1,424 research outputs found

    Verifiable Random Functions from Non-Interactive Witness-Indistinguishable Proofs

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    {\em Verifiable random functions} (VRFs) are pseudorandom functions where the owner of the seed, in addition to computing the function\u27s value yy at any point xx, can also generate a non-interactive proof π\pi that yy is correct, without compromising pseudorandomness at other points. Being a natural primitive with a wide range of applications, considerable efforts have been directed towards the construction of such VRFs. While these efforts have resulted in a variety of algebraic constructions (from bilinear maps or the RSA problem), the relation between VRFs and other general primitives is still not well understood. We present new constructions of VRFs from general primitives, the main one being {\em non-interactive witness-indistinguishable proofs} (NIWIs). This includes: \begin{itemize} \item A selectively-secure VRF assuming NIWIs and non-interactive commitments. As usual, the VRF can be made adaptively-secure assuming subexponential hardness of the underlying primitives. \item An adaptively-secure VRF assuming (polynomially-hard) NIWIs, non-interactive commitments, and {\em (single-key) constrained pseudorandom functions} for a restricted class of constraints. \end{itemize} The above primitives can be instantiated under various standard assumptions, which yields corresponding VRF instantiations, under different assumptions than were known so far. One notable example is a non-uniform construction of VRFs from subexponentially-hard trapdoor permutations, or more generally, from {\em verifiable pseudorandom generators} (the construction can be made uniform under a standard derandomization assumption). This partially answers an open question by Dwork and Naor (FOCS \u2700). The construction and its analysis are quite simple. Both draw from ideas commonly used in the context of {\em indistinguishability obfuscation}

    A note on VRFs from Verifiable Functional Encryption

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    Recently, Bitansky [Bit17] and Goyal et.al [GHKW17] gave generic constructions of selec- tively secure verifiable random functions(VRFs) from non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs (NIWI) and injective one way functions. In this short note, we give an alternate construc- tion of selectively secure VRFs based on the same assumptions as an application of the recently introduced notion of verifiable functional encryption [BGJS16]. Our construction and proof is much simpler than the ones in [Bit17, GHKW17], given previous work (most notably given the constructions of verifiable functional encryption in [BGJS16])

    Compact E-Cash and Simulatable VRFs Revisited

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    Abstract. Efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful tool for solving many cryptographic problems. We apply the recent Groth-Sahai (GS) proof system for pairing product equations (Eurocrypt 2008) to two related cryptographic problems: compact e-cash (Eurocrypt 2005) and simulatable verifiable random functions (CRYPTO 2007). We present the first efficient compact e-cash scheme that does not rely on a random oracle. To this end we construct efficient GS proofs for signature possession, pseudo randomness and set membership. The GS proofs for pseudorandom functions give rise to a much cleaner and substantially faster construction of simulatable verifiable random functions (sVRF) under a weaker number theoretic assumption. We obtain the first efficient fully simulatable sVRF with a polynomial sized output domain (in the security parameter).

    KeyForge: Mitigating Email Breaches with Forward-Forgeable Signatures

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    Email breaches are commonplace, and they expose a wealth of personal, business, and political data that may have devastating consequences. The current email system allows any attacker who gains access to your email to prove the authenticity of the stolen messages to third parties -- a property arising from a necessary anti-spam / anti-spoofing protocol called DKIM. This exacerbates the problem of email breaches by greatly increasing the potential for attackers to damage the users' reputation, blackmail them, or sell the stolen information to third parties. In this paper, we introduce "non-attributable email", which guarantees that a wide class of adversaries are unable to convince any third party of the authenticity of stolen emails. We formally define non-attributability, and present two practical system proposals -- KeyForge and TimeForge -- that provably achieve non-attributability while maintaining the important protection against spam and spoofing that is currently provided by DKIM. Moreover, we implement KeyForge and demonstrate that that scheme is practical, achieving competitive verification and signing speed while also requiring 42% less bandwidth per email than RSA2048

    Malleable Proof Systems and Applications

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    Malleability for cryptography is not necessarily an opportunity for attack, but in many cases a potentially useful feature that can be exploited. In this work, we examine notions of malleability for non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs. We start by defining a malleable proof system, and then consider ways to meaningfully control the malleability of the proof system, as in many settings we would like to guarantee that only certain types of transformations can be performed. We also define notions for the cases in which we do not necessarily want a user to know that a proof has been obtained by applying a particular transformation; these are analogous to function/circuit privacy for encryption. As our motivating application, we consider a shorter proof for verifiable shuffles. Our controlled-malleable proofs allow us for the first time to use one compact proof to prove the correctness of an entire multi-step shuffle. Each authority takes as input a set of encrypted votes and a controlled-malleable NIZK proof that these are a shuffle of the original encrypted votes submitted by the voters; it then permutes and re-randomizes these votes and updates the proof by exploiting its controlled malleability. As another application, we generically use controlled-malleable proofs to realize a strong notion of encryption security. Finally, we examine malleability in existing proof systems and observe that Groth-Sahai proofs are malleable. We then go beyond this observation by characterizing all the ways in which they are malleable, and use them to efficiently instantiate our generic constructions from above; this means we can instantiate our proofs and all their applications using only the Decision Linear (DLIN) assumption. Work done as an intern at Microsoft Research Redmon

    3-Message Zero Knowledge Against Human Ignorance

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    The notion of Zero Knowledge has driven the field of cryptography since its conception over thirty years ago. It is well established that two-message zero-knowledge protocols for NP do not exist, and that four-message zero-knowledge arguments exist under the minimal assumption of one-way functions. Resolving the precise round complexity of zero-knowledge has been an outstanding open problem for far too long. In this work, we present a three-message zero-knowledge argument system with soundness against uniform polynomial-time cheating provers. The main component in our construction is the recent delegation protocol for RAM computations (Kalai and Paneth, TCC 2016B and Brakerski, Holmgren and Kalai, ePrint 2016). Concretely, we rely on a three-message variant of their protocol based on a key-less collision-resistant hash functions secure against uniform adversaries as well as other standard primitives. More generally, beyond uniform provers, our protocol provides a natural and meaningful security guarantee against real-world adversaries, which we formalize following Rogaway’s “human-ignorance” approach (VIETCRYPT 2006): in a nutshell, we give an explicit uniform reduction from any adversary breaking the soundness of our protocol to finding collisions in the underlying hash function.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1350619)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1413964

    Efficient UC Commitment Extension with Homomorphism for Free (and Applications)

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    Homomorphic universally composable (UC) commitments allow for the sender to reveal the result of additions and multiplications of values contained in commitments without revealing the values themselves while assuring the receiver of the correctness of such computation on committed values. In this work, we construct essentially optimal additively homomorphic UC commitments from any (not necessarily UC or homomorphic) extractable commitment. We obtain amortized linear computational complexity in the length of the input messages and rate 1. Next, we show how to extend our scheme to also obtain multiplicative homomorphism at the cost of asymptotic optimality but retaining low concrete complexity for practical parameters. While the previously best constructions use UC oblivious transfer as the main building block, our constructions only require extractable commitments and PRGs, achieving better concrete efficiency and offering new insights into the sufficient conditions for obtaining homomorphic UC commitments. Moreover, our techniques yield public coin protocols, which are compatible with the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. These results come at the cost of realizing a restricted version of the homomorphic commitment functionality where the sender is allowed to perform any number of commitments and operations on committed messages but is only allowed to perform a single batch opening of a number of commitments. Although this functionality seems restrictive, we show that it can be used as a building block for more efficient instantiations of recent protocols for secure multiparty computation and zero knowledge non-interactive arguments of knowledge

    Universally Composable Verifiable Random Oracles

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    Random Oracles werden hĂ€ufig in der Kryptographie eingesetzt um sehr effiziente Instanziierungen mĂ€chtiger kryptographischer Primitive zu konstruieren. Jedoch ist diese Praxis im Allgemeinen nicht zulĂ€ssig wie verschiedene Nicht-Instanziierungs-Ergebnisse fĂŒr Random Oracles mittels lokal berechenbarer Familien von Funktionen durch Halevi et al. (JACM ’04) zeigt. Die Random Oracle Modell kann sicher eingesetzt werden, indem Random Oracles nicht mit einer lokal berechenbaren Hashfunktion, sondern stattdessen mit einem interaktiven Protokoll instanziiert werden. In der realen Welt könnte solch ein interaktives Protokoll beispielsweise aus einem vertrauenswĂŒrdigen Server, welcher ĂŒber das Internet erreichbar ist, bestehen. Dieser Server wĂŒrde sodann eine der bekannten Techniken wie lazy sampling oder das Auswerten einer Pseudo-ZufĂ€lligen Funktion verwenden, um die FunktionalitĂ€t eines Random Oracle bereitzustellen. Ein klarer Nachteil dieses Ansatzes ist die große Menge an Interaktion, die bei jeder Berechnung, die eine Auswertung des Random Oracle beinhaltet, nötig ist. Wir wollen diese Interaktion auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Um obiges Unmöglichkeitsresultat zu umgehen, muss die Auswertung des Random Oracle auf einer frischen Eingabe Interaktion der auswertenden Partei mit einer anderen Partei beinhalten. Dies ist jedoch nicht der einzige Verwendungszweck von Random Oracles, der hĂ€ufig in kryptographischen Protokollen auftritt. Bei einem weiteren solchen Zweck wertet zunĂ€chst eine Partei A das Orakel auf einer Eingabe aus und erhĂ€lt einen Hashwert. Im Anschluss sendet A Eingabe und Ausgabe (im Kontext eines Protokolls) an eine zweite Partei B und möchte B davon ĂŒberzeugen, dass das Random Oracle korrekt ausgewertet wurde. Eine einfache Möglichkeit dies zu prĂŒfen besteht darin, dass B selbst eine Auswertung des Random Oracle auf der erhaltenen Eingabe tĂ€tigt und die beiden Ausgaben vergleicht. In unserem Kontext benötigt dies jedoch erneut Interaktion. Der Wunsch diesen zweiten Verwendungszweck nicht-interaktiv zu machen fĂŒhrt uns zum Begriff eines Verifiable Random Oracle (VRO) als Erweiterung eines Random Oracle. Abstrakt besteht ein VRO aus zwei Orakeln. Das erste Orakel verhĂ€lt sich wie ein Random Oracle dessen Ausgabe um einen Korrektheitsbeweis erweitert wurde. Mit Hilfe dieses Beweises kann das zweite Orakel dazu verwendet werden öffentlich die korrekte Auswertung des Random Oracle zu verifizieren. Obwohl diese Orakel-basierte Formulierung nicht notwendigerweise nicht-interaktive Verifikation besitzt, so erlaubt jedoch die EinfĂŒhrung expliziter Korrektheitsbeweise dies. In dieser Masterarbeit formalisieren wir zunĂ€chst den Begriff eines VRO im Universal Composability Framework von Canetti (FOCS ’01). Danach wenden wir VROs auf zwei kryptographische Anwendungen an, die in ihrer ursprĂŒnglichen Formulierung das Random Oracle Modell verwenden, und zeigen, das deren Sicherheitseigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Um zu zeigen, dass unsere Definition realisierbar ist, konstruieren wir mehrere Protokolle, die die ideale VRO FunktionalitĂ€t realisieren. Diese reichen von Protokollen fĂŒr eine einzelne vertrauenswĂŒrdige Partei bis hin zu verteilten Protokollen, die eine gewisse Menge an böswilliger Korruption erlauben. Wir vergleichen weiterhin VROs mit Ă€hnlichen existierenden Primitiven
