22,027 research outputs found

    HiER 2015. Proceedings des 9. Hildesheimer Evaluierungs- und Retrievalworkshop

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    Die Digitalisierung formt unsere Informationsumwelten. Disruptive Technologien dringen verstärkt und immer schneller in unseren Alltag ein und verändern unser Informations- und Kommunikationsverhalten. Informationsmärkte wandeln sich. Der 9. Hildesheimer Evaluierungs- und Retrievalworkshop HIER 2015 thematisiert die Gestaltung und Evaluierung von Informationssystemen vor dem Hintergrund der sich beschleunigenden Digitalisierung. Im Fokus stehen die folgenden Themen: Digital Humanities, Internetsuche und Online Marketing, Information Seeking und nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung, E-Learning

    Regional dispersion of cooperation activities as success factor of innovation oriented SME

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    In this paper, we analyze the relationships between different types of innovation and collaboration, given the varying geographical distance of the latter. The study is based on the data of the research project 'KompNet 2011 - Factors determining the success of regional innovation networks', which examines the innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in and closely around Jena (Thuringia). The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent spatial reach of collaboration linkages determines innovation orientation and innovative behavior. That means: Innovation performance could be positively related to (a) to a high intensity of local collaboration, (b) the intensity of international collaboration or (c) neither regional nor (inter)national collaborations. In a first step we summarize the relevant literature which comprises aspects of our central subject under investigation. We additionally discuss the necessity of keeping in mind several control variables for theoretical and empirical reasons. In the following we present descriptive analyses relating to the regional reach of collaboration in general, the impact of collaboration on innovation and the links between the regional reach of cooperation and different forms of innovation, i.e. product, process, marketing and organizational innovation. In a final step we discuss the results of several regression models. We observe that there is no significant influence of the geographical variables on the innovative performance of SME. Therefore our findings suggest that innovative firms rely on collaboration partners at a variety of spatial distances. The results also show a significant and positive influence of the intensity of competition on the innovativeness of firms in all models. Furthermore product- and process innovations are created by firms with intensive cooperative activities to scientific institutions, while a wide variety of cooperation partners and a strong focus on quality leadership turns out to be important for the development of marketing- and organizational innovations. --cooperation,geographical reach,innovation,intensity of competition,marketing innovation,organizational innovation,process innovation,product innovation,quality leadership,regional dispersion,SME,spatial distance

    Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science (Alien-CSI)

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    There is no sign of saturation in accumulation of alien species (AS) introductions worldwide, additionally the rate of spread for some species has also been shown to be increasing. However, the challenges of gathering information on AS are recognized. Recent developments in citizen science (CS) provide an opportunity to improve data flow and knowledge on AS while ensuring effective and high quality societal engagement with the issue of IAS (Invasive Alien Species). Advances in technology, particularly on-line recording and smartphone apps, along with the development of social media, have revolutionized CS and increased connectivity while new and innovative analysis techniques are emerging to ensure appropriate management, visualization, interpretation and use and sharing of the data. In early July 2018 we launched a European CO-operation in Science and Technology (COST) Action to address multidisciplinary research questions in relation to developing and implementing CS, advancing scientific understanding of AS dynamics while informing decision-making specifically implementation of technical requirements of relevant legislation such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on IAS. It will also support the EU biodiversity goals and embedding science within society. The Action will explore and document approaches to establishing a European-wide CS AS network. It will embrace relevant innovations for data gathering and reporting to support the implementation of monitoring and surveillance measures, while ensuring benefits for society and citizens, through an AS CS European network. The Action will, therefore, increase levels of participation and quality of engagement with current CS initiatives, ensuring and evaluating educational value, and improve the value outcomes for potential users including citizens, scientists, alien species managers, policy-makers, local authorities, industry and other stakeholders

    Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Knowledge Organization WissOrg'17 of theGerman Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO),30th November - 1st December 2017, Freie Universität Berlin

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    Wissensorganisation is the name of a series of biennial conferences / workshops with a long tradition, organized by the German chapter of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO). The 15th conference in this series, held at Freie Universität Berlin, focused on knowledge organization for the digital humanities. Structuring, and interacting with, large data collections has become a major issue in the digital humanities. In these proceedings, various aspects of knowledge organization in the digital humanities are discussed, and the authors of the papers show how projects in the digital humanities deal with knowledge organization.Wissensorganisation ist der Name einer Konferenzreihe mit einer langjährigen Tradition, die von der Deutschen Sektion der International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO) organisiert wird. Die 15. Konferenz dieser Reihe, die an der Freien Universität Berlin stattfand, hatte ihren Schwerpunkt im Bereich Wissensorganisation und Digital Humanities. Die Strukturierung von und die Interaktion mit großen Datenmengen ist ein zentrales Thema in den Digital Humanities. In diesem Konferenzband werden verschiedene Aspekte der Wissensorganisation in den Digital Humanities diskutiert, und die Autoren der einzelnen Beiträge zeigen, wie die Digital Humanities mit Wissensorganisation umgehen

    European Union - New Impulses for the Decade Ahead = Europäische Union - Neue Impulse für die kommende Dekade. ZEI Discussion Paper C185, 2008

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    [From the Introduction]. I would like to discuss three issues today which are directly related to the important work of ZEI and to the opportunity which European integration is providing for the further development of academic life across the EU: • the opportunity of re-thinking the relationship between the different levels of governance in Europe; • the opportunity to contribute to the dialogue among cultures, which is especially dear to us in this European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; • the opportunity of a new form of encounter between Europe and other parts of the world

    Challenging and confirming touristic representations of the Mediterranean : migrant workers in Crete

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    From the perspective of Western Europe the Mediterranean is shaped by the imagery of tourism and migration. During the time of the “guest worker”-migration in the 1960s and 70s the notion of the hopelessly underdeveloped South of Europe which pushes “guest workers” towards the rich North became prevalent here. It offered a contrast which let the beginning prosperity in the North appear even clearer. (see von Osten 2006) Besides the attractions “sea, sun and sand” it was exactly this conception of backwardness which – reinterpreted in authentic and traditional Mediterranean lifestyle – made the area attractive for tourist consumption. Today it is again pictures of the Mediterranean, which represent migration dynamics in Europe. In the meantime, however, the countries of origin of the “guest workers” have become countries of immigration and European Union member states or candidates for accession. The representation of the Mediterranean as an area of migration is dominated now by pictures of desperate refugees and illegal immigrants, who risk their life by crossing the sea, in order to enter the “fortress Europe”. In these current representations the “colonial narrative of migrants as members of a territory of underdeveloped” is continued (ibid.). A translation of the migrant area into the tourist area seems, however, more difficult than at the times of the “guest worker”-migration. What constitutes the Mediterranean as a tourist destination seems to have no longer anything in common with the Mediterranean as an area of migration....

    Cooperation between local action groups. Comparison of networks created by organizations from the Lubuskie and Małopolskie voivodeships.

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    Lokalne grupy działania mogą realizować tzw. projekty współpracy i za ich pomocą tworzyć sieci kooperacji z innymi organizacjami tego typu. W artykule poddano analizie sieci tworzone przez LGD z województw lubuskiego oraz małopolskiego. Dążono do ustalenia różnic i podobieństw między nimi. Zadano kilka pytań: 1. Czy stosunek tych LGD z Małopolski i województwa lubuskiego, które realizują projekty współpracy do ich ogółu, jest zbliżony? 2. Jakie przesłanki przyświecały podejmowaniu współpracy, czy tylko finansowe (tj. możliwość pozyskania środków na realizację projektów), czy też inne (np. wymiana doświadczeń, wzajemna pomoc), które mogą świadczyć o gotowości LGD do budowania nieinstrumentalnych sieci społecznych? 3. Co zadecydowało o liczbie współpracujących LGD, składzie sieci? 4. Co stanowi przedmiot współpracy lokalnych grup działania? Badania (metodą case study) przeprowadzono w 2012 roku. Wykorzysta- no w nich dwie techniki badawcze: analizę danych zastanych oraz wywiad swobodny. Wykazano, iż między sieciami współpracy LGD zachodzą podobieństwa, ale i istotne różnice. Organizacje z Małopolski charakteryzowały się większą otwartością na kontakty społeczne z nieznanymi sobie podmiotami, częściej podejmowały współpracę z organizacjami z innych województw oraz krajów, co może wskazywać na wyższy poziom kapitału społecznego, jakim dysponują.Local action groups (LAGs) can realize so-called cooperation projects and create networks of cooperation within the framework of the projects with other organisations of the kind. The article includes comparison of networks created by LAGs from the Lubuskie and Małopolskie Voivodeships. The aim was to find out differences and similarities between them. A few questions were posed: 1. Are the ratios of the LAGs from the Małopolskie and Lubuskie Voivodeships which realise cooperation projects to the total numbers of LAGs in those regions similar? 2. What motivated LAGs to take up cooperation, was it only financial goals or other goals as well (such as exchange of experiences or mutual assistance), which might prove that the LAGs are ready to create noninstrumental social networks? 3. What determined the number of cooperating LAGs and composition of the networks? 4. What is the subject of cooperation between local action groups? The research was conducted in 2012 with the method of case study. Two study techniques were used in it: content analysis and free-form interview. It was proved that there are similarities but also significant differences between networks of cooperation of LAGs. Organisations from Małopolska were characterised with greater openness to social contacts with entities unknown to them and more often took up cooperation with organisations from other voivodeships and countries, which may indicate a higher level of social capital they have

    DARIAH – Networking for the European Research Area

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    Business Environment Institutions in the Light of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (OP IE)

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    Realizacja jednego z siedmiu projektów przewodnich wskazanych w „Strategii Europa 2020 – Polityka przemysłowa w erze globalizacji” nakłada na instytucje otoczenia biznesu obowiązek świadczenia usług na rzecz MŚP na najwyższym poziomie. Z uwagi na to, że udoskonalenie oferty dla MŚP wymaga zaangażowania odpowiednich środków finansowych, które zwykle przewyższają możliwości budżetowe tych instytucji, konieczne jest skorzystanie z zewnętrznych źródeł finansowania przeznczonych na ten cel. Dla instytucji otoczenia biznesu w Polsce takie źródło stanowi m.in. PO IG. Zatem dokonanie wstępnej oceny aktywności aplikacyjnej instytucji otoczenia biznesu w ramach wybranych działań i poddziałań PO IG może stanowić jeden z parametrów weryfikujących ich zaangażowanie w udoskonalanie oferty dla MŚP. Ponieważ MŚP korzystają zwykle z usług podmiotów funkcjonujących w regionie ich lokalizacji, zasadne jest przeprowadzenie zbiorczej oceny dla instytucji otoczenia biznesu z poszczególnych województwach. Odpowiednim narzędziem do przeprowadzenia takiej oceny jest benchmarking wyników, który umożliwia wskazanie zarówno: 1) województw liderów – benchmark-ów – pod względem łącznej aktywności aplikacyjnej instytucji otoczenia biznesu zlokalizowanych na ich obszarze, jak i 2) dystansu dzielącego pozostałe województwa objęte benchmarking-iem. Przeprowadzony benchmarking wyników dla wybranych działań i poddziałań PO IG wyróżnił cztery województwa wiodące: mazowieckie, małopolskie, dolnośląskie i śląskie. Znaczący był również dystans między wskazanymi województwami a pozostałymi objętymi benchmarking-iem, zwłaszcza dwoma: lubuskim i opolskim, z których instytucje otoczenia biznesu nie znalazły się na żadnej z analizowanych list podpisanych umów o dofinansowanie. Co więcej, do podmiotów z województw uznanych za benchmark-i trafiła większa część wsparcia przyznanego dotychczas w ramach każdego z analizowanych działań i poddziałań. Projekty instytucji z tych województw były również źródłem dobrych praktyk