43 research outputs found

    Enabling Design and Simulation of Massive Parallel Nanoarchitectures

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    A common element in emerging nanotechnologies is the increasing complex- ity of the problems to face when attempting the design phase, because issues related to technology, specific application and architecture must be evalu- ated simultaneously. In several cases faced problems are known, but require a fresh re-think on the basis of different constraints not enforced by standard design tools. Among the emerging nanotechnologies, the two-dimensional structures based on nanowire arrays is promising in particular for massively parallel architec- tures. Several studies have been proposed on the exploration of the space of architectural solutions, but only a few derived high-level information from the results of an extended and reliable characterization of low-level structures. The tool we present is of aid in the design of circuits based on nanotech- nologies, here discussed in the specific case of nanowire arrays, as best candi- date for massively parallel architectures. It enables the designer to start from a standard High-level Description Languages (HDL), inherits constraints at physical level and applies them when organizing the physical implementation of the circuit elements and of their connections. It provides a complete simu- lation environment with two levels of refinement. One for DC analysis using a fast engine based on a simple switch level model. The other for obtaining transient performance based on automatic extraction of circuit parasitics, on detailed device (nanowire-FET) information derived by experiments or by existing accurate models, and on spice-level modeling of the nanoarray. Re- sults about the method used for the design and simulation of circuits based on nanowire-FET and nanoarray will be presente

    Digital and Analog Computing Paradigms in Printed Electronics

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    Da das Ende von Moore\u27s Gesetz schon absehbar ist, müssen neue Wege gefunden werden um den innovationsgetriebenen IT-Markt mit neuartiger Elektronik zu sättigen. Durch den Einsatz von kostengünstiger Hardware mit flexiblem Formfaktor, welche auf neuartigen Materialien und Technologien beruhen, können neue Anwendungsbereiche erschlossen werden, welche über konventionelle siliziumbasierte Elektronik hinausgehen. Im Fokus sind hier insbesondere elektronische Systeme, welche es ermöglichen Konsumgüter für den täglichen Bedarf zu überwachen - z.B. im Zusammenhang einer Qualitätskontrolle - indem sie in das Produkt integriert werden als Teil einer intelligenten Verpackung und dadurch nur begrenzte Produktlebenszeit erfordern. Weitere vorhersehbare Anwendungsbereiche sind tragbare Elektronik oder Produkte für das "Internet der Dinge". Hier entstehen Systemanforderungen wie flexible, dehnbare Hardware unter Einsatz von ungiftigen Materialien. Aus diesem Grund werden additive Technologien herangezogen, wie zum Beispiel gedruckte Elektronik, welche als komplementär zu siliziumbasierten Technologien betrachtet wird, da sie durch den simplen Herstellungsprozess sehr geringe Produktionskosten ermöglicht, und darüber hinaus auf ungiftigen und funktionalen Materialien basiert, welche auf flexible Plastik- oder Papiersubstrate aufgetragen werden können. Unter den verschiedenen Druckprozessen ist insbesondere der Tintenstrahldruck für zukünftige gedruckte Elektronikanwendungen interessant, da er eine Herstellung vor Ort und nach Bedarf ermöglicht auf Grund seines maskenlosen Druckprozesses. Da sich jedoch die Technologie der Tintenstrahl-druckbaren Elektronik in der Frühphasenentwicklung befindet, ist es fraglich ob Schaltungen für zukünftige Anwendungsfelder überhaupt entworfen werden können, beziehungsweise ob sie überhaupt herstellbar sind. Da die laterale Auflösung von Druckprozessen sich um mehrere Größenordnungen über siliziumbasierten Herstellungstechnologien befindet und des Weiteren entweder nur p- oder n-dotierte Transistoren verfügbar sind, können existierende Schaltungsentwürfe nicht direkt in die gedruckte Elektronik überführt werden. Dies führt zu der wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung, welche Rechenparadigmen überhaupt sinnvoll anwendbar sind im Bereich der gedruckten Elektronik. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage wird Schaltungsdesignern in der Zukunft helfen, erfolgreich gedruckte Schaltungen für den sich rasch entwickelnden Konsumgütermarkt zu entwerfen und zu produzieren. Aus diesem Anlass exploriert diese Arbeit verschiedene Rechenparadigmen und Schaltungsentwürfe, welche als essenziell für zukünftige, gedruckte Systeme betrachtet werden. Die erfolgte Analyse beruht auf der recht jungen "Electrolyte-gated Transistor" (EGT) Technologie, welche auf einem kostengünstigen Tintenstrahldruckverfahren basiert und sehr geringe Betriebsspannungen ermöglicht. Da bisher nur einfache Logik-Gatter in der EGT-Technologie realisiert wurden, wird in dieser Arbeit der Entwurfsraum weiter exploriert, durch die Entwicklung von gedruckten Speicherbausteinen, Lookup Tabellen, künstliche Neuronen und Entscheidungsbäume. Besonders bei dem künstlichen Neuron und den Entscheidungsbäumen wird Bezug auf Hardware-Implementierungen von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens gemacht und die Skalierung der Schaltungen auf die Anwendungsebene aufgezeigt. Die Rechenparadigmen, welche in dieser Arbeit evaluiert wurden, reichen von digitalen, analogen, neuromorphen Berechnungen bis zu stochastischen Verfahren. Zusätzlich wurden individuell anpassbare Schaltungsentwürfe untersucht, welche durch das Tintenstrahldruckverfahren ermöglicht werden und zu substanziellen Verbesserungen bezüglich des Flächenbedarfs, Leistungsverbrauch und Schaltungslatenzen führen, indem variable Entwurfsparameter in die Schaltung fest verdrahtet werden. Da die explorierten Schaltungen die Komplexität von bisher hergestellter, gedruckter Hardware weit übertreffen, ist es prinzipiell nicht automatisch garantiert, dass sie herstellbar sind, was insbesondere die nicht-digitalen Schaltungen betrifft. Aus diesem Grund wurden in dieser Arbeit EGT-basierte Hardware-Prototypen hergestellt und bezüglich Flächenbedarf, Leistungsverbrauch und Latenz charakterisiert. Die Messergebnisse können verwendet werden, um eine Extrapolation auf komplexere anwendungsbezogenere Schaltungsentwürfe durchzuführen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Validierungen von den entwickelten Hardware-Implementierungen von Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens durchgeführt, um einen Wirksamkeitsnachweis zu erhalten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Thesis führen zu mehreren Schlussfolgerungen. Zum ersten kann gefolgert werden, dass die sequentielle Verarbeitung von Algorithmen in gedruckter EGT-basierter Hardware prinzipiell möglich ist, da, wie in dieser Arbeit dargestellt wird, neben kombinatorischen Schaltungen auch Speicherbausteine implementiert werden können. Letzteres wurde experimentell validiert. Des Weiteren können analoge und neuromorphe Rechenparadigmen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden, um gedruckte Hardware für maschinelles Lernen zu realisieren, um gegenüber konventionellen Methoden die Komplexität von Schaltungsentwürfen erheblich zu minimieren, welches schlussendlich zu einer höheren Produktionsausbeute im Herstellungsprozess führt. Ebenso können neuronale Netzwerkarchitekturen, welche auf Stochastic Computing basieren, zur Reduzierung des Hardwareumfangs gegenüber konventionellen Implementierungen verwendet werden. Letztlich kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass durch den Tintenstrahldruckprozess Schaltungsentwürfe bezüglich Kundenwünschen während der Herstellung individuell angepasst werden können, um die Anwendbarkeit von gedruckter Hardware generell zu erhöhen, da auch hier geringerer Hardwareaufwand im Vergleich zu konventionellen Schaltungsentwürfen erreicht wird. Es wird antizipiert, dass die in dieser Thesis vorgestellten Forschungsergebnisse relevant sind für Informatiker, Elektrotechniker und Materialwissenschaftler, welche aktiv im Bereich der druckbaren Elektronik arbeiten. Die untersuchten Rechenparadigmen und ihr Einfluss auf Verhalten und wichtige Charakteristiken gedruckter Hardware geben Einblicke darüber, wie gedruckte Schaltungen in der Zukunft effizient umgesetzt werden können, um neuartige auf Druckverfahren-basierte Produkte im Elektronikbereich zu ermöglichen


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    This thesis provides a whole set of design methods to enable and manage the runtime heterogeneity of features-rich industry-ready Tile-Based Networkon- Chips at different abstraction layers (Architecture Design, Network Assembling, Testing of NoC, Runtime Operation). The key idea is to maintain the functionalities of the original layers, and to improve the performance of architectures by allowing, joint optimization and layer coordinations. In general purpose systems, we address the microarchitectural challenges by codesigning and co-optimizing feature-rich architectures. In application-specific NoCs, we emphasize the event notification, so that the platform is continuously under control. At the network assembly level, this thesis proposes a Hold Time Robustness technique, to tackle the hold time issue in synchronous NoCs. At the network architectural level, the choice of a suitable synchronization paradigm requires a boost of synthesis flow as well as the coexistence with the DVFS. On one hand this implies the coexistence of mesochronous synchronizers in the network with dual-clock FIFOs at network boundaries. On the other hand, dual-clock FIFOs may be placed across inter-switch links hence removing the need for mesochronous synchronizers. This thesis will study the implications of the above approaches both on the design flow and on the performance and power quality metrics of the network. Once the manycore system is composed together, the issue of testing it arises. This thesis takes on this challenge and engineers various testing infrastructures. At the upper abstraction layer, the thesis addresses the issue of managing the fully operational system and proposes a congestion management technique named HACS. Moreover, some of the ideas of this thesis will undergo an FPGA prototyping. Finally, we provide some features for emerging technology by characterizing the power consumption of Optical NoC Interfaces

    Design and Validation of Network-on-Chip Architectures for the Next Generation of Multi-synchronous, Reliable, and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems

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    NETWORK-ON-CHIP (NoC) design is today at a crossroad. On one hand, the design principles to efficiently implement interconnection networks in the resource-constrained on-chip setting have stabilized. On the other hand, the requirements on embedded system design are far from stabilizing. Embedded systems are composed by assembling together heterogeneous components featuring differentiated operating speeds and ad-hoc counter measures must be adopted to bridge frequency domains. Moreover, an unmistakable trend toward enhanced reconfigurability is clearly underway due to the increasing complexity of applications. At the same time, the technology effect is manyfold since it provides unprecedented levels of system integration but it also brings new severe constraints to the forefront: power budget restrictions, overheating concerns, circuit delay and power variability, permanent fault, increased probability of transient faults. Supporting different degrees of reconfigurability and flexibility in the parallel hardware platform cannot be however achieved with the incremental evolution of current design techniques, but requires a disruptive approach and a major increase in complexity. In addition, new reliability challenges cannot be solved by using traditional fault tolerance techniques alone but the reliability approach must be also part of the overall reconfiguration methodology. In this thesis we take on the challenge of engineering a NoC architectures for the next generation systems and we provide design methods able to overcome the conventional way of implementing multi-synchronous, reliable and reconfigurable NoC. Our analysis is not only limited to research novel approaches to the specific challenges of the NoC architecture but we also co-design the solutions in a single integrated framework. Interdependencies between different NoC features are detected ahead of time and we finally avoid the engineering of highly optimized solutions to specific problems that however coexist inefficiently together in the final NoC architecture. To conclude, a silicon implementation by means of a testchip tape-out and a prototype on a FPGA board validate the feasibility and effectivenes

    Simulation and Modeling of Silicon Based Emerging Nanodevices: From Device to Circuit Level

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    Nanostructure based devices are very promising candidates for the emerging nanotechnologies with advantage in terms of power consumption and functional density. Nanowire Field Effect Transistor (NWFET) and Single Electron Transistor (SET) are the focus of this work. The serious challenges faced by the MOSFET due to scaling limits can be solved by these devices. NWFET provides better gate control and overcomes the short channel effects. SET operates in the quantum confinement regime where the basic operation of MOSFET becomes a challenge. SET works better when the dimensions are small encouraging the process of scaling down. Because of these characteristics of the nanodevices, they have achieved a huge interest from the viewpoint of theoretical as well as applied electronics. The studies focus on the understanding of the basic transport characteristics of the devices. The necessity is to develop a model which is efficient, can be used at circuit level and also provides physical insights of the device. The first part of this work focuses on developing the model for SET and to implement it at the circuit level. The transport properties of SET are studied through quantum simulations. The behavioral characterization of the device is performed and the effect of different device parameters on the transport is studied. Furthermore, the impact of gate voltage is analyzed which modulates the current by shifting the energy levels of the device. After observing the transport through SET, a model is developed that efficiently evaluates the IV characteristics of the device. The quantum simulations are used as reference and a huge computational over-head is achieved while maintaining accuracy. Then the model is implemented in hardware descriptive language showing its functional variability at circuit level by designing some logic circuits like AND, OR and FA. In the second part, the performance of the nanoarrays based on NWFET is characterized. A device level model is developed to evaluate the gate capacitance and drain current of NWFET. Starting from the output of the model, in-house simulator is modified and used to evaluate the switching activity of the devices in nanoarray. A nanoarray implementation for bio-sequence alignment based on a systolic array is realized and its essential performance is evaluated. The power consumption, area and performance of the nanoarray implementation are compared with CMOS implementation. A wide solution space can be explored to find the optimal solution trading power and performance and considering the technological limitations of a realistic implementation

    Circuit Design, Architecture and CAD for RRAM-based FPGAs

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been indispensable components of embedded systems and datacenter infrastructures. However, energy efficiency of FPGAs has become a hard barrier preventing their expansion to more application contexts, due to two physical limitations: (1) The massive usage of routing multiplexers causes delay and power overheads as compared to ASICs. To reduce their power consumption, FPGAs have to operate at low supply voltage but sacrifice performance because the transistors drive degrade when working voltage decreases. (2) Using volatile memory technology forces FPGAs to lose configurations when powered off and to be reconfigured at each power on. Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) have strong potentials in overcoming the physical limitations of conventional FPGAs. First of all, RRAMs grant FPGAs non-volatility, enabling FPGAs to be "Normally powered off, Instantly powered on". Second, by combining functionality of memory and pass-gate logic in one unique device, RRAMs can greatly reduce area and delay of routing elements. Third, when RRAMs are embedded into datpaths, the performance of circuits can be independent from their working voltage, beyond the limitations of CMOS circuits. However, researches and development of RRAM-based FPGAs are in their infancy. Most of area and performance predictions were achieved without solid circuit-level simulations and sophisticated Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, causing the predicted improvements to be less convincing. In this thesis,we present high-performance and low-power RRAM-based FPGAs fromtransistorlevel circuit designs to architecture-level optimizations and CAD tools, using theoretical analysis, industrial electrical simulators and novel CAD tools. We believe that this is the first systematic study in the field, covering: From a circuit design perspective, we propose efficient RRAM-based programming circuits and routing multiplexers through both theoretical analysis and electrical simulations. The proposed 4T(ransitor)1R(RAM) programming structure demonstrates significant improvements in programming current, when compared to most popular 2T1R programming structure. 4T1R-based routingmultiplexer designs are proposed by considering various physical design parasitics, such as intrinsic capacitance of RRAMs and wells doping organization. The proposed 4T1R-based multiplexers outperformbest CMOS implementations significantly in area, delay and power at both nominal and near-Vt regime. From a CAD perspective, we develop a generic FPGA architecture exploration tool, FPGASPICE, modeling a full FPGA fabric with SPICE and Verilog netlists. FPGA-SPICE provides different levels of testbenches and techniques to split large SPICE netlists, in order to obtain better trade-off between simulation time and accuracy. FPGA-SPICE can capture area and power characteristics of SRAM-based and RRAM-based FPGAs more accurately than the currently best analyticalmodels. From an architecture perspective, we propose architecture-level optimizations for RRAMbased FPGAs and quantify their minimumrequirements for RRAM devices. Compared to the best SRAM-based FPGAs, an optimized RRAM-based FPGA architecture brings significant reduction in area, delay and power respectively. In particular, RRAM-based FPGAs operating in the near-Vt regime demonstrate a 5x power improvement without delay overhead as compared to optimized SRAM-based FPGA operating at nominal working voltage

    Optical Switching for Scalable Data Centre Networks

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    This thesis explores the use of wavelength tuneable transmitters and control systems within the context of scalable, optically switched data centre networks. Modern data centres require innovative networking solutions to meet their growing power, bandwidth, and scalability requirements. Wavelength routed optical burst switching (WROBS) can meet these demands by applying agile wavelength tuneable transmitters at the edge of a passive network fabric. Through experimental investigation of an example WROBS network, the transmitter is shown to determine system performance, and must support ultra-fast switching as well as power efficient transmission. This thesis describes an intelligent optical transmitter capable of wideband sub-nanosecond wavelength switching and low-loss modulation. A regression optimiser is introduced that applies frequency-domain feedback to automatically enable fast tuneable laser reconfiguration. Through simulation and experiment, the optimised laser is shown to support 122×50 GHz channels, switching in less than 10 ns. The laser is deployed as a component within a new wavelength tuneable source (WTS) composed of two time-interleaved tuneable lasers and two semiconductor optical amplifiers. Switching over 6.05 THz is demonstrated, with stable switch times of 547 ps, a record result. The WTS scales well in terms of chip-space and bandwidth, constituting the first demonstration of scalable, sub-nanosecond optical switching. The power efficiency of the intelligent optical transmitter is further improved by introduction of a novel low-loss split-carrier modulator. The design is evaluated using 112 Gb/s/λ intensity modulated, direct-detection signals and a single-ended photodiode receiver. The split-carrier transmitter is shown to achieve hard decision forward error correction ready performance after 2 km of transmission using a laser output power of just 0 dBm; a 5.2 dB improvement over the conventional transmitter. The results achieved in the course of this research allow for ultra-fast, wideband, intelligent optical transmitters that can be applied in the design of all-optical data centres for power efficient, scalable networking