175 research outputs found

    Accurate analysis of memory latencies for WCET estimation

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    International audienceThese last years, many researchers have proposed solutions to estimate the Worst-Case Execution Time of a critical application when it is run on modern hardware. Several schemes commonly implemented to improve performance have been considered so far in the context of static WCET analysis: pipelines, instruction caches, dynamic branch predictors, execution cores supporting out-of-order execution, etc. Comparatively, components that are external to the processor have received lesser attention. In particular, the latency of memory accesses is generally considered as a fixed value. Now, modern DRAM devices support the open page policy that reduces the memory latency when successive memory accesses address the same memory row. This scheme, also known as row buffer, induces variable memory latencies, depending on whether the access hits or misses in the row buffer. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to take the open page policy into account when estimating WCETs for a processor with an instruction cache. Experimental results show that WCET estimates are refined thanks to the consideration of tighter memory latencies instead of pessimistic values

    Computing Safe Contention Bounds for Multicore Resources with Round-Robin and FIFO Arbitration

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    Numerous researchers have studied the contention that arises among tasks running in parallel on a multicore processor. Most of those studies seek to derive a tight and sound upper-bound for the worst-case delay with which a processor resource may serve an incoming request, when its access is arbitrated using time-predictable policies such as round-robin or FIFO. We call this value upper-bound delay ( ubd ). Deriving trustworthy ubd statically is possible when sufficient public information exists on the timing latency incurred on access to the resource of interest. Unfortunately however, that is rarely granted for commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) processors. Therefore, the users resort to measurement observations on the target processor and thus compute a “measured” ubdm . However, using ubdm to compute worst-case execution time values for programs running on COTS multicore processors requires qualification on the soundness of the result. In this paper, we present a measurement-based methodology to derive a ubdm under round-robin (RoRo) and first-in-first-out (FIFO) arbitration, which accurately approximates ubd from above, without needing latency information from the hardware provider. Experimental results, obtained on multiple processor configurations, demonstrate the robustness of the proposed methodology.The research leading to this work has received funding from: the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644080(SAFURE); the European Space Agency under Contract 789.2013 and NPI Contract 40001102880; and COST Action IC1202, Timing Analysis On Code-Level (TACLe). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. The authors would like to thanks Paul Caheny for his help with the proofreading of this document.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impact of Code Compression on Estimated Worst-Case Execution Times

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    International audienceCode compression techniques might be useful to meet code size constraints in embedded systems. In the average case, the impact of code compression on the performance is double-edged: on one side, the number of accesses to memory hierarchy is reduced because several instructions are coded in a single word, and this is likely to reduce the execution time; on the other side, the decompression penalty increases the processing time of compressed instructions. Nevertheless, experimental results show that the execution time might be lowered by code compression. In this paper, our goal is to analyze the impact of code compression on the estimated Worst-Case Execution Time of critical tasks that must meet at the same time code size constraints and timing deadlines. Changes in the access patterns to the instruction cache are indeed likely to alter the accuracy of the cache analysis within the process of determining the WCET. Experimental results show that, besides reducing the code size, our code compression scheme also improves the WCET estimates in most of the cases

    WCET-aware prefetching of unlocked instruction caches: a technique for reconciling real-time guarantees and energy efficiency

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.A computação embarcada requer crescente vazão sob baixa potência. Ela requer um aumento de eficiência energética quando se executam programas de crescente complexidade. Muitos sistemas embarcados são também sistemas de tempo real, cuja correção temporal precisa ser garantida através de análise de escalonabilidade, a qual costuma assumir que o WCET de uma tarefa é conhecido em tempo de projeto. Como resultado da crescente complexidade do software, uma quantidade significativa de energia é gasta ao se prover instruções através da hierarquia de memória. Como a cache de instruções consome cerca de 40% da energia gasta em um processador embarcado e afeta a energia consumida em memória principal, ela se torna um relevante alvo para otimização. Entretanto, como ela afeta substancialmente o WCET, o comportamento da cache precisa ser restrito via  cache locking ou previsto via análise de WCET. Para obter eficiência energética sob restrições de tempo real, é preciso estender a consciência que o compilador tem da plataforma de hardware. Entretanto, compiladores para tempo real ignoram a energia, embora determinem rapidamente limites superiores para o WCET, enquanto compiladores para sistemas embarcados estimem com precisão a energia, mas gastem muito tempo em  profiling . Por isso, esta tese propõe um método unificado para estimar a energia gasta em memória, o qual é baseado em Interpretação Abstrata, exatamente o mesmo substrato matemático usado para a análise de WCET em caches. As estimativas mostram derivadas que são tão precisas quanto as obtidas via  profiling , mas são computadas 1000 vezes mais rápido, sendo apropriadas para induzir otimização de código através de melhoria iterativa. Como  cache locking troca eficiência energética por previsibilidade, esta tese propõe uma nova otimização de código, baseada em pré-carga por software, a qual reduz a taxa de faltas de caches de instruções e, provadamente, não aumenta o WCET. A otimização proposta é comparada com o estado-da-arte em  cache locking parcial para 37 programas do  Malardalen WCET benchmark para 36 configurações de cache e duas tecnologias distintas (2664 casos de uso). Em média, para obter uma melhoria de 68% no WCET,  cache locking parcial requer 8% mais energia. Por outro lado, a pré-carga por software diminui o consumo de energia em 11% enquanto melhora em 15% o WCET, reconciliando assim eficiência energética e garantias de tempo real.Abstract : Embedded computing requires increasing throughput at low power budgets. It asks for growing energy efficiency when executing programs of rising complexity. Many embedded systems are also real-time systems, whose temporal correctness is asserted through schedulability analysis, which often assumes that the WCET of each task is known at design-time. As a result of the growing software complexity, a significant amount of energy is spent in supplying instructions through the memory hierarchy. Since an instruction cache consumes around 40% of an embedded processor s energy and affects the energy spent in main memory, it becomes a relevant optimization target. However, since it largely impacts the WCET, cache behavior must be either constrained via cache locking or predicted by WCET analysis. To achieve energy efficiency under real-time constraints, a compiler must have extended awareness of the hardware platform. However, real-time compilers ignore energy, although they quickly determine bounds for WCET, whereas embedded compilers accurately estimate energy but require time-consuming profiling. That is why this thesis proposes a unifying method to estimate memory energy consumption that is based on Abstract Interpretation, the very same mathematical framework employed for the WCET analysis of caches. The estimates exhibit derivatives that are as accurate as those obtained by profiling, but are computed 1000 times faster, being suitable for driving code optimization through iterative improvement. Since cache locking gives up energy efficiency for predictability, this thesis proposes a novel code optimization, based on software prefetching, which reduces miss rate of unlocked instruction caches and, provenly, does not increase the WCET. The proposed optimization is compared with a state-of-the-art partial cache locking technique for the 37 programs of the Malardalen WCET benchmarks under 36 cache configurations and two distinct target technologies (2664 use cases). On average, to achieve an improvement of 68% in the WCET, partial cache locking required 8% more energy. On the other hand, software prefetching decreased the energy consumption by 11% while leading to an improvement of 15% in the WCET, thereby reconciling energy efficiency and real-time guarantees

    Computing the Worst Case Execution Time of an Avionics Program by Abstract Interpretation

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    This paper presents how the timing analyser aiT is used for computing the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of two safety-critical avionics programs. The aiT tool has been developed by AbsInt GmbH as a static analyser based on Abstract Interpretatio

    WCET analysis of multi-level set-associative instruction caches

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    With the advent of increasingly complex hardware in real-time embedded systems (processors with performance enhancing features such as pipelines, cache hierarchy, multiple cores), many processors now have a set-associative L2 cache. Thus, there is a need for considering cache hierarchies when validating the temporal behavior of real-time systems, in particular when estimating tasks' worst-case execution times (WCETs). To the best of our knowledge, there is only one approach for WCET estimation for systems with cache hierarchies [Mueller, 1997], which turns out to be unsafe for set-associative caches. In this paper, we highlight the conditions under which the approach described in [Mueller, 1997] is unsafe. A safe static instruction cache analysis method is then presented. Contrary to [Mueller, 1997] our method supports set-associative and fully associative caches. The proposed method is experimented on medium-size and large programs. We show that the method is most of the time tight. We further show that in all cases WCET estimations are much tighter when considering the cache hierarchy than when considering only the L1 cache. An evaluation of the analysis time is conducted, demonstrating that analysing the cache hierarchy has a reasonable computation time

    O pior caso estático de otimização do tempo de execução utilizando dpso para arquitetura ASIP

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    Introduction: The application of specific instructions significantly improves energy, performance, and code size of configurable processors. The design of these instructions is performed by the conversion of patterns related to application-specific operations into effective complex instructions. This research was presented at the icitkm Conference, University of Delhi, India in 2017. Methods: Static analysis was a prominent research method during late the 1980’s. However, end-to-end measurements consist of a standard approach in industrial settings. Both static analysis tools perform at a high-level in order to determine the program structure, which works on source code, or is executable in a disassembled binary. It is possible to work at a low-level if the real hardware timing information for the executable task has the desired features. Results: We experimented, tested and evaluated using a H.264 encoder application that uses nine cis, covering most of the computation intensive kernels. Multimedia applications are frequently subject to hard real time constraints in the field of computer vision. The H.264 encoder consists of complicated control flow with more number of decisions and nested loops. The parameters evaluated were different numbers of A partitions (300 slices on a Xilinx Virtex 7each), reconfiguration bandwidths, as well as relations of cpu frequency and fabric frequency fCPU/ffabric. ffabric remains constant at 100MHz, and we selected a multiplicity of its values for fCPU that resemble realistic units. Note that while we anticipate the wcet in seconds (wcetcycles/ f CPU) to be lower (better) with higher fCPU, the wcet cycles increase (at a constant ffabric) because hardware cis perform less computations on the reconfigurable fabric within one cpu cycle.    IntroducciĂłn: la aplicaciĂłn de instrucciones especĂ­ficas mejora significativamente la energĂ­a, el rendimiento y el tamaño del cĂłdigo de los procesadores configurables. El diseño de estas instrucciones se realiza mediante conversiĂłn de patrones relacionados con operaciones especĂ­ficas de la aplicaciĂłn con instrucciones complejas y efectivas. Esta investigaciĂłn se presentĂł en la Conferencia icitkm, Universidad de Delhi, India en 2017. MĂ©todos: el análisis estático fue un mĂ©todo de investigaciĂłn prominente durante la dĂ©cada de 1980; sin embargo, las mediciones de extremo a extremo son un enfoque convencional en los entornos industriales. Ambas herramientas de análisis estático se desempeñan a un alto nivel para determinar la estructura del programa que funciona en el cĂłdigo fuente, o que se ejecuta en un binario desmontado. Es posible trabajar a bajo nivel si la informaciĂłn de tiempo de hardware real para la tarea ejecutable presenta las caracterĂ­sticas deseadas.  Introdução: a aplicação de instruções especĂ­ficas melhora significativamente a energia, o desempenho e o tamanho do cĂłdigo dos processadores configuráveis. O desenho dessas instruções Ă© realizado mediante a conversĂŁo de padrões relacionados com operações especĂ­ficas da aplicação com instruções complexas e efetivas. Esta pesquisa foi apresentada na ConferĂŞncia icitkm, Universidade de DĂ©lhi, ĂŤndia em 2017.MĂ©todos: a análise estática foi um mĂ©todo de pesquisa proeminente durante a dĂ©cada de 1980; contudo, as medições de extremo a extremo sĂŁo uma abordagem convencional nos contextos industriais. Ambas as ferramentas de análise estática se desempenham a um alto nĂ­vel para determinar a estrutura do programa que funciona no cĂłdigo fonte ou que se executa num binário desmontado. É possĂ­vel trabalhar a baixo nĂ­vel se a informação de tempo de hardware real para a tarefa executável apresentar as caracterĂ­sticas desejadas.Resultados: experimentamos, testamos e avaliamos com uma aplicação de codificação H.264 que utiliza nove elementos de configuração e cobre a maioria dos nĂşcleos de cálculo intensivo. As aplicações multimĂ­dias estĂŁo com frequĂŞncia sujeitas a duras restrições em tempo real no campo da visĂŁo por computador. O codificador H.264 consiste num complicado fluxo de controle com mais nĂşmero de decisões e circuitos aninhados. Os parâmetros avaliados foram de diferentes nĂşmeros de particiones A (300 cortes num Xilinx Virtex 7 cada um) e largos de banda de reconfiguração, bem como de relações de frequĂŞncia de cpu e frequĂŞncia de fabric fcpu/ffabric. ffabric permanece constante a 100MHz. Selecionamos vários de seus valores para fcpu que sĂŁo semelhantes a unidades realistas. É importante considerar que, ainda quando antecipamos o wcet em segundos (ciclos wcet/ fcpu), para que fossem inferiores (melhores) com fcpu mais alta, os ciclos wcet aumentam (num tecido constante f) porque os ci de hardware realizam menos cálculos no tecido reconfigurável dentro de uma cpu de ciclo.Conclusões: o mĂ©todo Ă© similar Ă  hibridação de árvores e mĂ©todos baseados en rotas, os quais sĂŁo menos precisos, e ao mĂ©todo I pet global, que Ă© mais preciso. A otimização Ă© avaliada com o algoritmo de otimização por enxame de partĂ­culas discretas (dpso) para wcet. Para várias aplicações do mundo real que envolvem processadores integrados, a tĂ©cnica proposta desenvolve conjuntos de instruções melhoradas em comparação com os conjuntos de instruções nativas.Originalidade: para a estimativa de wcet, deve-se considerar a análise de fluxo, a análise de baixo nĂ­vel e as fases de cálculo do programa. A fase de análise de fluxo ou alto nĂ­vel de análise ajuda a extrair o comportamento dinâmico do programa que proporciona informação sobre as funções invocadas, sobre o nĂşmero de iterações de circuito, as dependĂŞncias entre sentenças if, etc. Isso se deve a que a análise desconhece a rota de execução correspondente ao tempo de execução mais longo.Limitações: essa rota Ă© executada dentro de uma iteração do nĂşcleo que depende da natureza de mb, seja i-mb, seja p-mb, determinada pelo nĂşcleo de estimativa de movimento, quer dizer que sua entrada depende das rotas i-mb e p-mb, que tambĂ©m contĂŞm elementos de configuração separados que conduzem Ă  instabilidade da rota do pior dos casos; em outras palavras, adicionar mais partições Ă  rota atual do pior dos casos pode fazer com que a outra rota se converta no pior dos casos. A tubulação se detĂ©m pela demora de reconfiguração e continua ao ingressar no nĂşcleo assim que finaliza o processo de reconfiguraçã

    WCET-Driven Dynamic Data Scratchpad Management With Compiler-Directed Prefetching

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    In recent years, the real-time community has produced a variety of approaches targeted at managing on-chip memory (scratchpads and caches) in a predictable way. However, to obtain safe WCET bounds, such techniques generally assume that the processor is stalled while waiting to reload the content of the on-chip memory; hence, they are less effective at hiding main memory latency compared to speculation-based techniques, such as hardware prefetching, that are largely used in general-purpose systems. In this work, we introduce a novel compiler-directed prefetching scheme for scratchpad memory that effectively hides the latency of main memory accesses by overlapping data transfers with the program execution. We implement and test an automated program compilation and optimization flow within the LLVM framework, and we show how to obtain improved WCET bounds through static analysis

    A time-predictable many-core processor design for critical real-time embedded systems

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    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) are in charge of controlling fundamental parts of embedded system, e.g. energy harvesting solar panels in satellites, steering and breaking in cars, or flight management systems in airplanes. To do so, CRTES require strong evidence of correct functional and timing behavior. The former guarantees that the system operates correctly in response of its inputs; the latter ensures that its operations are performed within a predefined time budget. CRTES aim at increasing the number and complexity of functions. Examples include the incorporation of \smarter" Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) functionality in modern cars or advanced collision avoidance systems in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). All these new features, implemented in software, lead to an exponential growth in both performance requirements and software development complexity. Furthermore, there is a strong need to integrate multiple functions into the same computing platform to reduce the number of processing units, mass and space requirements, etc. Overall, there is a clear need to increase the computing power of current CRTES in order to support new sophisticated and complex functionality, and integrate multiple systems into a single platform. The use of multi- and many-core processor architectures is increasingly seen in the CRTES industry as the solution to cope with the performance demand and cost constraints of future CRTES. Many-cores supply higher performance by exploiting the parallelism of applications while providing a better performance per watt as cores are maintained simpler with respect to complex single-core processors. Moreover, the parallelization capabilities allow scheduling multiple functions into the same processor, maximizing the hardware utilization. However, the use of multi- and many-cores in CRTES also brings a number of challenges related to provide evidence about the correct operation of the system, especially in the timing domain. Hence, despite the advantages of many-cores and the fact that they are nowadays a reality in the embedded domain (e.g. Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), their use in CRTES still requires finding efficient ways of providing reliable evidence about the correct operation of the system. This thesis investigates the use of many-core processors in CRTES as a means to satisfy performance demands of future complex applications while providing the necessary timing guarantees. To do so, this thesis contributes to advance the state-of-the-art towards the exploitation of parallel capabilities of many-cores in CRTES contributing in two different computing domains. From the hardware domain, this thesis proposes new many-core designs that enable deriving reliable and tight timing guarantees. From the software domain, we present efficient scheduling and timing analysis techniques to exploit the parallelization capabilities of many-core architectures and to derive tight and trustworthy Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates of CRTES.Los sistemas críticos empotrados de tiempo real (en ingles Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems, CRTES) se encargan de controlar partes fundamentales de los sistemas integrados, e.g. obtención de la energía de los paneles solares en satélites, la dirección y frenado en automóviles, o el control de vuelo en aviones. Para hacerlo, CRTES requieren fuerte evidencias del correcto comportamiento funcional y temporal. El primero garantiza que el sistema funciona correctamente en respuesta de sus entradas; el último asegura que sus operaciones se realizan dentro de unos limites temporales establecidos previamente. El objetivo de los CRTES es aumentar el número y la complejidad de las funciones. Algunos ejemplos incluyen los sistemas inteligentes de asistencia a la conducción en automóviles modernos o los sistemas avanzados de prevención de colisiones en vehiculos aereos no tripulados. Todas estas nuevas características, implementadas en software,conducen a un crecimiento exponencial tanto en los requerimientos de rendimiento como en la complejidad de desarrollo de software. Además, existe una gran necesidad de integrar múltiples funciones en una sóla plataforma para así reducir el número de unidades de procesamiento, cumplir con requisitos de peso y espacio, etc. En general, hay una clara necesidad de aumentar la potencia de cómputo de los actuales CRTES para soportar nueva funcionalidades sofisticadas y complejas e integrar múltiples sistemas en una sola plataforma. El uso de arquitecturas multi- y many-core se ve cada vez más en la industria CRTES como la solución para hacer frente a la demanda de mayor rendimiento y las limitaciones de costes de los futuros CRTES. Las arquitecturas many-core proporcionan un mayor rendimiento explotando el paralelismo de aplicaciones al tiempo que proporciona un mejor rendimiento por vatio ya que los cores se mantienen más simples con respecto a complejos procesadores de un solo core. Además, las capacidades de paralelización permiten programar múltiples funciones en el mismo procesador, maximizando la utilización del hardware. Sin embargo, el uso de multi- y many-core en CRTES también acarrea ciertos desafíos relacionados con la aportación de evidencias sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema, especialmente en el ámbito temporal. Por eso, a pesar de las ventajas de los procesadores many-core y del hecho de que éstos son una realidad en los sitemas integrados (por ejemplo Kalray MPPA, Freescale NXP P4080, TI Keystone II), su uso en CRTES aún precisa de la búsqueda de métodos eficientes para proveer evidencias fiables sobre el correcto funcionamiento del sistema. Esta tesis ahonda en el uso de procesadores many-core en CRTES como un medio para satisfacer los requisitos de rendimiento de aplicaciones complejas mientras proveen las garantías de tiempo necesarias. Para ello, esta tesis contribuye en el avance del estado del arte hacia la explotación de many-cores en CRTES en dos ámbitos de la computación. En el ámbito del hardware, esta tesis propone nuevos diseños many-core que posibilitan garantías de tiempo fiables y precisas. En el ámbito del software, la tesis presenta técnicas eficientes para la planificación de tareas y el análisis de tiempo para aprovechar las capacidades de paralelización en arquitecturas many-core, y también para derivar estimaciones de peor tiempo de ejecución (Worst-Case Execution Time, WCET) fiables y precisas

    Increasing the reliability and applicability of measurement-based probabilistic timing analysis

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2019Conforme a complexidade das arquiteturas computacionais aumenta para melhorar desempenho ou reduzir custos, o uso de processadores modernos em Sistemas de Tempo Real (STRs) é prejudicado cada vez mais pelo surgimento de efeitos temporais que dificultam a obtenção de limites confiáveis e precisos para os Worst-Case Execution Times (WCETs) de tarefas. A Análise Temporal Probabilística Baseada em Medições (ATPBM) visa determinar limites probabilísticos de WCET (i.e. pWCETs) aplicando a Teoria de Valores Extremos (TVE) sobre medições de tempos de execução, e é portanto promissora no tratamento da complexidade de hardware no projeto de STRs. Processadores temporalmente aleatorizados foram recentemente propostos para tornar o comportamento temporal de sistemas computacionais mais facilmente analisável através de ferramental probabilístico, e são projetados substituindo informações internas determinísticas ou especulativas por números (pseudo-)aleatórios. A pesquisa cujos resultados são apresentados nesta tese produziu contribuições em duas frentes distintas. Em primeiro lugar, foram propostos e aplicados métodos para avaliar a confiabilidade dos pWCETs produzidos pela ATPBM, baseados na coleta de grandes amostras de tempos de execução e na comparação (1) dos pWCETs com os maiores tempos de execução observados, e (2) das densidades de excedência dos pWCETs com seus valores esperados. Essas avaliações indicaram que modelos probabilísticos da TVE projetados para gerar margens mais precisas podem muitas vezes levar a subestimativas de pWCETs, e recomendou-se então que modelos sobrestimadores devem ser utilizados para obter-se pWCETs mais confiáveis. Em segundo lugar, avaliou-se a hipótese de que técnicas de escalonamento aleatorizado podem beneficiar a análise temporal de tarefas executadas em pipelines multithread através da ATPBM, por levarem os tempos de execução produzidos a atenderem às premissas básicas de aplicabilidade da técnica. Para tal, foram considerados tanto (A) um escalonador puramente aleatório, quanto (B) um escalonador aleatorizado capaz de limitar os efeitos temporais da interferência entre threads, sem comprometer sua analisabilidade pela ATPBM, através de um mecanismo de regulação de elegibilidade baseado em créditos.Abstract: As the complexity of computer architectures grows in order to improve performance and/or to reduce costs, the use of modern processors in the design of Real-Time Systems (RTSs) is increasingly hampered by the emergence of timing effects that challenge determining reliable and tight bounds for tasks' Worst-Case Execution Times (WCETs). The Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) technique aims determining probabilistic WCET bounds (i.e. pWCETs) by applying Extreme Value Theory (EVT) on tasks' execution time measurements, and is hence promising in handling hardware complexity issues within RTSs' design. Hardware-level time-randomized processors were recently proposed as a means to cause computing systems' timing behaviour to become more easily analysable through probabilistic tools, and are designed replacing deterministic or speculative internal information with (pseudo-)random numbers. The scientific research whose outcomes are presented in this thesis produced contributions on two distinct fronts. In first place, we proposed and applied methods for evaluating the reliability of pWCET estimates produced using MBPTA, based on collecting large execution time samples and then comparing (1) the pWCETs against the largest observed execution times, and (2) pWCETs' exceedance densities against their expected values. These evaluations led us to conclude that EVT probabilistic models intended to yield more precise bounds may often lead to pWCET underestimations, and we hence recommended that upper-bounding models should instead be used for deriving pWCETs with increased reliability. In second place, we evaluated the hypothesis that randomized scheduling techniques can benefit the timing analysis of tasks executed on multithread pipelines through MBPTA, by causing the yielded execution times to meet the technique's basic application requirements. For that, we considered both (A) a scheduler that employs a purely random policy, and (B) a randomized scheduler capable of limiting the timing effects of inter-thread interference, without compromising analysability, by using a credit-based eligibility regulation mechanism
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