type. The SMT-LIB theory of SL comes with ten logics, some of them being combinations of SL with linear arithmetics. The competition's divisions are defined by the logic fragment, the kind of decision problem (satisfiability or entailment) and the presence of quantifiers. Until now, SL-COMP has been run on the StarExec platform, where the benchmark set and the binaries of participant solvers are freely available. The benchmark set is also available with the competition's documentation on a public repository in GitHub