659 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Strategies for Data Mining

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    Learning classifier systems (LCS) have been successful in generating rules for solving classification problems in data mining. The rules are of the form IF condition THEN action. The condition encodes the features of the input space and the action encodes the class label. What is lacking in those systems is the ability to express each feature using a function that is appropriate for that feature. The genetic algorithm is capable of doing this but cannot because only one type of membership function is provided. Thus, the genetic algorithm learns only the shape and placement of the membership function, and in some cases, the number of partitions generated by this function. The research conducted in this study employs a learning classifier system to generate the rules for solving classification problems, but also incorporates multiple types of membership functions, allowing the genetic algorithm to choose an appropriate one for each feature of the input space and determine the number of partitions generated by each function. In addition, three membership functions were introduced. This paper describes the framework and implementation of this modified learning classifier system (M-LCS). Using the M-LCS model, classifiers were simulated for two benchmark classification problems and two additional real-world problems. The results of these four simulations indicate that the M-LCS model provides an alternative approach to designing a learning classifier system. The following contributions are made to the field of computing: 1) a framework for developing a learning classifier system that employs multiple types of membership functions, 2) a model, M-LCS, that was developed from the framework, and 3) the addition of three membership functions that have not been used in the design of learning classifier systems

    Multi-agent evolutionary systems for the generation of complex virtual worlds

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    Modern films, games and virtual reality applications are dependent on convincing computer graphics. Highly complex models are a requirement for the successful delivery of many scenes and environments. While workflows such as rendering, compositing and animation have been streamlined to accommodate increasing demands, modelling complex models is still a laborious task. This paper introduces the computational benefits of an Interactive Genetic Algorithm (IGA) to computer graphics modelling while compensating the effects of user fatigue, a common issue with Interactive Evolutionary Computation. An intelligent agent is used in conjunction with an IGA that offers the potential to reduce the effects of user fatigue by learning from the choices made by the human designer and directing the search accordingly. This workflow accelerates the layout and distribution of basic elements to form complex models. It captures the designer's intent through interaction, and encourages playful discovery

    Facing online challenges using learning classifier systems

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    Els grans avenços en el camp de l’aprenentatge automàtic han resultat en el disseny de màquines competents que són capaces d’aprendre i d’extreure informació útil i original de l’experiència. Recentment, algunes d’aquestes tècniques d’aprenentatge s’han aplicat amb èxit per resoldre problemes del món real en àmbits tecnològics, mèdics, científics i industrials, els quals no es podien tractar amb tècniques convencionals d’anàlisi ja sigui per la seva complexitat o pel gran volum de dades a processar. Donat aquest èxit inicial, actualment els sistemes d’aprenentatge s’enfronten a problemes de complexitat més elevada, el que ha resultat en un augment de l’activitat investigadora entorn sistemes capaços d’afrontar nous problemes del món real eficientment i de manera escalable. Una de les famílies d’algorismes més prometedores en l’aprenentatge automàtic són els sistemes classificadors basats en algorismes genetics (LCSs), el funcionament dels quals s’inspira en la natura. Els LCSs intenten representar les polítiques d’actuació d’experts humans amb un conjunt de regles que s’empren per escollir les millors accions a realitzar en tot moment. Així doncs, aquests sistemes aprenen polítiques d’actuació de manera incremental a mida que van adquirint experiència a través de la informació nova que se’ls va presentant durant el temps. Els LCSs s’han aplicat, amb èxit, a camps tan diversos com la predicció de càncer de pròstata o el suport a la inversió en borsa, entre altres. A més en alguns casos s’ha demostrat que els LCSs realitzen tasques superant la precisió dels éssers humans. El propòsit d’aquesta tesi és explorar la naturalesa de l’aprenentatge online dels LCSs d’estil Michigan per a la mineria de grans quantitats de dades en forma de fluxos d’informació continus a alta velocitat i canviants en el temps. Molt sovint, l’extracció de coneixement a partir d’aquestes fonts de dades és clau per tal d’obtenir una millor comprensió dels processos que les dades estan descrivint. Així, aprendre d’aquestes dades planteja nous reptes a les tècniques tradicionals d’aprenentatge automàtic, les quals no estan dissenyades per tractar fluxos de dades continus i on els conceptes i els nivells de soroll poden variar amb el temps de forma arbitrària. La contribució de la present tesi pren l’eXtended Classifier System (XCS), el LCS d’estil Michigan més estudiat i un dels algoritmes d’aprenentatge automàtic més competents, com el punt de partida. D’aquesta manera els reptes abordats en aquesta tesi són dos: el primer desafiament és la construcció d’un sistema supervisat competent sobre el framework dels LCSs d’estil Michigan que aprèn dels fluxos de dades amb una capacitat de reacció ràpida als canvis de concepte i entrades amb soroll. Com moltes aplicacions científiques i industrials generen grans quantitats de dades sense etiquetar, el segon repte és aplicar les lliçons apreses per continuar amb el disseny de LCSs d’estil Michigan capaços de solucionar problemes online sense assumir una estructura a priori en els dades d’entrada.Los grandes avances en el campo del aprendizaje automático han resultado en el diseño de máquinas capaces de aprender y de extraer información útil y original de la experiencia. Recientemente alguna de estas técnicas de aprendizaje se han aplicado con éxito para resolver problemas del mundo real en ámbitos tecnológicos, médicos, científicos e industriales, los cuales no se podían tratar con técnicas convencionales de análisis ya sea por su complejidad o por el gran volumen de datos a procesar. Dado este éxito inicial, los sistemas de aprendizaje automático se enfrentan actualmente a problemas de complejidad cada vez m ́as elevada, lo que ha resultado en un aumento de la actividad investigadora en sistemas capaces de afrontar nuevos problemas del mundo real de manera eficiente y escalable. Una de las familias más prometedoras dentro del aprendizaje automático son los sistemas clasificadores basados en algoritmos genéticos (LCSs), el funcionamiento de los cuales se inspira en la naturaleza. Los LCSs intentan representar las políticas de actuación de expertos humanos usando conjuntos de reglas que se emplean para escoger las mejores acciones a realizar en todo momento. Así pues estos sistemas aprenden políticas de actuación de manera incremental mientras van adquiriendo experiencia a través de la nueva información que se les va presentando. Los LCSs se han aplicado con éxito en campos tan diversos como en la predicción de cáncer de próstata o en sistemas de soporte de bolsa, entre otros. Además en algunos casos se ha demostrado que los LCSs realizan tareas superando la precisión de expertos humanos. El propósito de la presente tesis es explorar la naturaleza online del aprendizaje empleado por los LCSs de estilo Michigan para la minería de grandes cantidades de datos en forma de flujos continuos de información a alta velocidad y cambiantes en el tiempo. La extracción del conocimiento a partir de estas fuentes de datos es clave para obtener una mejor comprensión de los procesos que se describen. Así, aprender de estos datos plantea nuevos retos a las técnicas tradicionales, las cuales no están diseñadas para tratar flujos de datos continuos y donde los conceptos y los niveles de ruido pueden variar en el tiempo de forma arbitraria. La contribución del la presente tesis toma el eXtended Classifier System (XCS), el LCS de tipo Michigan más estudiado y uno de los sistemas de aprendizaje automático más competentes, como punto de partida. De esta forma los retos abordados en esta tesis son dos: el primer desafío es la construcción de un sistema supervisado competente sobre el framework de los LCSs de estilo Michigan que aprende de flujos de datos con una capacidad de reacción rápida a los cambios de concepto y al ruido. Como muchas aplicaciones científicas e industriales generan grandes volúmenes de datos sin etiquetar, el segundo reto es aplicar las lecciones aprendidas para continuar con el diseño de nuevos LCSs de tipo Michigan capaces de solucionar problemas online sin asumir una estructura a priori en los datos de entrada.Last advances in machine learning have fostered the design of competent algorithms that are able to learn and extract novel and useful information from data. Recently, some of these techniques have been successfully applied to solve real-­‐world problems in distinct technological, scientific and industrial areas; problems that were not possible to handle by the traditional engineering methodology of analysis either for their inherent complexity or by the huge volumes of data involved. Due to the initial success of these pioneers, current machine learning systems are facing problems with higher difficulties that hamper the learning process of such algorithms, promoting the interest of practitioners for designing systems that are able to scalably and efficiently tackle real-­‐world problems. One of the most appealing machine learning paradigms are Learning Classifier Systems (LCSs), and more specifically Michigan-­‐style LCSs, an open framework that combines an apportionment of credit mechanism with a knowledge discovery technique inspired by biological processes to evolve their internal knowledge. In this regard, LCSs mimic human experts by making use of rule lists to choose the best action to a given problem situation, acquiring their knowledge through the experience. LCSs have been applied with relative success to a wide set of real-­‐ world problems such as cancer prediction or business support systems, among many others. Furthermore, on some of these areas LCSs have demonstrated learning capacities that exceed those of human experts for that particular task. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the online learning nature of Michigan-­‐style LCSs for mining large amounts of data in the form of continuous, high speed and time-­‐changing streams of information. Most often, extracting knowledge from these data is key, in order to gain a better understanding of the processes that the data are describing. Learning from these data poses new challenges to traditional machine learning techniques, which are not typically designed to deal with data in which concepts and noise levels may vary over time. The contribution of this thesis takes the extended classifier system (XCS), the most studied Michigan-­‐style LCS and one of the most competent machine learning algorithms, as the starting point. Thus, the challenges addressed in this thesis are twofold: the first challenge is building a competent supervised system based on the guidance of Michigan-­‐style LCSs that learns from data streams with a fast reaction capacity to changes in concept and noisy inputs. As many scientific and industrial applications generate vast amounts of unlabelled data, the second challenge is to apply the lessons learned in the previous issue to continue with the design of unsupervised Michigan-­‐style LCSs that handle online problems without assuming any a priori structure in input data

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Contributions to comprehensible classification

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    xxx, 240 p.La tesis doctoral descrita en esta memoria ha contribuido a la mejora de dos tipos de algoritmos declasificación comprensibles: algoritmos de \'arboles de decisión consolidados y algoritmos de inducciónde reglas tipo PART.En cuanto a las contribuciones a la consolidación de algoritmos de árboles de decisión, se hapropuesto una nueva estrategia de remuestreo que ajusta el número de submuestras para permitir cambiarla distribución de clases en las submuestras sin perder información. Utilizando esta estrategia, la versiónconsolidada de C4.5 (CTC) obtiene mejores resultados que un amplio conjunto de algoritmoscomprensibles basados en algoritmos genéticos y clásicos. Tres nuevos algoritmos han sido consolidados:una variante de CHAID (CHAID*) y las versiones Probability Estimation Tree de C4.5 y CHAID* (C4.4y CHAIC). Todos los algoritmos consolidados obtienen mejores resultados que sus algoritmos de\'arboles de decisión base, con tres algoritmos consolidados clasificándose entre los cuatro mejores en unacomparativa. Finalmente, se ha analizado el efecto de la poda en algoritmos simples y consolidados de\'arboles de decisión, y se ha concluido que la estrategia de poda propuesta en esta tesis es la que obtiene mejores resultados.En cuanto a las contribuciones a algoritmos tipo PART de inducción de reglas, una primerapropuesta cambia varios aspectos de como PART genera \'arboles parciales y extrae reglas de estos, locual resulta en clasificadores con mejor capacidad de generalizar y menor complejidad estructuralcomparando con los generados por PART. Una segunda propuesta utiliza \'arboles completamentedesarrollados, en vez de parcialmente desarrollados, y genera conjuntos de reglas que obtienen aúnmejores resultados de clasificación y una complejidad estructural menor. Estas dos nuevas propuestas y elalgoritmo PART original han sido complementadas con variantes basadas en CHAID* para observar siestos beneficios pueden ser trasladados a otros algoritmos de \'arboles de decisión y se ha observado, dehecho, que los algoritmos tipo PART basados en CHAID* también crean clasificadores más simples ycon mejor capacidad de clasificar que CHAID

    Multi-agent evolutionary systems for the generation of complex virtual worlds

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    Modern films, games and virtual reality applications are dependent on convincing computer graphics. Highly complex models are a requirement for the successful delivery of many scenes and environments. While workflows such as rendering, compositing and animation have been streamlined to accommodate increasing demands, modelling complex models is still a laborious task. This paper introduces the computational benefits of an Interactive Genetic Algorithm (IGA) to computer graphics modelling while compensating the effects of user fatigue, a common issue with Interactive Evolutionary Computation. An intelligent agent is used in conjunction with an IGA that offers the potential to reduce the effects of user fatigue by learning from the choices made by the human designer and directing the search accordingly. This workflow accelerates the layout and distribution of basic elements to form complex models. It captures the designer’s intent through interaction, and encourages playful discovery

    Fuzzy Rules from Ant-Inspired Computation

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    Centre for Intelligent Systems and their ApplicationsThis research identifies and investigates major issues in inducing accurate and comprehensible fuzzy rules from datasets.A review of the current literature on fuzzy rulebase induction uncovers two significant issues: A. There is a tradeoff between inducing accurate fuzzy rules and inducing comprehensible fuzzy rules; and, B. A common strategy for the induction of fuzzy rulebases, that of iterative rule learning where the rules are generated one by one and independently of each other, may not be an optimal one.FRANTIC, a system that provides a framework for exploring the claims above is developed. At the core lies a mechanism for creating individual fuzzy rules. This is based on a significantly modified social insect-inspired heuristic for combinatorial optimisation -- Ant Colony Optimisation. The rule discovery mechanism is utilised in two very different strategies for the induction of a complete fuzzy rulebase: 1. The first follows the common iterative rule learning approach for the induction of crisp and fuzzy rules; 2. The second has been designed during this research explicitly for the induction of a fuzzy rulebase, and generates all rules in parallel.Both strategies have been tested on a number of classification problems, including medical diagnosis and industrial plant fault detection, and compared against other crisp or fuzzy induction algorithms that use more well-established approaches. The results challenge statement A above, by presenting evidence to show that one criterion need not be met at the expense of the other. This research also uncovers the cost that is paid -- that of computational expenditure -- and makes concrete suggestions on how this may be resolved.With regards to statement B, until now little or no evidence has been put forward to support or disprove the claim. The results of this research indicate that definite advantages are offered by the second simultaneous strategy, that are not offered by the iterative one. These benefits include improved accuracy over a wide range of values for several key system parameters. However, both approaches also fare well when compared to other learning algorithms. This latter fact is due to the rule discovery mechanism itself -- the adapted Ant Colony Optimisation algorithm -- which affords several additional advantages. These include a simple mechanism within the rule construction process that enables it to cope with datasets that have an imbalanced distribution between the classes, and another for controlling the amount of fit to the training data.In addition, several system parameters have been designed to be semi-autonomous so as to avoid unnecessary user intervention, and in future work the social insect metaphor may be exploited and extended further to enable it to deal with industrial-strength data mining issues involving large volumes of data, and distributed and/or heterogeneous databases