136 research outputs found

    Minimizing Shadow Area in Mountain Roads for Improving the Sustainability of Infrastructures

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    [EN] The lack of sunlight on mountain roads in the wintertime leads to an increase in accidents. In this paper, a methodology is presented for the use of sunny and shady areas to be included as a parameter in road design. The inclusion of this parameter allows for the design of an iterative method for the projected infrastructures. The parameterization of the road layout facilitates the possibility of applying an iterative process of modifying the geometric elements that constitute it, examining different layout alternatives until a layout is achieved in which the surface area in the shady area is minimized, increasing the road safety and minimizing environmental impact. The methodology has been defined, generating and analyzing the results of the solar lighting study using a file in IFC format capable of integrating with the rest of the design elements (platform, signaling, structures, etc.) and thus obtaining a BIM format which allows the model to be viewed in three dimensions and moves towards 4D and 5D. The model used for the study was a high mountain road located in the province of Teruel (Spain). It is a road section characterized by successive curves in which several traffic accidents have occurred due to running off the road, partly because of the presence of ice on the platform.Aranda Domingo, JÁ.; Moncho-Santonja, M.; Gil Sauri, MA.; Peris Fajarnes, G. (2021). Minimizing Shadow Area in Mountain Roads for Improving the Sustainability of Infrastructures. Sustainability. 13(10):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13105392S116131

    Evaluation of tolerance to brown rot caused by Monilia Iaxa (Aderhold and Ruhland) Honey, in peach germplasm (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)

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    El melocotonero es uno de los cultivos frutales, de la familia de las rosáceas, de mayor importancia económica del mundo. Existen numerosas plagas y enfermedades que afectan a este cultivo, especialmente hongos patógenos de fruto que son infectivas en el campo, durante el tránsito y en el almacenamiento. Más del 50 % de la pérdida global en poscosecha se ha atribuido a la enfermedad de podredumbre parda causada por especies del género Monilinia, y en los últimos años la enfermedad ha sido tan acusada en el cultivo que ha producido el abandono de la producción de algunas variedades de fruta de hueso. En España, la enfermedad se ha asociado con más del 60 % de pérdidas de fruta después de la cosecha. Aunque existen ciertas opciones de control y tratamiento, la selección genética para la resistencia sigue siendo una alternativa ideal de manejo para el control de la enfermedad producida por la podredumbre parda, teniendo en cuenta su sostenibilidad y la compatibilidad ambiental. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal el fenotipado del germoplasma de melocotón existente en la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei-CSIC y de cultivares y progenies para la detección de tolerancias a la podredumbre parda producida por Monilinia laxa. El estudio se enfoca en la mejora de los cultivos de melocotones, en la Valle de Ebro de la zona ecológica mediterránea, a través del uso de variedades tolerantes o genotipos con características de buena calidad en relación a la enfermedad de la podredumbre parda. El Capítulo I establece un método de evaluación, al optimizar los protocolos disponibles, para detectar más fácilmente la tolerancia a la podredumbre parda por Monilinia spp. en germoplasma de melocotónero. Esto se logró con una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva y la compilación de la información actualmente disponible sobre melocotón y el efecto resultante de la interacción (podredumbre parda) con las especies de Monilinia y las opciones de control y manejo disponibles.El Capítulo II examina el efecto de los factores fisicoquímicos del pH y la acidez titulable (TA) en la interacción huésped-patógeno entre el melocotón y M. laxa tanto in-vitro como in-vivo. Este estudio abarca la necesidad de conocer la evolución de la madurez de la fruta en las variedades de melocotones verdes y maduros en relación con la posible infección por Monilinia en frutos inmaduros en precosecha. El Capítulo III es una prueba de detección basada en la inoculación artificial de fruta para validar en varias líneas parentales del programa de mejora genética de melocotón ('Crown Princess', 'Big Top', 'Andross' y 'BabyGold 9'). Además, se incluyeron en el estudio cultivares con diferente contenido fenólico y precoces ('Tebana') o tardíos, como los cultivares tradicionales españoles de carne no firme ('Miraflores', 'Calanda Tardío' y 'Calante'). También se discute la correlación de los factores patogénicos con su composición bioquímica con respecto a los ácidos y los contenidos fenólicos en la pulpa. El Capítulo IV examina sesenta y ocho progenies de la población 'Babygold 9' × 'Crown Princess' del programa de mejora de EEAD-CSIC por susceptibilidad a la podredumbre parda de Monilia laxa. Los rasgos físicoquímicos, tales como la firmeza de la fruta y el contenido de sólidos solubles, se registraron antes y después del 4 almacenamiento. La acidez titulable, el pH y la composición antioxidante también se midieron en la cosecha para obtener la correlación con los factores patógenos.<br /

    Memoria Científica del CITA de Aragón 2009 : recopilación de indicadores científicos, técnicos, formativos y de divulgación

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    La memoria científica contiene la recopilación de los datos de carácter científico-técnico y formativo-divulgativo, que permiten generar una serie de indicadores del Centro y de cada una de las unidades de investigación que lo componen. Además de una visión general de dichos indicadores que aparecen en la primera parte del documento, posteriormente se detallan de manera pormenorizada y separada por unidades los recursos humanos y técnicos empleados, la producción científica generada, las actividades de comunicación científica y de divulgación realizadas, las actividades y servicios de I+D+i llevadas a cabo o la actividad formativa impartida realizada por los investigadores que forman parte del Centro

    The Effect of Weather Conditions on Fruit Skin Colour Development and Pomological Characteristics of Four Apricot Cultivars Planted in Donja Zelina

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    Research was conducted on four apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars of different ripening periods in Donja Zelina, during 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Trees were planted in 2006, and grafted on a WaxWa rootstock. During 2010 growing season, ground- and over-colour of the fruit skin was measured from 97 to 114 days after full bloom (DAFB) for cultivars ‘Hargrand’, ‘Harlayne’ and ‘Harogem’ and from 81 to 99 DAFB for cultivar ‘Pinkcot®’ colorimetrically multiple times in intervals of three to four days using the change in ground-colour of fruit skin from green to green – yellow as a indicator for fi rst measurement determined by colour chart for apricots. At harvest in 2010 and 2011, fruit weight, height, width and thickness, fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content were determined as well. The most intensive changes were recorded in value a* of fruit skin ground- and over-colour in all four cultivars during the last 10 days before harvest in 2010, and ranged from 19.33 in cv. ‘Hargrand’ to 30.55 in cv. ‘Harogem’. Cv. ‘Pinkcot®’ and cv. ‘Harogem’ have developed higher b* values of fruit skin ground-colour then cultivars ‘Hargrand’ and ‘Harlayne’ in 2010, reaching values of 47.79 and 47.30, respectively. At harvest in 2011, values a* and b* were signifi cantely lower then in 2010 for all four cultivars, however bigger differences were recorded in cv. ‘Harogem’ and cv. ‘Pinkcot®’. For measured pomological characteristics at harvest, significant differences were observed between cultivars in both growing seasons for all measured characteristics, except for cv. ‘Hargrand’. The biggest difference in fruit weight, height, width and thickness was observed in cv. ‘Harlayne’. Results suggest that high temperature fluctuations and below average precipitations influenced the fruit skin colour and quality parameters of apricots in the sense of smaller chromaticity values

    Facies identification within the playa-lakes of the Monegros desert, Spain, from field and satellite data

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    73 Pags.- 8 Figs.- 5 Fots. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03418162The Monegros desert and its saline wetlands, called saladas (literally translated as “the salties”), are a unique European landscape of great scientific and ecological value. The saladas (i.e., playa-lakes and other small saline depressions) are dynamic environments; changing their surface morphology on a seasonal–diurnal basis in response to both climate and groundwater fluxes. To depict changes in these natural systems, we have identified five surface facies classes which are detectable both in the field and from remote sensing data. These facies are crucial for describing and promoting the protection of these habitats. Remote sensing has provided worthwhile historical data and additional information that compensate for scarce field records. Combined field and satellite criteria are used to catalog these facies with a new conceptual integration that manages the asynchronism between the field and satellite data. The catalog of facies is intended to be helpful for monitoring these wetlands, and for understanding the current hydrological patterns and trends in the playa-lakes. This work will serve as a baseline for studying the future evolution of the saladas which may soon fall under manmade environmental forces such as increased water input from adjacent newly irrigated lands. It is hoped that identification of these facies will be useful, with minor adaptations, in using more advanced sensors or in studying similar habitats.This work was partially funded by the Government of Aragón within the ARGOS research project, of the Comisión de Trabajo de los Pirineos. The work was conducted in the framework of the project INTAS-1069.Peer reviewe

    The river’s light: water needs for thermoelectric power generation in the Ebro river basin, 1969–2015

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    Water is essential for almost all energy processes. This paper analyses the evolution of the cooling water needs of thermal power plants in the Ebro River basin, the largest contributor to the Spanish electricity grid, over the period 1969–2015. It makes several contributions. First, the cooling water needs for the plants are estimated. Second, these water requirements are compared to other water-using activities in the region. Third, a long-term water-use efficiency analysis is carried out. Finally, water-saving measures are proposed to counter possible future water scarcities. The results show that thermoelectric water consumption per capita is around 7 m3/year. Estimated future thermal power generation water withdrawals (around 500 m3 per capita/year) might compromise flows for other water uses in periods of drought.This research was supported by the Spanish Government through the MINECO research projects, references HAR2014-53825-R and HAR2017-86086-R. The author also benefits from a research contract from Spanish Government through MINECO reference BES-2015-074128

    Exploring the mediating role of trust in food products with protected designation of origin. The case of “Jamón de Teruel”

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    The growing concern about quality in food products has substantially increased the competitiveness of agro-food products that possess quality-system certifications compared to non-certificated products. This research focused on understanding how consumer trust is greater when agro-food products have a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). In particular, we analyze whether the influence of consumers’ perceived quality of a PDO product has a direct effect on their perceived risk or whether this relationship is mediated by consumer trust, which can help us advance in the study of consumer behavior within the agro-food marketing discipline. Our findings obtained through the comparison of two models, the proposal and another rival, suggest that the initially proposed model present a better fit and explains the relationships better than the rival model, which highlights the essential role of consumer trust in explaining consumers’ perceived risk and their subsequent purchasing behavior. Consequently, managers should pay special attention to consumer trust because trust is the key mediating aspect which allows the incorporation of characteristics highly valued by consumers in food products like origin, tradition and production methods to reduce perceived risk

    Excess mortality during extreme heatwaves in Switzerland

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