2,588 research outputs found

    Inflammatory Airway Disease of Horses - Revised Consensus Statement

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    The purpose of this manuscript is to revise and update the previous consensus statement on inflammatory airway disease (IAD) in horses. Since 2007, a large number of scientific articles have been published on the topic and these new findings have led to a significant evolution of our understanding of IAD

    Air Quality in Horse Stables

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    Skylab IMSS checklist application study for emergency medical care

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    A manual is presented that provides basic technical documentation to support the operation and utilization of the Portable Ambulance Module (PAM) in the field. The PAM is designed to be used for emergency resuscitation and victim monitoring. The functions of all the controls, displays, and stowed equipment of the unit are defined. Supportive medical and physiological data in those areas directly related to the uses of the PAM unit are presented

    Equine asthma: current understanding and future directions

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    The 2019 Havemeyer Workshop brought together researchers and clinicians to discuss the latest information on Equine Asthma and provide future research directions. Current clinical and molecular asthma phenotypes and endotypes in humans were discussed and compared to asthma phenotypes in horses. The role of infectious and non-infectious causes of equine asthma, genetic factors and proposed disease pathophysiology were reviewed. Diagnostic limitations were evident by the limited number of tests and biomarkers available to field practitioners. The participants emphasized the need for more accessible, standardized diagnostics that would help identify specific phenotypes and endotypes in order to create more targeted treatments or management strategies. One important outcome of the workshop was the creation of the Equine Asthma Group that will facilitate communication between veterinary practice and research communities through published and easily accessible guidelines and foster research collaboration

    Cytokines and aeroallergens in the pathogenesis of summer-pasture associated obstructive pulmonary disease: effects on endothelin production, neutrophil activation and chemotaxis

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    Summer pasture-associated obstructive pulmonary disease (SPAOPD), a naturally occurring airway disease of horses, is characterized by clinical exacerbation associated with exposure to pasture environment during the summer. Aeroallergens are believed to trigger exacerbation of SPAOPD, cytokines are likely associated with the anamnestic response to aeroallergens, and endothelin (ET)-1 is a potential mediator of airway obstruction. The goal of this dissertation was to describe and explore the interaction of aeroallergens triggering inflammation and T lymphocytes cytokine profile with the recruitment and activation of neutrophils and synthesis of ET-1 by mononuclear leukocytes and airway epithelial cells. The temporal pattern of clinical exacerbation was associated with hot and humid conditions and with increases in grass pollen and mold spore counts. Circulating concentrations of ET-1 were increased during clinical exacerbation of SPAOPD compared with remission and controls. Gene expression of ET-1 and cytokines, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-4, but not interferon (IFN)-γ, tended to be greater in lungs of SPAOPD-affected than non-affected horses. The immunoreactive ET-1 distribution tended to be greater in airway tissues of affected horses. The putative aeroallergens, grass pollen & mold spores, and ET-1 induced neutrophil activation and chemotaxis in vitro. Putative aeroallergens induced IL-4 and IFN-γ expression and up-regulation of ET-1 release in mononuclear leukocytes. Cultures of airway epithelial cells were established under air-liquid interface and microgravity conditions and evaluated for differentiation. Cytokines IL-4 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α induced up-regulation and directional (basolateral) release of ET-1 by differentiated airway epithelial cells, grown under air-liquid interface

    Assessment of a methodology for determination of H[2]O[2] concentration and pH in exhaled breath condensate in horses with and without lower airway inflammation

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    Measurement of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration and pH in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is useful for detection and monitoring of diseases of the lower respiratory tract in humans, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In contrast, limited information on the use of these parameters for the investigation of lower airway inflammation (LAI) is available for horses. Aims of the current study were to develop a device to collect EBC from non-sedated horses, assess inter-day and intra-day variability of EBC H2O2 concentration and pH and determine if there was an association between these parameters and the presence and severity of LAI. The methodology used for collection of EBC was adapted from that used in a previous study (Wyse et al. 2005) and was evaluated for its repeatability. Hydrogen peroxide was measured using previously reported analytic methods (Wyse et al. 2005). During studies for the determination of a methodology for measurement of pH in EBC, samples of EBC were divided into 3 aliquots. One aliquot was left non-deaerated, one aliquot was deaerated with argon and one aliquot underwent standardisation with CO2. The pH of each aliquot was measured using a bench pH meter. The most repeatable measurement of EBC pH was obtained from plain samples (i.e. non-dearated). Intra-day and inter-day variability of H2O2 concentration and pH were assessed by collecting and analysing EBC three times a day for 3 consecutive days. For H2O2 the variability in concentrations was large (60-103%), while the pH of EBC had little variability (3-7%). No significant difference in the intra-day or inter-day H2O2 concentrations or pH measurements were found in control or LAI horses, except for inter-day H2O2 concentration in horses with LAI (p=0.019). There was no significant difference in EBC H2O2 concentration between control horses (Mean +/- SD) and horses with LAI (mean +/- SD). There was no significant difference in EBC pH between control horses (Mean +/- SD) and horses with LAI (mean +/- SD), however a trend for a reduced pH in horses with LAI was observed (p= 0.079). The results of this study suggest that EBC H2O2 concentration is not suitable for detecting mild LAI or monitoring horses with LAI due to the high variability. The pH of EBC is more stable overtime and the measurements are more repeatable than H2O2 concentration and further studies are required to improve the stability of its measurement and to assess its sensitivity in a population of horses with more severe LAI against healthy controls. Further studies are also required to determine whether determination of H2O2 concentration in EBC is useful for detection of marked LAI in horses

    The avian lingual and laryngeal apparatus within the context of the head and jaw apparatus, with comparisons to the mammalian condition: Functional morphology and biomechanics of evaporative cooling, feeding, drinking, and vocalization

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. All rights reserved. The lingual and laryngeal apparatus are the mobile and active organs within the oral cavity, which serves as a gateway to the respiratory and alimentary systems in terrestrial vertebrates. Both organs play multiple roles in alimentation and vocalization besides respiration, but their structures and functions differ fundamentally in birds and mammals, just as the skull and jaws differ fundamentally in these two vertebrate classes. Furthermore, the movements of the lingual and laryngeal apparatus are interdependent with each other and with themovements of the jaw apparatus in complex and littleunderstood ways. Therefore, rather than updating the existing numerous reviews of the diversity in lingual morphology of birds, this chapter will concentrate on the functionalmorphological interdependences and interactions of the lingual and laryngeal apparatus with each other and with the skull and jaw apparatus. It Will

    Contribution to the discriminant power of some of the variables involved in the staging of severe equine asthma syndrome

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na especialidade de ClínicaSevere Equine Asthma Syndrome (EAS) is a highly prevalent, chronic and recurrent respiratory disease which appears to be related to equine domestication. Due to its insidious nature, treatment may sometimes be frustrating and severe economic loses occur. Genetically susceptible individuals develop airway inflammation, hyperresponsiveness and obstruction when exposed to environments with high concentrations of respirable dust particles, which include mould spores, mites, endotoxins, pollen and other antigenic materials. These hazardous respirable dust concentrations are usually found in traditional equine housing systems, while lower concentrations tend to be present in outdoor systems (pasture). The management of severe EAS essentially requires environmental control to ensure improvement of lung function and in some cases medical treatment with corticosteroids and bronchodilators to ameliorate the clinical signs of airway inflammation and bronchospasm. Considering the clinical importance of this syndrome, the dissertation focuses on further contributing to scientific knowledge of severe EAS. As such, we investigated the influence of lung function tests on the diagnosis and staging of the disease and developed a staging method using only portable equipment, which has the potential of being used in equine ambulatory practice. We also investigated the relation between severe EAS and resistance to gastrointestinal parasites, which had not been, to the author’s knowledge, previously reported in the Lusitano breed horses. This association has been reported in other equine breeds with severe EAS or with other multiple hypersensitivities (MHS). Lastly, because allergen avoidance is fundamental for the remission of severe EAS we examined owner compliance to a set of recommended guidelines for environmental management.RESUMO - A síndrome de asma equina (SAE) grave é uma doença respiratória crónica, recorrente e altamente prevalente em animais adultos, estando associada à domesticação dos equinos. Devido à sua natureza insidiosa, o tratamento é muitas vezes frustrante, originando perdas económicas significantes. Quando expostos a ambientes com elevadas concentrações de partículas respiráveis, tais como esporos de fungos, ácaros, endotoxinas, pólen e outras partículas antigénicas, os animais geneticamente suscetíveis desenvolvem inflamação, hiper-reactividade e obstrução das vias aéreas. As concentrações de partículas respiráveis elevadas encontram-se normalmente presentes em sistemas de estabulação de equinos tradicionais, enquanto que em sistemas em extensivo (pastagem) estas concentrações tendem a ser menores. Assim, no maneio da SAE grave é essencial o controlo ambiental de modo a assegurar a melhoria da função pulmonar e em alguns casos o tratamento médico com corticosteroides e broncodilatadores para reduzir os sinais clínicos de inflamação das vias aéreas e broncospasmo. Tendo em conta a importância clínica desta síndrome, esta dissertação tem por objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento científico da SAE grave. Assim sendo, investigámos a influencia dos testes de função pulmonar no diagnóstico e estadiamento da doença e desenvolvemos um método de estadiamento, utilizando apenas equipamento portátil, o qual poderá ser utilizado na clínica em regime de ambulatório. Ainda, investigámos a relação entre SAE grave e a resistência a parasitas gastrointestinais, a qual até à data ainda não havia sido reportada em cavalos Puro Sangue Lusitanos. Esta associação foi, contudo, descrita em equinos de outras raças diagnosticados com SAE grave ou outras hipersensibilidades múltiplas. Por fim, considerando que a remoção de aeroalérgenos é fundamental para a remissão da SAE grave, procurámos avaliar a complacência dos donos dos animais asmáticos a um conjunto de recomendações de maneio ambiental.CIISA through the project INOV CIISA 8.N/

    Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases

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    УЧЕБНЫЕ ПОСОБИЯВНУТРЕННИЕ ОРГАНЫ /ПАТОЛОГИЯДИАГНОСТИКАТЕРАПИЯ (ДИСЦИПЛИНА)ПАТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ, ПРИЗНАКИ БОЛЕЗНЕЙ И СИМПТОМЫINTERNAL MEDICINEВНУТРЕННИЕ БОЛЕЗНИINTERNAL DISEASESPROPAEDEUTICS OF INTERNAL DISEASESИНОСТРАННЫЕ СТУДЕНТЫУчебное пособие написано в соответствии с типовой учебной программой по дисциплине "Пропедевтика внутренних болезней" для специальности "Лечебное дело", утвержденной Министерством здравоохранения Республики Беларусь 04.09.2014. Издание содержит следующие разделы: субъективное и объективное обследование в клинике внутренних болезней, обследование пациентов с заболеваниями системы органов дыхания и системы кровообращения. Предназначается для студентов 2 и 3 курсов, изучающих пропедевтику внутренних болезней на английском языке