14 research outputs found

    V2X Content Distribution Based on Batched Network Coding with Distributed Scheduling

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    Content distribution is an application in intelligent transportation system to assist vehicles in acquiring information such as digital maps and entertainment materials. In this paper, we consider content distribution from a single roadside infrastructure unit to a group of vehicles passing by it. To combat the short connection time and the lossy channel quality, the downloaded contents need to be further shared among vehicles after the initial broadcasting phase. To this end, we propose a joint infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication scheme based on batched sparse (BATS) coding to minimize the traffic overhead and reduce the total transmission delay. In the I2V phase, the roadside unit (RSU) encodes the original large-size file into a number of batches in a rateless manner, each containing a fixed number of coded packets, and sequentially broadcasts them during the I2V connection time. In the V2V phase, vehicles perform the network coded cooperative sharing by re-encoding the received packets. We propose a utility-based distributed algorithm to efficiently schedule the V2V cooperative transmissions, hence reducing the transmission delay. A closed-form expression for the expected rank distribution of the proposed content distribution scheme is derived, which is used to design the optimal BATS code. The performance of the proposed content distribution scheme is evaluated by extensive simulations that consider multi-lane road and realistic vehicular traffic settings, and shown to significantly outperform the existing content distribution protocols.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    Comunicações veiculares híbridas

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    Vehicle Communications is a promising research field, with a great potential for the development of new applications capable of improving road safety, traffic efficiency, as well as passenger comfort and infotainment. Vehicle communication technologies can be short-range, such as ETSI ITS-G5 or the 5G PC5 sidelink channel, or long-range, using the cellular network (LTE or 5G). However, none of the technologies alone can support the expected variety of applications for a large number of vehicles, nor all the temporal and spatial requirements of connected and autonomous vehicles. Thus, it is proposed the collaborative or hybrid use of short-range communications, with lower latency, and of long-range technologies, potentially with higher latency, but integrating aggregated data of wider geographic scope. In this context, this work presents a hybrid vehicle communications model, capable of providing connectivity through two Radio Access Technologies (RAT), namely, ETSI ITS-G5 and LTE, to increase the probability of message delivery and, consequently, achieving a more robust, efficient and secure vehicle communication system. The implementation of short-range communication channels is done using Raw Packet Sockets, while the cellular connection is established using the Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. The main contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a Hybrid Routing Sublayer, capable of isolating messages that are formed/decoded from transmission/reception processes. This layer is, therefore, capable of managing traffic coming/destined to the application layer of intelligent transport systems (ITS), adapting and passing ITS messages between the highest layers of the protocol stack and the available radio access technologies. The Hybrid Routing Sublayer also reduces the financial costs due to the use of cellular communications and increases the efficiency of the use of the available electromagnetic spectrum, by introducing a cellular link controller using a Beacon Detector, which takes informed decisions related to the need to connect to a cellular network, according to different scenarios. The experimental results prove that hybrid vehicular communications meet the requirements of cooperative intelligent transport systems, by taking advantage of the benefits of both communication technologies. When evaluated independently, the ITS-G5 technology has obvious advantages in terms of latency over the LTE technology, while the LTE technology performs better than ITS-G5, in terms of throughput and reliability.As Comunicações Veiculares são um campo de pesquisa promissor, com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento de novas aplicações capazes de melhorar a segurança nas estradas, a eficiência do tráfego, bem com o conforto e entretenimento dos passageiros. As tecnologias de comunicação veícular podem ser de curto alcance, como por exemplo ETSI ITS-G5 ou o canal PC5 do 5G, ou de longo alcance, recorrendo à rede celular (LTE ou 5G). No entanto, nenhuma das tecnologias por si só, consegue suportar a variedade expectável de aplicações para um número de veículos elevado nem tampouco todos os requisitos temporais e espaciais dos veículos conectados e autónomos. Assim, é proposto o uso colaborativo ou híbrido de comunicações de curto alcance, com latências menores, e de tecnologias de longo alcance, potencialmente com maiores latências, mas integrando dados agregados de maior abrangência geográfica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicações veiculares híbrido, capaz de fornecer conectividade por meio de duas Tecnologias de Acesso por Rádio (RAT), a saber, ETSI ITS-G5 e LTE, para aumentar a probabilidade de entrega de mensagens e, consequentemente, alcançar um sistema de comunicação veicular mais robusto, eficiente e seguro. A implementação de canais de comunicação de curto alcance é feita usando Raw Packet Sockets, enquanto que a ligação celular é estabelecida usando o protocolo Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP). A contribuição principal desta dissertação foca-se no projeto, implementação e avaliação de uma sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento, capaz de isolar mensagens que se formam/descodificam a partir de processos de transmissão/receção. Esta camadada é, portanto, capaz de gerir o tráfego proveniente/destinado à camada de aplicação de sistemas inteligentes de transportes (ITS) adaptando e passando mensagens ITS entre as camadas mais altas da pilha protocolar e as tecnologias de acesso rádio disponíveis. A sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento também potencia uma redução dos custos financeiros devidos ao uso de comunicações celulares e aumenta a eficiência do uso do espectro electromagnético disponível, ao introduzir um múdulo controlador da ligação celular, utilizando um Beacon Detector, que toma decisões informadas relacionadas com a necessidade de uma conexão a uma rede celular, de acordo com diferentes cenários. Os resultados experimentais comprovam que as comunicações veículares híbridas cumprem os requisitos dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligentes, ao tirarem partido das vantagens de ambas tecnologias de comunicação. Quando avaliadas de forma independente, constata-se que que a tecnologia ITS-G5 tem vantagens evidentes em termos de latência sobre a tecnologia LTE, enquanto que a tecnologia LTE tem melhor desempenho que a LTE, ai nível de débito e fiabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices

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    Producción CientíficaWe introduce Fulcrum, a network coding framework that achieves three seemingly conflicting objectives: 1) to reduce the coding coefficient overhead down to nearly n bits per packet in a generation of n packets; 2) to conduct the network coding using only Galois field GF(2) operations at intermediate nodes if necessary, dramatically reducing computing complexity in the network; and 3) to deliver an end-to-end performance that is close to that of a high-field network coding system for high-end receivers, while simultaneously catering to low-end receivers that decode in GF(2). As a consequence of 1) and 3), Fulcrum has a unique trait missing so far in the network coding literature: providing the network with the flexibility to distribute computational complexity over different devices depending on their current load, network conditions, or energy constraints. At the core of our framework lies the idea of precoding at the sources using an expansion field GF(2 h ), h > 1, to increase the number of dimensions seen by the network. Fulcrum can use any high-field linear code for precoding, e.g., Reed-Solomon or Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). Our analysis shows that the number of additional dimensions created during precoding controls the trade-off between delay, overhead, and computing complexity. Our implementation and measurements show that Fulcrum achieves similar decoding probabilities as high field RLNC but with encoders and decoders that are an order of magnitude faster.Green Mobile Cloud project (grant DFF-0602-01372B)Colorcast project (grant DFF-0602-02661B)TuneSCode project (grant DFF - 1335-00125)Danish Council for Independent Research (grant DFF-4002-00367)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants MTM2012-36917-C03-03 / MTM2015-65764-C3-2-P / MTM2015-69138-REDT)Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Social Europeo (grant RYC-2016-20208)Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond Starting (grant AUFF-2017-FLS-7-1

    Modeling a Consortium-based Distributed Ledger Network with Applications for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure

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    Emerging distributed-ledger networks are changing the landscape for environments of low trust among participating entities. Implementing such technologies in transportation infrastructure communications and operations would enable, in a secure fashion, decentralized collaboration among entities who do not fully trust each other. This work models a transportation records and events data collection system enabled by a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network and simulated using a transportation environment modeling tool. A distributed vehicle records management use case is shown with the capability to detect and prevent unauthorized vehicle odometer tampering. Another use case studied is that of vehicular data collected during the event of an accident. It relies on broadcast data collected from the Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) and submitted as witness reports from nearby vehicles or road-side units who observed the event taking place or detected misbehaving activity by vehicles involved in the accident. Mechanisms for the collection, validation, and corroboration of the reported data which may prove crucial for vehicle accident forensics are described and their implementation is discussed. A performance analysis of the network under various loads is conducted with results suggesting that tailored endorsement policies are an effective mechanism to improve overall network throughput for a given channel. The experimental testbed shows that Hyperledger Fabric and other distributed ledger technologies hold promise for the collection of transportation data and the collaboration of applications and services that consume it

    A protocol design paradigm for rateless fulcrum code

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    Establecer servicios Multicast eficientes en una red con dispositivos heterogéneos y bajo los efectos de un canal con efecto de borradura es una de las prioridades actuales en la teoría de la codificación, en particular en Network Coding (NC). Además, el creciente número de clientes con dispositivos móviles de gran capacidad de procesamiento y la prevalencia de tráfico no tolerante al retardo han provocado una demanda de esquemas Multicast sin realimentación en lo que respecta a la gestión de recursos distribuidos. Las plataformas de comunicación actuales carecen de un control de codificación gradual y dinámico basado en el tipo de datos que se transmiten a nivel de la capa de aplicación. Este trabajo propone un esquema de transmisión fiable y eficiente basado en una codificación hibrida compuesta por una codificación sistemática y codificación de red lineal aleatoria (RLNC) denominada codificación Fulcrum. Este esquema híbrido de codificación distribuida tipo Rateless permite implementar un sistema adaptativo de gestión de recursos para aumentar la probabilidad de descodificación durante la recepción de datos en cada nodo receptor de la información. En última instancia, el esquema propuesto se traduce en un mayor rendimiento de la red y en tiempos de transmisión (RTT) mucho más cortos mediante la implementación eficiente de una corrección de errores hacia delante (FEC).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computació

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Blockchain for secured IoT and D2D applications over 5G cellular networks : a thesis by publications presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Electronics Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Author's Declaration: "In accordance with Sensors, SpringerOpen, and IEEE’s copyright policy, this thesis contains the accepted and published version of each manuscript as the final version. Consequently, the content is identical to the published versions."The Internet of things (IoT) is in continuous development with ever-growing popularity. It brings significant benefits through enabling humans and the physical world to interact using various technologies from small sensors to cloud computing. IoT devices and networks are appealing targets of various cyber attacks and can be hampered by malicious intervening attackers if the IoT is not appropriately protected. However, IoT security and privacy remain a major challenge due to characteristics of the IoT, such as heterogeneity, scalability, nature of the data, and operation in open environments. Moreover, many existing cloud-based solutions for IoT security rely on central remote servers over vulnerable Internet connections. The decentralized and distributed nature of blockchain technology has attracted significant attention as a suitable solution to tackle the security and privacy concerns of the IoT and device-to-device (D2D) communication. This thesis explores the possible adoption of blockchain technology to address the security and privacy challenges of the IoT under the 5G cellular system. This thesis makes four novel contributions. First, a Multi-layer Blockchain Security (MBS) model is proposed to protect IoT networks while simplifying the implementation of blockchain technology. The concept of clustering is utilized to facilitate multi-layer architecture deployment and increase scalability. The K-unknown clusters are formed within the IoT network by applying a hybrid Evolutionary Computation Algorithm using Simulated Annealing (SA) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) to structure the overlay nodes. The open-source Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) Blockchain platform is deployed for the proposed model development. Base stations adopt a global blockchain approach to communicate with each other securely. The quantitative arguments demonstrate that the proposed clustering algorithm performs well when compared to the earlier reported methods. The proposed lightweight blockchain model is also better suited to balance network latency and throughput compared to a traditional global blockchain. Next, a model is proposed to integrate IoT systems and blockchain by implementing the permissioned blockchain Hyperledger Fabric. The security of the edge computing devices is provided by employing a local authentication process. A lightweight mutual authentication and authorization solution is proposed to ensure the security of tiny IoT devices within the ecosystem. In addition, the proposed model provides traceability for the data generated by the IoT devices. The performance of the proposed model is validated with practical implementation by measuring performance metrics such as transaction throughput and latency, resource consumption, and network use. The results indicate that the proposed platform with the HLF implementation is promising for the security of resource-constrained IoT devices and is scalable for deployment in various IoT scenarios. Despite the increasing development of blockchain platforms, there is still no comprehensive method for adopting blockchain technology on IoT systems due to the blockchain's limited capability to process substantial transaction requests from a massive number of IoT devices. The Fabric comprises various components such as smart contracts, peers, endorsers, validators, committers, and Orderers. A comprehensive empirical model is proposed that measures HLF's performance and identifies potential performance bottlenecks to better meet blockchain-based IoT applications' requirements. The implementation of HLF on distributed large-scale IoT systems is proposed. The performance of the HLF is evaluated in terms of throughput, latency, network sizes, scalability, and the number of peers serviceable by the platform. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can provide a detailed and real-time performance evaluation of blockchain systems for large-scale IoT applications. The diversity and the sheer increase in the number of connected IoT devices have brought significant concerns about storing and protecting the large IoT data volume. Dependencies of the centralized server solution impose significant trust issues and make it vulnerable to security risks. A layer-based distributed data storage design and implementation of a blockchain-enabled large-scale IoT system is proposed to mitigate these challenges by using the HLF platform for distributed ledger solutions. The need for a centralized server and third-party auditor is eliminated by leveraging HLF peers who perform transaction verification and records audits in a big data system with the help of blockchain technology. The HLF blockchain facilitates storing the lightweight verification tags on the blockchain ledger. In contrast, the actual metadata is stored in the off-chain big data system to reduce the communication overheads and enhance data integrity. Finally, experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of throughput, latency, communication, and computation costs. The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed solution to retrieve and store the provenance of large-scale IoT data within the big data ecosystem using the HLF blockchain


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