555 research outputs found

    Urbanization of irrigated land and water transfers

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    Presented at Urbanization of irrigated land and water transfers: a USCID water management conference on May 28-31, 2008 in Scottsdale, Arizona.Includes bibliographical references.Burgeoning populations are increasing municipal water demand in the West, a phenomenon that is changing rural and urban economies. Agricultural water is a preferred source for meeting growing demands, but transfers often require formerly irrigated land to be fallowed, removing a key industry from rural regional economies. It is no surprise that large-scale transfers are greeted with highly-charged, emotionally contentious debates. One alternative to 'buy and dry' strategies is gaining interest. The alternative allows farmers to lease a portion of their water portfolio to cities. Leased water is generated as farmers fallow their land on a rotational basis or reduce the consumptive use of their cropping operations by limiting irrigation. Examples of limited irrigation strategies include timing irrigations during vegetative growth and adopting innovative crop rotations. Importantly, the limited irrigation cropland remains in production so that rural economies suffer reduced impacts vis a vis buy and dry activity. But will farmers adopt limited irrigation strategies if water lease markets materialize? The objectives of this research are to examine producers' potential for adoption of limited irrigations strategies and their perceptions of lease arrangements. Potential adoption is gauged from a producer survey of South Platte River Basin farmers in Colorado, a basin experiencing significant population growth in the midst of significant agriculture production. The results of this indicate that more than 60% of the respondents are willing to lease garnering between 50,000 and 60,000 acre feet of potential water supplies

    Urbanization of irrigated land and water transfers

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    Presented at Urbanization of irrigated land and water transfers: a USCID water management conference on May 28-31, 2008 in Scottsdale, Arizona.Colorado's Statewide Water Supply Initiative (SWSI) shows that the state has only enough water to meet about 70% of its needs by the year 2030, with most of the gap occurring in the front range urban areas of the state. The SWSI report forecasts that a majority of the water needed for cities will transition from agriculture, which currently uses more than 80% of the state's water. Agricultural communities are concerned what such a transition could mean to their viability. The second phase of SWSI investigated such alternatives to the traditional "buy and dry" as interruptible supply agreements, rotational fallowing leases, water banks and cropping changes. The Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District (LAVWCD), inspired by the Palo Verde Irrigation District in California, set about to see if ditch companies in the lower Arkansas Valley might agree to form a "super ditch" whereby they would cooperatively pool part of their water to gain operational flexibility and make it available for lease to cities. By working together in a rotational fallowing scheme, they conceptualize that they will have greater bargaining power. Perhaps by converting part of their land from growing hay or corn to growing "water" they could actually benefit financially, and keep their agricultural communities viable. Those attempting to transform the concept into reality are finding that "the devil is in the details." This paper is presented as a sociological case study in the making. The authors detail the steps Super Ditch organizers went through to determine if their scheme is feasible, as well as the hoops they are now going through to try to bring it to fruition

    On the efficiency of dynamic licensed shared access for 5G/6G wireless communications

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    The licensed shared access (LSA) is a spectrum licensing scheme authorizing additional new users (the licensees) to dynamically share the same spectrum with the old users (the incumbents). Contained in the terms of the spectrum usage authorization is a set of strict protective measures for the incumbent system which introduce extra restrictions on the licensee operations. Such measures imply that the licensee’s access to the spectrum can be revoked or restricted at any time which may result in the degradation of critical performance metrics of the latter. Addressing this issue and the accompanying challenges as we enter the 5G zettabytes era motivates the research problems addressed in this thesis. A vertical LSA spectrum sharing involving a mobile network operator (MNO) as the licensee and two categories of incumbent including the aeronautical telemetry, and a group of terrestrial public and ancillary wireless services is adopted in this thesis. Firstly, an analytical examination of the uplink and downlink licensee’s transmit power, when its spectrum access right is revoked (i.e., the limited transmit power) is done. Then a power allocation scheme that maximizes the energy efficiency (EE) of the licensee when it is operating with limited transmit power is proposed. Simulation results reveal the impact of the LSA spectrum access revocation on the allowable transmit power of the licensee as a function of the effect of different interference propagation path and the transmission direction. A comparison of the proposed optimal power allocation method with the equal power allocation (EPA) method further shows considerable improvement in the achievable EE of the licensee. Furthermore, in the LSA, the achievable spectrum efficiency (SE) of the licensee is limited by the interference threshold constraint set by the incumbent’s protective measures. Consequent on this, we propose an SE maximization of the licensee’s system subject to the incumbent interference threshold constraint. Furthermore, the LSA band spectral utilization was characterised as a function of the licensee’s achievable SE and the statistics of the LSA spectrum availability. The obtained results provide quantitative insights for practical system design and deployment of the LSA system, especially when compared to the results obtained in the maximization of the EE. In particular, the effect of variations in critical operational parameters throws up interesting network design trade-off challenge, worthy of consideration. This informs the subsequent multi objective optimization of the EE-SE trade-off investigated next. Interestingly, the obtained results indicate that with careful selection of the licensee eNodeB coverage radius, transmit power, and number of user equipment per eNodeB coverage area, one can engineer the best possible trade-off between the spectrum and energy efficiency in practical LSA deployment. A major LSA feature is guaranteeing predictable quality of service (QoS) for both the incumbent and the licensee systems. In terrestrial implementation, the reduction in the achievable data rate caused by the incumbents’ protective measures, may violate guaranteed QoS in the licensee system. To address this issue, we propose a LSA - based hybrid aerialterrestrial system with drone base station (D-BS). Simulation results show that using the proposed scheme, the licensee, when operating under the incumbents’ imposed restrictions, is able to achieve the QoS data rate requirements of the users on its network. In conclusion, the findings in this research indicates that the dynamic LSA is a practically viable solution to the spectrum management requirements of the emerging vertical wireless technologies in 5G and beyond

    Energy: A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 12

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    This bibliography lists 584 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system from October 1, 1976 through December 31, 1976

    Kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien hallinta : Kiertotalouden asiakasarvon luominen, dynaamiset kyvykkyydet ja arvoverkostot

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    Our current production and consumption patterns heavily rely on limited natural resources and simultaneously produce negative externalities in the shape of waste and pollution. In order to become future-fit, business models need to integrate these increasing pressures and become aligned with a circular economy blueprint, in which waste is designed out and products and materials provide optimized value though their recirculation. In order to do so, we need a conceptual framework that enables entrepreneurs and managers to design their circular business model. Consequently, the dissertation seeks to provide articulated knowledge on the mechanisms enabling the development and implementation of circular business models. We do so, first by providing an integrated characterization of circular business models, definition and guiding principles (essay I). Second, by looking at the configuration of three main elements, namely the features and characteristics of (1) customer value creation, (2) dynamic capabilities and (3) value networks in the context of business model transformation towards a circular economy (essays II, III and IV). The findings contribute to the emerging theory building literature on circular business models. In practice, the outcome of this integrated framework allows managers and entrepreneurs to redefine their value creation mechanisms in light of circular economy principles.Nykyiset tuotanto- ja kulutuskäytännöt rakentuvat vahvasti uusiutumattomien luonnonvarojen käyttöön ja aiheuttavat samalla kielteisiä ulkoisvaikutuksia jätteen ja saastumisen muodoissa. Kiertotalouden mallit perustuvat jätteettömyyteen, ja tuotteet ja materiaalit tarjoavat optimoitua arvoa takaisinkierrätyksellään. Vastatakseen tulevaisuuden haasteisiin liiketoimintamallit on yhdistettävä kiertotalouden malleihin. Sen toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan käsitteellinen viitekehys, joka mahdollistaa yrittäjille ja johtajille kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien muotoilun. Väitöskirja pyrkii tarjoamaan jäsennettyä tietoa kiertotalouden liiketoimintamallien kehittämistä ja toimeenpanoa mahdollistavista mekanismeista. Ensin tarjoamme kokonaisvaltaisen kuvauksen kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleista, määritelmän ja ohjaavat periaatteet (essee I). Toiseksi tarkastelemme kolmen pääelementin kokoonpanoa, eli (1) asiakasarvon luomisen, (2) dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien sekä (3) arvoverkostojen piirteitä ja ominaisuuksia liiketoimintamallien muutoksen yhteydessä kohti kiertotaloutta (esseet II, III ja IV). Havainnot antavat oman lisänsä teoreettiseen kirjallisuuteen kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleista. Käytännössä tämä integroitu viitekehys mahdollistaa johtajille ja yrittäjille arvoa tuottavien mekanismien uudelleenmäärittelyn kiertotalouden periaatteiden valossa.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed