52 research outputs found

    Musikaliska rum för kvinnliga instrumentalister inom pop/rock/jazz

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    Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att undersöka fyra olika organisationer eller föreningars syfte med att rikta sig mot tjejer/kvinnor inom pop/rock/jazz. Jag har gjort kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra personer som jobbar eller har jobbat inom organisationer eller föreningar som vill stĂ€rka flickor och kvinnors möjligheter att spela och skapa musik. De har fĂ„tt representera respektive verksamhet men har ocksĂ„ fĂ„tt ge sina egna svar som privatpersoner om hur de ser pĂ„ att dela grupper i killar och tjejer, nĂ€r det Ă€r motiverat och vilka vinster och nackdelar som kan uppstĂ„. Alla informanter har erfarenhet av musikpedagogik och Ă€r eller har bakgrund som musiker. Mitt arbete visar att ett syfte som alla organisationer eller föreningar har Ă€r att öka jĂ€mstĂ€lldheten och öka antalet kvinnor i musikvĂ€rlden. Syftet hos tvĂ„ av de tillfrĂ„gade organisationerna/föreningarna Ă€r att fĂ„ en jĂ€mnare könsfördelning i deras egna verksamheter medan de andra tvĂ„ organisationerna eller föreningarna riktar sig helt mot kvinnor och har delvis andra syften. De tvĂ„ sistnĂ€mnda har Ă€ven som syfte att skapa egna rum och frizoner för kvinnor dĂ€r de kan utveckla sjĂ€lvförtroende och skapa ett sammanhang utan det motsatta könet. Arbetet visar ocksĂ„ att informanterna har olika syn pĂ„ uppdelning av kön inom skolan. I sista kapitlet diskuterar jag de olika synsĂ€tt informanterna har pĂ„ uppdelning av kön först och frĂ€mst inom dessa organisationer men ocksĂ„ delvis inom skolan. Jag visar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ de vinster som uppstĂ„r genom att göra egna rum för tjejer inom musik, som stĂ€rkt sjĂ€lvförtroende, ett större risktagande och ökad trygghet.The aim of this study is to investigate four different organisations or associations purpose to target women within pop/rock/jazz. I have conducted qualitative interviews with four persons who work or have worked within the organisations or associations I’ve picked out for my study. They have represented their respective field and have also given their own answers as private persons about their views on putting boys and girls in separate groups, when a separation is motivated and what advantages and disadvantages it brings. All the informants have education in music pedagogic and are/have been musicians. The study proves that these four organisations or associations aim to increase the equality and raise the number of women in the music world. The purpose of two of the organisations or associations is to create a more equal gender balance in their own field while the other organisations or associations reach out only towards women and therefore partially have other purposes. Their aim is to create own spaces and zones for women in music where they can feel free, build self-confidence and create a context without the opposite sex. The study also shows that the informants have different views on separating gender in education. In the last chapter I discuss the different views the informants have on separation between gender both in and out of school and show the gains that comes out of creating own spaces for women in music, such as a stronger confidence, a higher risk-taking and increased sense of safety

    Livets Algoritm

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    FrÄn titeln att bedöma -Livets Algoritm - kan man tÀnka sig att Fernando Flores' bok Àr en strikt vetenskaplig sÄdan. Detta första intryck förstÀrkes ytterligare nÀr man lÀser underrubriken: "Moderna teorier om biologins metod och vÀsen." Men trots att boken faktiskt bygger pÄ vetenskapliga grunder, Àr det huvudsakligen frÄga om ett filo-sofiskt verk. Och nÀr vi sÀger "huvudsakligen", tÀnker vi pÄ tvÄ olika aspekter: Ä ena sidan refererar vi till innehÄllets egentliga art, dess begreppsliga riktlinjer; Ä andra sidan tÀnker vi pÄ de operationerna som den hÀr "algoritmen" bestÄr av. Vidare kan man konstatera att författaren inte heller utgÄr, som man skulle kunna tro, frÄn det positiva biologiska planet för att senare anknyta till livets filosofi, utan tvÀrtom, han utgÄr frÄn den sista, med avsikt att berika den första

    Att handleda gymnasieelever i deras lÀrprocesser: en kvalitativ undersökning i den egna verksamheten av nÄgra lÀrares erfarenheter av handledning

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    Olika reformer har avlöst varandra i skolans vÀrld och varje reform har medfört förÀndrade krav pÄ skolans verksamhet. Varje lÀroplan bygger pÄ förestÀllningar om vad kunskap och lÀrande Àr. NÀr Lpf 94, lÀroplan för de frivilliga skolformerna, kom fanns dÀr en förÀndrad syn pÄ kunskap och lÀrande. Kunskapsbegreppet utvidgades i fyra olika kunskapsformer de sÄ kallade fyra f:en. FörstÄelse av fenomen har fÄtt en central plats och eleven förvÀntas att inta ett vetenskapligt förhÄllningssÀtt till sina studier genom ett djupinriktat lÀrande. LÀrandet ses som en aktiv process och förutsÀtter ett engagemang av eleven. Elever ska Àven fÄ ett ökat eget ansvar och successivt fÄ arbeta med större och mer sjÀlvstÀndiga uppgifter. LÀraren förvÀntas att stimulera, handleda och stödja eleven i dessa lÀrprocesser. SjÀlvstyrda arbeten har blivit vanligare pÄ gymnasieskolorna och lÀrarna ska fungera som handledare i dessa processer. Syfte med undersökningen Àr att förstÄ hur lÀrare tolkar sitt uppdrag som handledare. Det övergripande syftet innehÄller tvÄ delar. I den första delen tydliggörs lÀrares uppdrag och vilka kompetenser eleverna ska uppnÄ enligt styrdokumenten. Den andra delen av syftet Àr empirisk och innehÄller nÄgra lÀrares tolkningar av handledning och handledarrollen. UtifrÄn detta har fyra frÄgestÀllningar formulerats: 1. Vad sÀger gymnasieskolans styrdokument om lÀrarens uppdrag? 2. Vilka kompetenser Àr det elever ska uppnÄ? 3. Vad sÀger den pedagogiska forskningen om handledning? 4. Hur tolkas uppdraget av lÀrare? Den kvalitativa undersökningen genomförs i den egna verksamheten och bygger pÄ fyra enkÀtsvar och tvÄ intervjuer. Tolkning av data sker i tvÄ steg. I tolkningssteg 1 anvÀnds en hermeneutisk metod och i tolkningssteg 2 jÀmförs resultaten med hjÀlp av en upprÀttad hypotetisk konstruktion: Idealtyp-Handledarroll. I resultaten framkom att handledningens kÀrna Àr samtalet och det Àr i dessa lÀraren ser eleven vÀxa. En handledning som möjliggör för elever att nÄ undervisningsmÄlen Àr en handledning som har ett klart mÄl, tillrÀckligt stort tidsutrymme sÄ lÀraren kan lyssna och stÀlla frÄgor och utifrÄn detta anpassa handledningen till den nivÄ eleven befinner sig pÄ. Relationen ska vara tillitsfull. Hinder för att elever ska nÄ mÄlen Àr nÀr handledaren styr för mycket och tar över elevens arbete. Ett annat Àr om en handledare har för mÄnga elever att handleda och att en del elever gör ansprÄk pÄ ett för stort tidsutrymme, medan andra inte anvÀnder sig av den tid de har till sitt förfogande

    Konsolideringen av nya vetenskapliga fÀlt. Exemplet forskning i socialt arbete

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    Framtida utmaningar för sammanhÄllning och rÀttvisa

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    MusiklÀrares handlingsutrymme - möjligheter och begrÀnsningar

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    ABSTRACT Titel: Music teachers’ discretionary power – possibilities and limitations. According to previous research in music education, during recent decades the working conditions for professional music teachers in schools have changed radically. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the working conditions of music teachers by focusing on their experiences of and ideas about discretionary power in their professional lives. This is accomplished by addressing the research questions: What does discretionary power mean to the music teachers? How and where is the discretionary power of music teachers created? What enabling and constraining processes in the creation of discretionary power can be identified? The theoretical framework rests on phenomenology and the assumption of the life-world as the complex, everyday world in which we live. In this study, the life-world is perceived as an intentional, lived and social world, and research is understood as the study of lived experience. The methodology is qualitative and the data collection was conducted as in-depth interviews. Student constructed three-dimensional models of what it means to be a music teacher were used as a ”key” to the life world in the interviews. The meaning of discretionary power is shaped in the interplay between knowledge, action and motivation. The creation of discretionary power develops when the inner reality of a music teacher corresponds to the shape and nature of external reality. In relationships with pupils and colleagues different proportions of power, control, demand, social support and trust can be identified. These illuminate the social processes through which discretionary power is created, and they are also enabling and constraining in various ways. The results are discussed as three themes; the meaning of discretionary power in the relationships between (i) music teachers and their institutional settings, (ii) music teachers and their tasks and (iii) music teachers and others. The findings point out the tension between enabling and constraining processes in these three themes. Meaning is formed together with pupils and colleagues. In conclusion, the knowledge base of discretionary power and the creation of discretionary power consist of three dimensions: knowledge about discretionary power, knowledge through discretionary power and knowledge in discretionary power

    GrundskollÀrares tankar om kompetensutveckling (Compulsory school teachers' thoughts about competence development)

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    The development in society and school activities that have taken place during the past twenty years, form the background to the problem in this thesis. Liberal democratisation in the society as a whole and the global explosion of knowledge have made it necessary for teachers continuously to develop new knowledge. The over all aim of the thesis concerned the development of knowledge of variations in teachers? thoughts about teachers? competence development through an empirical investigation. One specific aim concerned the development of knowledge of variation in teachers? thoughts about relevant content of competence development. The second specific aim concerned the development of knowledge about variations in teachers? thoughts about teachers? possibilities of relevant use of competence development in the school activity. An analysis, inspired by the method Contextual analysis was used as the methodological starting-point and the theory of knowledge as a theoretical framework. The analysis resulted in a hierarchical system of four categories of description. The first category of description is called Development of integrated general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better development of the activity in school. This category of description is also the most complex. The second category of description is called Development of general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better cooperation with colleagues. The third category of description is called Better subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better design of pupils? learning situations. The fourth category of description is called Better knowledge of school subjects as a base for development of teacher's own school teaching. In the most complex category of description teachers saw an integrated development of general teacher competence, subject knowledge and competences in teaching the subject as a base for better development of the activity in school. In the other three categories of description the teachers did not integrate all the mentioned competences. They explicated a competence development relevant to a more narrow activity in school. Further, the results point to relations between the teachers? thoughts about interpretational relevant content and about area of application, regarding development of competence. The relations involve that if a teacher is making complex statements about the interpretational relevant content, the teacher also is making complex statements about the area of application. The results could be of importance to principals and teachers which ought to develop competence of how to make relevant knowledge of education policy relevant for all teachers in the activity, both as individuals and as a professional collective. At last, the results are indicating that Schutz? system of personal relevance of knowledge, in addition, seems to be a system equivalent to the personal relevance system of competence development, according to the teachers? thoughts of competence development. However, the teachers? thoughts of competence development do not indicate a shared professional ground of teachers? knowledge

    Med tvÄl, vatten och flit

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    With soap, water, and diligence discusses attitudes and practices around cleanliness and health at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. At this time, scientific findings on how diseases spread had rendered both the body and the home as particularly risky in terms of the health of an individual. However, the zeal for cleaning was more than just a health issue – it also contributed to societal change at large. This book aims at deepening our understanding of cleanliness in relation to social class, gender, work, consumption, and space, viewed from a Nordic perspective. The battle against dirt was fought on a broad front, and on different levels of society. The book at hands offers glimpses of the long and complex societal process which was required for the Nordic societies to grow cleaner over time. Behind the gradually increasing interest in soap and lather lay challenges, negotiations, and disagreements about the ways in which cleanliness should be advanced, and who would be the ones advancing it. To establish the supremacy of soap required a lot of hard work. The ten chapters shed light on the interaction between debaters, voluntary associations, institutions, and individuals. How was cleanliness promoted and what was the reception like? Who and what was to be cleaned, and on which terms? What did cleanliness mean in different contexts and for different individuals? The book makes both ideals and practices visible by exploring the ways in which the gospel of cleanliness was presented, propagated, understood, questioned and renewed, and also by showing that in some cases people’s quest for cleanliness had motivations other than those intended by the promoters. The chapters have been written by economic historians, ethnologists, social historians, and historians of ideas from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The book is intended for students, scholars and the general reading audience interested in a social historical perspective on cleanliness

    Med tvÄl, vatten och flit

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    BiologiÀmnets texter : text, sprÄk och lÀrande i en sprÄkligt heterogen gymnasieklass

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    This study concerns text, language, and learning in a linguistically heterogeneous upper secondary class in Sweden where students aged 16 to 17 are studying biology. One starting point for the dissertation is the importance of language in all school subjects. Another premise is that language as a resource for learning and communication is a high challenge for students who are studying through their second language. The perspectives adopted in the dissertation are those of language and second-language didactics, and of multimodality. The dissertation is based on field notes, audio recordings, collected texts, and interviews. A major question is the extent to which the students are given the potential for coherent meaning making. Another crucial question is how different student groups succeed in the subject of biology, and their potential to move towards the use of more academic language. In the foreground of the study are text analyses in which the notions of intertextuality and recontextualization are an important foundation for understanding, and where textbook, teaching, and student texts are related to each other. The study shows, among other things, the importance of visualization of taxonomic relations, through which connections within a subject can be made explicit. The results also hint at the potential of different visual representations to bridge the gap between everyday and more scientific modes of expression. Mobility between and within discourses can thus be viewed as multimodal. The dissertation also uses the notion of text activities, which can be compared to the Sydney School`s concept of genre. The findings reveal relatively large differences between different chapters in the biology textbook, with regard to text activities, linguistic features, and the degree of multimodality. Differences thus arise in the degree to which these texts are a challenge to the reader. The findings show, moreover, that different images can be regarded as visual text activities and can thus be analysed on the level of text structure. The discrepancy between different student groups in the class is relatively large. The second-language students rarely achieve high grade levels. Lower grades, in turn, mean that standards are set relatively low for written work, and there is also strong teacher mediation at this level. Higher grade levels, on the other hand, require more advanced text activities and more independent reflexive writing and reading. The latter indicates a need for explicit metadiscursive discussions in the classroom. The results also suggest a need for broader language and text production, especially for second-language students
