112 research outputs found

    Does COVID -19 Effect Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking Services? Role of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Abstract: This study aims to measure the impact of this disruption on customers’ intention to adopt Mobile Banking Services (MBS) offered during the pandemic.  This model is designed based on DTPB with a modification of COVID-19. The data were collected from 150 respondents through the convenience sampling technique. The data were analyzed on SPSS and Jamovi, to measure the structure model. According to the results, the relationship of attitude with behavioral intention is significantly positive. However, Social influence does not show any significant direct relationship with behavioral intention. The results also showed the significant positive effect of the direct impact of perceived behavioral control over behavioral intention. The variable representing COVID-19 also showed a direct significant effect on behavior. The findings revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic positively impact the customer’s behavioral intention to adopt MBS and significantly mediated the impact of PBC and social influence. However, customers’ attitudes did not alter by this pandemic. Study provides implications for banking managers to optimize their advanced MBS to attract customers and enhance their attraction towards mobile banking applications. Especially the customers of rural areas can be beneficial for the banking sector. Along with this, banks can also target the educated section of society who has the skill and capabilities to use the technology for their benefit and are technology savvy. The incorporation of DTPB in the banking sector during COVID-19 could implicate theoretical contribution in disruption situations

    Using the decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB) to explain the intention to book tourism product online

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate the factors influencing the intention to use the Internet to book tourism products online in Tunisian context. To this end, the authors selected the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) to help account for the intention to book online. The authors conduct an online survey. Data was obtained from 158 questionnaires and analyzed through regression. The study demonstrated the importance of causal relationships between predictor variables and the dependent variable, namely the intention to book online. A novel result, perceived usefulness does not admit a positive impact on the attitude towards online booking. Thus, the study has confirmed the explanatory power of the DTPB model in accounting for consumers\u27 behavioral intention in the context of e-tourism

    Factors for minimizing cyber harassment among university students: Case study in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

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    This study attempted to mitigate the gap in literature concerning a one serious problem in Saudi society and government is cyber harassment. This problem is caused through the increasing use of technology. Accordingly, the main objective was to explore the factors that influence the intention to minimize cyber harassment among Saudi citizen. In this research were employed two theories the first Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the second selected Technology Acceptance Model TAM. However, based on TPB, the researcher has identified eight factors, to minimize cyber harassment, which is: technological support, attitude, subjective norms, social pressure, the influence of the mass media, perceived behavioral control, regulatory support and the role of the government, and security awareness. Nevertheless, the researcher has assured that the Saudis will remain at risk of cyber harassment, until these factors are fully investigated among the Saudi community. In conclusion, this research specifically proposed in future a model and framework for identifying the significant factors that are anticipated to play a major in minimizing cyber harassment among Saudis. The proposed framework will help the administration and decision-makers in the KSA to formulate strategies that can significantly affect anti-cyber harassment among youths

    Understanding internet banking services and customer's adoption in Iraqi public universities

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    There is no doubt that internet banking services adoption represents a good opportunity for developing nations to attain greater economic development and growth, where the creation of added value is driven by information, knowledge and the adoption of information and communications technology. Although a lot of researches provide evidence on the wide adoption of internet banking in developed nations, there are only limited researches in developing nations in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq. There is definitely a need in this country to identify the factors that could encourage and improve the understanding of internet banking services adoption. There is also a paucity of empirical researches on internet banking services adoption from the perspective of customers. Taking these into cognizance, this quantitative research aims to understand internet banking services adoption, by investigating the key factors that encourage customers to adopt internet banking in the Iraqi context, using the decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research framework consists of eighteen latent variables, fourteen exogenous variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, trust, social recommendation, prestigious media, self-efficacy, government support, technology support, internet technology literacy, resistance to technology, perceived risk of technology, anxiety about technology and information on technology); and four endogenous variables (internet banking adoption, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control). In order to test the framework, a quantitative approach using the survey method is employed consisting of eighty two items with a seven-point Likert scale. Based on proportionate stratified random sampling, 535 out of 800 employees submitted completed questionnaires suitable for analysis (a 66.8% response rate). Findings of this study reveal that all the research hypotheses are supported except three, namely subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and information on technology towards internet banking services adoption, implying that the decomposed theory of planned behavior is an applicable underpinning theory for clarifying the important antecedents of internet banking services adoption in the Iraqi context

    Factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance in higher education students in the United Arab Emirates

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    Technology advancements in mobile communication has seen a rapid rise in recent years. Likewise, the use of mobile technologies has proven to be of extreme importance in consumer’s life. The main goal of this study is to investigate and identify the impact of marketing activities on the acceptance of mobile marketing practiced by higher education students. Assisted by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Uses and Gratifications Theory, this study tests a conceptual model that explain factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance. The study was conducted in Federal Higher Education Institutions in the UAE. A descriptive, explanatory research that used a quantitative survey methodology was adopted. This study surveyed 402 higher education students using a probabilistic stratified sampling method. The overall findings revealed that risk acceptance, providing information, sharing content, accessing content, perceived value and personal attachment have a positive influence in mobile marketing acceptance, and it validates a new model using Structural Equation Modelling. Furthermore, this study highlights the current state of mobile marketing utilization along with preferred types of services used. This research has the potential to benefit companies to create better mobile marketing strategies, in which they can incorporate within their product and services and recommends actions to create a more effective mobile marketing campaign that benefits both consumers and organizations.Os avanços tecnológicos na comunicação móvel tiveram um rápido aumento nos últimos anos. Da mesma forma, o uso das tecnologias móveis provou ser de extrema importância na vida do consumidor. O principal objetivo deste estudo é investigar e identificar o impacto das atividades de marketing na aceitação do marketing móvel praticado por estudantes do ensino superior. Assistido pelo Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia (TAM) e pela Teoria de Usos e Gratificações, este estudo testa um modelo conceitual que explica os fatores que influenciam a aceitação do marketing móvel. Foi adotada uma metodologia de pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e explicativa auxiliada pelo uso do questionário. O estudo foi realizado em instituições federais de ensino superior nos Emirados Árabes Unidos. Este estudo pesquisou 402 estudantes do ensino superior usando um método probabilístico de amostragem estratificada. As descobertas gerais revelaram que a aceitação de riscos, fornecimento de informações, compartilhamento de conteúdo, acesso a conteúdo, valor percebido e vinculação pessoal influenciam positivamente a aceitação do marketing móvel e validam um novo modelo usando a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Além disso, este estudo destaca o estado atual da utilização do marketing móvel juntamente com os diferentes tipos de serviços mais utilizados. Esta pesquisa tem o potencial de beneficiar as empresas na criação de melhores estratégias de marketing móvel para que possam ser incorporadas nos produtos e serviços e recomenda ações para criar uma campanha de marketing móvel mais eficaz que beneficie tanto os consumidores quanto as organizações.Les progrès technologiques dans la communication mobile ont augmenté rapidement ces dernières années. De même, l’utilisation des technologies mobiles s’est avérée d’une importance capitale dans la vie du consommateur. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'étudier et d'identifier l'impact des activités de marketing sur l'acceptation du marketing mobile pratiqué par les étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur. Assistée du modèle d'acceptation technologique (TAM) et de la théorie des usages et des gratifications, cette étude teste un modèle conceptuel qui explique les facteurs qui influencent l'acceptation du marketing mobile. L'étude a été menée dans des établissements d'enseignement supérieur fédéraux des Émirats Arabes Unis. Une recherche descriptive et explicative utilisant une méthodologie de recherche quantitative a été adoptée. Cette étude a examiné 402 étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur utilisant une méthode probabiliste d'échantillonnage stratifié. Les conclusions générales ont révélé que l'acceptation des risques, la fourniture d'informations, le partage de contenu, l'accès au contenu, la valeur perçue et les liens personnels influencent positivement l'acceptation du marketing mobile et valide un nouveau modèle utilisant la modélisation par équation structurelle. En outre, cette étude met en évidence l’état actuel de l’utilisation du marketing mobile ainsi que des différents types de services les plus utilisés. Cette recherche pourrait aider les entreprises à créer de meilleures stratégies de marketing mobile afin de les intégrer à des produits et services, et recommande des actions pour créer une campagne de marketing mobile plus efficace, bénéfique pour les consommateurs et les organisations

    Factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance in higher education students in the United Arab Emirates

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    Technology advancements in mobile communication has seen a rapid rise in recent years. Likewise, the use of mobile technologies has proven to be of extreme importance in consumer’s life. The main goal of this study is to investigate and identify the impact of marketing activities on the acceptance of mobile marketing practiced by higher education students. Assisted by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Uses and Gratifications Theory, this study tests a conceptual model that explain factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance. The study was conducted in Federal Higher Education Institutions in the UAE. A descriptive, explanatory research that used a quantitative survey methodology was adopted. This study surveyed 402 higher education students using a probabilistic stratified sampling method. The overall findings revealed that risk acceptance, providing information, sharing content, accessing content, perceived value and personal attachment have a positive influence in mobile marketing acceptance, and it validates a new model using Structural Equation Modelling. Furthermore, this study highlights the current state of mobile marketing utilization along with preferred types of services used. This research has the potential to benefit companies to create better mobile marketing strategies, in which they can incorporate within their product and services and recommends actions to create a more effective mobile marketing campaign that benefits both consumers and organizations.Os avanços tecnológicos na comunicação móvel tiveram um rápido aumento nos últimos anos. Da mesma forma, o uso das tecnologias móveis provou ser de extrema importância na vida do consumidor. O principal objetivo deste estudo é investigar e identificar o impacto das atividades de marketing na aceitação do marketing móvel praticado por estudantes do ensino superior. Assistido pelo Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia (TAM) e pela Teoria de Usos e Gratificações, este estudo testa um modelo conceitual que explica os fatores que influenciam a aceitação do marketing móvel. Foi adotada uma metodologia de pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e explicativa auxiliada pelo uso do questionário. O estudo foi realizado em instituições federais de ensino superior nos Emirados Árabes Unidos. Este estudo pesquisou 402 estudantes do ensino superior usando um método probabilístico de amostragem estratificada. As descobertas gerais revelaram que a aceitação de riscos, fornecimento de informações, compartilhamento de conteúdo, acesso a conteúdo, valor percebido e vinculação pessoal influenciam positivamente a aceitação do marketing móvel e validam um novo modelo usando a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Além disso, este estudo destaca o estado atual da utilização do marketing móvel juntamente com os diferentes tipos de serviços mais utilizados. Esta pesquisa tem o potencial de beneficiar as empresas na criação de melhores estratégias de marketing móvel para que possam ser incorporadas nos produtos e serviços e recomenda ações para criar uma campanha de marketing móvel mais eficaz que beneficie tanto os consumidores quanto as organizações.Les progrès technologiques dans la communication mobile ont augmenté rapidement ces dernières années. De même, l’utilisation des technologies mobiles s’est avérée d’une importance capitale dans la vie du consommateur. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'étudier et d'identifier l'impact des activités de marketing sur l'acceptation du marketing mobile pratiqué par les étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur. Assistée du modèle d'acceptation technologique (TAM) et de la théorie des usages et des gratifications, cette étude teste un modèle conceptuel qui explique les facteurs qui influencent l'acceptation du marketing mobile. L'étude a été menée dans des établissements d'enseignement supérieur fédéraux des Émirats Arabes Unis. Une recherche descriptive et explicative utilisant une méthodologie de recherche quantitative a été adoptée. Cette étude a examiné 402 étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur utilisant une méthode probabiliste d'échantillonnage stratifié. Les conclusions générales ont révélé que l'acceptation des risques, la fourniture d'informations, le partage de contenu, l'accès au contenu, la valeur perçue et les liens personnels influencent positivement l'acceptation du marketing mobile et valide un nouveau modèle utilisant la modélisation par équation structurelle. En outre, cette étude met en évidence l’état actuel de l’utilisation du marketing mobile ainsi que des différents types de services les plus utilisés. Cette recherche pourrait aider les entreprises à créer de meilleures stratégies de marketing mobile afin de les intégrer à des produits et services, et recommande des actions pour créer une campagne de marketing mobile plus efficace, bénéfique pour les consommateurs et les organisations

    Acceptance model of SaaS cloud computing at northern Malaysian main campus public universities

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    Technology advancement has side effects, although it has moved in a fast pace that facilitated life and increased business revenue. To cope with negative aspects while looking for friendly technology, Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud Computing emerged to preserve natural resources, effectively utilize computing and power consumption, while achieving performance, decreasing cost, and increasing revenue. Yet, there are paucity in empirical studies investigating salient factors affecting the usage, acceptance, or adoption of SaaS services from the individual perspectives specifically in higher education sector. The main objective of this study is to investigate the salient factors with proper model that includes technical, social and control characteristics, as well as user security predisposition. Besides, educational level has also proven to be influential in adopting innovations. Hence, probing its role is another objective. The last objective is to investigate differences between student and lecturer groups in the relationships postulated in the model. A survey with questionnaires was conducted on students and lecturers in four public universities in Northern Malaysia. The scope of the acceptance is to investigate the personal-level use of SaaS services. Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) and Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI) were applied. Results revealed appropriateness of the model although the role of Trialability and Subjective Norms were not significance. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge and literature in highlighting the role of these factors that SaaS providers could benefit in planning for new services and in promoting SaaS usage to universities

    Factors influencing consumers' intention to return the end of life electronic products through reverse supply chain management for reuse, repair and recycling

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    Resource depletion, population growth and environmental problems force companies to collect their end of life (EOL) products for reuse, recycle and refurbishment through reverse supply chain management (RSCM). Success in collecting the EOL products through RSCM depends on the customers' participation intention. The objectives of this study are: (1) To examine the important factors influencing customers' attitude to participate in RSCM; (2) To examine the important factors influencing customers' subjective norm to participate in RSCM; (3) To examine the main factors influencing customers' perceived behavioral control to participate in RSCM; (4) To examine the influence of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on customers' participation intention in RSCM. The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) has been chosen as the underpinning theory for this research. The research conducted employed the quantitative approach. Non-probability (convenience sampling) method was used to determine the sample and data was collected using questionnaires. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique was employed. A total of 800 questionnaires were distributed among customers of electronic products in Malaysia. Finally, the questionnaire was distributed among the customers in electronic retailer companies based on convenience sampling method. The empirical results confirm that consumers perception about the risk associated with EOL electronic products, consumers' ecological knowledge and relative advantages associated with reuse, repair and recycling can influence the attitude of consumers to return the EOL products for reuse, repair and recycling to producer

    The effect of attitude and its decomposed, perceived behavioral control and its decomposed and awareness on intention to use e‐money mobile in Indonesia

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    This study investigates intention on use e-money server in Indonesia. E-money server is electronic money payment system based on mobile platform. However, these are few studies discussed behavioral intention in this new area.It becomes strong gap to investigate in the consumers’ intention to use e-Money Server in Indonesia. Consequently, this study employs the Decomposed of Theory Planned Behavior (DTPB) by examines attitude and its decomposed (complexity) and perceived behavioral control and its decomposed (self-confidence and resources facilitating conditions) and awareness on intention to use e-money server.A total of one thousand and three hundred respondents are selected using quantitative method as sources of data collection. The questionnaires are distributed using purposive sampling method in Medan, Indonesia.The software used for analysis is the SmartPls 2.0 M3. This study concludes with conclusion and suggestion for future studies

    Factors Influencing Consumers' Acceptance of Mobile Marketing Services

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    The research of mobile marketing services is still at the early stage and the reason to explain the acceptance as well as the understanding of the actual usage level of mobile marketing services still remains unclear. To investigate this issue, this study has examined the acceptance of mobile marketing services by measuring the consumer's intention and actual usage of mobile marketing services. Grounded by the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB), this study proposes a framework by decomposing attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and perceived risk. A total of 334 full-time university students from four public universities in the Northern Region, Malaysia have participated in this study. Data for all the study variables have been collected through self-administered survey questionnaires. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is the main statistical technique used in this study. The study has shown that the level of the actual usage is at the lower level. The study also reveals that all the main beliefs (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and perceived risk) are found to have significant effect on consumer‟s intention to use mobile marketing services. With regard to antecedents‟ effect on the main beliefs, there are only four factors which are found insignificant namely perceived ease of use, personal innovativeness, media and technology facilitating condition. Whereas, another ten antecedent factors significantly influence the main beliefs. Overall, the results indicate that the model provides a good understanding of the factors that influence intention to use and the actual usage of mobile marketing services. As predicted, decomposition of the main beliefs provides more specific factors that influence the behaviour. Based on the findings, the theoretical and practical implications of the study as well as limitations and suggestions for future studies are also discussed