488 research outputs found

    Variational Inference with Numerical Derivatives: variance reduction through coupling

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    The Black Box Variational Inference (Ranganath et al. (2014)) algorithm provides a universal method for Variational Inference, but taking advantage of special properties of the approximation family or of the target can improve the convergence speed significantly. For example, if the approximation family is a transformation family, such as a Gaussian, then switching to the reparameterization gradient (Kingma and Welling (2014)) often yields a major reduction in gradient variance. Ultimately, reducing the variance can reduce the computational cost and yield better approximations. We present a new method to extend the reparameterization trick to more general exponential families including the Wishart, Gamma, and Student distributions. Variational Inference with Numerical Derivatives (VIND) approximates the gradient with numerical derivatives and reduces its variance using a tight coupling of the approximation family. The resulting algorithm is simple to implement and can profit from widely known couplings. Our experiments confirm that VIND effectively decreases the gradient variance and therefore improves the posterior approximation in relevant cases. It thus provides an efficient yet simple Variational Inference method for computing non-Gaussian approximations.Comment: Under review (NEURIPS 2019

    Backprop-Q: Generalized Backpropagation for Stochastic Computation Graphs

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    In real-world scenarios, it is appealing to learn a model carrying out stochastic operations internally, known as stochastic computation graphs (SCGs), rather than learning a deterministic mapping. However, standard backpropagation is not applicable to SCGs. We attempt to address this issue from the angle of cost propagation, with local surrogate costs, called Q-functions, constructed and learned for each stochastic node in an SCG. Then, the SCG can be trained based on these surrogate costs using standard backpropagation. We propose the entire framework as a solution to generalize backpropagation for SCGs, which resembles an actor-critic architecture but based on a graph. For broad applicability, we study a variety of SCG structures from one cost to multiple costs. We utilize recent advances in reinforcement learning (RL) and variational Bayes (VB), such as off-policy critic learning and unbiased-and-low-variance gradient estimation, and review them in the context of SCGs. The generalized backpropagation extends transported learning signals beyond gradients between stochastic nodes while preserving the benefit of backpropagating gradients through deterministic nodes. Experimental suggestions and concerns are listed to help design and test any specific model using this framework.Comment: NeurIPS 2018 Deep Reinforcement Learning Worksho

    KF-LAX: Kronecker-factored curvature estimation for control variate optimization in reinforcement learning

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    A key challenge for gradient based optimization methods in model-free reinforcement learning is to develop an approach that is sample efficient and has low variance. In this work, we apply Kronecker-factored curvature estimation technique (KFAC) to a recently proposed gradient estimator for control variate optimization, RELAX, to increase the sample efficiency of using this gradient estimation method in reinforcement learning. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated on a synthetic problem and a set of three discrete control task Atari games

    Probabilistic Binary Neural Networks

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    Low bit-width weights and activations are an effective way of combating the increasing need for both memory and compute power of Deep Neural Networks. In this work, we present a probabilistic training method for Neural Network with both binary weights and activations, called BLRNet. By embracing stochasticity during training, we circumvent the need to approximate the gradient of non-differentiable functions such as sign(), while still obtaining a fully Binary Neural Network at test time. Moreover, it allows for anytime ensemble predictions for improved performance and uncertainty estimates by sampling from the weight distribution. Since all operations in a layer of the BLRNet operate on random variables, we introduce stochastic versions of Batch Normalization and max pooling, which transfer well to a deterministic network at test time. We evaluate the BLRNet on multiple standardized benchmarks

    A Review of Learning with Deep Generative Models from Perspective of Graphical Modeling

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    This document aims to provide a review on learning with deep generative models (DGMs), which is an highly-active area in machine learning and more generally, artificial intelligence. This review is not meant to be a tutorial, but when necessary, we provide self-contained derivations for completeness. This review has two features. First, though there are different perspectives to classify DGMs, we choose to organize this review from the perspective of graphical modeling, because the learning methods for directed DGMs and undirected DGMs are fundamentally different. Second, we differentiate model definitions from model learning algorithms, since different learning algorithms can be applied to solve the learning problem on the same model, and an algorithm can be applied to learn different models. We thus separate model definition and model learning, with more emphasis on reviewing, differentiating and connecting different learning algorithms. We also discuss promising future research directions.Comment: add SN-GANs, SA-GANs, conditional generation (cGANs, AC-GANs). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.00709, arXiv:1801.03558 by other author

    A New Distribution on the Simplex with Auto-Encoding Applications

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    We construct a new distribution for the simplex using the Kumaraswamy distribution and an ordered stick-breaking process. We explore and develop the theoretical properties of this new distribution and prove that it exhibits symmetry under the same conditions as the well-known Dirichlet. Like the Dirichlet, the new distribution is adept at capturing sparsity but, unlike the Dirichlet, has an exact and closed form reparameterization--making it well suited for deep variational Bayesian modeling. We demonstrate the distribution's utility in a variety of semi-supervised auto-encoding tasks. In all cases, the resulting models achieve competitive performance commensurate with their simplicity, use of explicit probability models, and abstinence from adversarial training.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

    Training recurrent networks online without backtracking

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    We introduce the "NoBackTrack" algorithm to train the parameters of dynamical systems such as recurrent neural networks. This algorithm works in an online, memoryless setting, thus requiring no backpropagation through time, and is scalable, avoiding the large computational and memory cost of maintaining the full gradient of the current state with respect to the parameters. The algorithm essentially maintains, at each time, a single search direction in parameter space. The evolution of this search direction is partly stochastic and is constructed in such a way to provide, at every time, an unbiased random estimate of the gradient of the loss function with respect to the parameters. Because the gradient estimate is unbiased, on average over time the parameter is updated as it should. The resulting gradient estimate can then be fed to a lightweight Kalman-like filter to yield an improved algorithm. For recurrent neural networks, the resulting algorithms scale linearly with the number of parameters. Small-scale experiments confirm the suitability of the approach, showing that the stochastic approximation of the gradient introduced in the algorithm is not detrimental to learning. In particular, the Kalman-like version of NoBackTrack is superior to backpropagation through time (BPTT) when the time span of dependencies in the data is longer than the truncation span for BPTT

    A Comprehensive guide to Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with Variational Inference

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    Artificial Neural Networks are connectionist systems that perform a given task by learning on examples without having prior knowledge about the task. This is done by finding an optimal point estimate for the weights in every node. Generally, the network using point estimates as weights perform well with large datasets, but they fail to express uncertainty in regions with little or no data, leading to overconfident decisions. In this paper, Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BayesCNN) using Variational Inference is proposed, that introduces probability distribution over the weights. Furthermore, the proposed BayesCNN architecture is applied to tasks like Image Classification, Image Super-Resolution and Generative Adversarial Networks. The results are compared to point-estimates based architectures on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets for Image CLassification task, on BSD300 dataset for Image Super Resolution task and on CIFAR10 dataset again for Generative Adversarial Network task. BayesCNN is based on Bayes by Backprop which derives a variational approximation to the true posterior. We, therefore, introduce the idea of applying two convolutional operations, one for the mean and one for the variance. Our proposed method not only achieves performances equivalent to frequentist inference in identical architectures but also incorporate a measurement for uncertainties and regularisation. It further eliminates the use of dropout in the model. Moreover, we predict how certain the model prediction is based on the epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties and empirically show how the uncertainty can decrease, allowing the decisions made by the network to become more deterministic as the training accuracy increases. Finally, we propose ways to prune the Bayesian architecture and to make it more computational and time effective.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.02158, arXiv:1703.04977 by other author

    Fast Second-Order Stochastic Backpropagation for Variational Inference

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    We propose a second-order (Hessian or Hessian-free) based optimization method for variational inference inspired by Gaussian backpropagation, and argue that quasi-Newton optimization can be developed as well. This is accomplished by generalizing the gradient computation in stochastic backpropagation via a reparametrization trick with lower complexity. As an illustrative example, we apply this approach to the problems of Bayesian logistic regression and variational auto-encoder (VAE). Additionally, we compute bounds on the estimator variance of intractable expectations for the family of Lipschitz continuous function. Our method is practical, scalable and model free. We demonstrate our method on several real-world datasets and provide comparisons with other stochastic gradient methods to show substantial enhancement in convergence rates.Comment: Accepted by NIPS 201

    A Classification Supervised Auto-Encoder Based on Predefined Evenly-Distributed Class Centroids

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    Classic variational autoencoders are used to learn complex data distributions, that are built on standard function approximators. Especially, VAE has shown promise on a lot of complex task. In this paper, a new autoencoder model - classification supervised autoencoder (CSAE) based on predefined evenly-distributed class centroids (PEDCC) is proposed. Our method uses PEDCC of latent variables to train the network to ensure the maximization of inter-class distance and the minimization of inner-class distance. Instead of learning mean/variance of latent variables distribution and taking reparameterization of VAE, latent variables of CSAE are directly used to classify and as input of decoder. In addition, a new loss function is proposed to combine the loss function of classification. Based on the basic structure of the universal autoencoder, we realized the comprehensive optimal results of encoding, decoding, classification, and good model generalization performance at the same time. Theoretical advantages are reflected in experimental results.Comment: 16 pages,12 figures, 4 table
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