192 research outputs found

    Dually conformal hypergraphs

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    Given a hypergraph H\mathcal{H}, the dual hypergraph of H\mathcal{H} is the hypergraph of all minimal transversals of H\mathcal{H}. The dual hypergraph is always Sperner, that is, no hyperedge contains another. A special case of Sperner hypergraphs are the conformal Sperner hypergraphs, which correspond to the families of maximal cliques of graphs. All these notions play an important role in many fields of mathematics and computer science, including combinatorics, algebra, database theory, etc. In this paper we study conformality of dual hypergraphs. While we do not settle the computational complexity status of recognizing this property, we show that the problem is in co-NP and can be solved in polynomial time for hypergraphs of bounded dimension. In the special case of dimension 33, we reduce the problem to 22-Satisfiability. Our approach has an implication in algorithmic graph theory: we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm for recognizing graphs in which all minimal transversals of maximal cliques have size at most kk, for any fixed kk

    Enumerating Maximal Induced Subgraphs

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    Given a graph G, the maximal induced subgraphs problem asks to enumerate all maximal induced subgraphs of G that belong to a certain hereditary graph class. While its optimization version, known as the minimum vertex deletion problem in literature, has been intensively studied, enumeration algorithms were only known for a few simple graph classes, e.g., independent sets, cliques, and forests, until very recently [Conte and Uno, STOC 2019]. There is also a connected variation of this problem, where one is concerned with only those induced subgraphs that are connected. We introduce two new approaches, which enable us to develop algorithms that solve both variations for a number of important graph classes. A general technique that has been proven very powerful in enumeration algorithms is to build a solution map, i.e., a multiple digraph on all the solutions of the problem, and the key of this approach is to make the solution map strongly connected, so that a simple traversal of the solution map solves the problem. First, we introduce retaliation-free paths to certify strong connectedness of the solution map we build. Second, generalizing the idea of Cohen, Kimelfeld, and Sagiv [JCSS 2008], we introduce an apparently very restricted version of the maximal (connected) induced subgraphs problem, and show that it is equivalent to the original problem in terms of solvability in incremental polynomial time. Moreover, we give reductions between the two variations, so that it suffices to solve one of the variations for each class we study. Our work also leads to direct and simpler proofs of several important known results

    Parameterized Complexity of Equality MinCSP

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    We study the parameterized complexity of MinCSP for so-called equality languages, i.e., for finite languages over an infinite domain such as ?, where the relations are defined via first-order formulas whose only predicate is =. This is an important class of languages that forms the starting point of all study of infinite-domain CSPs under the commonly used approach pioneered by Bodirsky, i.e., languages defined as reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures. Moreover, MinCSP over equality languages forms a natural class of optimisation problems in its own right, covering such problems as Edge Multicut, Steiner Multicut and (under singleton expansion) Edge Multiway Cut. We classify MinCSP(?) for every finite equality language ?, under the natural parameter, as either FPT, W[1]-hard but admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation, or not admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation unless FPT=W[2]. In particular, we describe an FPT case that slightly generalises Multicut, and show a constant-factor FPT-approximation for Disjunctive Multicut, the generalisation of Multicut where the "cut requests" come as disjunctions over O(1) individual cut requests s_i ? t_i. We also consider singleton expansions of equality languages, enriching an equality language with the capability for assignment constraints (x = i) for either a finite or infinitely many constants i, and fully characterize the complexity of the resulting MinCSP

    Hypergraph matchings and designs

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    We survey some aspects of the perfect matching problem in hypergraphs, with particular emphasis on structural characterisation of the existence problem in dense hypergraphs and the existence of designs.Comment: 19 pages, for the 2018 IC