194,055 research outputs found

    Dynamics of banking technology adoption: an application to internet banking

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    This paper is concerned with examining behaviour of firms (banks) and consumers (banks’ customers) in the event of a new technology (internet banking) introduction. The determinants of consumer adoption of internet banking are characterised using survey data from Korea in both static and dynamic framework. I find evidence that adoption of internet banking is influenced by sex, age, marital status, degree of exposure to internet banking, and the characteristics of the banks. A duration analysis shows no evidence of first mover advantage (order effects) in internet banking whilst the largest bank (rank effects) in commercial banking remains dominant in internet banking. The results imply that the internet banking adoption is dominated by social norm effects

    Financial innovation in Estonia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), EAQ (Earnings Asset Quality), OEOI (Operations Expenses to Operations Income), and LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) on estimating the EG (Earnings Growth) in Indonesia Regional Development Banks in 2007-2010. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling by using some criteria, they are; Indonesia Regional Development Banks which reported their financial statements and did not do mergers and acquisitions during this study period. From those criteria, it was found 26 Regional Development Banks which had to be analyzed, thus, there were 104 analyzed data. Analytical techniques used were t-test and multiple regressions. From the findings of this study showed that the data in this study were normally distributed. Based on multicoliniearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test, there was no deviation variable from Assumptions Classical test. It meant that the data which were used in this study fulfilled the requirements of using multilinier model. From the analysis, it could be found that CAR and LDR influenced significantly positive towards earnings growth, while OEOI influenced significantly negative towards earnings growth. Whereas, EAQ influenced insignificantly negative towards earnings growth. Finally, it is expected that the management of Indonesia Regional Development Banks have to concern with some finanacial ratios (LDR, OEOI, and CAR) to increase earnings. In the future, Regional Development Banks is expected to be equal to others banks owned by government

    Tying lending and underwriting : scope economies, incentives, and reputation

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    Informational economies of scope between lending and underwriting are a mixed blessing for universal banks. While they can reduce the cost of raising capital for a firm, they also reduce incentives in the underwriting business. We show that tying lending and underwriting helps to overcome this dilemma. First, risky debt in tied deals works as a bond to increase underwriting incentives. Second, with limitations on contracting, tying reduces the underwriting rents as the additional incentives from debt can substitute for monetary incentives. In addition, reducing the yield on the tied debt is a means to pay for the rent in the underwriting business and to transfer informational benefits to the client. Thus, tying is a double edged sword for universal banks. It helps to compete against specialized investment banks, but it can reduce the rent to be earned in investment banking when universal banks compete against each other. We derive several empirical predictions regarding the characteristics of tied deals. JEL Classification: G21, G24, D4

    Factors affecting the level of bank competition : empirical evidence in Vietnamese commercial banks

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    Purpose: There is increasing interest in the trends and requirements associated with improvement in the competition of commercial banks. Many studies have been conducted on this topic in Vietnam as well as in the rest of the world. In the present study, the factors affecting the level of competition in the banking system in Vietnam have been studied. Design/Methodology/Approach: We employ the Bayesian Multilevel Generalized Linear Model to identify the factors affecting the level of competition in the banking system in Vietnam. Findings: The findings show that the eight variables that affect the level of competition in Vietnam commercial banks were identified, including previous-year competition, equity on total assets ratio, loans on total assets ratio, operating expense on the operating income ratio, return on equity, bank size, economic growth, and inflation rate. Moreover, the results demonstrated that during the 2008–2009 crisis, there was a positive relationship between the crisis and the Lerner index. Practical Implications: Based on the research results, we provide policy implications to improve the competitive status of commercial banks in Vietnam. Originality/Value: The results of the present study would serve as a basis for assisting the policy-makers and the other stakeholders to better understand the current state of bank competition and the factors affecting the level of bank competition, which would assist them in formulating strategies and solutions to improve bank competition in Vietnam.peer-reviewe

    Determinants of credit risk in commercial banks of Kosovo

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the determinants of credit risk in commercial banks in Kosovo through the use of regression analysis for a dataset covering a time series of 7 years (2012 - 2018). Design/Methodology/Approach: The data have been collected from publications of Central Bank of Kosovo and from Kosovo Agency of Statistics The data have been analyzed on quarterly basis. In order to conduct the empirical part of the study that gives us the answer to the relationship between credit risk and the determinants of this risk, we analyzed 6 variables in the study. To perform the necessary analysis we have used the statistical software SPSS 23. Through the regression analysis, the main findings and results of the study were generated. Findings: After analyzing the necessary data, the paper concludes that, among credit risk determinants, interest rates on loans and profitability of banks (ROA) have the largest and most significant impact on credit risk, namely non-performing loans as the credit risk measure. Practical implications: For researchers and academics, the study provides a useful basis on which further studies on credit risk and the factors that cause this risk can be conducted. Originality/Value: The research paper is based on recent studies that assess credit risk in other countries and use reliable data on the banking sector in Kosovo.peer-reviewe

    The relationship between non-audit service fees and audit fees in the banking sector in Malaysia

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    The issue of audit fees and non-audit fees charged by the audit firms has been discussed regularly in accounting and auditing literature. Recently, due to the corporate scandals in United States, the issue is discussed together with a host of revelations about audit failures that led to the companies’ demise. The auditing profession is being badly blamed and some suggest that this could be due to the audit firm’s reliance more on non-audit services rather than the audit itself. Therefore, this study attempts to probe the situation in Malaysia using the banking sector as the subject of interest. Specifically, it tries to examine the impact of non-audit services conducted by audit firms to these banks on audit fees. The results showed that the variable of non-audit fees is statistically significant in determining audit fees as predicted. Further sensitivity analysis showed that the results are robust to different measurements and company size

    The future of banking in Europe

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    At least in the past, banking in continental Europe has been characterised by a number of features that are quite specific to the region. They include the following: (1) banks play a strong role in their respective financial systems; (2) universal banking is prevalent; (3) not strictly profit-oriented banks play a significant role; and (4) there are considerable differences between national banking systems. It can be safely assumed that the future of banking in Europe will be shaped by three major external developments: deregulation and liberalisation; advances in information technology; and economic, financial and monetary integration. The overall consequences of these developments would be much too vast a topic to be addressed in one short paper. Therefore the present paper concentrates on the following question: Are the traditional peculiarities of the banking and financial systems of continental Europe likely to disappear as a consequence of the aforementioned external developments or are they more likely to remain in spite of these developments? The external developments affect the features specific to banking in continental Europe only indirectly and only via the strategies selected and pursued by the various players in the financial systems, notably the banks themselves, and in ways which strongly depend on the structure of the banking industry and the level of competition between banks and other providers of financial services. The paper develops an informal model of the relationships between (1) external developments, (2) bank strategies and the structure of the banking industry, and (3) the peculiarities of banking in Europe, and derives a hypothesis predicting which of the traditional peculiarities are likely to disappear and which are likely to remain. It argues that, overall, the peculiarities are not likely to disappear in the short or the medium term. First version June 2000. This version March 2001.Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt einen Versuch dar, die Zukunft des Bankwesens in Europa unter der spezifischen Fragestellung zu analysieren, ob sich trotz der offensichtlichen und gravierenden Änderungen informations-technologischer, regulatorischer und politischer Art im Umfeld der Banken die traditionellen Besonderheiten der kontinentaleuropäischen Banksysteme in der Zukunft erhalten oder ob sie in der Folge dieser Änderungen eher verschwinden werden. Zu diesen Besonderheiten gehören unter anderem enge Beziehungen zwischen Banken und ihren Kreditnehmern, eine starke Rolle von nicht oder nicht primär gewinnorientierten Banken und beträchtliche Unterschiede zwischen den Bank- und Finanzsystemen verschiedener Länder. Methodisch geht der Beitrag so vor, dass untersucht wird, wie Banken bei der Festlegung ihrer Strategien auf die Änderungen Art reagieren und wie sich dies auf den Wettbewerb im Bankwesen auswirkt, um daraus Schlüsse hinsichtlich des Fortbestehens bzw. des Verschwindens der angesprochenen traditionellen Besonderheiten von "Banking in Europe" zu ziehen. Es lässt sich zeigen, dass mindestens einige der traditionellen Besonderheiten – entgegen weit verbreiteten Erwartungen – zumindest mittelfristig nicht verschwinden werden