1,753 research outputs found

    A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Internal Gross Target Volume Definition from 4D Computed Tomography of Lung Cancer Patients

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    In this paper, we study the reliability of a novel deep learning framework for internal gross target volume (IGTV) delineation from four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT), which is applied to patients with lung cancer treated by Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). 77 patients who underwent SBRT followed by 4DCT scans were incorporated in a retrospective study. The IGTV_DL was delineated using a novel deep machine learning algorithm with a linear exhaustive optimal combination framework, for the purpose of comparison, three other IGTVs base on common methods was also delineated, we compared the relative volume difference (RVI), matching index (MI) and encompassment index (EI) for the above IGTVs. Then, multiple parameter regression analysis assesses the tumor volume and motion range as clinical influencing factors in the MI variation. Experimental results demonstrated that the deep learning algorithm with linear exhaustive optimal combination framework has a higher probability of achieving optimal MI compared with other currently widely used methods. For patients after simple breathing training by keeping the respiratory frequency in 10 BMP, the four phase combinations of 0%, 30%, 50% and 90% can be considered as a potential candidate for an optimal combination to synthesis IGTV in all respiration amplitudes

    4D-CT Lung Registration and its Application for Lung Radiation Therapy

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    Radiation therapy has been successful in treating lung cancer patients, but its efficacy is limited by the inability to account for the respiratory motion during treatment planning and radiation dose delivery. Physics-based lung deformation models facilitate the motion computation of both tumor and local lung tissue during radiation therapy. In this dissertation, a novel method is discussed to accurately register 3D lungs across the respiratory phases from 4D-CT datasets, which facilitates the estimation of the volumetric lung deformation models. This method uses multi-level and multi-resolution optical flow registration coupled with thin plate splines (TPS), to address registration issue of inconsistent intensity across respiratory phases. It achieves higher accuracy as compared to multi-resolution optical flow registration and other commonly used registration methods. Results of validation show that the lung registration is computed with 3 mm Target Registration Error (TRE) and approximately 3 mm Inverse Consistency Error (ICE). This registration method is further implemented in GPU based real time dose delivery simulation to assist radiation therapy planning

    In-house Implementation and Validation of the Mid-Position CT approach for the Treatment Planning of Respiration-induced Moving Tumours in Radiotherapy for Lung and Upper abdomen cancer

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    Tese mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Engenharia Clínica e Instrumentação Médica) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2022A Radioterapia é uma das modalidades principais para tratamentos de foro oncológico que visa destruir a ação proliferativa das células cancerígenas e reduzir o volume tumoral. A sua ação terapêutica através do uso de radiação ionizante tem, subjacente, a máxima de irradiar o tumor com uma elevada dose, ao mesmo tempo que os órgãos de risco (OARs) adjacentes, são tanto quanto possível protegidos. Quando um tumor se localiza no pulmão ou abdómen superior, como no fígado ou pâncreas, o seu movimento devido à respiração pode alcançar até 4 cm, especialmente na direção crânio-caudal, aumentando as incertezas relativas à posição do tumor. No Centro Clínico Champalimaud (CCC), o planeamento convencional dos tratamentos de radioterapia faz uso de uma tomografia computadorizada (CT) que é adquirida aquando da respiração livre do doente e que, por isso, apresenta geralmente artefactos que podem ser uma fonte de erro durante o planeamento. Nos casos em que o movimento do tumor é considerável, é ainda adquirida uma tomografia computadorizada quadrimensional (4DCT) que consiste entre 8 e 10 CTs que representam fases do ciclo respiratório. Posteriormente, a 4DCT é utilizada para delinear o volume interno do alvo (ITV) que engloba toda a extensão do movimento do tumor. Apesar da estratégia do ITV garantir uma adequada cobertura do volume-alvo, os OARs ficam expostos a doses de radiação desnecessárias e a um maior risco de toxicidade. Este efeito é ainda mais preocupante em tratamentos hipofracionados, onde doses mais elevadas são administradas num número reduzido de frações. Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidas estratégias que visam tornar os tratamentos de radioterapia mais eficazes. Uma delas é a reconstrução de uma CT que representa a posição média do doente ao longo do ciclo respiratório (Mid-P CT). Esta estratégia resulta em volumes de tratamento menores do que a estratégia do ITV, possibilitando o aumento da dose e maior controlo tumoral local. O primeiro passo para a reconstrução do Mid-P CT é o registo deformável de imagens (DIR) entre uma das fases da respiração (uma CT da 4DCT), definida como a fase de referência, e as restantes fases. Deste processo resultam campos vetoriais deformáveis (DVF) que contém informação do deslocamento dos tecidos. Os DVFs são subsequentemente utilizados para transformar cada uma das fases da respiração para a posição média. O método do Mid-P foi implementado com sucesso no Instituto do Cancro Holandês (NKI) em 2008. Apesar dos bons resultados clínicos, o número de centros de radioterapia que utiliza esta técnica é muito reduzido. Tal deve-se, por um lado, à inexistência de soluções comerciais com esta funcionalidade e, por outro, ao esforço necessário alocar para implementar e validar soluções desenvolvidas internamente. O presente projeto teve como principal objetivo implementar a estratégia do Mid-P no CCC (Portugal). Para tal, foi otimizado um módulo – RunMidP – desenvolvido para o software 3D Slicer, que calcula o Mid-P CT e estima a amplitude do movimento do tumor e OARs com base nos DVFs. Considerando que a precisão do módulo e a qualidade de imagem do Mid-P CT devem atender os requisitos para o planeamento em radioterapia, foram realizados testes para validar o módulo. Sempre que possível, a sua performance foi comparada com outras aplicações desenvolvidas para a implementação da técnica do Mid-P, nomeadamente com um protótipo desenvolvido pela empresa Mirada Medical Ltd. (Reino Unido) – Mirada – e com o software desenvolvido no NKI (Holanda) – Wimp. Os testes foram divididos em três estudos diferentes, cada um com um conjunto de dados diferente. No primeiro estudo (estudo A), foram utilizadas 4DCT de 2 fantomas digitais, cuja função respiratória e cardíaca foi modelada de forma simplificada, e de 18 doentes com tumores localizados no pulmão (N = 8), no fígado (N = 6) e no pâncreas (N = 4). Neste estudo, foram comparados dois algoritmos DIR disponíveis no software 3D Slicer, o Plastimatch e o Elastix, em termos da precisão do registo e da qualidade de imagem do Mid-P CT reconstruído. Foi ainda avaliado a capacidade dos softwares RunMidP e Mirada representarem corretamente a posição média do doente e as diferenças das amplitudes do movimento do tumor estimadas pelos dois softwares. No estudo B, foram realizados testes de verificação semelhantes aos supre mencionados, em imagens sintéticas provenientes de 16 doentes, desta vez com a vantagem de se conhecer o “verdadeiro” Mid-P CT e as “verdadeiras” amplitudes do movimento do tumor. Estes foram comparados com os resultados obtidos com os softwares RunMidP e Mirada. Ainda, as unidades de Hounsfield (HU) no Mid-P CT reconstruído por RunMidP e Mirada foram comparadas com as HU na fase de referência, de modo a verificar se os Mid P CTs produziriam diferenças dosimétricas relevantes. No último estudo (estudo C), a qualidade de imagem do Mid-P CT foi avaliada quantitativamente e qualitativamente. Durante a análise qualitativa, foi pedido a dois médicos especialistas que avaliassem a viabilidade dos Mid-P CTs, reconstruídos pelos três softwares (RunMidP, Mirada e Wimp), para o planeamento dos tratamentos. O tempo da reconstrução do Mid-P CT a partir da 4DCT foi de cerca de 1h. Ambos os algoritmos, Plastimach e Elastix, demonstraram ser adequados para DIR de imagens do pulmão e abdómen superior, com diferenças estatisticamente não significativas (p > 0.05) em termos da precisão do registo. Contudo, o Mid-P CT reconstruído com Elastix apresentou uma melhoria na qualidade de imagem, sendo assim o algoritmo DIR escolhido para ser implementado no RunMidP. Em termos de métricas aplicadas a contornos definidos manualmente, tais como a distância de Hausdorf (HD) e coeficiente de Dice (DSC), o erro do registo de imagem foi menor que 1 mm, dentro do contorno do tumor, e 2 mm no pulmão. Os Mid-P CTs reconstruídos com o RunMidP e Mirada apresentaram maiores diferenças, relativamente ao “verdadeiro” Mid-P CT, na região do diafragma e zonas de maior homogeneidade como, por exemplo, no ar presente no intestino. Contudo, para a maioria dos doentes do estudo B, o Mid-P CT reconstruído com o software Mirada apresentou maior índice de similaridade estrutural (SSIM) relativamente ao “verdadeiro” Mid-P CT. Estes resultados podem estar na origem do uso de diferentes algoritmos DIR, mas deveram-se principalmente a uma falha na aplicação das transformações deformáveis pelo módulo RunMiP que foi corrigida posteriormente. Ainda, as diferenças entre as amplitudes estimadas e previstas foram menores que 1 mm para 37 tumores (78,9%), que resultam em diferenças menores que 0.3mm quando convertidas em margens de planeamento. Para além disso, as diferenças nos valores de HU dos Mid-P CTs comparativamente à fase de referência foram, em média, de 1 HU no tumor e OARs. Foram também observadas melhorias na qualidade de imagem do Mid-P CT, nomeadamente um aumento da relação sinal-ruído (SNR) e diminuição dos artefactos. Estes resultados estão de acordo com a avaliação dos médicos que, em geral, consideraram que os Mid-P CTs reconstruídos pelos três softwares são adequados para o planeamento dos tratamentos. No entanto, os Mid-P CTs reconstruídos com dados 4DCT provenientes do CCC apresentaram classificações inferiores aos reconstruídos com dados 4DCT do NKI. Em suma, as modificações do algoritmo DIR Plastimach para Elastix e a correção do método para aplicar as transformações deformáveis, permitiram uma melhoria na qualidade de imagem do Mid P CT e melhor performance do algoritmo, respetivamente. O módulo RunMidP, neste projeto otimizado e validado, apresenta um forte potencial para a reconstrução e implementação da estratégia do Mid-P na clínica, com performance comparável a outras aplicações existentes (Mirada e Wimp). Atenção especial deve ser dada aos dados 4DCT de input que parecem afetar a qualidade de imagem final do Mid-P CT. No futuro, valerá a pena otimizar os parâmetros de aquisição e reconstrução da 4DCT de modo a melhorar a qualidade de imagem e, ainda, o módulo RunMidP pode potencialmente ser otimizado no que respeita ao tempo de reconstrução do Mid-P CT e à precisão do DIR.Radiotherapy for tumours in the thorax and upper abdomen is challenging since they move notably with breathing. To cover the whole extent of tumour motion, relatively large margins are added to treatment volumes, posing a higher risk of toxicity for surrounding organs-at-risk (OARs). The Mid Position (Mid-P) method accounts for breathing motion by using deformable image registration (DIR) to transform all phases of a 4DCT scan to a time-weighted average 3DCT scan (Mid-P CT). The Mid-P strategy results in smaller treatment volumes, potentially boosting the delivery of hypofractionated treatments. To bring the Mid-P approach to the Champalimaud Clinical Centre (CCC), an in-house Mid position software module – RunMidP – was optimized. The module reconstructs the Mid-P CT and estimates breathing motion amplitudes of tumours and relevant OARs. In addition, this project presents a set of experiments to evaluate the performance of the Mid-P method and its feasibility for clinical implementation. The experiments were conducted throughout three different studies using 4DCT data from 18 phantoms and 23 patients. In Study A, the accuracy and image quality of two DIR algorithms (Plastimatch and Elastix) were assessed using quantitative metrics applied on either warped images or manually delineated contours. The reproduction of the patient’s mean position by the Mid-P CT and the estimation of motion amplitudes were compared to a soon-to-be Mid-P commercial software developed by Mirada Medical Ltd. In Study B,similar experiments were performed, this time using a more rigorous reference – “true” Mid-P CT scans and “true” motion estimations. In Study C, the image quality of Mid P CT scans was assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. Both Plastimatch and Elastix registration showed comparable registration accuracy, although Elastix showed superior image quality of reconstructed Mid-P CTs. Based on contour metrics, the registration error was less than 2 mm. In-house Mid-P CTs showed a slightly lower match to ground truth Mid-P CTs than the ones reconstructed by the Mirada prototype due to differences in DIR methods and small shifts to the original image geometry. Higher image differences were found in the diaphragm lung interface, where the patient's anatomy moves faster due to breathing, and in homogeneous regions such as the air regions in the bowel. On the other hand, differences (estimated-predicted) in motion amplitudes smaller than 1 mm were observed in 37 moving tumours (78.7%), showing a good performance of the Mid-P algorithm. Regarding the image quality, improvements in the signal-to-noise ratio and removal of image artefacts in Mid-P CTs are great advantages for using them as the planning CT. Clinicians also gave a good assessment of the suitability of Mid-P CT scans for treatment planning. No significant differences were found in the performance of the RunMidP compared to other Mid-Position packages, although worse scores were given to the CCC dataset than the dataset from another hospital. The in-house Mid-position algorithm shows promising results regarding the use of the software module in radiotherapy for lung and upper abdomen cancer. Further exploration must be given to improve the registration accuracy, image quality of the input data, and speed up the reconstruction of the Mid-P CT scan

    Evaluating the accuracy of 4D-CT ventilation imaging: First comparison with Technegas SPECT ventilation.

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    PURPOSE: Computed tomography ventilation imaging (CTVI) is a highly accessible functional lung imaging modality that can unlock the potential for functional avoidance in lung cancer radiation therapy. Previous attempts to validate CTVI against clinical ventilation single-photon emission computed tomography (V-SPECT) have been hindered by radioaerosol clumping artifacts. This work builds on those studies by performing the first comparison of CTVI with 99m Tc-carbon ('Technegas'), a clinical V-SPECT modality featuring smaller radioaerosol particles with less clumping. METHODS: Eleven lung cancer radiotherapy patients with early stage (T1/T2N0) disease received treatment planning four-dimensional CT (4DCT) scans paired with Technegas V/Q-SPECT/CT. For each patient, we applied three different CTVI methods. Two of these used deformable image registration (DIR) to quantify breathing-induced lung density changes (CTVIDIR-HU ), or breathing-induced lung volume changes (CTVIDIR-Jac ) between the 4DCT exhale/inhale phases. A third method calculated the regional product of air-tissue densities (CTVIHU ) and did not involve DIR. Corresponding CTVI and V-SPECT scans were compared using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) for functional defect and nondefect regions, as well as the Spearman's correlation r computed over the whole lung. The DIR target registration error (TRE) was quantified using both manual and computer-selected anatomic landmarks. RESULTS: Interestingly, the overall best performing method (CTVIHU ) did not involve DIR. For nondefect regions, the CTVIHU , CTVIDIR-HU , and CTVIDIR-Jac methods achieved mean DSC values of 0.69, 0.68, and 0.54, respectively. For defect regions, the respective DSC values were moderate: 0.39, 0.33, and 0.44. The Spearman r-values were generally weak: 0.26 for CTVIHU , 0.18 for CTVIDIR-HU , and -0.02 for CTVIDIR-Jac . The spatial accuracy of CTVI was not significantly correlated with TRE, however the DIR accuracy itself was poor with TRE > 3.6 mm on average, potentially indicative of poor quality 4DCT. Q-SPECT scans achieved good correlations with V-SPECT (mean r > 0.6), suggesting that the image quality of Technegas V-SPECT was not a limiting factor in this study. CONCLUSIONS: We performed a validation of CTVI using clinically available 4DCT and Technegas V/Q-SPECT for 11 lung cancer patients. The results reinforce earlier findings that the spatial accuracy of CTVI exhibits significant interpatient and intermethod variability. We propose that the most likely factor affecting CTVI accuracy was poor image quality of clinical 4DCT

    Investigation of time-resolved volumetric MRI to enhance MR-guided radiotherapy of moving lung tumors

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    In photon radiotherapy of lung cancer, respiratory-induced motion introduces systematic and statistical uncertainties in treatment planning and dose delivery. By integrating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the treatment planning process in MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT), uncertainties in target volume definition can be reduced with respect to state-of-the-art X-ray-based approaches. Furthermore, MR-guided linear accelerators (MR-Linacs) offer dose delivery with enhanced accuracy and precision through daily treatment plan adaptation and gated beam delivery based on real-time MRI. Today, the potential of MRgRT of moving targets is, however, not fully exploited due to the lack of time-resolved four-dimensional MRI (4D-MRI) in clinical practice. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to develop and experimentally validate new methods for motion characterization and estimation with 4D-MRI for MRgRT of lung cancer. Different concepts were investigated for all phases of the clinical workflow - treatment planning, beam delivery, and post-treatment analysis. Firstly, a novel internal target volume (ITV) definition method based on the probability-of-presence of moving tumors derived from real-time 4D-MRI was developed. The ability of the ITVs to prospectively account for changes occurring over the course of several weeks was assessed in retrospective geometric analyses of lung cancer patient data. Higher robustness of the probabilistic 4D-MRI-based ITVs against interfractional changes was observed compared to conventional target volumes defined with four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT). The study demonstrated that motion characterization over extended times enabled by real-time 4D-MRI can reduce systematic and statistical uncertainties associated with today’s standard workflow. Secondly, experimental validation of a published motion estimation method - the propagation method - was conducted with a porcine lung phantom under realistic patient-like conditions. Estimated 4D-MRIs with a temporal resolution of 3.65 Hz were created based on orthogonal 2D cine MRI acquired at the scanner unit of an MR-Linac. A comparison of these datasets with ground truth respiratory-correlated 4D-MRIs in geometric analyses showed that the propagation method can generate geometrically accurate estimated 4D-MRIs. These could decrease target localization errors and enable 3D motion monitoring during beam delivery at the MR-Linac in the future. Lastly, the propagation method was extended to create continuous time-resolved estimated synthetic CTs (tresCTs). The proposed method was experimentally tested with the porcine lung phantom, successively imaged at a CT scanner and an MR-Linac. A high agreement of the images and corresponding dose distributions of the tresCTs and measured ground truth 4D-CTs was found in geometric and dosimetric analyses. The tresCTs could be used for post-treatment time-resolved reconstruction of the delivered dose to guide treatment adaptations in the future. These studies represent important steps towards a clinical application of time-resolved 4D-MRI methods for enhanced MRgRT of lung tumors in the near future

    A Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Affine and Deformable Image Registration

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    Image registration, the process of aligning two or more images, is the core technique of many (semi-)automatic medical image analysis tasks. Recent studies have shown that deep learning methods, notably convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), can be used for image registration. Thus far training of ConvNets for registration was supervised using predefined example registrations. However, obtaining example registrations is not trivial. To circumvent the need for predefined examples, and thereby to increase convenience of training ConvNets for image registration, we propose the Deep Learning Image Registration (DLIR) framework for \textit{unsupervised} affine and deformable image registration. In the DLIR framework ConvNets are trained for image registration by exploiting image similarity analogous to conventional intensity-based image registration. After a ConvNet has been trained with the DLIR framework, it can be used to register pairs of unseen images in one shot. We propose flexible ConvNets designs for affine image registration and for deformable image registration. By stacking multiple of these ConvNets into a larger architecture, we are able to perform coarse-to-fine image registration. We show for registration of cardiac cine MRI and registration of chest CT that performance of the DLIR framework is comparable to conventional image registration while being several orders of magnitude faster.Comment: Accepted: Medical Image Analysis - Elsevie

    Evaluating and Improving 4D-CT Image Segmentation for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy

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    Lung cancer is a high-incidence disease with low survival despite surgical advances and concurrent chemo-radiotherapy strategies. Image-guided radiotherapy provides for treatment measures, however, significant challenges exist for imaging, treatment planning, and delivery of radiation due to the influence of respiratory motion. 4D-CT imaging is capable of improving image quality of thoracic target volumes influenced by respiratory motion. 4D-CT-based treatment planning strategies requires highly accurate anatomical segmentation of tumour volumes for radiotherapy treatment plan optimization. Variable segmentation of tumour volumes significantly contributes to uncertainty in radiotherapy planning due to a lack of knowledge regarding the exact shape of the lesion and difficulty in quantifying variability. As image-segmentation is one of the earliest tasks in the radiotherapy process, inherent geometric uncertainties affect subsequent stages, potentially jeopardizing patient outcomes. Thus, this work assesses and suggests strategies for mitigation of segmentation-related geometric uncertainties in 4D-CT-based lung cancer radiotherapy at pre- and post-treatment planning stages

    Log File-Based Dose Reconstruction to Moving Targets during Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

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    Purpose: To perform film-based verification of 4D dose reconstruction to moving targets during lung stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). Introduction: Current patient-specific quality assurance measures to test deliverability of plans with dynamic intensity modulation involve delivering beams to static measurement device and comparing the planned dose to measurement. However, motion-induced dose errors are not detected with static measurement. Previous studies have investigated combining machine log data with respiratory tracking to determine moving-target dose. By combining machine log data with anatomic and density information at each breathing phase from 4D-CT, intrafraction anatomical deformation due to respiration may be accounted for. However, to our knowledge, a film-based verification of dose reconstruction using machine log data, intrafraction respiratory tracking, and 4D-CT has yet to be performed. Methods: Lung SBRT plans were anonymized for 12 patients treated at our institution. Treatment plans were copied onto known geometry (programmable respiratory phantom) and dose was computed. Each SBRT plan was delivered to the phantom twice; first using 3 sec/breath (SPB), again at 6 SPB. Respiratory traces were acquired during treatment. Logfiles were acquired after treatment and partitioned according to breathing amplitude. Next, in-house code was used to import logfile beams into the treatment planning system. Dose was computed on each 4D-CT image using the imported beams and deformably accumulated. The accumulated, planned, and measured doses for each plan and breathing rate were compared using gamma analysis. Results: Gamma passing rates (GPR) (3%, 2mm, 10% threshold) of 4D dose reconstruction vs. planned dose were \u3e94% (mean 98.9% range 94.1%-100%) for all plans at each breathing rate. No significant difference was found between the 3 and 6 SPB GPRs (p=0.310). Overall, the 4D dose reconstructions were found to better agree with film measurement, within the tumor motion extent, than the treatment plan for both breathing rates (3 SPB: p=0.013, 6 SPB: p=0.017). Conclusions: Log file-based dose reconstruction was verified using film measurement for 12 lung SBRT plans delivered to a respiratory motion phantom. We showed that, given predictable phantom motion, 4D dose reconstruction resulted in significantly higher GPR compared with film than treatment plan to static geometry